List of usage examples for android.content ContentResolver delete
public final int delete(@RequiresPermission.Write @NonNull Uri url, @Nullable String where, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs)
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/** * Removes survey responses that are "stale" for the given campaignUrn. * //from w ww.ja v a 2s. co m * Staleness is defined as a survey response whose source field is "remote", * or a response whose source field is "local" and uploaded field is 1. * * @return */ public int removeStaleResponseRows(String campaignUrn) { // build and execute the delete on the response table String whereClause = "(" + Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "=" + Response.STATUS_DOWNLOADED + " or " + Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "=" + Response.STATUS_UPLOADED + ")"; if (campaignUrn != null) whereClause += " and " + Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN + "='" + campaignUrn + "'"; // get a contentresolver and pass the delete onto it (so it can notify, // etc.) ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); return cr.delete(Responses.CONTENT_URI, whereClause, null); }
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/** * Method to check if movie is favorite. * * @param movieId to check.//from www . j a va 2 s .com * @return true if movie is deleted */ private int deleteFromFavorites(int movieId) { String[] projection = new String[] { "*" }; String selection = MovieEntry.C_MOVIE_ID + "=?"; String[] selectionArgs = { String.valueOf(movieId) }; ContentResolver contentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); Cursor cMovies = null; Cursor cTrailers = null; Cursor cReviews = null; int result = 0; try { cMovies = contentResolver.query(MovieEntry.FAVORITES_CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null); if (null != cMovies && cMovies.moveToFirst()) { result = contentResolver.delete(MovieEntry.FAVORITES_CONTENT_URI, selection, selectionArgs); } cTrailers = contentResolver.query(TrailersEntry.FAVORITES_CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null); while (null != cTrailers && cTrailers.moveToNext()) { result = contentResolver.delete(TrailersEntry.FAVORITES_CONTENT_URI, selection, selectionArgs); } cReviews = contentResolver.query(ReviewsEntry.FAVORITES_CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null); while (null != cReviews && cReviews.moveToNext()) { result = contentResolver.delete(ReviewsEntry.FAVORITES_CONTENT_URI, selection, selectionArgs); } } finally { if (null != cMovies) cMovies.close(); if (null != cTrailers) cTrailers.close(); if (null != cReviews) cReviews.close(); } return result; }
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/** * Initializes the UI of the fragment./*from w ww . ja v a 2 s.c om*/ */ @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(getActivity()); dialog.setMessage("Downloading Image"); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) getView().findViewById(; final Bitmap image = CacheManager.getInstance().deserializeImage(id); if (image == null) { // Start the image getter thread. ThreadManager.startGetImage(id, imageView, dialog); } else { imageView.setImageBitmap(image); ThreadManager.startGetImage(id, imageView, null); } LinearLayout rlayout = (LinearLayout) getView().findViewById(; rlayout.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { getFragmentManager().popBackStack(); } }); Button saveButton = (Button) getView().findViewById(; saveButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Images.Media.TITLE, id); values.put(Images.Media.DESCRIPTION, id); values.put(Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg"); values.put(Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN, System.currentTimeMillis()); Uri uri = null; ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver(); try { uri = contentResolver.insert(Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values); OutputStream imageOut = contentResolver.openOutputStream(uri); try { image.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, imageOut); } finally { imageOut.close(); } Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Saved to gallery.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } catch (Exception e) { Toaster.toastShort("Failed to save to gallery."); if (uri != null) { contentResolver.delete(uri, null, null); uri = null; } } } }); }
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/** * This method will insert the current Sales Detail Pending into a local database * so later can be query by {@link SalesPendingCheckoutDialogFragment} *//*from w w w .jav a 2 s . c o m*/ private void packTheCurrentSalesDetailPendingInToLocalDatabase() { // Delete all data in the local database before we insert new data final ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver(); contentResolver.delete(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.CONTENT_URI, null, null); // Get the reference to ../SalesDetailPending/... DatabaseReference databaseReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child(mUserUid) .child(Constants.FIREBASE_SALES_DETAIL_PENDING_LOCATION); databaseReference.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { if (!dataSnapshot.hasChildren()) { return; } // Iterate for (DataSnapshot snap : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) { // Initialize the content values ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); // Initialize the model SalesDetailModel model = snap.getValue(SalesDetailModel.class); // Get the state String key = snap.getKey(); String itemNumber = model.getItemNumber(); String itemDesc = model.getItemDesc(); String itemUnit = model.getItemUnit(); String itemPrice = model.getItemPrice(); String itemQty = model.getItemQuantity(); String itemDiscount = model.getItemDiscount(); String itemDiscountAmount = model.getItemDiscountAmout(); String itemAmount = model.getItemAmount(); // Pack into ContentValues object values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_PUSH_KEY, key); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_NUMBER, itemNumber); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_DESC, itemDesc); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_UNIT, itemUnit); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_PRICE, itemPrice); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_QUANTITY, itemQty); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_DISCOUNT, itemDiscount); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT, itemDiscountAmount); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_AMOUNT, itemAmount); // Insert into local database try { contentResolver.insert(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.CONTENT_URI, values); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG_LOG, e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) { Log.e(TAG_LOG, databaseError.getMessage()); } }); }
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private void markNotificationRead(int chatBoxId) { Uri uri = ChatWingContentProvider.getNotificationMessagesUri(); ContentResolver contentResolver = mActivityDelegate.getActivity().getContentResolver(); contentResolver.delete(uri, NotificationMessagesTable.CHAT_BOX_ID + "==" + chatBoxId, null); }
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@Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(final MenuItem item) { final ParcelableStatus status = mSelectedStatus; if (status == null) return false; final long account_id = getDefaultAccountId(mApplication); switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENU_VIEW: { openStatus(getActivity(), status); break;/* www . ja v a2s . c o m*/ } case MENU_SHARE: { final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("text/plain"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "@" + status.screen_name + ": " + status.text_plain); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, getString(R.string.share))); break; } case MENU_TRANSLATE: { translate(status); break; } case MENU_RETWEET: { if (isMyRetweet(status)) { mService.destroyStatus(status.account_id, status.status_id); } else { final long id_to_retweet = mSelectedStatus.is_retweet && mSelectedStatus.retweet_id > 0 ? mSelectedStatus.retweet_id : mSelectedStatus.status_id; mService.retweetStatus(status.account_id, id_to_retweet); } break; } case MENU_QUOTE: { final Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_ACTION_COMPOSE); final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putLong(INTENT_KEY_ACCOUNT_ID, status.account_id); bundle.putBoolean(INTENT_KEY_IS_QUOTE, true); bundle.putString(INTENT_KEY_TEXT, getQuoteStatus(getActivity(), status.screen_name, status.text_plain)); intent.putExtras(bundle); startActivity(intent); break; } case MENU_QUOTE_REPLY: { final Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_ACTION_COMPOSE); final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putLong(INTENT_KEY_ACCOUNT_ID, status.account_id); bundle.putLong(INTENT_KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_ID, status.status_id); bundle.putString(INTENT_KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_SCREEN_NAME, status.screen_name); bundle.putString(INTENT_KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_NAME,; bundle.putBoolean(INTENT_KEY_IS_QUOTE, true); bundle.putString(INTENT_KEY_TEXT, getQuoteStatus(getActivity(), status.screen_name, status.text_plain)); intent.putExtras(bundle); startActivity(intent); break; } case MENU_ADD_TO_BUFFER: { final Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_ACTION_COMPOSE); final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putLong(INTENT_KEY_ACCOUNT_ID, status.account_id); bundle.putBoolean(INTENT_KEY_IS_BUFFER, true); bundle.putString(INTENT_KEY_TEXT, getQuoteStatus(getActivity(), status.screen_name, status.text_plain)); intent.putExtras(bundle); startActivity(intent); break; } case MENU_REPLY: { final Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_ACTION_COMPOSE); final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); final List<String> mentions = new Extractor().extractMentionedScreennames(status.text_plain); mentions.remove(status.screen_name); mentions.add(0, status.screen_name); bundle.putStringArray(INTENT_KEY_MENTIONS, mentions.toArray(new String[mentions.size()])); bundle.putLong(INTENT_KEY_ACCOUNT_ID, status.account_id); bundle.putLong(INTENT_KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_ID, status.status_id); bundle.putString(INTENT_KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_TWEET, status.text_plain); bundle.putString(INTENT_KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_SCREEN_NAME, status.screen_name); bundle.putString(INTENT_KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_NAME,; intent.putExtras(bundle); startActivity(intent); break; } case MENU_FAV: { if (mSelectedStatus.is_favorite) { mService.destroyFavorite(status.account_id, status.status_id); } else { mService.createFavorite(status.account_id, status.status_id); } break; } case MENU_CONVERSATION: { openConversation(getActivity(), status.account_id, status.status_id); break; } case MENU_DELETE: { mService.destroyStatus(status.account_id, status.status_id); break; } case MENU_EXTENSIONS: { final Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_ACTION_EXTENSION_OPEN_STATUS); final Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.putParcelable(INTENT_KEY_STATUS, status); intent.putExtras(extras); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, getString(R.string.open_with_extensions))); break; } case MENU_MULTI_SELECT: { if (!mApplication.isMultiSelectActive()) { mApplication.startMultiSelect(); } final NoDuplicatesLinkedList<Object> list = mApplication.getSelectedItems(); if (!list.contains(status)) { list.add(status); } break; } case MENU_BLOCK: { mService.createBlock(account_id, status.user_id); break; } case MENU_REPORT_SPAM: { mService.reportSpam(account_id, status.user_id); break; } case MENU_MUTE_USER: { final String screen_name = status.screen_name; final Uri uri = Filters.Users.CONTENT_URI; final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); final SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFERENCES_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); final ContentResolver resolver = getContentResolver(); values.put(Filters.Users.TEXT, screen_name); resolver.delete(uri, Filters.Users.TEXT + " = '" + screen_name + "'", null); resolver.insert(uri, values); editor.putBoolean(PREFERENCE_KEY_ENABLE_FILTER, true).commit(); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), R.string.user_muted, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); break; } case MENU_MAKE_GAP: { Uri uri = Statuses.CONTENT_URI; final Uri query_uri = buildQueryUri(uri, false); ContentResolver mResolver = getContentResolver(); final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Statuses.IS_GAP, 1); final StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.append(Statuses.ACCOUNT_ID + "=" + account_id); where.append(" AND " + Statuses.STATUS_ID + "=" + status.status_id); mResolver.update(query_uri, values, where.toString(), null); getActivity().sendBroadcast(new Intent(BROADCAST_FILTERS_UPDATED).putExtra(INTENT_KEY_SUCCEED, true)); break; } case MENU_COPY: { final CharSequence text = Html.fromHtml(status.text_html); if (ClipboardUtils.setText(getActivity(), text)) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), R.string.text_copied, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } break; } } return true; }
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/** Remove an account */ private void removeAccount(Uri currAcct) { new AccountUpdateTask(currAcct, getString(R.string.removing_account)) { @Override/* ww w.j av a 2 m*/ protected void doAccountUpdate(ContentResolver cr) { if (itsAccountUri != null) { cr.delete(itsAccountUri, null, null); } } }.startTask(this, this); }
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private void handleDiscardDraftIntent(Intent intent) { final Uri data = intent.getData(); if (data == null) return;/* ww w . j ava 2 s .c o m*/ mNotificationManager.cancel(data.toString(), NOTIFICATION_ID_DRAFTS); final ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); final long id = ParseUtils.parseLong(data.getLastPathSegment(), -1); final Expression where = Expression.equals(Drafts._ID, id); contentResolver.delete(Drafts.CONTENT_URI, where.getSQL(), null); }
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/** * This method will insert the current Sales Detail Open into a local database * so later can be query by {@link OpenSalesCheckoutDialogFragment} */// ww w.j a va2 s . co m private void packTheCurrentSalesDetailOpenInToLocalDatabase() { // Delete all data in the local database before we insert new data final ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver(); contentResolver.delete(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.CONTENT_URI, null, null); // Get the reference to ../openSalesDetail/... DatabaseReference databaseReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child(mUserUid) .child(Constants.FIREBASE_OPEN_SALES_DETAIL_LOCATION).child(mSalesHeaderKey); databaseReference.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { // Iterate for (DataSnapshot snap : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) { // Initialize the content values ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); // Initialize the model SalesDetailModel model = snap.getValue(SalesDetailModel.class); // Get the state String key = snap.getKey(); String itemNumber = model.getItemNumber(); String itemDesc = model.getItemDesc(); String itemUnit = model.getItemUnit(); String itemPrice = model.getItemPrice(); String itemQty = model.getItemQuantity(); String itemDiscount = model.getItemDiscount(); String itemDiscountAmount = model.getItemDiscountAmout(); String itemAmount = model.getItemAmount(); // Pack into ContentValues object values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_PUSH_KEY, key); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_NUMBER, itemNumber); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_DESC, itemDesc); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_UNIT, itemUnit); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_PRICE, itemPrice); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_QUANTITY, itemQty); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_DISCOUNT, itemDiscount); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT, itemDiscountAmount); values.put(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.COLUMN_ITEM_AMOUNT, itemAmount); // Insert into local database try { contentResolver.insert(ContractData.SalesDetailPendingEntry.CONTENT_URI, values); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG_LOG, e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) { Log.e(TAG_LOG, databaseError.getMessage()); } }); }
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/** * Delete the form specified by the id given in the parameters. Does not check * form version./*from w ww .j ava 2 s.c o m*/ * * @param resolver * ContentResolver of the calling activity * @param formId * the id of the form to be deleted * @return the result of the the delete call */ private static int deleteForm(ContentResolver resolver, String appName, String formId) { try { return resolver.delete(CONTENT_FORM_URI, COLLECT_KEY_JR_FORM_ID + "=?", new String[] { formId }); } catch (Exception e) { WebLogger.getLogger(appName).d(TAG, "caught an exception while deleting a form, returning 0 and " + "proceeding"); return 0; } }