Example usage for android.content ContentResolver delete

List of usage examples for android.content ContentResolver delete


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content ContentResolver delete.


public final int delete(@RequiresPermission.Write @NonNull Uri url, @Nullable String where,
        @Nullable String[] selectionArgs) 

Source Link


Deletes row(s) specified by a content URI.


From source file:us.parshall.ezandroid.activity.EZItemListActivity.java

protected OnClickListener deleteItemsListener(final EZItemListActivity activity, final String tableName) {
    return new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

        @Override/*from   ww w .j  a  va2  s.c  o  m*/
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            long[] selectedItemIds = activity.getListView().getCheckedItemIds();
            String[] itemIds = new String[selectedItemIds.length];
            String[] parameters = new String[selectedItemIds.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < selectedItemIds.length; i++) {
                itemIds[i] = String.valueOf(selectedItemIds[i]);
                parameters[i] = "?";
            String where = EZContentProvider.KEY_ID + " in ( " + TextUtils.join(",", parameters) + " )";

            ContentResolver cr = activity.getContentResolver();

            cr.delete(Uri.withAppendedPath(EZContentProvider.CONTENT_URI, tableName), where, itemIds);
            cr.notifyChange(Uri.withAppendedPath(EZContentProvider.CONTENT_URI, tableName), null);


From source file:net.naonedbus.manager.impl.CommentaireManager.java

public void clear(final ContentResolver contentResolver) {
    contentResolver.delete(CommentaireProvider.CONTENT_URI, null, null);

From source file:com.antew.redditinpictures.library.reddit.LoginResponse.java

public void processHttpResponse(Context context) {
    ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();

    // Delete old logins
    resolver.delete(RedditContract.Login.CONTENT_URI, null, null);

    RedditLoginResponse response = JsonDeserializer.deserialize(result.getJson(), RedditLoginResponse.class);

    if (response == null) {
        Ln.e("Error parsing Reddit login response");
        return;/*from  w ww  . ja v a  2  s . co  m*/

    // The username isn't sent back with the login response, so we have it passed
    // through from the login request
    String username = BundleUtil.getString(result.getExtraData(), RedditContract.Login.USERNAME, null);
    if (response.getLoginResponse() != null && response.getLoginResponse().getData() != null) {

    ContentValues loginValues = response.getContentValues();
    Intent loginNotify = new Intent(Constants.Broadcast.BROADCAST_LOGIN_COMPLETE);
    loginNotify.putExtra(Constants.Extra.EXTRA_USERNAME, username);
    Integer loginSuccess = loginValues.getAsInteger(RedditContract.Login.SUCCESS);
    if (loginSuccess != null && loginSuccess == 1) {
        loginNotify.putExtra(Constants.Extra.EXTRA_SUCCESS, true);
        resolver.insert(RedditContract.Login.CONTENT_URI, loginValues);
    } else {
        loginNotify.putExtra(Constants.Extra.EXTRA_SUCCESS, false);
        loginNotify.putExtra(Constants.Extra.EXTRA_USERNAME, username);


From source file:com.filemanager.free.filesystem.FileUtil.java

 * Delete a file. May be even on external SD card.
 * @param file the file to be deleted.//from w ww. j a  v a 2 s .  c om
 * @return True if successfully deleted.
public static final boolean deleteFile(@NonNull final File file, Context context) {
    // First try the normal deletion.
    if (file == null)
        return true;
    boolean fileDelete = deleteFilesInFolder(file, context);
    if (file.delete() || fileDelete)
        return true;

    // Try with Storage Access Framework.
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP && FileUtil.isOnExtSdCard(file, context)) {

        DocumentFile document = getDocumentFile(file, false, context);
        return document.delete();

    // Try the Kitkat workaround.
        ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();

        try {
            Uri uri = MediaStoreHack.getUriFromFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), context);
            resolver.delete(uri, null, null);
            return !file.exists();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e("AmazeFileUtils", "Error when deleting file " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
            return false;

    return !file.exists();

From source file:com.metinkale.prayerapp.MainIntentService.java

private void handleCalendarIntegration() {
    if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
            Manifest.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        return;// w w w  .ja  v a2 s.  co m
    Context context = App.getContext();
    try {
        ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();

                CalendarContract.Events.DESCRIPTION + "=\"com.metinkale.prayer\"", null);

        String id = Prefs.getCalendar();

        if ("-1".equals(id) || (Prefs.getLanguage() == null)) {
        int year = LocalDate.now().getYear();
        Collection<int[]> days = new ArrayList<>();
        days.addAll(HicriDate.getHolydays(year + 1));

        int i = 0;
        ContentValues[] events = new ContentValues[days.size()];
        for (int[] date : days) {
            ContentValues event = new ContentValues();

            event.put(CalendarContract.Events.CALENDAR_ID, id);
            event.put(CalendarContract.Events.TITLE, Utils.getHolyday(date[HicriDate.DAY] - 1));
            event.put(CalendarContract.Events.DESCRIPTION, "com.metinkale.prayer");

            ReadableInstant cal = new DateTime(date[HicriDate.GY], date[HicriDate.GM], date[HicriDate.GD], 0, 0,

            long dtstart = cal.getMillis();
            long dtend = dtstart + DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS;

            event.put(CalendarContract.Events.DTSTART, dtstart + TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(dtstart));
            event.put(CalendarContract.Events.DTEND, dtend + TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(dtend));
            event.put(CalendarContract.Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
            event.put(CalendarContract.Events.STATUS, CalendarContract.Events.STATUS_CONFIRMED);
            event.put(CalendarContract.Events.ALL_DAY, 1);

            events[i] = event;
        cr.bulkInsert(CalendarContract.Events.CONTENT_URI, events);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:com.birkettenterprise.phonelocator.activity.UpdateLogActivity.java

private void clearLog() {
    ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
    cr.delete(UpdateLogDatabaseContentProvider.URI, null, null);

From source file:com.manning.androidhacks.hack023.dao.TodoDAO.java

public int forcedDeleteTodo(ContentResolver contentResolver, Long id) {
    return contentResolver.delete(TodoContentProvider.CONTENT_URI,
            TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_SERVER_ID + "=" + id, null);

From source file:com.manning.androidhacks.hack023.dao.TodoDAO.java

public int deleteTodoForced(ContentResolver contentResolver, long id) {
    return contentResolver.delete(TodoContentProvider.CONTENT_URI,
            TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_SERVER_ID + "=" + id, null);

From source file:com.piusvelte.wapdroid.ManageData.java

public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    int id = (int) ((AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo()).id;

    if (item.getItemId() == R.id.menu_remove) {
        ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver();
        contentResolver.delete(Networks.CONTENT_URI, Networks._ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(id) });
    }/*  w w w  .j  a v a 2s.  c  o  m*/

    return super.onContextItemSelected(item);

From source file:org.onebusaway.android.ui.MyRemindersFragment.java

private void deleteTrip(ListView l, int position) {
    String[] ids = getIds(l, position);

    // TODO: Confirmation dialog?
    ContentResolver cr = getActivity().getContentResolver();
    cr.delete(ObaContract.Trips.buildUri(ids[0], ids[1]), null, null);
