Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2012 University of Washington
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package org.opendatakit.tables.utils;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.kxml2.kdom.Document;
import org.kxml2.kdom.Element;
import org.kxml2.kdom.Node;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;

import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.provider.BaseColumns;

 * Utility methods for using ODK Collect.
 * --and somebody else, unknown
public class CollectUtil {

    private static final String COLLECT_KEY_LAST_STATUS_CHANGE_DATE = "date";

    private static final String TAG = "CollectUtil";

    public static final String KVS_PARTITION = "CollectUtil";
    public static final String KVS_ASPECT = "default";

     * This is the name of the shared preference to which collect util will save
     * the things it must retain. At the moment this is only the row id that is
     * being edited. The vast majority of state should not be saved here.
    private static final String SHARED_PREFERENCE_NAME = "CollectUtil_Preference";
     * This is the key name of the preference whose value will be the row id that
     * is currently being edited.
    private static final String PREFERENCE_KEY_EDITED_ROW_ID = "editedRowId";

     * This is the table id of the tableId that will be receiving an add row. This
     * is necessary because javascript views can launch adds for tables other than
     * themselves, and this preference will store which table id the row should be
     * added to.
    private static final String PREFERENCE_KEY_TABLE_ID_ADD = "tableIdAdd";

     * The names here should match those in the version of collect that is on the
     * phone. They came from InstanceProviderApi.
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_STATUS = "status";
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_STATUS_INCOMPLETE = "incomplete";
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_STATUS_COMPLETE = "complete";
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_CAN_EDIT_WHEN_COMPLETE = "canEditWhenComplete";
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_SUBMISSION_URI = "submissionUri";
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_INSTANCE_FILE_PATH = "instanceFilePath";
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_JR_FORM_ID = "jrFormId";
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_JR_VERSION = "jrVersion";
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName";
    public static final String COLLECT_INSTANCE_ORDER_BY = BaseColumns._ID + " asc";
    public static final String COLLECT_INSTANCE_AUTHORITY = "";
    public static final Uri CONTENT_INSTANCE_URI = Uri
            .parse("content://" + COLLECT_INSTANCE_AUTHORITY + "/instances");

    public static final String COLLECT_FORM_AUTHORITY = "";
    public static final Uri CONTENT_FORM_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + COLLECT_FORM_AUTHORITY + "/forms");
    public static final String COLLECT_KEY_FORM_FILE_PATH = "formFilePath";

    private static final String COLLECT_FORMS_URI_STRING = "content://";
    private static final Uri ODKCOLLECT_FORMS_CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(COLLECT_FORMS_URI_STRING);
    private static final String COLLECT_INSTANCES_URI_STRING = "content://";

     * Keys present in the Key Value Store. These should represent data about the
     * form that is present if a form is defined for a particular table.
    public static final String KEY_FORM_VERSION = "CollectUtil.collectFormVersion";
    public static final String KEY_FORM_ID = "CollectUtil.formId";
    public static final String KEY_FORM_ROOT_ELEMENT = "CollectUtil.rootElement";

     * The default value of the root element for the form.
    public static final String DEFAULT_ROOT_ELEMENT = "data";

    private static final String COLLECT_ADDROW_FORM_ID_PREFIX = "tablesId_";

     * Return the formId for the single file that will be written when there is no
     * custom form defined for a table.
     * @param tp
     * @return
    private static String getDefaultAddRowFormId(String tableId) {
        return COLLECT_ADDROW_FORM_ID_PREFIX + tableId;

     * This is the file name and path of the single file that will be written that
     * contains the key values of column name to data for a given row that was
     * created.
     * @return
    private static File getAddRowFormFile(String appName, String tableId) {
        return new File(ODKFileUtils.getTablesFolder(appName, tableId), "addrowform.xml");

     * This is the file name and path of the single file that will be written that
     * contains the key values of column name to data for a given row that will be
     * edited.
     * @return
    private static File getEditRowFormFile(String appName, String tableId, String rowId) {
        return new File(ODKFileUtils.getInstanceFolder(appName, tableId, rowId), "editRowData.xml");

     * Build a default form. This form will allow being swiped through, one field
     * at a time.
     * @param file
     *          the file to write the form to
     * @param columns
     *          the columnProperties of the table.
     * @param title
     *          the title of the form
     * @param formId
     *          the id of the form
     * @return true if the file was successfully written
    private static boolean buildBlankForm(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, File file, String formId) {

        OutputStreamWriter writer = null;
        try {
            List<ColumnDefinition> geopointList = GeoColumnUtil.get().getGeopointColumnDefinitions(orderedDefns);
            List<ColumnDefinition> uriList = RowPathColumnUtil.get().getUriColumnDefinitions(orderedDefns);

            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedElements = orderedDefns;

            String localizedDisplayName;
            SQLiteDatabase db = null;
            try {
                db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
                localizedDisplayName = TableUtil.get().getLocalizedDisplayName(db, tableId);
            } finally {
                if (db != null) {

            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
            writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, CharEncoding.UTF_8);
                    "<h:html xmlns=\"\" " + "xmlns:h=\"\" "
                            + "xmlns:ev=\"\" "
                            + "xmlns:xsd=\"\" "
                            + "xmlns:jr=\"\">");
            writer.write(" ");
            for (ColumnDefinition cd : orderedElements) {
                ColumnDefinition cdContainingElement = cd.getParent();

                if (cdContainingElement != null) {
                    if (geopointList.contains(cdContainingElement) || uriList.contains(cdContainingElement)) {
                        // processed by the containing type
                    // and if this is not a unit of retention, a containing element is
                    // handling it.
                    if (!cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {
                // ok. we are directly processing this... and possibly sucking values
                // out of sub-elements...
            ElementTypeManipulator m = ElementTypeManipulatorFactory.getInstance(appName);
            for (ColumnDefinition cd : orderedElements) {
                ColumnDefinition cdContainingElement = cd.getParent();

                if (cdContainingElement != null) {
                    if (geopointList.contains(cdContainingElement) || uriList.contains(cdContainingElement)) {
                        // processed by the containing type
                    // and if this is not a unit of retention, a containing element is
                    // handling it.
                    if (!cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {
                // ok. we are directly processing this... and possibly sucking values
                // out of sub-elements...
                ElementType type = cd.getType();
                String collectType = m.getDefaultRenderer(cd.getType()).getCollectType();
                if (collectType == null) {
                    collectType = "string";
                writer.write("<bind nodeset=\"/");
                writer.write("\" type=\"");

            writer.write("<bind nodeset=\"/");
            writer.write("/meta/instanceID\" type=\"string\" required=\"true()\"/>");

            writer.write("<translation lang=\"eng\">");
            for (ColumnDefinition cd : orderedElements) {
                ColumnDefinition cdContainingElement = cd.getParent();

                if (cdContainingElement != null) {
                    if (geopointList.contains(cdContainingElement) || uriList.contains(cdContainingElement)) {
                        // processed by the containing type
                    // and if this is not a unit of retention, a containing element is
                    // handling it.
                    if (!cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {

                db = null;
                try {
                    db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
                    localizedDisplayName = ColumnUtil.get().getLocalizedDisplayName(db, tableId,
                } finally {
                    if (db != null) {

                // ok. we are directly processing this... and possibly sucking values
                // out of sub-elements...
                writer.write("<text id=\"/");
            for (ColumnDefinition cd : orderedElements) {
                ColumnDefinition cdContainingElement = cd.getParent();

                if (cdContainingElement != null) {
                    if (geopointList.contains(cdContainingElement) || uriList.contains(cdContainingElement)) {
                        // processed by the containing type
                    // and if this is not a unit of retention, a containing element is
                    // handling it.
                    if (!cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {
                // ok. we are directly processing this... and possibly sucking values
                // out of sub-elements...
                String action = "input";
                String additionalAttributes = "";
                if (uriList.contains(cd)) {
                    action = "upload";
                    String basetype = cd.getElementName().substring(0, cd.getElementName().length() - 3);
                    if (basetype.equals("mime")) {
                        basetype = "*"; // not supported by ODK Collect... launch OI File
                                        // Manager?
                    additionalAttributes = " mediatype=\"" + basetype + "/*\"";
                writer.write("<" + action + additionalAttributes + " ref=\"/" + DEFAULT_ROOT_ELEMENT + "/"
                        + cd.getElementKey() + "\">");
                writer.write("<label ref=\"jr:itext('/" + DEFAULT_ROOT_ELEMENT + "/" + cd.getElementKey()
                        + ":label')\"/>");
                writer.write("</" + action + ">");
            return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            return false;
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

    private static String getJrFormId(String appName, String filepath) {
        Document formDoc = parseForm(appName, filepath);
        String namespace = formDoc.getRootElement().getNamespace();
        Element hhtmlEl = formDoc.getElement(namespace, "h:html");
        Element hheadEl = hhtmlEl.getElement(namespace, "h:head");
        Element modelEl = hheadEl.getElement(namespace, "model");
        Element instanceEl = modelEl.getElement(namespace, "instance");
        Element dataEl = instanceEl.getElement(1);
        return dataEl.getAttributeValue(namespace, "id");

    private static Document parseForm(String appName, String filepath) {
        File xmlFile = new File(filepath);
        InputStream is;
        try {
            is = new FileInputStream(xmlFile);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
        // Now get the reader.
        InputStreamReader isr = null;
        try {
            isr = new InputStreamReader(is, Charset.forName(CharEncoding.UTF_8));
        } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).w(TAG, "UTF-8 wasn't supported--trying with default charset");
            isr = new InputStreamReader(is);

        Document formDoc = new Document();
        KXmlParser formParser = new KXmlParser();
        try {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return formDoc;

     * Write the row for a table out to a file to later be inserted into an
     * existing Collect form. This existing form must match the fields specified
     * in params.
     * <p>
     * The file generated is at the location and name specified in
     * {@link DATA_FILE_PATH_AND_NAME}.
     * TODO: add support for select-multiple
     * The mechanics of this are modeled on the getIntentForOdkCollectEditRow
     * method in Controller that handles the case for editing every column in a
     * screen by screen fashion, generating the entire form on the fly.
     * @param context
     * @param appName
     * @param tableId
     * @param orderedDefns
     * @param values
     * @param params
     *          the form parameters
     * @param rowId
     * @return true if the write succeeded
    private static boolean writeRowDataToBeEdited(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, Map<String, String> values, CollectFormParameters params,
            String rowId) {
         * This is currently implemented thinking that all you need to have is:
         * <?xml version='1.0' ?><data id="tablesaddrowformid">
         * followed by a series of:
         * <columnName1>firstFieldData</columnName1> ...
         * <lastColumn>lastField</lastField>
         * We will just go ahead and write all the fields/columns, knowing that the
         * form will simply ignore those for which it does not have matching entry
         * fields.
        List<ColumnDefinition> geopointList = GeoColumnUtil.get().getGeopointColumnDefinitions(orderedDefns);
        List<ColumnDefinition> uriList = RowPathColumnUtil.get().getUriColumnDefinitions(orderedDefns);

        OutputStreamWriter writer = null;
        try {
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(getEditRowFormFile(appName, tableId, rowId));
            writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, CharEncoding.UTF_8);
            writer.write("<?xml version='1.0' ?><");
            writer.write(" id=\"");
            for (ColumnDefinition cd : orderedDefns) {
                ColumnDefinition cdContainingElement = cd.getParent();

                if (cdContainingElement != null) {
                    if (geopointList.contains(cdContainingElement) || uriList.contains(cdContainingElement)) {
                        // processed by the containing type
                    // and if this is not a unit of retention, a containing element is
                    // handling it.
                    if (!cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {
                // ok. we are directly processing this... and possibly sucking values
                // out of sub-elements...
                ElementType type = cd.getType();
                if (geopointList.contains(cd)) {
                    // find its children...
                    List<ColumnDefinition> children = cd.getChildren();
                    ColumnDefinition[] cparray = new ColumnDefinition[4];
                    if (!children.isEmpty()) {
                        cparray[0] = children.get(0);
                    if (children.size() > 1) {
                        cparray[1] = children.get(1);
                    if (children.size() > 2) {
                        cparray[2] = children.get(2);
                    if (children.size() > 3) {
                        cparray[3] = children.get(3);
                    ColumnDefinition cplat = null, cplng = null, cpalt = null, cpacc = null;
                    for (ColumnDefinition scp : cparray) {
                        if (scp.getElementName().equals("latitude")) {
                            cplat = scp;
                        } else if (scp.getElementName().equals("longitude")) {
                            cplng = scp;
                        } else if (scp.getElementName().equals("altitude")) {
                            cpalt = scp;
                        } else if (scp.getElementName().equals("accuracy")) {
                            cpacc = scp;
                    boolean nonNull = false;
                    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
                    if (cplat != null) {
                        String value = (values == null) ? null : values.get(cplat.getElementKey());
                        if (value == null) {
                        } else {
                            nonNull = true;
                    b.append(" ");
                    if (cplng != null) {
                        String value = (values == null) ? null : values.get(cplng.getElementKey());
                        if (value == null) {
                        } else {
                            nonNull = true;
                    b.append(" ");
                    if (cpalt != null) {
                        String value = (values == null) ? null : values.get(cpalt.getElementKey());
                        if (value == null) {
                        } else {
                            nonNull = true;
                    b.append(" ");
                    if (cpacc != null) {
                        String value = (values == null) ? null : values.get(cpacc.getElementKey());
                        if (value == null) {
                        } else {
                            nonNull = true;
                    if (nonNull) {
                    } else {
                } else if (uriList.contains(cd)) {
                    // find its children...
                    List<ColumnDefinition> children = cd.getChildren();
                    ColumnDefinition[] cparray = new ColumnDefinition[children.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
                        cparray[i] = children.get(i);
                    // find the uriFragment
                    ColumnDefinition cpfrag = null;
                    for (ColumnDefinition scp : cparray) {
                        if (scp.getElementName().equals("uriFragment")) {
                            cpfrag = scp;
                    String value = null;
                    if (cpfrag != null) {
                        value = (values == null) ? null : values.get(cpfrag.getElementKey());
                    if (value != null) {
                        File f = ODKFileUtils.getAsFile(appName, value);
                        value = f.getName();
                    if (value != null) {
                    } else {
                } else if (cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {

                    String value = (values == null) ? null : values.get(cd.getElementKey());

                    if (value != null) {
                        if (type.getElementType().equals(ElementType.DATE)) {
                            // TODO: get this in the correct format...
                        } else if (type.getElementType().equals(ElementType.DATETIME)) {
                            // TODO: get this in the correct format...
                        } else if (type.getElementType().equals(ElementType.TIME)) {
                            // TODO: get this in the correct format...
                        } else {
                    } else {
            return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "IOException while writing data file");
            return false;
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

    private static boolean isExistingCollectInstanceForRowData(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            String rowId) {

        Cursor c = null;
        try {
            String instanceFilePath = getEditRowFormFile(appName, tableId, rowId).getAbsolutePath();
            c = context.getContentResolver().query(CONTENT_INSTANCE_URI, null,
                    COLLECT_KEY_INSTANCE_FILE_PATH + "=?", new String[] { instanceFilePath },
            if (c.getCount() == 0) {
                return false;
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "caught an exception while deleting an instance, " + "ignoring and proceeding");
            return true; // since we don't really know what is going on...
        } finally {
            if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) {

     * Insert the values existing in the file specified by
     * {@link DATA_FILE_PATH_AND_NAME} into the form specified by params.
     * <p>
     * If the display name is not defined in the {@code params} parameter then the
     * string resource is used.
     * <p>
     * The inserted row is marked as INCOMPLETE.
     * <p>
     * PRECONDITION: in order to be populated with data, the data file containing
     * the row's data must have been written, most likely by calling
     * writeRowDataToBeEdited().
     * <p>
     * PRECONDITION: previous instances should already have been deleted by now,
     * or the passed in file names should be uniqued by adding timestamps, or
     * something.
     * @param params
     *          the identifying parameters for the form. Should be the same object
     *          used to write the instance file.
     * @param rowNum
     *          the row number of the row being edited
     * @param resolver
     *          the ContentResolver of the activity making the request.
     * @return
     * This is based on the code at:
     * browse/src/org/odk/collect/android/tasks/
     * in the method updateInstanceDatabase().
    private static Uri getUriForCollectInstanceForRowData(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            CollectFormParameters params, String rowId, boolean shouldUpdate) {

        String instanceFilePath = getEditRowFormFile(appName, tableId, rowId).getAbsolutePath();

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        // First we need to fill the values with various little things.
        values.put(COLLECT_KEY_CAN_EDIT_WHEN_COMPLETE, Boolean.toString(true));
        values.put(COLLECT_KEY_INSTANCE_FILE_PATH, instanceFilePath);
        values.put(COLLECT_KEY_JR_FORM_ID, params.getFormId());
                params.getRowDisplayName() + "_" + WebUtils.get().iso8601Date(new Date()));
        // only add the version if it exists (ie not null)
        if (params.getFormVersion() != null) {
            values.put(COLLECT_KEY_JR_VERSION, params.getFormVersion());

        ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
        Uri uriOfForm;
        if (shouldUpdate) {
            int count = resolver.update(CONTENT_INSTANCE_URI, values, COLLECT_KEY_INSTANCE_FILE_PATH + "=?",
                    new String[] { instanceFilePath });
            if (count == 0) {
                uriOfForm = resolver.insert(CONTENT_INSTANCE_URI, values);
            } else {
                Cursor c = null;
                try {
                    c = resolver.query(CONTENT_INSTANCE_URI, null, COLLECT_KEY_INSTANCE_FILE_PATH + "=?",
                            new String[] { instanceFilePath }, COLLECT_INSTANCE_ORDER_BY);

                    if (c.moveToFirst()) {
                        // we got a result, meaning that the form exists in collect.
                        // so we just need to set the URI.
                        int collectInstanceKey; // this is the primary key of the form in
                        // Collect's
                        // database.
                        collectInstanceKey = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().getIndexAsType(c, Integer.class,
                        uriOfForm = (Uri.parse(CONTENT_INSTANCE_URI + "/" + collectInstanceKey));
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("it was updated we should have found the record!");
                } finally {
                    if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) {
        } else {
            // now we want to get the uri for the insertion.
            uriOfForm = resolver.insert(CONTENT_INSTANCE_URI, values);
        return uriOfForm;

     * Delete the form specified by the id given in the parameters. Does not check
     * form version.
     * @param resolver
     *          ContentResolver of the calling activity
     * @param formId
     *          the id of the form to be deleted
     * @return the result of the the delete call
    private static int deleteForm(ContentResolver resolver, String appName, String formId) {
        try {
            return resolver.delete(CONTENT_FORM_URI, COLLECT_KEY_JR_FORM_ID + "=?", new String[] { formId });
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "caught an exception while deleting a form, returning 0 and " + "proceeding");
            return 0;

     * Insert a form into collect. Returns the URI of the inserted form. Note that
     * form version is not passed in with the content values and is likely
     * therefore not considered. (Not sure exactly how collect checks this.)
     * <p>
     * Precondition: the form should not exist in Collect before this call is
     * made. In other words, the a query made on the form should return no
     * results.
     * @param resolver
     *          the ContentResolver of the calling activity
     * @param formFilePath
     *          the filePath to the form
     * @param displayName
     *          the displayName of the form
     * @param formId
     *          the id of the form
     * @return the result of the insert call, likely the URI of the resulting
     *         form. If the form was not first deleted there could be a problem
    private static Uri insertFormIntoCollect(ContentResolver resolver, String formFilePath, String displayName,
            String formId) {
        ContentValues insertValues = new ContentValues();
        insertValues.put(COLLECT_KEY_FORM_FILE_PATH, formFilePath);
        insertValues.put(COLLECT_KEY_DISPLAY_NAME, displayName);
        insertValues.put(COLLECT_KEY_JR_FORM_ID, formId);
        return resolver.insert(CONTENT_FORM_URI, insertValues);

     * Return the URI of the form for adding a row to a table. If the formId is
     * custom defined it must exist to Collect (most likely by putting the form in
     * Collect's form folder and starting Collect once). If the form does not
     * exist, it inserts the static addRowForm information into Collect.
     * <p>
     * Display name only matters if it is a programmatically generated form.
     * <p>
     * Precondition: If formId refers to a custom form, it must have already been
     * scanned in and known to exist to Collect. If the formId is not custom, but
     * refers to a form built on the fly, it should be the id of
     * {@link COLLECT_ADDROW_FORM_ID}, and the form should already have been
     * written.
     * @param resolver
     *          ContentResolver of the calling activity
     * @param appName
     *          application name.
     * @param formId
     *          id of the form whose uri will be returned
     * @param formDisplayName
     *          display name of the table. Only pertinent if the form has been
     *          programmatically generated.
     * @return the uri of the form.
    private static Uri getUriOfForm(ContentResolver resolver, String appName, String formId) {
        Uri resultUri = null;
        Cursor c = null;
        try {
            c = resolver.query(CollectUtil.CONTENT_FORM_URI, null, CollectUtil.COLLECT_KEY_JR_FORM_ID + "=?",
                    new String[] { formId }, null);
            if (!c.moveToFirst()) {
                WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "query of Collect for form returned no results");
            } else {
                // we got a result, meaning that the form exists in collect.
                // so we just need to set the URI.
                int collectFormKey; // this is the primary key of the form in
                // Collect's
                // database.
                collectFormKey = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().getIndexAsType(c, Integer.class,
                resultUri = (Uri.parse(CollectUtil.CONTENT_FORM_URI + "/" + collectFormKey));
        } finally {
            if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) {
        return resultUri;

     * This is a convenience method that should be called when generating non-user
     * defined forms for adding or editing rows. It calls, in this order,
     * {@link deleteForm}, {@link buildBlankForm}, and
     * {@link insertFormIntoCollect}.
     * @param resolver
     *          content resolver of the calling activity
     * @param params
     * @param tp
     * @return true if every method returned successfully
    private static boolean deleteWriteAndInsertFormIntoCollect(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, CollectFormParameters params) {
        if (params.isCustom()) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "passed custom form to be deleted, rewritten, and "
                    + "inserted into Collect. Not performing task.");
            return false;
        ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();

        CollectUtil.deleteForm(resolver, appName, params.getFormId());
        // First we want to write the file.
        boolean writeSuccessful = CollectUtil.buildBlankForm(context, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
                getAddRowFormFile(appName, tableId), params.getFormId());
        if (!writeSuccessful) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "problem writing file for add row");
            return false;

        String localizedDisplayName;
        SQLiteDatabase db = null;
        try {
            db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
            localizedDisplayName = TableUtil.get().getLocalizedDisplayName(db, tableId);
        } finally {
            if (db != null) {

        // Now we want to insert the file.
        Uri insertedFormUri = CollectUtil.insertFormIntoCollect(resolver,
                getAddRowFormFile(appName, tableId).getAbsolutePath(), localizedDisplayName, params.getFormId());
        if (insertedFormUri == null) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "problem inserting form into collect, return uri was null");
            return false;
        return true;

     * Convenience method for calling
     * {@link #getIntentForOdkCollectAddRow(Context, String, String, ArrayList, CollectFormParameters, Map)}
     * followed by {@link #launchCollectToAddRow(Activity, Intent, String)}.
     * @param activity
     * @param appName
     * @param tableId
     * @param orderedDefns
     * @param collectFormParameters
     * @param prepopulatedValues
    public static void addRowWithCollect(Activity activity, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, CollectFormParameters collectFormParameters,
            Map<String, String> prepopulatedValues) {
        Intent addRowIntent = getIntentForOdkCollectAddRow(activity, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
                collectFormParameters, prepopulatedValues);
        if (addRowIntent == null) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "[addRowWithCollect] intent was null, returning");
        launchCollectToAddRow(activity, addRowIntent, tableId);

     * Launch Collect to edit a row. Convenience method for calling
     * {@link #getIntentForOdkCollectEditRow(Context, String, String, ArrayList, Map, String, String, String, String)
     * followed by {@link #launchCollectToEditRow(Activity, Intent, String)}.
     * @param activity
     * @param appName
     * @param tableId
     * @param orderedDefns
     * @param rowId
     * @param collectFormParameters
    public static void editRowWithCollect(Activity activity, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, String rowId, CollectFormParameters collectFormParameters) {
        Map<String, String> elementKeyToValue = WebViewUtil.getMapOfElementKeyToValue(activity, appName, tableId,
                orderedDefns, rowId);
        Intent editRowIntent = getIntentForOdkCollectEditRow(activity, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
                elementKeyToValue, collectFormParameters.getFormId(), collectFormParameters.getFormVersion(),
                collectFormParameters.getRootElement(), rowId);
        if (editRowIntent == null) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "[editRowWithCollect] intent was null, doing nothing");
        } else {
            launchCollectToEditRow(activity, editRowIntent, rowId);

     * This is a move away from the general "odk add row" usage that is going on
     * when no row is defined. As I understand it, the new case will work as
     * follows.
     * There exits an "tableEditRow" form for a particular table. This form, as I
     * understand it, must exist both in the tables directory, as well as in
     * Collect so that Collect can launch it with an Intent.
     * You then also construct a "values" sort of file, that is the data from the
     * database that will pre-populate the fields. Mitch referred to something
     * like this as the "instance" file.
     * Once you have both of these files, the form and the data, you insert the
     * data into the form. When you launch the form, it is then pre-populated with
     * data from the database.
     * In order to make this work, the form must exist both within the places
     * Collect knows to look, as well as in the Tables folder. You also must know
     * the:
     * collectFormVersion collectFormId collectXFormRootElement (default to
     * "data")
     * These will most likely exist as keys in the key value store. They must
     * match the form.
     * Other things needed will be:
     * instanceFilePath // I think the filepath with all the values displayName //
     * just text, eg a row ID formId // the same thing as collectFormId?
     * formVersion status // either INCOMPLETE or COMPLETE
     * Examples for how this is done in Collect can be found in the Collect code
     * in, in the
     * updateInstanceDatabase() method.
     * The functionality to construct the elementKeyToValue array from the rowNum
     * and table has been elevated. Now only the
     * CollectUtil.getIntentForOdkCollectEditRow(...) method is exposed.
     * @param context
     * @param appName
     * @param tableId
     * @param orderedDefns
     * @param elementKeyToValue
     * @param formId
     * @param formVersion
     * @param formRootElement
     * @param rowId
     * @return
    public static Intent getIntentForOdkCollectEditRow(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, Map<String, String> elementKeyToValue, String formId,
            String formVersion, String formRootElement, String rowId) {

        CollectFormParameters formParameters = CollectFormParameters.constructCollectFormParameters(context,
                appName, tableId);

        if (formId != null && !formId.equals("")) {
        if (formVersion != null && !formVersion.equals("")) {
        if (formRootElement != null && !formRootElement.equals("")) {
        Intent editRowIntent = CollectUtil.getIntentForOdkCollectEditRow(context, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
                elementKeyToValue, formParameters, rowId);

        return editRowIntent;

     * Return an intent that can be used to edit a row.
     * <p>
     * The idea here is that we might want to edit a row of the table using a
     * pre-set Collect form. This form would be user-defined and would be a more
     * user-friendly thing that would display only the pertinent information for a
     * particular user.
     * @param context
     * @param tp
     * @param elementKeyToValue
     * @param params
     * @return
    private static Intent getIntentForOdkCollectEditRow(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, Map<String, String> elementKeyToValue,
            CollectFormParameters params, String rowId) {
        // Check if there is a custom form. If there is not, we want to delete
        // the old form and write the new form.
        if (!params.isCustom()) {
            boolean formIsReady = CollectUtil.deleteWriteAndInsertFormIntoCollect(context, appName, tableId,
                    orderedDefns, params);
            if (!formIsReady) {
                WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "could not delete, write, or insert a generated form");
                return null;
        boolean shouldUpdate = CollectUtil.isExistingCollectInstanceForRowData(context, appName, tableId, rowId);

        boolean writeDataSuccessful = CollectUtil.writeRowDataToBeEdited(context, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
                elementKeyToValue, params, rowId);
        if (!writeDataSuccessful) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "could not write instance file successfully!");
        Uri insertUri = CollectUtil.getUriForCollectInstanceForRowData(context, appName, tableId, params, rowId,

        // Copied the below from getIntentForOdkCollectEditRow().
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("",
        // intent.putExtra("start", true); // jump right into form
        return intent;

     * Launch collect with the given intent. This method should be used rather
     * than launching the activity yourself because the rowId needs to be retained
     * in order to update the database.
     * @param activityToAwaitReturn
     * @param collectEditIntent
     * @param rowId
    public static void launchCollectToEditRow(Activity activityToAwaitReturn, Intent collectEditIntent,
            String rowId) {
        // We want to be able to launch an edit row action from a variety of
        // different activities, such as the spreadsheet and the webviews. In
        // order to update the database, we must know what the row id of the row
        // was which we are editing. There appears to be no way to pass this
        // information to collect and have it return it to us, so we're going to
        // store it in a shared preference.
        // Note that we aren't storing this in the key value store because it is
        // a very temporary bit of state that would be meaningless if the call
        // and return to/from collect was interrupted.
        SharedPreferences preferences = activityToAwaitReturn.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFERENCE_NAME,
        preferences.edit().putString(PREFERENCE_KEY_EDITED_ROW_ID, rowId).commit();
        activityToAwaitReturn.startActivityForResult(collectEditIntent, Constants.RequestCodes.EDIT_ROW_COLLECT);

     * Launch Collect with the given Intent. This method should be used rather
     * than launching the Intent yourself if the row is going to be added into a
     * table other than that which you are currently displaying. This method
     * handles storing the table id of that table so that it can be reclaimed when
     * the activity returns.
     * <p>
     * Launches with the return code
     * {@link Constants.RequestCodes.ADD_ROW_COLLECT}.
     * @param activityToAwaitReturn
     * @param collectAddIntent
     * @param tableId
    public static void launchCollectToAddRow(Activity activityToAwaitReturn, Intent collectAddIntent,
            String tableId) {
        // We want to save the id of the table that is going to receive the row
        // that returns from Collect. We'll store it in a SharedPreference so
        // that we can get at it.
        SharedPreferences preferences = activityToAwaitReturn.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFERENCE_NAME,
        preferences.edit().putString(PREFERENCE_KEY_TABLE_ID_ADD, tableId).commit();
        activityToAwaitReturn.startActivityForResult(collectAddIntent, Constants.RequestCodes.ADD_ROW_COLLECT);

     * This gets a map of values for insertion into a row after returning from a
     * Collect form. It handles validating the values. Null values are passed back
     * if the value is not present or is null in the return from ODK Collect (to
     * support clearing of values).
     * TODO: add support for select-multiple
     * @return
    public static ContentValues getMapForInsertion(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, FormValues formValues) {

        DataUtil du = new DataUtil(Locale.ENGLISH, TimeZone.getDefault());

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

        List<ColumnDefinition> geopointList = GeoColumnUtil.get().getGeopointColumnDefinitions(orderedDefns);
        List<ColumnDefinition> uriList = RowPathColumnUtil.get().getUriColumnDefinitions(orderedDefns);

        for (ColumnDefinition cd : orderedDefns) {
            ColumnDefinition cdContainingElement = cd.getParent();

            if (cdContainingElement != null) {
                if (geopointList.contains(cdContainingElement) || uriList.contains(cdContainingElement)) {
                    // processed by the containing type
                // and if this is not a unit of retention, a containing element is
                // handling it.
                if (!cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {
            // ok. we are directly processing this... and possibly sucking values
            // out of sub-elements...
            ElementType type = cd.getType();
            if (geopointList.contains(cd)) {
                // find its children...
                List<ColumnDefinition> children = cd.getChildren();
                ColumnDefinition[] cparray = new ColumnDefinition[4];
                if (!children.isEmpty()) {
                    cparray[0] = children.get(0);
                if (children.size() > 1) {
                    cparray[1] = children.get(1);
                if (children.size() > 2) {
                    cparray[2] = children.get(2);
                if (children.size() > 3) {
                    cparray[3] = children.get(3);
                ColumnDefinition cplat = null, cplng = null, cpalt = null, cpacc = null;
                for (ColumnDefinition scp : cparray) {
                    if (scp.getElementName().equals("latitude")) {
                        cplat = scp;
                    } else if (scp.getElementName().equals("longitude")) {
                        cplng = scp;
                    } else if (scp.getElementName().equals("altitude")) {
                        cpalt = scp;
                    } else if (scp.getElementName().equals("accuracy")) {
                        cpacc = scp;
                // split ODK COLLECT value into the constituent elements
                String value = formValues.formValues.get(cd.getElementKey());
                if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
                } else {
                    String[] parts = value.split(" ");
                    if (parts.length > 0) {
                        values.put(cplat.getElementKey(), parts[0]);
                    } else {
                    if (parts.length > 1) {
                        values.put(cplng.getElementKey(), parts[1]);
                    } else {
                    if (parts.length > 2) {
                        values.put(cpalt.getElementKey(), parts[2]);
                    } else {
                    if (parts.length > 3) {
                        values.put(cpacc.getElementKey(), parts[3]);
                    } else {
            } else if (uriList.contains(cd)) {
                // find its children...
                List<ColumnDefinition> children = cd.getChildren();
                ColumnDefinition[] cdarray = new ColumnDefinition[children.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
                    cdarray[i] = children.get(i);
                // find the uriFragment
                ColumnDefinition cdfrag = null, cdtype = null;
                for (ColumnDefinition scp : cdarray) {
                    if (scp.getElementName().equals("uriFragment")) {
                        cdfrag = scp;
                    } else if (scp.getElementName().equals("contentType")) {
                        cdtype = scp;
                // update the uriFragment and contentType elements
                String value = formValues.formValues.get(cd.getElementKey());
                if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
                } else {
                    int dotIdx = value.lastIndexOf(".");
                    String ext = (dotIdx == -1) ? "*" : value.substring(dotIdx + 1);
                    if (ext.length() == 0) {
                        ext = "*";
                    String baseContentType = cd.getElementName().substring(0, cd.getElementName().length() - 3);
                    if (baseContentType.equals("mime")) {
                        baseContentType = "*";
                    String mimeType = baseContentType + "/" + ext;
                    if (cd.getType().getDataType() == ElementDataType.configpath) {
                        values.put(cdfrag.getElementKey(), ODKFileUtils.asUriFragment(appName,
                                new File(ODKFileUtils.getAppFolder(appName), value)));
                        values.put(cdtype.getElementKey(), mimeType);
                    } else {
                        File ifolder = new File(
                                ODKFileUtils.getInstanceFolder(appName, tableId, formValues.instanceID));
                                ODKFileUtils.asUriFragment(appName, new File(ifolder, value)));
                        values.put(cdtype.getElementKey(), mimeType);

            } else if (cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {

                ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> choices;
                SQLiteDatabase db = null;
                try {
                    db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
                    choices = (ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>) ColumnUtil.get().getDisplayChoicesList(db, tableId,
                } finally {
                    if (db != null) {
                String value = formValues.formValues.get(cd.getElementKey());
                value = ParseUtil.validifyValue(appName, du, choices, cd,

                if (value != null) {
                    values.put(cd.getElementKey(), value);
                } else {
                    // don't we want to clear values too?
        return values;

     * Returns true if the instance has been marked as complete/finalized. If the
     * instance cannot be found or is not marked as complete, returns false.
     * @param context
     * @param instanceId
     * @return
    private static boolean instanceIsFinalized(Context context, int instanceId) {
        String[] projection = { COLLECT_KEY_STATUS };
        String selection = "_id = ?";
        String[] selectionArgs = { instanceId + "" };
        Cursor c = null;
        try {
            c = context.getContentResolver().query(COLLECT_INSTANCES_CONTENT_URI, projection, selection,
                    selectionArgs, COLLECT_INSTANCE_ORDER_BY);

            if (c.getCount() == 0) {
                return false;
            String status = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().getIndexAsString(c, c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(COLLECT_KEY_STATUS));
            // potential status values are incomplete, complete, submitted,
            // submission_failed
            // all but the incomplete status indicate a marked-as-complete record.
            if (status != null && !status.equals(COLLECT_KEY_STATUS_INCOMPLETE)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } finally {
            if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) {

    private static class FormValues {
        Map<String, String> formValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
        Long timestamp; // should be endTime in form?
        String instanceID;
        String formId;
        String locale;
        String savepointCreator;

        FormValues() {

     * Return the Collect form values from the given instance id.
     * @param context
     * @param instanceId
     * @return
    public static FormValues getOdkCollectFormValuesFromInstanceId(Context context, String appName,
            int instanceId) {
        String[] projection = { COLLECT_KEY_LAST_STATUS_CHANGE_DATE, "displayName", "instanceFilePath" };
        String selection = "_id = ?";
        String[] selectionArgs = { (instanceId + "") };
        Cursor c = null;
        try {
            c = context.getContentResolver().query(COLLECT_INSTANCES_CONTENT_URI, projection, selection,
                    selectionArgs, null);
            if (c.getCount() != 1) {
                return null;
            FormValues fv = new FormValues();
            fv.timestamp = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().getIndexAsType(c, Long.class,
            String instancepath = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().getIndexAsString(c,
            File instanceFile = new File(instancepath);
            parseXML(appName, fv, instanceFile);
            return fv;
        } finally {
            if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) {

     * Retrieves the tableId that was stored during the call to
     * {@link CollectUtil#launchCollectToAddRow(Activity, Intent, String)} .
     * Removes the tableId so that future calls to the same method will return
     * null.
     * @param context
     * @return the stored tableId, or null if no tableId was found.
    public static String retrieveAndRemoveTableIdForAddRow(Context context) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFERENCE_NAME,
        String tableId = sharedPreferences.getString(PREFERENCE_KEY_TABLE_ID_ADD, null);
        return tableId;

    private static boolean updateRowFromOdkCollectInstance(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            int instanceId) {
        // First we need to check to make sure the row id is in the shared
        // preferences. If it's not, something has gone wrong.
        // TODO: This should be migrated to use metadata/instanceID in the
        // instance xpath.
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFERENCE_NAME,
        String rowId = sharedPreferences.getString(PREFERENCE_KEY_EDITED_ROW_ID, null);
        if (rowId == null) {
            // Then it wasn't retained and something went wrong.
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "rowId retrieved from shared preferences was null.");
            return false;
        FormValues formValues = CollectUtil.getOdkCollectFormValuesFromInstanceId(context, appName, instanceId);
        if (formValues == null) {
            return false;

        ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns;
        SQLiteDatabase db = null;
        try {
            db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
            orderedDefns = TableUtil.get().getColumnDefinitions(db, appName, tableId);

            ContentValues values = CollectUtil.getMapForInsertion(context, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
            values.put(DataTableColumns.ID, rowId);
            values.put(DataTableColumns.FORM_ID, formValues.formId);
            values.put(DataTableColumns.LOCALE, formValues.locale);
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_CREATOR, formValues.savepointCreator);

            ODKDatabaseUtils.get().updateDataInExistingDBTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedDefns, values, rowId);
        } finally {
            if (db != null) {
        // If we made it here and there were no errors, then clear the row id
        // from the shared preferences. This is just a bit of housekeeping that
        // will mean there's no you could accidentally wind up overwriting the
        // wrong row.
        return true;

     * Returns false if the returnCode is not ok or if the instance pointed to by
     * the intent was not marked as finalized.
     * <p>
     * Otherwise returns the result of
     * {@link #updateRowFromOdkCollectInstance(Context, tableId, int)}. *
     * @param context
     * @param appName
     * @param tableId
     * @param returnCode
     * @param data
     * @return
    public static boolean handleOdkCollectEditReturn(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            int returnCode, Intent data) {
        if (returnCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(TAG, "return code wasn't OK not inserting " + "edited data.");
            return false;
        if (data.getData() == null) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(TAG, "data was null --not editing row");
            return false;
        int instanceId = Integer.valueOf(data.getData().getLastPathSegment());
        if (!instanceIsFinalized(context, instanceId)) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(TAG, "instance wasn't marked as finalized--not updating");
            return false;
        return updateRowFromOdkCollectInstance(context, appName, tableId, instanceId);

     * Returns false if the returnCode is not ok or if the instance pointed to by
     * the intent was not marked as finalized.
     * <p>
     * Otherwise returns the result of
     * {@link #addRowFromOdkCollectInstance(Context, String, String, int)}.
     * @param context
     * @param appName
     * @param tableId
     * @param returnCode
     * @param data
     * @return
    public static boolean handleOdkCollectAddReturn(Context context, String appName, String tableId, int returnCode,
            Intent data) {
        if (returnCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(TAG, "return code wasn't OK --not adding row");
            return false;
        if (data.getData() == null) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(TAG, "data was null --not adding row");
            return false;
        int instanceId = Integer.valueOf(data.getData().getLastPathSegment());
        if (!instanceIsFinalized(context, instanceId)) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(TAG, "instance wasn't finalized--not adding");
            return false;
        return addRowFromOdkCollectInstance(context, appName, tableId, instanceId);

    private static boolean addRowFromOdkCollectInstance(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            int instanceId) {
        FormValues formValues = CollectUtil.getOdkCollectFormValuesFromInstanceId(context, appName, instanceId);
        if (formValues == null) {
            return false;
        ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns;
        SQLiteDatabase db = null;
        try {
            db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
            orderedDefns = TableUtil.get().getColumnDefinitions(db, appName, tableId);

            ContentValues values = CollectUtil.getMapForInsertion(context, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
            values.put(DataTableColumns.ID, formValues.instanceID);
            values.put(DataTableColumns.FORM_ID, formValues.formId);
            values.put(DataTableColumns.LOCALE, formValues.locale);
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE, SavepointTypeManipulator.complete());
            values.put(DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_CREATOR, formValues.savepointCreator);

            ODKDatabaseUtils.get().insertDataIntoExistingDBTableWithId(db, tableId, orderedDefns, values,
        } finally {
            if (db != null) {
        return true;

    public static Intent getIntentForOdkCollectAddRowByQuery(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, CollectFormParameters params) {
        Intent intentAddRow = CollectUtil.getIntentForOdkCollectAddRow(context, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
                params, null);
        return intentAddRow;

     * Return an intent that can be launched to add a row.
     * @param context
     * @param tp
     * @param params
     * @param elementKeyToValue
     *          values with which you want to prepopulate the add row form.
     * @return
    public static Intent getIntentForOdkCollectAddRow(Context context, String appName, String tableId,
            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefns, CollectFormParameters params,
            Map<String, String> elementKeyToValue) {
         * So, there are several things to check here. The first thing we want to do
         * is see if a custom form has been defined for this table. If there is not,
         * then we will need to write a custom one. When we do this, we will then
         * have to call delete on Collect to remove the old form, which may have
         * used the same id. This will not fail if a form has not been already been
         * written--delete will simply return 0.
        // Check if there is a custom form. If there is not, we want to delete
        // the old form and write the new form.
        if (!params.isCustom()) {
            boolean formIsReady = CollectUtil.deleteWriteAndInsertFormIntoCollect(context, appName, tableId,
                    orderedDefns, params);
            if (!formIsReady) {
                WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "could not delete, write, or insert a generated form");
                return null;
        // manufacture a rowId for this record...
        String rowId = "uuid:" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        boolean shouldUpdate = CollectUtil.isExistingCollectInstanceForRowData(context, appName, tableId, rowId);

        // emit the empty or partially-populated instance
        // we've received some values to prepopulate the add row with.
        boolean writeDataSuccessful = CollectUtil.writeRowDataToBeEdited(context, appName, tableId, orderedDefns,
                elementKeyToValue, params, rowId);
        if (!writeDataSuccessful) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "could not write instance file successfully!");
        // Here we'll just act as if we're inserting 0, which
        // really doesn't matter?
        Uri formToLaunch = CollectUtil.getUriForCollectInstanceForRowData(context, appName, tableId, params, rowId,

        // And now finally create the intent.
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("",
        intent.putExtra("start", true); // jump right into form
        return intent;

     * Parse the given xml file and return a map of element to value.
     * <p>
     * Based on Collect's {@code parseXML} in {@code FileUtils}.
     * @param xmlFile
     * @return
    private static void parseXML(String appName, FormValues fv, File xmlFile) {

        InputStream is;
        try {
            is = new FileInputStream(xmlFile);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
        // Now get the reader.
        InputStreamReader isr;
        try {
            isr = new InputStreamReader(is, Charset.forName(CharEncoding.UTF_8));
        } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
            WebLogger.getLogger(appName).w(TAG, "UTF-8 wasn't supported--trying with default charset");
            isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
        if (isr != null) {
            Document document;
            try {
                document = new Document();
                KXmlParser parser = new KXmlParser();
                try {
                } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
                    WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "problem with xmlpullparse");
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "io exception when parsing");
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(TAG, "couldn't close reader");
            Element rootEl = document.getRootElement();
            fv.locale = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
            fv.formId = rootEl.getAttributeValue(null, "id");
            Node rootNode = rootEl.getRoot();
            Element dataEl = rootNode.getElement(0);
            for (int i = 0; i < dataEl.getChildCount(); i++) {
                Element child = dataEl.getElement(i);
                String key = child.getName();
                if (key.equals("meta")) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < child.getChildCount(); j++) {
                        Element e = child.getElement(j);
                        String name = e.getName();
                        if (name.equals("instanceID")) {
                            fv.instanceID = ODKFileUtils.getXMLText(e, false);
                } else {
                    String value = ODKFileUtils.getXMLText(child, false);
                    fv.formValues.put(key, value);

     * This is holds the most basic information needed to define a form to be
     * opened by Collect. Essentially it wraps the formVersion, formId, and
     * formXMLRootElement.
     * <p>
     * Its accessor methods return the default values or the set values as
     * appropriate, so that calling the getters will be safe and there will be no
     * need for checking returned values for null or whatever else.
     * <p>
     * At least at the moment, this is conceptualized to exist alongside the
     * current interaction with Collect, which writes out a complete form that
     * includes every column in the database on a single swipe through screen.
     * This instead is supposed to fill a pre-defined form that has been set by
     * the user.
     * @author
    public static class CollectFormParameters {

        private String mFormId;
        private String mFormVersion;
        private String mFormXMLRootElement;
        private String mRowDisplayName;
        private boolean mIsCustom;

        private CollectFormParameters() {
            // Just putting this here in case it needs to be serialized at some point
            // and someone forgets about this requirement.

         * Create an object housing parameters for a Collect form. Very important is
         * the isCustom parameter, which should be true is a custom form has been
         * defined, and false otherwise. This will have implications for which forms
         * are used and deleted and created, and is very important to get right.
         * @param isCustom
         * @param formId
         * @param formVersion
         * @param formXMLRootElement
        public CollectFormParameters(boolean isCustom, String formId, String formVersion, String formXMLRootElement,
                String rowDisplayName) {
            this.mIsCustom = isCustom;
            this.mFormId = formId;
            this.mFormVersion = formVersion;
            this.mFormXMLRootElement = formXMLRootElement;
            this.mRowDisplayName = rowDisplayName;

        public static CollectFormParameters constructDefaultCollectFormParameters(Context context, String appName,
                String tableId) {
            String localizedDisplayName;
            SQLiteDatabase db = null;
            try {
                db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
                localizedDisplayName = TableUtil.get().getLocalizedDisplayName(db, tableId);
            } finally {
                if (db != null) {

            return new CollectFormParameters(false, getDefaultAddRowFormId(tableId), null, DEFAULT_ROOT_ELEMENT,

         * Construct a CollectFormProperties object from the given tableId. The
         * object is determined to have custom parameters if a formId can be
         * retrieved for this tableId. Otherwise the default addrow parameters are
         * set. If no formVersion is defined, it is left as null, as later on a
         * check is used that if none is defined (ie is null), do not insert it to a
         * map. If no root element is defined, the default root element is added.
         * <p>
         * The display name of the row will be the display name of the table.
         * @param context
         * @param appName
         * @param tableId
         * @return
        public static CollectFormParameters constructCollectFormParameters(Context context, String appName,
                String tableId) {
            String formId;
            String formVersion = null;
            String rootElement = null;
            String localizedDisplayName;
            SQLiteDatabase db = null;
            try {
                db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
                localizedDisplayName = TableUtil.get().getLocalizedDisplayName(db, tableId);
                KeyValueStoreHelper kvsh = new KeyValueStoreHelper(db, tableId, CollectUtil.KVS_PARTITION);
                KeyValueHelper aspectHelper = kvsh.getAspectHelper(CollectUtil.KVS_ASPECT);
                formId = aspectHelper.getString(CollectUtil.KEY_FORM_ID);
                if (formId != null) {
                    formVersion = aspectHelper.getString(CollectUtil.KEY_FORM_VERSION);
                    rootElement = aspectHelper.getString(CollectUtil.KEY_FORM_ROOT_ELEMENT);
            } finally {
                if (db != null) {

            if (formId == null) {
                return new CollectFormParameters(false, getDefaultAddRowFormId(tableId), null, DEFAULT_ROOT_ELEMENT,
            // Else we know it is custom.
            if (rootElement == null) {
                rootElement = DEFAULT_ROOT_ELEMENT;
            return new CollectFormParameters(true, formId, formVersion, rootElement, localizedDisplayName);

        public void persist(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId) {
            KeyValueStoreHelper kvsh = new KeyValueStoreHelper(db, tableId, CollectUtil.KVS_PARTITION);
            KeyValueHelper aspectHelper = kvsh.getAspectHelper(CollectUtil.KVS_ASPECT);
            if (this.isCustom()) {
                aspectHelper.setString(CollectUtil.KEY_FORM_ID, this.mFormId);
                aspectHelper.setString(CollectUtil.KEY_FORM_VERSION, this.mFormVersion);
                aspectHelper.setString(CollectUtil.KEY_FORM_ROOT_ELEMENT, this.mFormXMLRootElement);
            } else {

         * Sets the form id and marks the form as custom.
         * @param formId
        public void setFormId(String formId) {
            this.mFormId = formId;
            this.mIsCustom = true;

         * Sets the form version and marks the form as custom.
         * @param formVersion
        public void setFormVersion(String formVersion) {
            this.mFormVersion = formVersion;
            this.mIsCustom = true;

         * Sets the root element and marks the form as custom.
         * @param rootElement
        public void setRootElement(String rootElement) {
            this.mFormXMLRootElement = rootElement;
            this.mIsCustom = true;

         * Sets the row display name and marks the form as custom.
         * @param name
        public void setRowDisplayName(String name) {
            this.mRowDisplayName = name;
            this.mIsCustom = true;

        public void setIsCustom(boolean isCustom) {
            this.mIsCustom = isCustom;

        public boolean isCustom() {
            return this.mIsCustom;

         * Return the root element of the form to be used for writing. If none has
         * been set, returns the {@link DEFAULT_ROOT_ELEMENT}.
         * @return
        public String getRootElement() {
            if (this.mFormXMLRootElement == null) {
                return DEFAULT_ROOT_ELEMENT;
            } else {
                return this.mFormXMLRootElement;

         * Return the form version. This does not do any null checking. A null value
         * means that no form version has been specified and it should just be
         * omitted.
         * @return
        public String getFormVersion() {
            return this.mFormVersion;

         * Return the ID of the form.
         * @return
        public String getFormId() {
            return this.mFormId;

        public String getRowDisplayName() {
            return this.mRowDisplayName;