List of usage examples for android.content ContentResolver delete
public final int delete(@RequiresPermission.Write @NonNull Uri url, @Nullable String where, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs)
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public static final int deleteImagesInFolderFromMediaProvider(File folder) { ContentResolver cr = Collect.getInstance().getContentResolver(); // images/*from www . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ int count = 0; Cursor imageCursor = null; try { String select = Images.Media.DATA + " like ? escape '!'"; String[] selectArgs = { escapePath(folder.getAbsolutePath()) }; String[] projection = { Images.ImageColumns._ID }; imageCursor = cr.query(android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, projection, select, selectArgs, null); if (imageCursor.getCount() > 0) { imageCursor.moveToFirst(); List<Uri> imagesToDelete = new ArrayList<Uri>(); do { String id = imageCursor.getString(imageCursor.getColumnIndex(Images.ImageColumns._ID)); imagesToDelete.add(Uri .withAppendedPath(android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, id)); } while (imageCursor.moveToNext()); for (Uri uri : imagesToDelete) { Log.i(t, "attempting to delete: " + uri); count += cr.delete(uri, null, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(t, e.toString()); } finally { if (imageCursor != null) { imageCursor.close(); } } return count; }
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private void delete(View view, int position) { ContentResolver cr = this.getContentResolver(); //Get the ID of the note that is to be deleted String _ID = ((TextView) view.findViewById(; Uri uri = NotesContract.Notes.buildNoteUri(_ID); cr.delete(uri, null, null); mNotesAdapter.delete(position);/*from ww w .j a v a 2 s. c om*/ changeNoItemTag(); }
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/** Delete a file */ public void delete(Context context) throws IOException { switch (itsType) { case FILE: {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . com if (!itsFile.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete file: " + toString()); } break; } case SYNC_PROVIDER: { ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); int rc = cr.delete(itsUri, null, null); if (rc != 1) { throw new IOException("Could not delete file: " + toString()); } break; } case GENERIC_PROVIDER: { ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); if (!ApiCompat.documentsContractDeleteDocument(cr, itsUri)) { throw new IOException("Could not delete file: " + toString()); } break; } case EMAIL: { throw new IOException("Delete not supported for " + toString()); } } }
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@Override public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case Integer position = (Integer) v.getTag(; if (null != position) { ListView lv = getListView(); int pos = position; boolean isChecked = !lv.isItemChecked(pos); lv.setItemChecked(pos, isChecked); if (!mIsV11) { showMultiPanel();/*from w w w .j ava 2s . co m*/ } } break; case { Activity a = getActivity(); ContentResolver cr = a.getContentResolver(); ListView lv = mLV; int deletedCount = 0; /** Badness. Don't loop a delete operation on the UI thread **/ /** We also assume that the ID's and positions are constant **/ for (long id : lv.getCheckItemIds()) { deletedCount += cr.delete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(NotesProvider.CONTENT_URI, id), null, null); } // clear any selections lv.clearChoices(); // update container mContainerCallback.onNoteDeleted(); // show a toast to confirm delete Toast.makeText(a, String.format(getString(R.string.num_deleted), deletedCount, (deletedCount == 1 ? "" : "s")), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); showMultiPanel(); break; } } }
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public void doSave() { boolean finishable = true; for (String code : getDeleteList()) { Uri uri = VisitDiag.getContentUriId(Long.parseLong(getVisitNo()), code); ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); int count = cr.delete(uri, null, null); Log.d(TAG, "deleted diag count=" + count + " uri=" + uri.toString()); }// w ww.ja v a2 s. c o m ArrayList<String> codeList = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean check = mCheck.isChecked(); for (String tag : getEditList()) { Log.d(TAG, "tag=" + tag); DiagFragment f = (DiagFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(tag); if (f != null) { EditTransaction et = beginTransaction(); f.onSave(et); if (!et.canCommit()) { finishable = false; break; } System.out.println("do add code"); String code = et.getContentValues().getAsString(VisitDiag.CODE); if (isAddedCode(codeList, code)) { finishable = false; Toast.makeText(this, R.string.duplicate_drug, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); break; } else codeList.add(code); ContentValues cv = et.getContentValues(); cv.put(VisitDiag.NO, getVisitNo()); cv.put(VisitDiag.CLINIC, mClinic.getSelectId()); cv.put(VisitDiag.PCUCODE, getPcuCode()); cv.put(VisitDiag.DATEUPDATE, DateTime.getCurrentDateTime()); cv.put(VisitDiag.DOCTOR, getUser()); if (check) { cv.put(VisitDiag.APPOINT_DATE, mAppoint.getDate().toString()); cv.put(VisitDiag.APPOINT_TYPE, mAppointType.getSelectedItemPosition()); check = false; } String action = f.action; if (action.equals(Action.INSERT)) { Uri insert = et.commit(VisitDiag.CONTENT_URI); f.action = Action.EDIT; f.key = code; Log.d(TAG, "insert diag=" + insert.toString()); Answers.getInstance() .logCustom(new CustomEvent("Diagnosis").putCustomAttribute("code", code) .putCustomAttribute("type", cv.getAsString(VisitDiag.TYPE)) .putCustomAttribute("continue", f.conti ? "yes" : "no") .putCustomAttribute("pcu", getPcuCode()).putCustomAttribute("user", getUser())); } else if (action.equals(Action.EDIT)) { Uri updateUri = VisitDiag.getContentUriId(Long.parseLong(getVisitNo()), f.key); int update = et.commit(updateUri, null, null); Log.d(TAG, "update drug=" + update + " uri=" + updateUri.toString()); } } } if (finishable) { checkVisit506(); } }
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/** * Perform a webservice query to retrieve and store the forecast for the * given widget. This call blocks until request is finished and * {@link Forecasts#CONTENT_URI} has been updated. *//* w ww .j av a 2 s. co m*/ public static void updateForecasts(Context context, Uri appWidgetUri, int days) throws ParseException { if (sUserAgent == null) { prepareUserAgent(context); } Uri appWidgetForecasts = Uri.withAppendedPath(appWidgetUri, AppWidgets.TWIG_FORECASTS); ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = null; double lat = Double.NaN; double lon = Double.NaN; String countryCode = null; // Pull exact forecast location from database try { cursor = resolver.query(appWidgetUri, PROJECTION_APPWIDGET, null, null, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { lat = cursor.getDouble(COL_LAT); lon = cursor.getDouble(COL_LON); countryCode = cursor.getString(COL_COUNTRY_CODE); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } Log.d(TAG, "using country code=" + countryCode); // Query webservice for this location List<Forecast> forecasts = null; if (COUNTRY_US.equals(countryCode)) { forecasts = new NoaaSource().getForecasts(lat, lon, days); } else { forecasts = new MetarSource().getForecasts(lat, lon, days); } if (forecasts == null || forecasts.size() == 0) { throw new ParseException("No forecasts found from webservice query"); } // Purge existing forecasts covered by incoming data, and anything // before today long lastMidnight = ForecastUtils.getLastMidnight(); long earliest = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (Forecast forecast : forecasts) { earliest = Math.min(earliest, forecast.validStart); } resolver.delete(appWidgetForecasts, ForecastsColumns.VALID_START + " >= " + earliest + " OR " + ForecastsColumns.VALID_START + " <= " + lastMidnight, null); // Insert any new forecasts found ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); for (Forecast forecast : forecasts) { Log.d(TAG, "inserting forecast with validStart=" + forecast.validStart); values.clear(); values.put(ForecastsColumns.VALID_START, forecast.validStart); values.put(ForecastsColumns.TEMP_HIGH, forecast.tempHigh); values.put(ForecastsColumns.TEMP_LOW, forecast.tempLow); values.put(ForecastsColumns.CONDITIONS, forecast.conditions); values.put(ForecastsColumns.URL, forecast.url); if (forecast.alert) { values.put(ForecastsColumns.ALERT, ForecastsColumns.ALERT_TRUE); } resolver.insert(appWidgetForecasts, values); } // Mark widget cache as being updated values.clear(); values.put(AppWidgetsColumns.LAST_UPDATED, System.currentTimeMillis()); resolver.update(appWidgetUri, values, null, null); }
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/** * Take the String representing the complete forecast in JSON Format and * pull out the data we need to construct the Strings needed for the wireframes. * <p>// w w w.j a v a 2s.c o m * Fortunately parsing is easy: constructor takes the JSON string and converts it * into an Object hierarchy for us. */ private void getWeatherDataFromJson(String forecastJsonStr, String locationSetting) throws JSONException { // Now we have a String representing the complete forecast in JSON Format. // Fortunately parsing is easy: constructor takes the JSON string and converts it // into an Object hierarchy for us. // These are the names of the JSON objects that need to be extracted. // Location information final String OWM_CITY = "city"; final String OWM_CITY_NAME = "name"; final String OWM_COORD = "coord"; // Location coordinate final String OWM_LATITUDE = "lat"; final String OWM_LONGITUDE = "lon"; // Weather information. Each day's forecast info is an element of the "list" array. final String OWM_LIST = "list"; final String OWM_PRESSURE = "pressure"; final String OWM_HUMIDITY = "humidity"; final String OWM_WINDSPEED = "speed"; final String OWM_WIND_DIRECTION = "deg"; // All temperatures are children of the "temp" object. final String OWM_TEMPERATURE = "temp"; final String OWM_MAX = "max"; final String OWM_MIN = "min"; final String OWM_WEATHER = "weather"; final String OWM_DESCRIPTION = "main"; final String OWM_WEATHER_ID = "id"; try { JSONObject forecastJson = new JSONObject(forecastJsonStr); JSONArray weatherArray = forecastJson.getJSONArray(OWM_LIST); JSONObject cityJson = forecastJson.getJSONObject(OWM_CITY); String cityName = cityJson.getString(OWM_CITY_NAME); JSONObject cityCoord = cityJson.getJSONObject(OWM_COORD); double cityLatitude = cityCoord.getDouble(OWM_LATITUDE); double cityLongitude = cityCoord.getDouble(OWM_LONGITUDE); long locationId = addLocation(locationSetting, cityName, cityLatitude, cityLongitude); // Insert the new weather information into the database Vector<ContentValues> cVVector = new Vector<>(weatherArray.length()); // OWM returns daily forecasts based upon the local time of the city that is being // asked for, which means that we need to know the GMT offset to translate this data // properly. // Since this data is also sent in-order and the first day is always the // current day, we're going to take advantage of that to get a nice // normalized UTC date for all of our weather. GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Time dayTime = new Time(); dayTime.setToNow(); // we start at the day returned by local time. Otherwise this is a mess. int julianStartDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), dayTime.gmtoff); // now we work exclusively in UTC dayTime = new Time(); for (int i = 0; i < weatherArray.length(); i++) { // These are the values that will be collected. long dateTime; double pressure; int humidity; double windSpeed; double windDirection; double high; double low; String description; int weatherId; // Get the JSON object representing the day JSONObject dayForecast = weatherArray.getJSONObject(i); // Cheating to convert this to UTC time, which is what we want anyhow dateTime = dayTime.setJulianDay(julianStartDay + i); pressure = dayForecast.getDouble(OWM_PRESSURE); humidity = dayForecast.getInt(OWM_HUMIDITY); windSpeed = dayForecast.getDouble(OWM_WINDSPEED); windDirection = dayForecast.getDouble(OWM_WIND_DIRECTION); // Description is in a child array called "weather", which is 1 element long. // That element also contains a weather code. JSONObject weatherObject = dayForecast.getJSONArray(OWM_WEATHER).getJSONObject(0); description = weatherObject.getString(OWM_DESCRIPTION); weatherId = weatherObject.getInt(OWM_WEATHER_ID); // Temperatures are in a child object called "temp". Try not to name variables // "temp" when working with temperature. It confuses everybody. JSONObject temperatureObject = dayForecast.getJSONObject(OWM_TEMPERATURE); high = temperatureObject.getDouble(OWM_MAX); low = temperatureObject.getDouble(OWM_MIN); ContentValues weatherValues = new ContentValues(); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_LOC_KEY, locationId); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_DATE, dateTime); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_HUMIDITY, humidity); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_PRESSURE, pressure); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_WIND_SPEED, windSpeed); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_DEGREES, windDirection); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_MAX_TEMP, high); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_MIN_TEMP, low); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_SHORT_DESC, description); weatherValues.put(WeatherEntry.COLUMN_WEATHER_ID, weatherId); cVVector.add(weatherValues); } int inserted = 0; // add to database if (cVVector.size() > 0) { // Student: call bulkInsert to add the weatherEntries to the database here ContentValues[] cvArray = new ContentValues[cVVector.size()]; cVVector.toArray(cvArray); ContentResolver contentResolver = getContext().getContentResolver(); inserted = contentResolver.bulkInsert(WeatherEntry.CONTENT_URI, cvArray); contentResolver.delete(WeatherEntry.CONTENT_URI, WeatherEntry.COLUMN_DATE + "<= " + "?", new String[] { Long.toString(dayTime.setJulianDay(julianStartDay - 1)) }); notifyWeather(); } Log.d(TAG, "getWeatherDataFromJson: " + inserted + " inserted"); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
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public void doDiscardVisit() { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mVisitNo)) { String where = "visitno=? and pcucode=?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { mVisitNo, getPcuCode() }; ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); String wheres = "visitno=?"; String[] selectionArgss = new String[] { mVisitNo }; // remove ffcmap506radius cr.delete(FFC506RADIUS.CONTENT_URI, wheres, selectionArgss); // remove default visit cr.delete(Visit.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove visit Diagnosis cr.delete(VisitDiag.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove visit Drug cr.delete(VisitDrug.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Anc cr.delete(VisitAnc.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Epi cr.delete(VisitEpi.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Individual cr.delete(VisitIndividual.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit FP cr.delete(VisitFamilyplan.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Labcancer cr.delete(VisitLabcancer.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Babycare cr.delete(VisitBabycare.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Diag506 cr.delete(VisitDiag506address.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // //remove Visit Specialpeson // cr.delete(VisitSpecialperson.CONTENT_URI, // "pid = ? AND pcucode =?", new String[]{mPid,mPcuCodePerson}); // //remove Visit Persongrow // cr.delete(VisitPersongrow.CONTENT_URI, // "pid =? AND pcucodeperson=?", new String[]{mPid,mPcuCodePerson}); // remove Visit Screenspecialdisease cr.delete(VisitScreenspecialdisease.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit AncDeliver cr.delete(VisitAncDeliver.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit AncMothercare cr.delete(VisitAncMotherCare.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Oldter cr.delete(VisitOldter.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Nutrition cr.delete(VisitNutrition.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit DiagAppoint cr.delete(VisitDiagAppoint.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit DentalCheck cr.delete(VisitDentalCheck.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); // remove Visit Drugdental cr.delete(VisitDrugDental.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); cr.delete(VisitDrugDentalDiag.CONTENT_URI, where, selectionArgs); }// www. j a v a2 s .c o m }
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public boolean removeCampaign(String urn) { ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); return cr.delete(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN + "='" + urn + "'", null) > 0; }
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/** * Removes survey responses (and their associated prompts) for the given * campaign.//from ww w.jav a2s .c o m * * @param campaignUrn * the campaign URN for which to remove the survey responses * @return */ public boolean removeResponseRows(String campaignUrn) { ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); return cr.delete(Responses.CONTENT_URI, Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN + "='" + campaignUrn + "'", null) > 0; }