Photoshop Light manipulate Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Light manipulate
Create A Light Effect Photomanipulation Using Photoshop Photoshop,53 Images, 928 words
In this tutorial I will teach you how to create a Lighting Photomainpulation using Photoshop. You will learn how to use different settings to fill out your canvas with nice lightnings and blending modes using different stock images to create good lig..
How to Create a Speed Lighting Photo Manipulation Photoshop,37 Images, 684 words
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a speed lighting photo manipulation using different Photoshop techniques, brushes, blending modes and adjustments layers to get realistic motion effect in your photo manipulation. So let's start! Create a..
Lighting in Photomanipulation Part 2 Photoshop,13 Images, 1136 words
Equipped with a basic understanding of the physics of light, it's time to go ahead and apply these principles in Photoshop. Shared in this article are a few techniques that I use in my work, however feel free to develop your own methods for achieving..
Lighting in Photomanipulation Part 3 Photoshop,6 Images, 870 words
Fill lights, reflected light (speculars) and radiosity are all aspects of the lighting game that took me a little longer to get my head around. My understanding is still a work in progress, but Im picking up bits here and there by asking questions, r..
Lighting in Photomanipulation Part 1 Photoshop,3 Images, 459 words
To achieve a sense of realism in your photo manipulation work, understanding light and manipulating it to your needs is a fundamental skill. Much like the other visual mediums, a mastery of lighting will elevate your Photoshop work and make your illu..