Photoshop Light Bulb Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Light Bulb
Create an Aquarium Inside a Light Bulb with Photoshop Photoshop,13 Images, 412 words
Learn how to combine stock photos to create a saltwater aquarium inside a light bulb. This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to combine and warp images and apply easy color correction. Open the photo with lightbulb.Make a copy of the Background la..

How to Create an Inspiring Light Bulb Photo Manipulation in Photoshop Photoshop,20 Images, 1086 words
In this tutorial I'd like to show you an easy and quick way on how to blend glass and apply lighting effects and color adjustments to get the exact picture you want. Create a new document in Photoshop. To do that go to File > New or press Ctrl + N. ..