Photoshop Light Ray Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Light Ray
Creating Light Rays Photoshop,6 Images, 258 words
This photoshop tutorial is to help you learn how to create a shining effect either from the sun or any other light source in a picture. Ok, once you have the picture your going to work on open: 3. Then by using the filters menu render some difference..

Ray of Light Photoshop,11 Images, 241 words
This tutorial will guide you to create rays of light that passes through objects, such as light ray passing through clouds or an open door. Very easy to master yet very effective.. To start off, we need an image that has some gap or spaces where ligh..

Better Light Rays Photoshop,9 Images, 196 words
Better Light Rays Make better looking light rays on your text using a unique combination of Photoshop Filters. Start a new image and add your text, assuming white text on black background. In this case, we want a square image so the filters work bett..

Creating Ray of Lights Photoshop,4 Images, 255 words
1. Create a new layer (shift+ctr+N) and give it a proper name 4. While you still have the selection, we're going to use feather (select>feather) or (Alt+ctr+D) to softened the edge. Enter your feather radius, in this case I'll be using 8 pixels. 7. F..

Ray of Light Photoshop,4 Images, 150 words
Use Photoshop to create and add a dramatic ray of light to your photos. It's easy, accurate, and fun! Great tutorial, many thanks. Been trying to figure out an effective way to do this for ages. Thanks. James. Sorry to say, this did nothing for me :/..