Photoshop Effect Black White Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Effect Black White
Black to White Photoshop,33 Images, 607 words
Changing an object from one colour to another is simple in Photoshop - but changing something from black to white is a little more complicated. In this in-depth tutorial I'll show you how to take something completely black and turn it white, whilst k..

Black and White Faded Restoration Photoshop,22 Images, 564 words
Since you made a selection, the rest of the adjustment layer is masked so therefore, not visible. You will notice automatically an increase in the contrast. When working on images that are black and white but scanned in RGB mode, then you can use Enh..

Recolor Black & White Photographs : 123RF Tutorial Photoshop,19 Images, 835 words
In this tutorial... we are going to apply the Brush Tool, make selections and create multiple Adjustment Layers to add color onto a black & white image. By using Adjustment Layers, we can make modifications anyhow, anytime throughout the process. Not..

How To Get An Awesome Black And White Conversion Photoshop,9 Images, 835 words
Before the digital revolution of photography photos shot with black and white film had a certain richness and artistic feel to them. Now you can get the same results from your color digital images using Photoshop Elements. If you just remove color fr..

More Than Just Black and White Photoshop,11 Images, 171 words
It is more than just black and white. Use this photo retouching technique to fully reveal potential of your images by boosting contrast, fixing skin problems and adding nice glamour look. For our image we will use Lightness channel in LAB mode to con..

Black and White Conversion Photoshop,6 Images, 736 words
There are many sources out there for black and white conversion in Adobe Photoshop CS including one of my favorites which is the channel mixer method. This tutorial however will take a different approach. Each image has its own best method for black ..

Professional Black and White Retouching Photoshop,7 Images, 190 words
This tutorial is to help you learn how to retouch black and white photos like the pros.? More specifically, how to create harsher darks and lights.? The two tools we will be using to create these effects are the Dodge Tool and the Burn Tool.? Ok, onc..

Soft Black and White Effect Photoshop,4 Images, 192 words
This tutorial is to help you learn how to make a diffused black and white photo effect.? Ok, once you have your photo open in photoshop: 2. Then (with the background layer selected) select Diffuse Glow from the Filters menu under the Distort submenu...

black & White Conversion in Photoshop CS5 Photoshop,12 Images, 718 words
Click on the tools in this fun and interactive tools panel to learn how they work and what they are used for. The marquee tools are used to make rectangular, elliptical, single-row, and single-column selections. The lasso tools are used for making fr..