Photoshop Effect Transparent Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Effect Transparent
A Quick and Simple Way to Make Any Object Transparent Photoshop,15 Images, 130 words
To create the behind the subject layer I copied a portion of the background, then hit Ctrl + T and then dragged the layer over to fit. layer is behind subject layer. After you have parts of the background extracted, fill the area you want to clip. Se..
Semi-Transparent Keypads Photoshop,10 Images, 942 words
Lets face it - big chunky metallic keypads are in the past! If sci-fi movies are to be believed, the future lies with semi-transparent keypads, possibly with the added luxury of funky backlighting, so you can use them in the dark just as well as a ..
Transparent Capsule Photoshop,13 Images, 542 words
I would not classify this tutorial as a "beginner's tutorial," but if you are a beginner and think the project looks cool, I encourage you to go on and do it! Just take your time and read each instruction through a couple of times. The capsule has re..