Photoshop Effect Look Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Effect Look
B&W Conversion with the Old Fashioned Look of Film Photoshop,10 Images, 769 words
There are many B&W conversion tutorial out there, but this one takes some less traveled paths and the results are worth it. We will create a black and white portrait that has the old-fashioned look of film photography. We're using this photograph of ..

How to make someone look thin Photoshop,8 Images, 634 words
How come celebrity models do not look exactly the same in the magazines as in the real life? Of course there is something going on behind the curtains, but what is happening? By now, we know that photo editing tools such as Adobe Photoshop can be use..

Make yourself look 10 years younger - Part 1 Photoshop,16 Images, 200 words
A good effort, but you overdid it. Even babies have a wrinkle under their eye. You took it out completely. nah, overdone. after patching, you could have used the history to go back a little bit. you could also have done your edit on a new layer and p..

Look More Muscular Photoshop,10 Images, 483 words
Ok, So You Wanna Look Muscular? But don't afford the money nor the time to train in a gym? Who cares, it's only a quick impression picture that matters, right? Well, You can be right! Note: To increase your chances of having excellent results with th..

That Soft Look Photoshop,10 Images, 508 words
Another question popped up. This time it was about the soft look you sometimes can see on my photographs. And, of course, it's one of many manipulations in Photoshop, which I am going to talk about in this article. First let's create this soft look t..

How to put realistic looking ?prints? onto T?s in Photoshop Photoshop,2 Images, 333 words
Please excuse the long title - I couldn't think of a shorter one. In this (my first ever) tutorial I go through how to put graphics onto a t-shirt using Photoshop. I used to own and run a clothing brand that I started in South Africa. I did it for ar..

Get the Lensbaby Look in Photoshop Photoshop,3 Images, 1254 words
I enjoy camera gadgets as much as anyone. One of those gadgets, the Lensbaby, is a selective-focus SLR camera lens born of a commercial advertising style that used extreme swing and tilt-view camera functions to radically distort subjects with unexpe..

Make Low Res Look High Photoshop,1 Images, 423 words
Many times, I have worked on an image only to find out later, once my work was completed, that the image ended up being used at a much larger size say, a 200% enlargement. Perhaps the image ends up being used for a billboard or a poster. The client d..