List of Free code Python
960 layout system
960ls code repository. The 960 Layout System was created to help streamline web designers' workflow by giving them all the power of in a nice, easy to use interface that is useful for noob and guru alike. Powered by Flask python framework and jQuery.
Web version of procedural keyframe data using Processing.js. Current examples include flocking and motion sketch; outputs JavaScript for After Effects or Python for Maya. * Demo by Victoria Nece: http://fox * Try it now!.
1 password 's agilekeychain format python library.
appengine endpoints tictactoe python
A simple backend for a Tic Tac Toe game using Google Cloud Endpoints, App Engine, and Python.
CLI arguments parser for node.js. JS port of python's argparse module.
A simple Python script to allow easy sharing of photos for sysadmins or other people with shell access to something web accessible.
blogger tag visualizer
An app which uses GData Python API for Blogger to get the post tags and their frequency of appereance and generates graphics on the web using the D3 JavaScript library.
Git GUI made with Python + JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS 3.
cn flask sample
How to use the Consumer Notebook API with Python's Flask microframework and Heroku.
Consuming Web APIs with Python Talk
Corresponding Code for my Talk on 7/30 @ PyOhio.
couchdb pythonviews
Python view server for CouchDB.
A CSS utility library for Python and JavaScript.
Data News
Data News is a place to post and discuss data related news. Built with Flask/Python.
A Python HTML form library.
Firebug logging support for server side languages/ frameworks (Python, PHP).
flask tablesetter
A Python version of ProPublica's Table Setter, using Flask.
Create a web interface for command line programs or python functions.
A placeholder image generation service built with Python, Flask, and PIL. FPO = For Placement Only.
Gramophone is a simple music server built with Python, Flask, Backbonejs and jPlayer.
Python script to render Bibtex in HTML (avoiding tables ) and jQuery script which allows to show those citations. Inline references open dialogs to provide more detailed information about the citations.
Instagram Color Search Python
A color based search for Instagram using Imagga's API. Python version.
Server and client to play many different chess variants right in your browser. Based on Python, Tornado (server side) and bleeding edge HTML5 web technology like Canvas and SocketIO.
jQuery File Upload
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
jquery upload file
jQuery Upload File plugin provides Multiple file Uploads with progress bar.Works with any server side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
MidgardPy MVC
Midgard MVC built with Python on top of Pylons.
Learn Python by executing code online and visualizing data structures.
A python list serv parser to help gain an understanding of participation, diversity, and communication style.
port of the paramiko library from python >javascript.
periodic is a python API for the periodic table.
A password less login service. Written in Python using Google App Engine.
py MVC
A Python Flask MVC web application framework.
pyCryptoCat A CryptoCat standalone python client.
Google Drive API Python wrapper library.
PyGall is a photo web gallery based on the Pyramid Python web framework and the Galleria Javascript photo gallery.
pygowave legacy
The Open Source Python Wave Client/ Server solution (legacy version).
Small library to parse GraphML file in Python.
Python CSS to inline styles conversion tool for HTML using BeautifulSoup and cssutils.
Open Source Wave server and web client in Python (Used to be PyGoWave).
A component based data flow framework with a drag n drop Web 2.0 interface. Based on Stackless Python and inspired by Yahoo! Pipes.
Python web based basic photo editor.
Loading and plotting MLB PITCHf/x data using Python.
python blog engine
A blog engine that can serve multiple blogs, database backed static pages and more.
python for ios
Script for building Python 2.6 and above with iOS SDK.
python livereload
livereload server in python.
python nport
Python package for handling n port data (Touchstone, CITI).
python xmpp server
An XMPP Server implemented in Python.
sample url shortner
Python URL Shortner (3 Hour Challenge).
A 'slopegraph' ('table chart') generator in Python using Cairo/Rapha?l. Currently handles a two column chart with _many_ output options. Look at the '/examples' directory for sample configurations, data files and output formats.
sockjs twisted
SockJS server for Twisted Python.
Extensible Python IRC bot with plugins, extensible qml dashboard with widgets.
splunk sdk python
Splunk Software Development Kit for Python.
String Decimal
Decimal arithmetic in Javascript, PHP (with tests against Python's Decimal) using strings for input/output.
tw2. forms
The basic form widgets for ToscaWidgets2, a web widget toolkit for Python to aid in the creation, packaging and distribution of common view elements normally used in the web.
Help in opening URLs (mostly HTTP) in a complex world ? basic and digest authentication, redirections, cookies and more. Like python's _urllib_ module.
usb mesh
Python tool to configure mesh networking on a bootable USB stick.
vatic is an online, interactive video annotation tool for computer vision research that crowdsources work to Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Our tool makes it easy to build massive, affordable video data sets. Written in Python + C + Javascript, vatic is free and open source software.
vgl lib strings
Pure VGL library for string manipulation based on the Python string methods.
The best Python web framework ever.
A Linux Python application to create maps of 802.11 networks.
Full stack web framework in python & js. Used to build erpnext.
yafowil. widget .dynatree
jquery.dynatree.js Widget for YAFOWIL Yet Another Form Widget Library (Python, Web).
yafowil.widget. datetime
Datetime Widget for YAFOWIL Yet Another Form Widget Library (Python, Web).