List of Free code Php
Abundant is a PHP based tool that creates an admin interface for virtually any database driven application.
adstocause zend
PHP Zend Framework web app for database class.
Agavi FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions and Snippets for Agavi PHP Framework.
ajax chat
Yet another Ajax chat web app written in old school PHP.
ajax messages
Demo of Ajax using PHP and JavaScript.
AJAX PHP Content
Load External Content Using Javascript and PHP.
Alb simple photo gallery, written in PHP, no DB, uses AJAX, slimbox, upload only via FTP, albums as folders.
ALive Fields
PHP/JS Live ajax field bindings.
android acra server
An PHP Server for ACRA Application Crash Report for Android.
angularjs php
Sample blog application using angularjs with PHP.
[PHP] a simple animated gif gallery.
ApacheLog Parser
A robust apache access log parser built in PHP.
Flow, Compositing, Components , Services, Live CMS, XML, Datasources, Templating and more for PHP.
The modern, simple and intuitive PHP 5.3+ unit testing framework , now for JS.
PHP & ajax based Graphical Web Interface for BitTorrent Protocol Daemon.
Canvas PHP
An example of using PHP with Canvas.
Open Source host proof password storage based on PHP and Gibberish AES.
ColorJizz PHP
ColorJizz is a PHP library for manipulating and converting colors.
a jquery and PHP slide out contact form.
Cowl is my MVC PHP5 framework designed to make writing boring, generic websites less boring and generic.
A Processing API, parser , and interpreter with implementations available for Flash, JavaScript, and PHP, built using the haXe programming language.
Pretty efficient URL Router in PHP.
This class primarily works with query ui css. but other Javascriptframework CSS files should work too if the images are in the samedirectory as the style. Look at the index.php to get an idea of how to use this code for your widget or web app.
d3 simpleCharts
Brings D3 vector graphics to the WordPress society by a simple plugin of charting examples (eq PHP + JS).
Data String
Classes for handling data such as credit cards, phone numbers and dollar amounts the same way in JavaScript and PHP.
db installer
Website Database Installer Wizard Written In PHP.
A simple and fast database connection manager, written in PHP and using MySQLi.
A package dependency visualization using d3.js. Currently supports Composer for PHP.
A lightweight PHP+Javascript photo gallery, easy as pie to install and use, with a classy design.
Android phone and PHP server side software to assist health workers in developing countries.
Functions to convert UTF8 in Javascript, jQuery, PHP, and smarty_plugin into emoji image replacements.
employee database
A sample project showcasing a unique PHP MVC pattern that I developed for small web applications.
ES6String Format
An implementation of the current ECMAScript 6 String.format() proposal (
facebook php sdk api
Unofficial documentation for Facebook PHP SDK generated by ApiGen.
FatFree Boilerplate
Fat Free (lightweight php framework ) project boilerplate. Just a quick way to get a project operational!.
an unofficial userguide for the PHP Fat Free Framework.
forp ui
GUI utility that allows you to view and explore profiles dump. Perfect client for forp PHP profiler.
FreeCycling Android
FreeCycling on Android using Cordova <a href=""><img src="" alt="I'm a Haskeller"></a> php guru html5 fanatic [](
fw php
A collection of PHP utilities.
G 5 Framework
Web boilerplate stack ( HTML5 , CSS3, jQuery, and PHP). G 5 Framework provides some rock solid code and functionality for you to start with, however it leaves all the remaining development and styling up to the developer.
Lightweight photo gallery using jQuery, Isotope & a sprinkle of PHP.
Game Stalker
the php and js base of the project (CSCE 4420).
grunt hashres
Hashes your js and css files and rename the <script> and <link> declarations that refer to them in your html /php/etc files.
grunt php
Start a PHP server.
Home Media Cloud
A PHP based System, to manage and share your music in your network.
icFb Photo Tag
Inspired by the famous Facebook photo tagging feature, the plugin does this using a simple, configurable jQuery plugin and a bit of PHP. icfb Photo Tagging allows for creating, saving and retrieving photo tags, superimposed over an image.
ieee sight
A website for sharing, discussing and voting on humanitarian concerns. An IEEE SIGHT initiative. A PHP heroku app deployed on cedar stack using Xeround Cloud database and having facebook integration built in.
itunes connect auto ingest
Some PHP scripts to ingest stats from iTunes Connect and spit them back out as JSON.
JavaScript Comments
A comment system based on a JavaScript frontend and a (for the user invisible) php backend with a filebased database.
jq Grid Helper PHP
jq Grid Helper PHP.
jquery image annotate php fork
A fork of jQuery Image Annotation plugin with PHP support.
jQuery Merge for php diff
A client side merge tool for Chris Boultons PHP DIFF.
Genarate Simple java or php Class String from json.
js php unserialize
JavaScript tool to unserialize data taken from PHP. It can parse "serialize()" output, or even serialized sessions data.
kohana wysiwyg
WYSIWYG module for Kohana 3 PHP framework.
kwestion, a php ajax web twitter client.
lib phpdebug
XDebug (PHP Debugger) client written in JavaScript.
The PHP web mapping framework.
A PHP program listing detailed information from your xbmc database.
Micro CMS
Micro CMS is small and friendly, but also modern CMS and MVC framework written in PHP.
mini MVC
A light weight PHP MVC framework.
misc scripts
Collection of random PHP scripts.
nabaztag php
a simple php implementation of a Nabaztag server.
native5 sdk services php
PHP Client Library for calling hosted Native5 services.
A simple, no database PHP image gallery.
nifty Photo ViewerSimple
this is a non php version of niftyphotoviewer.
node facebook sdk
Port of Facebook's php sdk.
noiselabs php toolkit
A collection of PHP5.3 classes to use in your projects.
Power/Water/Gas overview manager written in PHP/ JSON.
oojs demo
Demo code for my OOJS talk at php|TEK 2012.
A cute javascript/ html5 app to safely migrate a database with serialized PHP objects.
PHP microframework written using ZF2 components and phly_mustache.
image manipulation with php and imagemagick.
photo explorer
A simple php website used to explore your photo library on the internet.
Photo Uploader
Upload Photos to PHP Server.
photo vote php
Simple "vote for your favorite photo " site with Twitter OAuth login.
Photoframe project in PHP/Javascript.
php apk parser
Read basic info about an application from.apk file.
php diamond
Rails inspired PHP Framework (work in progress).
php sdk for XING example
example application for using php sdk for XING.
php simple proxy
Simple PHP Proxy: Get external HTML , JSON and more!.
php social network bot
DEFUNCT: AJAX social network bot I cobbled together in 2009.
PHP Socket Demo
An example of using Flex and PHP together with a socket connection.
php stream upload
JQuery component for upload with php server side for stream upload.
php string
An object oriented wrapper for the string type in php.
php tent client
A library for connecting to Tent servers , and a Console app for browsing server content.
PHP to Javascript
A tool for converting simple PHP objects/code to Javascript, so that code for manipulating objects can be used both server side and client side.
Object oriented PHP c URL extension wrapper.
PHP FFmpeg is a php/ ajax /ffmpeg test case, demonstrating how to create a php script that works with FFmpeg and has a status update.
A Master Server for Unity 3d v 3 that runs in PHP.
A framework and GUI for writing unitests for PHP.
PJAX PHP an example of usage.
PHP implementation of the protolus MVC web framework.
Android , iOS, JavaSE, JavaEE, NodeJS, PHP, and Erlang implementations of the QuickConnect framework.
An AGPL licensed PHP quiz library that uses jQuery and AJAX to present an aesthetically pleasing XML file based quiz to a visitor to your site. quizzy 2.0 beta, which supports text input and checkbox questions, is available in the quizzy 2.0b1 branch.
rack php
A php 5.3 framework with built in rack support. You can serve the php site using thin, mongrel, webrick, passenger, mod_php, or mod_fcgid.
CMS developed with Laravel 4 PHP framework and Angularjs.
Ray Mon is a linux server monitoring script written in PHP and Bash, utilizing JSON as data storage. It requires only bash and a webserver on the client side, and only php on the server side.
reCaptcha PHP 5
Proper PHP 5 client for reCaptcha client.
A simple database less PHP photo gallery.
rigas satiksme api
PHP API for R?gas Satiksme Android app.
salesking php sdk
PHP Rock'n Roll with SalesKing API.
sample json rpc php android
Sample code for blog post " Android JSON RPC client and PHP Zend Framework server".
PHP/Javascript based login system that tries to be safe even if either the database or the complete transfer is visible to the attacker (both simultaneously won't work).
SG iCalendar
A PHP5 OOP iCalendar parser.
SGS2 Modem Database
Webbased frontend with PHP and AJAX for modem databases for the Samsung Galaxy S2 Device.
Sigma grid AJAX grid for php java .net
Sigma Grid is an Ajax sortable data grid for displaying and inline editing.
Simple PHP MVC Framework
Lightweight & Simple PHP MVC Boilerplate Framework.
Sipgate SDK for PHP5 & Javascript (in Development).
PHP AJAX File + Image managers.
slc classview php
This is a sample PHP classroom viewer application built upon the Shared Learning Collaborative Sandbox API set.
Smarty MVC Structure
We have created over own MVC pattern using Smarty and PHP.
HTML5 canvas (and PHP GD) 2. 5 D landscape renderer.
Stock Game PHP
Game emulates stock, written in pure PHP using MVC pattern.
Table 2Chart
PHP/JS tool which visualizes tables.
PHP/ JSON Task manager.
Tinly a minimalistic PHP framework (skeleton). Using MVC.
A very simple ajax powered php todo list manager.
uglify php
A PHP wrapper class for Uglify JS and Uglify CSS.
[UNMAINTAINED] Collection of Utility functions in the spirit of Underscore.js.
URL Shortener
Own URL Shortener written in PHP/JS which uses API for statistics.
validatorjs is a data validation library in JavaScript for the browser and for Node.js as an NPM module. The library exposes the Validator constructor function. It was inspired by the Validator class in the Laravel PHP framework. Unit tests are written with the Jasmine framework and can be run in the HTML page test runner or command line via Grunt.
VF Ajax Cart
[Magento Extension] Ajax Cart without any php code based on VF_Easy Ajax module. Demo: ajax cart/.
web startup
a simple php mvc framework for starter.
well audio player
Javascript + Flash + JSON + PHP :: Audio player.
GUI to analyze the profiling data collected using XHProf ? A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP.
yeoman php
A sample workaround to use yeoman with php.
PHP Emacs org mode parser.
ZanPHP is an agile Web application development framework written in PHP5 that uses different design patterns and best practices to create applications more quickly with good quality code.
Rails like MVC framework for PHP5. Currently abandoned and published for educational reasons.