List of Free code Algorithm
A Star Pathfinding
Demonstration of the A* path finding algorithm implemented using JavaScript and HTML canvas.
Action Game
Two player Action Game in c++ openGL using only basic computer graphics algorithms.
algorithm animator
James Brill's Third Year Project goal is to teach algorithms through animation.
algorithms in javascript
Collection of computer science algorithms and data structures written in JavaScript.
Barnes Hut Tree N body Implementation in HTML Js
A 2D N body simulation of gravitational interactions between point particles using the Barnes Hut algorithm.
bigpond wifi
A tool for Android to recover BigPond WPA keys (and other routers configured with the Thomson SpeedTouch algorithm).
bit forests
Collection of data structures and algorithms in an assorted set of languages.
A collection of broad phase collision detection algorithms.
canvas geolib
Computational Geometry Algorithms for HTML5 Canvas.
color diff
Implemets the CIEDE2000 color difference algorithm, conversion between RGB and lab color and mapping all colors in palette X to the closest color in palette Y based on the CIEDE2000 difference.
very basic colorclock in javascript. Algorithm from
computer science
Contains the basic fundamental data structures and algorithms that a front end engineer should know, written all in JavaScript.
computer science in javascript
Collection of classic computer science paradigms, algorithms, and approaches written in JavaScript.
d3 sorting algorithms
Animated visualizations of a few array sorting algorithms built on d3.
Phonetic encoding a string with DoubleMetaphone algorithm (JS browser+node).
A crowdsourced, genetic algorithm based generative graphics application.
Collection of common algorithms implemented in JavaScript.
Image focal point detection algorithm.
Force based graph layout
Implementation of a force based algorithm for calculating graph layout.
geom 2d .js
A 2D geometry library for SVG or canvas, written in JavaScript. The current primary goal is for me to learn the algorithms related to 2D geometry.
habitrpg shared
Shared resources useful for multiple HabitRPG repositories. Assets (sprites, imgs, etc), CSS , algorithms, and more.
HTML5 Genetic Cars
A genetic algorithm car evolver in HTML5 canvas.
javascript book
Sample code repository for ?Programming With Javascript: Algorithms And Applications For Desktop And Mobile Browsers.?.
just another algorithms
BinaryTree, Graph, Sorting, TreeSegments, NumberAnalyser, String Analyser.
Kodigon is a web application which encode and decode (if possible) string in many algorithm formats like Base64, MD5, SHA1, etc. It's an example of AngularJS use.
lz string
LZ based compression algorithm for JavaScript.
node ml
A Collection of Machine Learning algorithms built for use with NodeJS.
node streamcount
Provides implementations of "sketch" algorithms for real time counting of stream data.
Php Social Network Engine Based on Floyd Warshall Algorithm lets you get Distances and Pathes.
saltthepass.js algorithm to generated salted passwords.
A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript.
This is a web application written in java that implements LSB steganography algorithm. It uses jQuery to manage AJAX requests. The application processes PNG images.
string searching
compare different string searching algorithms.
BIOFAB Studio is an experimental synthetic biology computer aided design (CAD) tool based on open web standards (Javascript, HTML 5.0, CSS 3.0). It's a platform for rapid deployment of synthetic biology CAD algorithms being developed at the BIOFAB.
Support Vector Machine in Javascript (SMO algorithm, supports arbitrary kernels) + GUI demo.
A jQuery plugin that processes image using filter algorithm.
tree layout
A basic tree graph layout algorithm implemented with Javascript and AngularJS.
Common, but advanced, algorithms for javascript String.
An algorithm to calculate the day of the week for any Julian or Gregorian calendar date.