List of Free code Widget
2 DGraph
A 2 DGraph widget for android.
Android Digital Photo Frame Widget.
android calendarview
Android CalendarView widget backported to 2.2.
Android ImageMap
An HTML map like widget in an Android view.
android left locked gallery
Gallery widget which locks on the left of the view rather than the center.
Android MonthCalendarWidget
A simple example of a responsive Month Calendar app widget for Android.
android pulltorefresh
This project aims to provide a reusable pull to refresh widget for Android.
android spinnerwheel
Wheel-like spinner widget for Android.
android switch backport
A backport of the Switch widget (http://developer. android /widget/Switch.html) that was introduced on Android 4. This port works on Android 2.1+.
android times square
Standalone Android widget for picking a single date from a calendar view.
android touch calm
use the widget on the desktop to ctrl the mode, when the mode started, it will ctrl all kinds of sound volume in different status.
Android TouchGallery
Android widget for gallery, using viewpager. Allow pinch zoom and drag for images by url.
Android ViewPagerIndicator
Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock. Originally based on Patrik ?kerfeldt's ViewFlow.
Android Wheel
Custom wheel widget for android.
calendar widget
An calender widget for your android home screen.
Chips EditText, Token EditText, Bubble EditText, Spannable EditText and etc.. There are many names of this control. Here I develop easy to understand , modify and integrate Chips Edit Text widget for Android.
Android widget for cropping and rotating an image.
Days Since
A small Android widget that shows the number of days since new years, and shows how many photos are in your project365 set.
EL Time
Android widget to show current Eternal Lands game time and special day status.
A weather widget for Android based upon Tobias van Scheider's Authentic Weather design.
gif movie view
Android View widget for displaying GIF animations.
Android widget that will display a different nice photo each day.
Glitch clock for android
This is a home screen widget for android which displays the current time in the game world of Glitch.
HorizontalImageScroller Android
A horizontal image scroller widget for Android.
Iphone Tab in Android
android Tab widget like Iphon UITabBar.
Android widget roughly described as a hybrid between android.maps.MapView and iOS's CATiledLayer.
Example source of an Android number picker widget.
one contact
Android widget. Display contact photo on desktop and call or send message on click.
Photo ToDucksboard
A simple Android app that sends any photo to a Ducksboard custom widget.
power nap widget
Power nap widget is a simple Android widget that displays 4 buttons and displaying time intervals and lets the user select how long they want to nap for. After the selected period of time an alarm is sound.
range bar
Android widget for selecting a range of values.
Silence Notifications
Android 2.1 widget, that toggles notifications sound by click.
TransLoc Android Widget
Android widget application for TransLoc bus tracking.
Triple Toggle Widget
Android widget that toggles sound modes.