List of Free code UI
3 DSView
Android UI component to process banking 3D Secure (MasterCard SecureCode / Verified By Visa) payment authorizations in Android apps.
android async image
Android async image GUI component for loading remote images & cache.
Same Android_DIPLOMA_CAMERA UI, but saving pictures on a server instead of DIPLOMA.
Android Dashboard
Projet d 'impl?mentation du Framework UI Dashboard pour Android 2.1+.
Android Evaluation
should contain a Service object for grabbing API data.
2. The result of the API should not be stored in a database.
3. The UI should be hooked up to API update intent.
4. Should not crash. The activity's onCreate, onPause, and onDestroy should be handled.
5. Use of asynchronous call and thread.
android menudrawer
A slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app.
android nativeuiagent
Native UI plugin for Unity 3D.
Android SideMenu
Side menu for android applications.
android ui design pattern
Code of the Application Demo I used for my presentation Android UI Design Patterns in practice.
Android UIFundamentals
Code repo for Android UI Fundamentals.
Android Wheel Menu
Simple and easy to use circular menu UI pattern.
Android Wordi
Android UI for Wordi scrabble 'like' online game.
An android custom view which looks like the menu in Path 2.0 (for iOS).
botbrew gui
Android GUI for BotBrew.
Android OS UI Components, currently only has a 3d view flipper.
gui sliding sidebar
Provide a sliding sidebar which is like Facebook Android app.
imgur Uploader
An Android uploader for imgur that interfaces with the "Share picture via" activity menu.
Android project with code examples of: UI Elements, Services, AsyncTask, Intents, WebService calls, Wifi and Bluetooth basics, Databases , Preferences and internal/external storage... (more comming!).
A sliding menu for Android , as found in the Google+ or Facebook apps.
android 's nine-patch GUI resource image layouting test.
Navigation menu for Android (based off Google+ app).
The UI component for Android advanced UI pattern undo-bar, used in Gmail app, create by roman nurik.
Update Android UI from a Service
Update Android UI from a Service.
Weka for Android
the Weka project with the GUI components removed so it works with Android.