List of Free code Button
Android Attack app
Developed an attack android application. It is designed for people who are under attack. They would press a button on their phone and it will gather their current location and start recording a 5 second video with sound. This will then automatically send.
Android Circular Image Button
Ciruclar Image Button Android.
Android DojoProgram
An Android application that uses a button to post data to a mysql database on a foreign web server.
This library can be used to make simple usability tests on live Android applications. So you can find the best choice, if you have two or more different solutions. The Customer chooses the best solution. For Example, if you want to know: if the red or blue purchase button creates more revenue.
Say Time
Android application that speaks the time when the headset or camera button is pressed.
Android 3.0+ style segemented control buttons for Android 2.1 and above.
Steering Wheel Interface
An Android application for interfacing with the steering wheel radio control buttons in certain Jeep/Chrysler/Dodge vehicles.