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package com.toet.TinyVoxel.Screens; /* w w w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer; import; import; import; import*; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.*; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Debug.LogHandler; /** * Created by Kajos on 9/7/2014. */ public class GUI { public Stage stage; protected Viewport viewport; protected static GUI INSTANCE; protected static BitmapFont font; protected static TextButton.TextButtonStyle textButtonStyle; protected static TextButton.TextButtonStyle textButtonStyle2; protected static Label.LabelStyle labelStyle; protected static SelectBox.SelectBoxStyle selectBoxStyle; protected static CheckBox.CheckBoxStyle checkBoxStyle; protected static NinePatchDrawable ninePatch; protected static NinePatchDrawable ninePatch2; protected static Texture texture; protected static Texture texture2; protected final static int MAX_LABELS = 15; protected Label[] labels = new Label[MAX_LABELS]; public static GUI get() { if (INSTANCE == null) INSTANCE = new GUI(); return INSTANCE; } public void addToMultiplexer(InputMultiplexer multiplexer) { multiplexer.addProcessor(stage); } public void removeFromMultiplexer(InputMultiplexer multiplexer) { multiplexer.removeProcessor(stage); } private static NinePatch processNinePatchFile(Texture t) { final int width = t.getWidth() - 2; final int height = t.getHeight() - 2; return new NinePatch(new TextureRegion(t, 1, 1, width, height), 8, 8, 8, 8); } private static boolean isLoaded = false; public static void load() { if (isLoaded) return; isLoaded = true; font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("font/Foobar Pro-Regular-32.fnt")); font.setScale(.6f, .6f); Skin prepSkin = new Skin(); // Store the default libgdx font under the name "default". prepSkin.add("default", font); texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("textures/np.png")); texture2 = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("textures/np2.png")); ninePatch = new NinePatchDrawable(processNinePatchFile(texture)); ninePatch2 = new NinePatchDrawable(processNinePatchFile(texture2)); checkBoxStyle = new CheckBox.CheckBoxStyle(); checkBoxStyle.font = prepSkin.getFont("default"); checkBoxStyle.checkboxOff = ninePatch; checkBoxStyle.checkboxOn = ninePatch2; textButtonStyle = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle(ninePatch, ninePatch, ninePatch, prepSkin.getFont("default")); textButtonStyle.downFontColor = Color.GRAY; textButtonStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; textButtonStyle.overFontColor = Color.BLACK; textButtonStyle.font = prepSkin.getFont("default"); prepSkin.add("default", textButtonStyle); textButtonStyle2 = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle(ninePatch2, ninePatch2, ninePatch2, prepSkin.getFont("default")); textButtonStyle2.downFontColor = Color.GRAY; textButtonStyle2.fontColor = Color.WHITE; textButtonStyle2.overFontColor = Color.BLACK; textButtonStyle2.font = prepSkin.getFont("default"); ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle scrollPaneStyle = new ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle(ninePatch, ninePatch2, ninePatch2, ninePatch2, ninePatch2); List.ListStyle listStyle = new List.ListStyle(prepSkin.getFont("default"), Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, ninePatch2); selectBoxStyle = new SelectBox.SelectBoxStyle(prepSkin.getFont("default"), Color.WHITE, ninePatch, scrollPaneStyle, listStyle); prepSkin.add("default", selectBoxStyle); labelStyle = new Label.LabelStyle(); labelStyle.font = prepSkin.getFont("default"); labelStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; prepSkin.add("default", labelStyle); } public GUI() { load(); viewport = new StretchViewport(1000,1000); stage = new Stage(viewport); } public Image addPalette(int x, int y, Pixmap palette, InputListener clickListener) { Image image = new Image(new Texture(palette)); image.setPosition(x, y); image.addListener(clickListener); stage.addActor(image); return image; } public Image addImage(String filename, int x, int y, int width, int height) { Image image = new Image(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(filename))); image.setPosition(x, y); image.setWidth(width); image.setHeight(height); image.setOrigin(width / 2, height / 2); stage.addActor(image); return image; } public SelectBox addSelectBox(int x, int y, Array items) { final SelectBox box = new SelectBox(selectBoxStyle); box.setItems(items); box.setWidth(150f); box.setPosition(x, y); stage.addActor(box); return box; } public CheckBox addCheckBox(int x, int y, String text) { final CheckBox box = new CheckBox(" "+text, checkBoxStyle); box.setPosition(x, y); stage.addActor(box); return box; } public TextButton addButton(String name, int x, int y, InputListener clickListener) { TextButton button = new TextButton(name, textButtonStyle); button.setPosition(x, y); button.setTransform(true); button.addListener(clickListener); button.pad(0); stage.addActor(button); return button; } public ImageButton addImageButton(String file, int x, int y, int width, int height, InputListener clickListener) { Texture tex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(file)); Drawable draw = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(tex)); ImageButton button = new ImageButton(draw); button.setOrigin(width / 2, height / 2); button.setWidth(width); button.setHeight(height); button.setPosition(x, y); button.setTransform(true); button.addListener(clickListener); button.pad(0); stage.addActor(button); return button; } public TextButton addButtonOther(String name, int x, int y, InputListener clickListener) { TextButton button = new TextButton(name, textButtonStyle2); button.setPosition(x, y); button.setTransform(true); button.addListener(clickListener); button.pad(0); stage.addActor(button); return button; } public Label setLabel(int id, String name, int x, int y) { if (id >= MAX_LABELS) { LogHandler.log("Not enough space for labels!"); return null; } Label label = labels[id]; if (label == null) { label = new Label(name, labelStyle); label.setPosition(x, y); labels[id] = label; stage.addActor(label); enableLabel(id); } else { label.setPosition(x,y); label.setText(name); enableLabel(id); } return label; } public void enableLabel(int id) { if (labels[id] != null) { labels[id].setVisible(true); } } public void disableLabel(int id) { if (labels[id] != null) { labels[id].setVisible(false); } } public boolean render() { stage.act(); stage.draw(); return true; } public void resize(int width, int height) { viewport.update(width, height, false); } }