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package com.toet.TinyVoxel.Renderer.Bundles; //w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Frustum; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.Ray; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.BufferUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Config; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Debug.LogHandler; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Importer.BinvoxImporter; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Importer.MeshImporter; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Renderer.Tools.BrushUtils; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Renderer.Wrapped.WrappedBoolean; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Renderer.Wrapped.WrappedInteger; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Time; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Util.SimpleMath; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Util.StreamUtil; import; import; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; /** * Created by Kajos on 8/21/2014. */ public abstract class Bundle implements Comparable<Bundle>, Disposable { @Override public int compareTo(Bundle other){ return other.references.hashCode() - references.hashCode(); } public float frustumCulledCounter = 0f; public float inRangeCounter = 0f; public float inLargeRangeCounter = 0f; public boolean inFrustum = false; public boolean inRange = true; public boolean inLargeRange = true; public BoundingBox boundingBox; public boolean skip = false; public Matrix4 transform = new Matrix4(); public Matrix4 inverseTransform = new Matrix4(); public String name; // Tmp variables protected static Vector3 tmp = new Vector3(); protected static Vector3 tmp2 = new Vector3(); protected static Vector3 tmp3 = new Vector3(); protected static Vector3 tmp4 = new Vector3(); protected static Ray tmpRay = new Ray(new Vector3(), new Vector3()); protected boolean allGridsInFrustum; public boolean visible = true; public boolean solid = true; public boolean ableToCollide = true; protected WrappedInteger gridCount; public WrappedInteger references; public WrappedBoolean isLoading; public Bundle() { } public abstract void init(String name, boolean load); public abstract Bundle copy(); public abstract void clear(); //public abstract void init(String name, boolean testGenerate, boolean load); //public abstract void init(GridBundle bundle, boolean dontInstantiate); protected abstract Bundle instantiateCopy(); public void updateMatrix() { inverseTransform.set(transform).inv(); transformBuffer.rewind(); transformBuffer.put(transform.val); transformBuffer.rewind(); inverseTransformBuffer.rewind(); inverseTransformBuffer.put(inverseTransform.val); inverseTransformBuffer.rewind(); } public abstract Grid getGrid(int x, int y, int z); public abstract Grid getGridSafe(int x, int y, int z); public int getVoxel(Grid grid, int tx, int ty, int tz, int sx, int sy, int sz, int dx, int dy, int dz) { int gx = grid.x, gy = grid.y, gz = grid.z; sx += dx; if (sx < 0) tx += sx / Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1; else tx += sx / Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sx %= Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (sx < 0) sx += Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (tx < 0) gx += tx / Config.GRID_SIZE - 1; else gx += tx / Config.GRID_SIZE; tx %= Config.GRID_SIZE; if (tx < 0) tx += Config.GRID_SIZE; //y sy += dy; if (sy < 0) ty += sy / Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1; else ty += sy / Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sy %= Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (sy < 0) sy += Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (ty < 0) gy += ty / Config.GRID_SIZE - 1; else gy += ty / Config.GRID_SIZE; ty %= Config.GRID_SIZE; if (ty < 0) ty += Config.GRID_SIZE; //z sz += dz; if (sz < 0) tz += sz / Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1; else tz += sz / Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sz %= Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (sz < 0) sz += Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (tz < 0) gz += tz / Config.GRID_SIZE - 1; else gz += tz / Config.GRID_SIZE; tz %= Config.GRID_SIZE; if (tz < 0) tz += Config.GRID_SIZE; if (gx != grid.x || gy != grid.y || gz != grid.z) grid = getGrid(gx, gy, gz); if (grid == null) return 0xffffffff; TinyGrid tiny = grid.getTinyGrid(tx, ty, tz); if (tiny == null) return 0xffffffff; return[sx][sy][sz]; } public abstract Grid createGrid(int x, int y, int z, boolean updateBoundingBox); public abstract void removeGrid(int x, int y, int z); public abstract int sizeInMB(); public abstract void upload(); public abstract void makeShadows(); protected int shadowBuildingCount = 0; public boolean isBuildingShadows() { return shadowBuildingCount > 0; } Grid[] hasToBeRemoved = new Grid[10]; int hasToBeRemovedSize = 0; public void cleanUpEmptyGrids() { if (hasToBeRemovedSize > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < hasToBeRemovedSize; i++) { Grid grid = hasToBeRemoved[i]; removeGrid(grid.x, grid.y, grid.z); LogHandler.log("Grid is empty and will be removed."); hasToBeRemoved[i] = null; } hasToBeRemovedSize = 0; updateBoundingBox(); if (!boundingBox.isValid()) { LogHandler.log("Bundle empty: " + name); } } } public boolean gridInFrustumShadow(Grid grid, PerspectiveCamera camera, float lod) { if (!grid.checkBounds) { return false; } tmp.set(camera.position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); tmp.mul(grid.inverseTransform); if (!SimpleMath.sphereAabbOverlap(grid.boundingBox, tmp, lod)) { return false; } else { return true; } } public boolean gridInFrustum(Grid grid, PerspectiveCamera camera, float lod) { if (!grid.checkBounds) { return false; } if (allGridsInFrustum) { return true; } tmp.set(camera.position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); tmp.mul(grid.inverseTransform); if (!SimpleMath.sphereAabbOverlap(grid.boundingBox, tmp, lod)) { return false; } float offset = .5f; tmp3.set(((float)grid.x + offset) * Config.GRID_SIZE, ((float)grid.y + offset) * Config.GRID_SIZE, ((float)grid.z + offset) * Config.GRID_SIZE); tmp3.mul(transform); return camera.frustum.sphereInFrustum(tmp3, Config.GRID_CORNER_LENGTH); } public int getGridCount() { return gridCount.get(); } static Frustum tmpFrustum = new Frustum(); Matrix4 tmpMatrix = new Matrix4(); Matrix4 tmpMatrix2 = new Matrix4(); public boolean bundleInFrustum(PerspectiveCamera camera, float lod) { inLargeRangeCounter -= Time.getDelta(); if (inLargeRangeCounter < 0f) { inLargeRangeCounter = Config.FRUSTRUM_IN_RANGE_LARGE; if (!boundingBox.isValid()) { inLargeRange = false; return inLargeRange; } else { tmp.set(camera.position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); if (!SimpleMath.sphereAabbOverlap(boundingBox, tmp, lod + 100f)) { inLargeRange = false; return inLargeRange; } else { inLargeRange = true; } } } else if (!inLargeRange) { return false; } inRangeCounter -= Time.getDelta(); if (inRangeCounter < 0f) { inRangeCounter = Config.FRUSTRUM_IN_RANGE; if (!boundingBox.isValid()) { inRange = false; return inRange; } else { tmp.set(camera.position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); if (!SimpleMath.sphereAabbOverlap(boundingBox, tmp, lod)) { inRange = false; return inRange; } else { inRange = true; } } } else if (!inRange) { return false; } frustumCulledCounter -= Time.getDelta(); if (frustumCulledCounter < 0f) { frustumCulledCounter = Config.FRUSTRUM_IN_SIGHT; } else { return inFrustum; } if (getGridCount() == 1) { allGridsInFrustum = false; inFrustum = true; return inFrustum; } Vector3 dir = tmp; Vector3 pos = tmp2; Vector3 up = tmp3; dir.set(camera.direction); dir.rot(inverseTransform); pos.set(camera.position); pos.mul(inverseTransform); up.set(camera.up); up.rot(inverseTransform); tmpMatrix.set(camera.projection); tmpMatrix2.setToLookAt(pos, tmp4.set(pos).add(dir), up); Matrix4.mul(tmpMatrix.val, tmpMatrix2.val); Matrix4.inv(tmpMatrix.val); tmpFrustum.update(tmpMatrix); allGridsInFrustum = allGridsInFrustrumFast(boundingBox, tmpFrustum); boolean result = true; if (!allGridsInFrustum) { result = tmpFrustum.boundsInFrustum(boundingBox); } inFrustum = result; return inFrustum; } public boolean allGridsInFrustrumFast(BoundingBox boundingBox, Frustum frustum) { for (Vector3 p : boundingBox.getCorners()) { if (!frustum.pointInFrustum(p)) { return false; } } return true; } private FloatBuffer transformBuffer = BufferUtils.newFloatBuffer(16); private FloatBuffer inverseTransformBuffer = BufferUtils.newFloatBuffer(16); public int drawTerrain(int x, int y, int z, PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform, boolean doSetMatrix) { Grid grid = getGridSafe(x, y, z); return drawTerrain(grid, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); } int transformUniformArray[] = {-1,-1,-1, -1}; int inverseTransformUniformArray[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1}; int gridTransformUniformArray[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1}; public int drawTerrain(Grid grid, PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform, boolean doSetMatrix) { if (grid == null) { return 0; } else if (!grid.checkBounds) { if (hasToBeRemoved.length > hasToBeRemovedSize) { hasToBeRemoved[hasToBeRemovedSize] = grid; hasToBeRemovedSize++; } return 0; } else if (!grid.hasPalettes()) { return 0; } LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); if (!gridInFrustum(grid, camera, lod)) {// < .5f) { // return 0; } LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); if (doSetMatrix) { if (transformUniformArray[uniform] < 0) { transformUniformArray[uniform] = shader.getUniformLocation("worldTrans"); }[uniform], 1, false, transformBuffer); if (inverseTransformUniformArray[uniform] < 0) { inverseTransformUniformArray[uniform] = shader.getUniformLocation("inverseWorldTrans"); }[uniform], 1, false, inverseTransformBuffer); } LogHandler.exitOnGLError();, grid.getPalette().getTextureObjectHandle()); shader.setUniformf("paletteSize", grid.getPalettesTotal()); if (gridTransformUniformArray[uniform] < 0) { gridTransformUniformArray[uniform] = shader.getUniformLocation("gridTrans"); }[uniform], 1, false, grid.transformBuffer); LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); grid.render(shader); LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); return grid.getPalettesTotal(); } public int drawTerrainShadow(int x, int y, int z, PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform, boolean doSetMatrix) { Grid grid = getGrid(x, y, z); return drawTerrainShadow(grid, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); } public int drawTerrainShadow(Grid grid, PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform, boolean doSetMatrix) { if (grid == null) { return 0; } else if (!grid.checkBounds) { return 0; } else if (!grid.hasPalettes()) { return 0; } LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); if (!gridInFrustumShadow(grid, camera, lod)) { return 0; } LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); if (doSetMatrix) { if (transformUniformArray[uniform] < 0) { transformUniformArray[uniform] = shader.getUniformLocation("worldTrans"); }[uniform], 1, false, transformBuffer); } if (gridTransformUniformArray[uniform] < 0) { gridTransformUniformArray[uniform] = shader.getUniformLocation("gridTrans"); }[uniform], 1, false, grid.transformBuffer); LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); grid.render(shader); LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); return grid.getPalettesTotal(); } public abstract Grid getFirstGrid(); public abstract void drawShadows(PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform); public abstract void drawAll(PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform); private int drawLayerOne(Grid grid, int halfDepth, PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform, boolean setMatrix) { if (grid == null) return 0; tmp.set(camera.position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); tmp.scl(1f / (float) Config.GRID_SIZE); int viewpointX = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x); int viewpointY = MathUtils.floor(tmp.y); int viewpointZ = MathUtils.floor(tmp.z); boolean b1 = grid.x <= viewpointX + halfDepth && grid.x >= viewpointX - halfDepth; boolean b2 = grid.y <= viewpointY + halfDepth && grid.y >= viewpointY - halfDepth; boolean b3 = grid.z <= viewpointZ + halfDepth && grid.z >= viewpointZ - halfDepth; boolean c1 = grid.x == viewpointX + halfDepth || grid.x == viewpointX - halfDepth; boolean c2 = grid.y == viewpointY + halfDepth || grid.y == viewpointY - halfDepth; boolean c3 = grid.z == viewpointZ + halfDepth || grid.z == viewpointZ - halfDepth; if ((c1 && b2 && b3) || (c2 && b1 && b3) || (c3 && b2 && b1)) { return drawTerrain(grid, camera, shader, lod, uniform, true); } return 0; } public int drawLayer(int halfDepth, PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform) { return drawLayer(halfDepth, camera, shader, lod, uniform, true); } public int drawLayer(int halfDepth, PerspectiveCamera camera, ShaderProgram shader, float lod, int uniform, boolean setMatrix) { if (getGridCount() == 1) { return drawLayerOne(getFirstGrid(), halfDepth, camera, shader, lod, uniform, setMatrix); } tmp.set(camera.position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); tmp.scl(1f / (float) Config.GRID_SIZE); int viewpointX = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x); int viewpointY = MathUtils.floor(tmp.y); int viewpointZ = MathUtils.floor(tmp.z); int drawn = 0; boolean doSetMatrix = setMatrix; int tmpX = (int)(boundingBox.min.x / Config.GRID_SIZE_F); int tmpY = (int)(boundingBox.min.y / Config.GRID_SIZE_F); int tmpZ = (int)(boundingBox.min.z / Config.GRID_SIZE_F); int tmp2X = (int)(boundingBox.max.x / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); int tmp2Y = (int)(boundingBox.max.y / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); int tmp2Z = (int)(boundingBox.max.z / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); if (halfDepth == 0) { if (viewpointX < tmpX || viewpointY < tmpY || viewpointZ < tmpZ || viewpointX >= tmp2X || viewpointY >= tmp2Y || viewpointZ >= tmp2Z) { return 0; } int add = drawTerrain(viewpointX, viewpointY, viewpointZ, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); drawn += add; return drawn; } int depth = halfDepth * 2; int start = -halfDepth; int end = start + depth + 1; int startX = start + viewpointX, startY = start + viewpointY, startZ = start + viewpointZ; int endX = end + viewpointX, endY = end + viewpointY, endZ = end + viewpointZ; int oStartX = startX, oStartY = startY, oStartZ = startZ; int oEndX = endX, oEndY = endY, oEndZ = endZ; startX = MathUtils.clamp(startX, tmpX, tmp2X - 1); startY = MathUtils.clamp(startY, tmpY, tmp2Y - 1); startZ = MathUtils.clamp(startZ, tmpZ, tmp2Z - 1); //endX = MathUtils.clamp(endX, tmpX, tmp2X); endY = MathUtils.clamp(endY, tmpY, tmp2Y); endZ = MathUtils.clamp(endZ, tmpZ, tmp2Z); int startXPlus1 = MathUtils.clamp(oStartX + 1, tmpX, tmp2X); int startZPlus1 = MathUtils.clamp(oStartZ + 1, tmpZ, tmp2Z); int endXMin1 = MathUtils.clamp(oEndX - 1, tmpX, tmp2X); //int endYMin1 = MathUtils.clamp(oEndY - 1, tmpY, tmp2Y); int endZMin1 = MathUtils.clamp(oEndZ - 1, tmpZ, tmp2Z); int aEndXMin1 = MathUtils.clamp(oEndX - 1, tmpX, tmp2X - 1); int aEndYMin1 = MathUtils.clamp(oEndY - 1, tmpY, tmp2Y - 1); int aEndZMin1 = MathUtils.clamp(oEndZ - 1, tmpZ, tmp2Z - 1); int tz; if (oStartZ == startZ) { tz = startZ; for (int x = startXPlus1; x < endXMin1; x++) { for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++) { int add = drawTerrain(x, y, tz, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); if (add > 0) { doSetMatrix = false; drawn += add; } } } } if (oEndZ - 1 == aEndZMin1) { tz = aEndZMin1; for (int x = startXPlus1; x < endXMin1; x++) { for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++) { int add = drawTerrain(x, y, tz, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); if (add > 0) { doSetMatrix = false; drawn += add; } } } } int tx; if (oStartX == startX) { tx = startX; for (int z = startZ; z < endZ; z++) { for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++) { int add = drawTerrain(tx, y, z, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); if (add > 0) { doSetMatrix = false; drawn += add; } } } } if (oEndX - 1 == aEndXMin1) { tx = aEndXMin1; for (int z = startZ; z < endZ; z++) { for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++) { int add = drawTerrain(tx, y, z, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); if (add > 0) { doSetMatrix = false; drawn += add; } } } } int ty; if (oStartY == startY) { ty = startY; for (int x = startXPlus1; x < endXMin1; x++) { for (int z = startZPlus1; z < endZMin1; z++) { int add = drawTerrain(x, ty, z, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); if (add > 0) { doSetMatrix = false; drawn += add; } } } } if (oEndY - 1 == aEndYMin1) { ty = aEndYMin1; for (int x = startXPlus1; x < endXMin1; x++) { for (int z = startZPlus1; z < endZMin1; z++) { int add = drawTerrain(x, ty, z, camera, shader, lod, uniform, doSetMatrix); if (add > 0) { doSetMatrix = false; drawn += add; } } } } return drawn; } public void removeVoxel(Vector3 position, boolean loadImmediately) { if (solid || !inRange || !inLargeRange) return; tmp2.set(position); tmp2.mul(inverseTransform); removeVoxelLocal(tmp2, loadImmediately); } public void removeVoxelLocal(Vector3 position, boolean loadImmediately) { if (solid || !inRange || !inLargeRange) return; tmp.set(position); int x = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); int y = MathUtils.floor(tmp.y / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); int z = MathUtils.floor(tmp.z / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); Grid grid = getGridSafe(x, y, z); if (grid != null) { grid.removeVoxelAt(tmp); if (loadImmediately) { grid.loadPalette(); updateBoundingBox(); } } } public void addVoxel(Vector3 position, int r, int g, int b, boolean loadImmediately) { if (solid) return; tmp2.set(position); tmp2.mul(inverseTransform); addVoxelLocal(tmp2, r, g, b, loadImmediately); } public void addVoxelLocal(Vector3 position, int r, int g, int b, boolean loadImmediately) { if (solid) return; tmp.set(position); int color; if (r >= 255 && g >= 255 && b >= 255) { color = 0xfffffffe; } else { tmp2.set(r, g, b); color = SimpleMath.RGB888ToInt(tmp2); } int x = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); int y = MathUtils.floor(tmp.y / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); int z = MathUtils.floor(tmp.z / (float)Config.GRID_SIZE); Grid grid = createGrid(x, y, z, false); if (grid == null) { return; } grid.paintVoxelAt(tmp, color); if (loadImmediately) { grid.loadPalette(); updateBoundingBox(); } } public void addBrush(Vector3 position, int radius, int r, int g, int b, BrushUtils.Brush brush) { if (solid) return; tmp2.set(position); tmp2.mul(inverseTransform); addBrushLocal(tmp2, radius, r, g, b, brush); } public void addBrushLocal(Vector3 position, int radius, int r, int g, int b, BrushUtils.Brush brush) { if (solid) return; tmp.set(position); int color; if (r >= 255 && g >= 255 && b >= 255) { color = 0xfffffffe; } else { color = SimpleMath.RGB888ToInt(r, g, b); } float frad = (float)radius / (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; int startTinyPointX = MathUtils.floor((tmp.x - frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int startTinyPointY = MathUtils.floor((tmp.y - frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int startTinyPointZ = MathUtils.floor((tmp.z - frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int endTinyPointX = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.x + frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int endTinyPointY = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.y + frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int endTinyPointZ = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.z + frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); for (int x = startTinyPointX; x < endTinyPointX; x++) { for (int y = startTinyPointY; y < endTinyPointY; y++) { for (int z = startTinyPointZ; z < endTinyPointZ; z++) { Grid grid = createGrid(x, y, z, false); if (grid == null) { continue; } grid.paintAt(tmp, radius, color, brush); grid.loadPalette(); } } } updateBoundingBox(); } public void removeBrush(Vector3 position, int radius, BrushUtils.Brush brush) { if (solid || !inRange || !inLargeRange) return; tmp.set(position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); if (!SimpleMath.sphereAabbOverlap(boundingBox, tmp, radius)) return; float frad = (float)radius / (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; int startTinyPointX = MathUtils.floor((tmp.x - frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int startTinyPointY = MathUtils.floor((tmp.y - frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int startTinyPointZ = MathUtils.floor((tmp.z - frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int endTinyPointX = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.x + frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int endTinyPointY = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.y + frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int endTinyPointZ = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.z + frad) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int count = 0; for (int x = startTinyPointX; x < endTinyPointX; x++) { for (int y = startTinyPointY; y < endTinyPointY; y++) { for (int z = startTinyPointZ; z < endTinyPointZ; z++) { Grid grid = getGridSafe(x, y, z); if (grid == null) { continue; } grid.removePaintAt(tmp, radius, brush); grid.loadPalette(); } } } if (count > 0) LogHandler.log("Placed " + count + " grids"); } public boolean collidesWith(Vector3 point) { if (!visible || !inRange || !inLargeRange || !ableToCollide) return false; tmp.set(point); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); return collidesWithLocal(tmp); } public boolean collidesWithLocal(Vector3 point) { int viewpointX = MathUtils.floor(point.x / (float) Config.GRID_SIZE); int viewpointY = MathUtils.floor(point.y / (float) Config.GRID_SIZE); int viewpointZ = MathUtils.floor(point.z / (float) Config.GRID_SIZE); Grid grid = getGridSafe(viewpointX, viewpointY, viewpointZ); if (grid == null) return false; return grid.pointInBoundingBox(point); } public boolean collidesSphereWith(Vector3 point, float radius) { if (!visible || !inRange || !inLargeRange || !ableToCollide) return false; tmp.set(point); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); if (!SimpleMath.sphereAabbOverlap(boundingBox, tmp, radius)) { return false; } int startTinyPointX = MathUtils.floor((tmp.x - radius) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int startTinyPointY = MathUtils.floor((tmp.y - radius) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int startTinyPointZ = MathUtils.floor((tmp.z - radius) / Config.GRID_SIZE); int endTinyPointX = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.x + radius) / Config.GRID_SIZE) + 1; int endTinyPointY = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.y + radius) / Config.GRID_SIZE) + 1; int endTinyPointZ = MathUtils.ceil((tmp.z + radius) / Config.GRID_SIZE) + 1; for (int x = startTinyPointX; x < endTinyPointX; x++) { for (int y = startTinyPointY; y < endTinyPointY; y++) { for (int z = startTinyPointZ; z < endTinyPointZ; z++) { Grid grid = getGridSafe(x, y, z); if (grid == null) { continue; } if (grid.collidesSphereWith(tmp, radius)) return true; } } } return false; } public abstract Grid collidesWith(Ray ray, Vector3 intersection, float maxDistance); public abstract void saveAll(); public void loadAll() { isLoading.set(true); FileHandle file = Gdx.files.internal("models/" + name + "_" + Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE + "_" + Config.GRID_SIZE + (Config.SAVE_SHADE ? ".rlelvl" : ".rlergb" )); if (!file.exists()) { boolean state = solid; solid = false; boolean hasLoaded = true; if (!"models/" + name + ".g3dj", this, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), 128, 10, 10)) { if (!"models/" + name + ".g3db", this, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), 128, 10, 10)) { if (!"models/" + name + ".obj", this, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), 128, 10, 10)) { if (!BinvoxImporter.readBinvox("models/" + name + ".binvox", this, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), 128, 255, 128)) { hasLoaded = false; } } } } solid = state; if (hasLoaded) { if (Config.SAVE_SHADE) { upload(); updateBoundingBox(); } else makeShadows(); isLoading.set(false); } } else { clear(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { InputStream inExp =; int count = StreamUtil.getInt(inExp); LogHandler.log("Count loading grids: " + count); int it = 0; while (inExp.available() > 0) { int x = StreamUtil.getInt(inExp); int y = StreamUtil.getInt(inExp); int z = StreamUtil.getInt(inExp); Grid grid = createGrid(x, y, z, false); if (grid == null) { // This shouldn't happen, but I allow it for now.. Grid.skipLoad(inExp); //throw new IOException(); } else { grid.load(inExp); } it++; if (it % 10 == 0) { LogHandler.log("Loading: " + ((float) it * 100f / (float) count)); } } inExp.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LogHandler.log("Failure loading!"); } LogHandler.log("Took " + (float) (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000f + " seconds"); if (Config.SAVE_SHADE) { upload(); updateBoundingBox(); } else makeShadows(); isLoading.set(false); } } public abstract void updateBoundingBox(); public abstract void dispose(); }