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package com.toet.TinyVoxel.Renderer.Bundles; /* w w w .ja v a 2s . c om*/ import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Config; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Debug.LogHandler; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Util.SimpleMath; /** * Created by Kajos on 6/21/2014. */ public class TinyGrid { public int[][][] data = new int[Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE][Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE][Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE]; public boolean checkBounds = false; public boolean[] fullSides = new boolean[6]; //-x, +x, -y, +y, -z, +z public boolean notUpToDate = true; public int minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ; public boolean shadowsUpToDate = false; private BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() { return boundingBox; } public void copyTo(TinyGrid tiny) { tiny.checkBounds = checkBounds; tiny.minX = minX; tiny.minY = minY; tiny.minZ = minZ; tiny.maxX = maxX; tiny.maxY = maxY; tiny.maxZ = maxZ; for (int i = 0; i < fullSides.length; i++) tiny.fullSides[i] = fullSides[i]; tiny.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(boundingBox); for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) {[tx][ty][tz] = data[tx][ty][tz]; } tiny.notUpToDate = true; } public void findBoundaryBox() { outerloop: for (minZ = 0; minZ < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; minZ++) for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) { if (data[tx][ty][minZ] != 0xffffffff) { break outerloop; } } if (minZ == Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE) { LogHandler.log("Empty cube!"); checkBounds = false; return; } outerloop: for (maxZ = Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1; maxZ > minZ; maxZ--) for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) { if (data[tx][ty][maxZ] != 0xffffffff) { break outerloop; } } maxZ++; outerloop: for (minX = 0; minX < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; minX++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) { if (data[minX][ty][tz] != 0xffffffff) { break outerloop; } } outerloop: for (maxX = Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1; maxX > minX; maxX--) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) { if (data[maxX][ty][tz] != 0xffffffff) { break outerloop; } } maxX++; outerloop: for (minY = 0; minY < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; minY++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) { if (data[tx][minY][tz] != 0xffffffff) { break outerloop; } } outerloop: for (maxY = Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1; maxY > minY; maxY--) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) { if (data[tx][maxY][tz] != 0xffffffff) { break outerloop; } } maxY++; checkBounds = true; if (checkBounds) { boundingBox.min.set((float) minX / (float) Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE, (float) minY / (float) Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE, (float) minZ / (float) Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); boundingBox.max.set((float) maxX / (float) Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE, (float) maxY / (float) Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE, (float) maxZ / (float) Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); boundingBox.set(boundingBox.min, boundingBox.max); } } public void findFullSides() { fullSides[0] = minX == 0; fullSides[1] = maxX == Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; fullSides[2] = minY == 0; fullSides[3] = maxY == Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; fullSides[4] = minZ == 0; fullSides[5] = maxZ == Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (fullSides[0]) { outerloop: for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) if (data[0][ty][tz] == 0xffffffff) { fullSides[0] = false; break outerloop; } } if (fullSides[1]) { outerloop: for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) if (data[Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1][ty][tz] == 0xffffffff) { fullSides[1] = false; break outerloop; } } if (fullSides[2]) { outerloop: for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) if (data[tx][0][tz] == 0xffffffff) { fullSides[2] = false; break outerloop; } } if (fullSides[3]) { outerloop: for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) if (data[tx][Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1][tz] == 0xffffffff) { fullSides[3] = false; break outerloop; } } if (fullSides[4]) { outerloop: for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) if (data[tx][ty][0] == 0xffffffff) { fullSides[4] = false; break outerloop; } } if (fullSides[5]) { outerloop: for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) if (data[tx][ty][Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE - 1] == 0xffffffff) { fullSides[5] = false; break outerloop; } } } public void findShadows(Grid grid, int gx, int gy, int gz) { if (shadowsUpToDate) return; for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) { findShadow(grid, gx, gy, gz, tx, ty, tz); } shadowsUpToDate = true; } public void findShadow(Grid grid, int gx, int gy, int gz, int tx, int ty, int tz) { if (data[tx][ty][tz] == 0xffffffff) { return; } boolean closedIn = true; notUpToDate = true; outerloop: for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++) for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++) for (int z = -1; z < 2; z++) { if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0) continue; if (grid.owner.getVoxel(grid, gx, gy, gz, tx, ty, tz, x, y, z) == 0xffffffff){ closedIn = false; break outerloop; } } if (closedIn) { int shadow = SimpleMath.shadeLookUp(tx,ty,tz); data[tx][ty][tz] = SimpleMath.setShadow(shadow, data[tx][ty][tz]); return; } int diff = 1; int diffPlusOne = diff + 1; int count = diff * 2 + 1; count = count * count * count; int light = 0; for (int x = -diff; x < diffPlusOne; x++) for (int y = -diff; y < diffPlusOne; y++) for (int z = -diff; z < diffPlusOne; z++) { int rx = x >= 0 ? x + 1 : x; int ry = y >= 0 ? y + 1 : y; int rz = z >= 0 ? z + 1 : z; if (grid.owner.getVoxel(grid, gx, gy, gz, tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz) == 0xffffffff){ light++; } else { light--; } } float calc = (float)light /(float)count / 2f + .75f; int result = (int)(calc * 255f); result = MathUtils.clamp(result, 0, 254); data[tx][ty][tz] = SimpleMath.setShadow(result, data[tx][ty][tz]); } }