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package com.toet.TinyVoxel.Renderer.Bundles; /*w w w .ja v a 2s .c om*/ import*; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.Ray; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.BufferUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Config; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Debug.LogHandler; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Renderer.BlockBuilder; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Renderer.Tools.BrushUtils; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Util.*; import com.toet.TinyVoxel.Util.SimpleMath; import; import; import; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import static*; /** * Created by Kajos on 20-1-14. */ public class Grid implements Disposable { public Bundle owner; public Matrix4 transform = new Matrix4(); public Matrix4 inverseTransform = new Matrix4(); public FloatBuffer transformBuffer = BufferUtils.newFloatBuffer(16); public FloatBuffer inverseTransformBuffer = BufferUtils.newFloatBuffer(16); public int x, y, z; public BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(); public boolean checkBounds = false; protected Mesh mesh; protected int floatCount; protected int verticesCount = 0; protected static Pool<TinyGrid> tinyGridPool = new Pool<TinyGrid>() { @Override protected TinyGrid newObject() { return new TinyGrid(); } }; protected static boolean[][][] grids = new boolean[Config.GRID_SIZE][Config.GRID_SIZE][Config.GRID_SIZE]; protected int[][][] prevPaletteIds = new int[Config.GRID_SIZE][Config.GRID_SIZE][Config.GRID_SIZE]; protected TinyGrid[][][] gridContainers = new TinyGrid[Config.GRID_SIZE][Config.GRID_SIZE][Config.GRID_SIZE]; protected NonBackedTexture palette = null; protected int palettesTotal = 0; protected boolean allowLoadPalette = true; protected static Vector3 tmp = new Vector3(), tmp2 = new Vector3(), tmp3 = new Vector3(), tmp4 = new Vector3(); public final FloatBuffer matrix = BufferUtils.newFloatBuffer(16); public Grid() { } public int getVerticesCount() { return verticesCount; } public void findAllShadows() { for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.GRID_SIZE; ty++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.GRID_SIZE; tz++) { TinyGrid tiny = getTinyGrid(tx, ty, tz); if (tiny != null) { if (!tiny.shadowsUpToDate) allowLoadPalette = true; tiny.findShadows(this, tx, ty, tz); } } } public int getPalettesTotal() { return palettesTotal; } public GLTexture getPalette() { return palette; } public int getByteSize() { int size = 0; // 4 floats, 4 bytes each if (palette != null) { size += palette.getWidth() * palette.getHeight() * 4; } if (mesh != null) { size += mesh.getNumVertices() * Config.ATTRIBUTES_SIZE * 4; } return size; } private static TinyGrid tmpTinyGrid = new TinyGrid(); public void paintAt(Vector3 position, int radius, int color, BrushUtils.Brush brush) { int radiusTinyHalf = radius; int radiusTiny = radiusTinyHalf * 2; tmp4.set(position); tmp4.scl(-1f); tmp4.scl(Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); int bx = (int)tmp4.x + x * Config.GRID_SIZE * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE + radiusTinyHalf; int by = (int)tmp4.y + y * Config.GRID_SIZE * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE + radiusTinyHalf; int bz = (int)tmp4.z + z * Config.GRID_SIZE * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE + radiusTinyHalf; for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.GRID_SIZE; ty++) { for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.GRID_SIZE; tz++) { TinyGrid cont = gridContainers[tx][ty][tz]; boolean tinyExists = cont != null; if(!tinyExists) { cont = tmpTinyGrid; } boolean isEmpty = true; boolean hasPainted = false; int ax = bx + tx * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; int ay = by + ty * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; int az = bz + tz * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (ax >= radiusTiny || ay >= radiusTiny || az >= radiusTiny || ax + Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE < 0 || ay + Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE < 0 || az + Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE < 0) { continue; } for (int sx = 0; sx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sx++) { for (int sy = 0; sy < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sy++) for (int sz = 0; sz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sz++) { if (tinyExists &&[sx][sy][sz] != 0xffffffff) { isEmpty = false; continue; } int shadow = brush.getShadow(ax + sx, ay + sy, az + sz, radiusTiny); if (shadow != -1) { int result = SimpleMath.setShadow(shadow, color); if (!tinyExists ||[sx][sy][sz] != result) {[sx][sy][sz] = result; hasPainted = true; } isEmpty = false; } else if (!tinyExists) {[sx][sy][sz] = 0xffffffff; } } } if (!hasPainted) { if (!tinyExists) { continue; } else { isEmpty = false; } } else { cont.notUpToDate = true; cont.shadowsUpToDate = false; } if(tinyExists) { if (isEmpty) {; gridContainers[tx][ty][tz] = null; allowLoadPalette = true; continue; } } else { if (isEmpty) { continue; } TinyGrid create = tinyGridPool.obtain(); cont.copyTo(create); gridContainers[tx][ty][tz] = create; cont = create; } cont.notUpToDate = true; cont.shadowsUpToDate = false; cont.findBoundaryBox(); cont.findFullSides(); allowLoadPalette = true; } } } public void paintVoxelAt(Vector3 position, int color) { tmp.set(position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); int tx = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x) % Config.GRID_SIZE; int ty = MathUtils.floor(tmp.y) % Config.GRID_SIZE; int tz = MathUtils.floor(tmp.z) % Config.GRID_SIZE; int sx = MathUtils.floor((tmp.x - (float)tx) * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); int sy = MathUtils.floor((tmp.y - (float)ty) * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); int sz = MathUtils.floor((tmp.z - (float)tz) * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); TinyGrid cont = gridContainers[tx][ty][tz]; boolean tinyExists = cont != null; if(!tinyExists) { cont = tinyGridPool.obtain(); for (int dsx = 0; dsx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; dsx++) { for (int dsy = 0; dsy < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; dsy++) for (int dsz = 0; dsz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; dsz++) {[dsx][dsy][dsz] = 0xffffffff; } } gridContainers[tx][ty][tz] = cont; } int result = color;//shade ? SimpleMath.shadeFunc(color, sx, sy, sz) : color; if (tinyExists &&[sx][sy][sz] == result) return;[sx][sy][sz] = result; //cont.findShadow(this, tx, ty, tz, sx, sy, sz); cont.notUpToDate = true; cont.shadowsUpToDate = false; cont.findBoundaryBox(); cont.findFullSides(); allowLoadPalette = true; } public void removeVoxelAt(Vector3 position) { tmp.set(position); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); int tx = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x) % Config.GRID_SIZE; int ty = MathUtils.floor(tmp.y) % Config.GRID_SIZE; int tz = MathUtils.floor(tmp.z) % Config.GRID_SIZE; int sx = MathUtils.floor((tmp.x - (float)tx) * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); int sy = MathUtils.floor((tmp.y - (float)ty) * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); int sz = MathUtils.floor((tmp.z - (float)tz) * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); TinyGrid cont = gridContainers[tx][ty][tz]; boolean tinyExists = cont != null; if(!tinyExists) return; if ([sx][sy][sz] == 0xffffffff) return;[sx][sy][sz] = 0xffffffff; cont.notUpToDate = true; cont.shadowsUpToDate = false; cont.findBoundaryBox(); cont.findFullSides(); allowLoadPalette = true; } public void removePaintAt(Vector3 position, int radius, BrushUtils.Brush brush) { int radiusTinyHalf = radius; int radiusTiny = radius * 2; tmp4.set(position); tmp4.scl(-1f); tmp4.scl(Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE); int bx = (int)tmp4.x + x * Config.GRID_SIZE * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE + radiusTinyHalf; int by = (int)tmp4.y + y * Config.GRID_SIZE * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE + radiusTinyHalf; int bz = (int)tmp4.z + z * Config.GRID_SIZE * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE + radiusTinyHalf; for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.GRID_SIZE; ty++) { for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.GRID_SIZE; tz++) { TinyGrid cont = gridContainers[tx][ty][tz]; boolean tinyExists = cont != null; if(!tinyExists) { continue; } boolean isEmpty = true; boolean hasPainted = false; int ax = bx + tx * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; int ay = by + ty * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; int az = bz + tz * Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; if (ax >= radiusTiny || ay >= radiusTiny || az >= radiusTiny || ax + Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE < 0 || ay + Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE < 0 || az + Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE < 0) { continue; } for (int sx = 0; sx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sx++) { for (int sy = 0; sy < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sy++) for (int sz = 0; sz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sz++) { if (brush.get(ax + sx, ay + sy, az + sz, radiusTiny)) { if ([sx][sy][sz] != 0xffffffff) {[sx][sy][sz] = 0xffffffff; hasPainted = true; } } } } if (hasPainted) { outerloop: for (int sx = 0; sx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sx++) for (int sy = 0; sy < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sy++) for (int sz = 0; sz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; sz++) { if ([sx][sy][sz] != 0xffffffff) { isEmpty = false; break outerloop; } } cont.notUpToDate = true; cont.shadowsUpToDate = false; } else { isEmpty = false; } if (isEmpty) {; gridContainers[tx][ty][tz] = null; } else { cont.notUpToDate = true; cont.shadowsUpToDate = false; cont.findBoundaryBox(); cont.findFullSides(); } allowLoadPalette = true; } } } public void init(Bundle owner, int x, int y, int z) { this.owner = owner; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; transform.idt(); transform.translate(x * Config.GRID_SIZE, y * Config.GRID_SIZE, z * Config.GRID_SIZE); inverseTransform.set(transform); inverseTransform.inv(); transformBuffer.rewind(); transformBuffer.put(transform.val); transformBuffer.rewind(); inverseTransformBuffer.rewind(); inverseTransformBuffer.put(inverseTransform.val); inverseTransformBuffer.rewind(); this.matrix.clear(); BufferUtils.copy(transform.val, this.matrix, transform.val.length, 0); } public boolean loadPalette() { if (!allowLoadPalette) { return false; } allowLoadPalette = false; updateBoundingBox(); int oldPalletSize = palettesTotal; if (mesh == null) mesh = new Mesh(Mesh.VertexDataType.VertexBufferObject, false, Config.MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, 0, createAttributes()); createVertices(); if (!hasPalettes()) return false; int newPalletSize = palettesTotal; if (palette == null) { palette = new NonBackedTexture(); palette.setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Nearest, Texture.TextureFilter.Nearest); palette.setWrap(Texture.TextureWrap.ClampToEdge, Texture.TextureWrap.ClampToEdge); } int[] freePalettes = new int[oldPalletSize]; int countFree = 0; boolean cleanPalette = false; if (oldPalletSize != newPalletSize) { Config.get().rewindPalette(); palette.setWidth(Config.TINY_GRID_TOTAL); palette.setHeight(newPalletSize); cleanPalette = true; } else { for (int gx = 0; gx < Config.GRID_SIZE; gx++) for (int gy = 0; gy < Config.GRID_SIZE; gy++) for (int gz = 0; gz < Config.GRID_SIZE; gz++) { if (prevPaletteIds[gx][gy][gz] >= 0) { if (!grids[gx][gy][gz]) { freePalettes[countFree] = prevPaletteIds[gx][gy][gz]; countFree++; } else { TinyGrid cont = getTinyGrid(gx, gy, gz); if (cont.notUpToDate) { freePalettes[countFree] = prevPaletteIds[gx][gy][gz]; countFree++; } } } } cleanPalette = false; } palette.bind(); FloatBuffer vertices = mesh.getVerticesBuffer(); int count = 0; int i = 0; for (int gx = 0; gx < Config.GRID_SIZE; gx++) for (int gy = 0; gy < Config.GRID_SIZE; gy++) for (int gz = 0; gz < Config.GRID_SIZE; gz++) { if (grids[gx][gy][gz]) { TinyGrid cont = gridContainers[gx][gy][gz]; int start = 0; if (i != 0) start = verticesPointer[i - 1]; int end = verticesPointer[i]; i++; int paletteId; if (!cleanPalette) { if (!cont.notUpToDate) { // already uploaded and not updated paletteId = prevPaletteIds[gx][gy][gz]; } else { countFree--; paletteId = freePalettes[countFree]; count++; Config.get().rewindSinglePalette(); for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) { int color =[tx][ty][tz]; Config.get().putSinglePalette(color); } } Config.get().uploadSinglePalette(paletteId); } } else { paletteId = count; count++; for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) { int color =[tx][ty][tz]; Config.get().putPalette(color); } } } prevPaletteIds[gx][gy][gz] = paletteId; BlockBuilder.fillInPalette(vertices, start, end, paletteId); cont.notUpToDate = false; } else { prevPaletteIds[gx][gy][gz] = -1; } } if (cleanPalette) { // ErrorHandler.log("Large Upload"); Config.get().uploadPalette(palette.getWidth(), palette.getHeight()); } LogHandler.exitOnGLError(); return true; } public boolean hasPalettes() { if (palettesTotal > 0) return true; return false; } public void render(ShaderProgram shader) { if (verticesCount > 0) mesh.render(shader, GL_TRIANGLES, 0, verticesCount); } public void reset() { palettesTotal = 0; floatCount = 0; verticesCount = 0; for (int gx = 0; gx < Config.GRID_SIZE; gx++) for (int gy = 0; gy < Config.GRID_SIZE; gy++) for (int gz = 0; gz < Config.GRID_SIZE; gz++) { prevPaletteIds[gx][gy][gz] = -1; } } public void dispose() { for (int x = 0; x < Config.GRID_SIZE; x++) for (int y = 0; y < Config.GRID_SIZE; y++) for (int z = 0; z < Config.GRID_SIZE; z++) { if (gridContainers[x][y][z] != null)[x][y][z]); gridContainers[x][y][z] = null; } if (mesh != null) { mesh.dispose(); mesh = null; } if (palette != null) { palette.dispose(); palette = null; } } protected VertexAttribute[] createAttributes() { VertexAttribute attr = new VertexAttribute(VertexAttributes.Usage.Position, 3, "position"); VertexAttribute attr2 = new VertexAttribute(VertexAttributes.Usage.Generic, 1, "normalColor"); VertexAttribute attr3 = new VertexAttribute(VertexAttributes.Usage.Generic, 1, "palette"); return new VertexAttribute[] {attr, attr2, attr3 }; } public TinyGrid getTinyGrid(int x, int y, int z) { return gridContainers[x][y][z]; } private static int[] verticesPointer = new int[Config.GRID_TOTAL]; public void createVertices() { FloatBuffer vertices = mesh.getVerticesBuffer(); vertices.rewind(); vertices.limit(Config.MAX_FLOAT_SIZE); floatCount = 0; palettesTotal = 0; for (int gx = 0; gx < Config.GRID_SIZE; gx++) for (int gy = 0; gy < Config.GRID_SIZE; gy++) for (int gz = 0; gz < Config.GRID_SIZE; gz++) { if (BlockBuilder.generateBox(vertices, gx, gy, gz, this)) { grids[gx][gy][gz] = true; verticesPointer[palettesTotal] = vertices.position(); palettesTotal++; } else { grids[gx][gy][gz] = false; } } floatCount = vertices.position(); vertices.limit(floatCount); vertices.rewind(); verticesCount = floatCount / Config.ATTRIBUTES_SIZE; // pos + uv } public void updateBoundingBox() { checkBounds = false; int minX = Config.GRID_SIZE, minY = Config.GRID_SIZE, minZ = Config.GRID_SIZE; int maxX = 0, maxY = 0, maxZ = 0; for (int gx = 0; gx < Config.GRID_SIZE; gx++) for (int gy = 0; gy < Config.GRID_SIZE; gy++) for (int gz = 0; gz < Config.GRID_SIZE; gz++) { if (gridContainers[gx][gy][gz] != null) { if (gx < minX) minX = gx; if (gx > maxX) maxX = gx; if (gy < minY) minY = gy; if (gy > maxY) maxY = gy; if (gz < minZ) minZ = gz; if (gz > maxZ) maxZ = gz; checkBounds = true; } } if (checkBounds) { maxX++; maxY++; maxZ++; boundingBox.min.set(minX, minY, minZ); boundingBox.max.set(maxX, maxY, maxZ); boundingBox.set(boundingBox.min, boundingBox.max); } } public boolean collidesSphereWith(Vector3 point, float radius) { if (!checkBounds) { return false; } tmp.set(point); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); if (!SimpleMath.sphereAabbOverlap(boundingBox, tmp, radius)) return false; for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.GRID_SIZE; tx++) for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.GRID_SIZE; ty++) for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.GRID_SIZE; tz++) { TinyGrid cont = gridContainers[tx][ty][tz]; if (cont == null) continue; tmp2.set(tmp); tmp2.sub(tx, ty, tz); if (SimpleMath.sphereAabbOverlap(cont.getBoundingBox(), tmp2, radius)) { return true; } } return false; } protected static Ray tmpRay = new Ray(new Vector3(), new Vector3()); protected static Ray tmpRay2 = new Ray(new Vector3(), new Vector3()); public boolean collidesWith(Ray ray, Vector3 intersection, float maxDistance) { tmpRay.set(ray); tmpRay.origin.add(-x, -y, -z); //tmpRay.mul(inverseTransform); if (!Intersector.intersectRayBoundsFast(tmpRay, boundingBox)) { return false; } boolean result = false; float myDist; for (int x = 0; x < Config.GRID_SIZE; x++) for (int y = 0; y < Config.GRID_SIZE; y++) for (int z = 0; z < Config.GRID_SIZE; z++) { TinyGrid cont = getTinyGrid(x, y, z); if (cont == null || !cont.checkBounds) continue; tmp2.set(x, y, z); tmp2.add(.5f); myDist = tmpRay.origin.dst(tmp2) - 1.0f; if (myDist * myDist > maxDistance) continue; tmpRay2.set(tmpRay); tmpRay2.origin.sub(x,y,z); tmpRay2.set(tmpRay2.origin, tmpRay2.direction); if (Intersector.intersectRayBounds(tmpRay2, cont.getBoundingBox(), tmp)) { tmp.add(x,y,z); myDist = tmpRay.origin.dst2(tmp); if (myDist > maxDistance) continue; maxDistance = myDist; intersection.set(tmp); intersection.mul(transform); result = true; } } return result; } public boolean pointInBoundingBox(Vector3 point) { if (!checkBounds) { return false; } tmp.set(point); tmp.mul(inverseTransform); if (boundingBox.contains(tmp)) { int gx = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x); int gy = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x); int gz = MathUtils.floor(tmp.x); if (gx == Config.GRID_SIZE || gy == Config.GRID_SIZE || gz == Config.GRID_SIZE) return false; TinyGrid cont = getTinyGrid(gx, gy, gz); if (cont == null) return false; if (!cont.checkBounds) return false; int tx = (int)(tmp.x * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE) % Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; int ty = (int)(tmp.y * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE) % Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; int tz = (int)(tmp.z * (float)Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE) % Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; return[tx][ty][tz] != 0xffffffff; } return false; } public boolean load(InputStream in) throws IOException { int count = StreamUtil.getInt(in); LogHandler.log("Count: " + count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int gx = StreamUtil.getInt(in); int gy = StreamUtil.getInt(in); int gz = StreamUtil.getInt(in); TinyGrid tinyGrid = tinyGridPool.obtain(); RLEInputStream rlein = new RLEInputStream(in); for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) { for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) { for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) {[tx][ty][tz] = Config.SAVE_SHADE ? rlein.readInt() : rlein.readRGBInt(); } } } tinyGrid.findBoundaryBox(); tinyGrid.findFullSides(); gridContainers[gx][gy][gz] = tinyGrid; //ErrorHandler.log("Done: x:" + gx + " y: " + gy + " z: " + gz); } return true; } public static boolean skipLoad(InputStream in) throws IOException { int count = StreamUtil.getInt(in); LogHandler.log("Count: " + count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int gx = StreamUtil.getInt(in); int gy = StreamUtil.getInt(in); int gz = StreamUtil.getInt(in); RLEInputStream rlein = new RLEInputStream(in); for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) { for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) { for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) { if (Config.SAVE_SHADE) rlein.readInt(); else rlein.readRGBInt(); } } } //ErrorHandler.log("Done: x:" + gx + " y: " + gy + " z: " + gz); } return true; } public void save(OutputStream out) throws IOException { StreamUtil.putInt(out, x); StreamUtil.putInt(out, y); StreamUtil.putInt(out, z); int total = 0; for (int gx = 0; gx < Config.GRID_SIZE; gx++) for (int gy = 0; gy < Config.GRID_SIZE; gy++) for (int gz = 0; gz < Config.GRID_SIZE; gz++) if (gridContainers[gx][gy][gz] != null) total++; StreamUtil.putInt(out, total); for (int gx = 0; gx < Config.GRID_SIZE; gx++) for (int gy = 0; gy < Config.GRID_SIZE; gy++) for (int gz = 0; gz < Config.GRID_SIZE; gz++) { if (gridContainers[gx][gy][gz] != null) { StreamUtil.putInt(out, gx); StreamUtil.putInt(out, gy); StreamUtil.putInt(out, gz); // add tiny data to pixmap TinyGrid tinyGrid = gridContainers[gx][gy][gz]; tinyGrid.findBoundaryBox(); tinyGrid.findFullSides(); RLEOutputStream rle = new RLEOutputStream(out); for (int tx = 0; tx < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tx++) { for (int ty = 0; ty < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; ty++) { for (int tz = 0; tz < Config.TINY_GRID_SIZE; tz++) { if (Config.SAVE_SHADE) rle.writeInt([tx][ty][tz]); else rle.writeRGBInt([tx][ty][tz]); } } } rle.finalize(); } } } public void copyTo(Grid grid) { for (int gx = 0; gx < Config.GRID_SIZE; gx++) for (int gy = 0; gy < Config.GRID_SIZE; gy++) for (int gz = 0; gz < Config.GRID_SIZE; gz++) { if (gridContainers[gx][gy][gz] != null) { TinyGrid tiny = tinyGridPool.obtain(); gridContainers[gx][gy][gz].copyTo(tiny); grid.gridContainers[gx][gy][gz] = tiny; } } grid.allowLoadPalette = true; } }