Change MaxHeight

<Window xmlns=""
Title="Height Properties Sample">
<StackPanel Margin="10">
<Canvas Height="200" MinWidth="200" Name="myCanvas">
<Rectangle HorizontalAlignment="Center" Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="50" Name="rect1" Fill="#4682b4" Height="100" Width="100"/>
<Button Name="Button1" Click="clipRect">Canvas.ClipToBounds="True"</Button>
<Button Name="Button2" Margin="0,5,5,5" Click="unclipRect">Canvas.ClipToBounds="False"</Button>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="4" Margin="10,0,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap">Set the Rectangle MaxHeight:</TextBlock>
<ListBox Grid.Column="5" Grid.Row="1" Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="50" Width="50" SelectionChanged="changeMaxHeight">
Imports System
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Documents
Namespace Height_MinHeight_MaxHeight
Public Partial Class Window1
Inherits Window
Public Sub changeMaxHeight(sender As Object, args As SelectionChangedEventArgs)
Dim li As ListBoxItem = TryCast(TryCast(sender, ListBox).SelectedItem, ListBoxItem)
Dim sz1 As [Double] = [Double].Parse(li.Content.ToString())
rect1.MaxHeight = sz1
Console.WriteLine("ActualHeight is set to " + rect1.ActualHeight)
Console.WriteLine("Height is set to " + rect1.Height)
Console.WriteLine("MinHeight is set to " + rect1.MinHeight)
Console.WriteLine("MaxHeight is set to " + rect1.MaxHeight)
End Sub
Public Sub clipRect(sender As Object, args As RoutedEventArgs)
myCanvas.ClipToBounds = True
Console.WriteLine("Canvas.ClipToBounds is set to " + myCanvas.ClipToBounds)
End Sub
Public Sub unclipRect(sender As Object, args As RoutedEventArgs)
myCanvas.ClipToBounds = False
Console.WriteLine("Canvas.ClipToBounds is set to " + myCanvas.ClipToBounds)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
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