1. | Fill = Brushes.Red | |  |
2. | Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green) | |  |
3. | Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255)) | |  |
4. | Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 255)); | |  |
5. | Using the SolidColorBrush type | |  |
6. | Using the SolidColorBrush and Color type | |  |
7. | Describes the brush's color using ARGB values. Each value has a range of 0-255. | |  |
8. | Shows the predefined brushes defined by the System.Brushes class. | |  |
9. | Drawing Brush In XAML | |  |
10. | Use SolidColorBrush to paint Rectangle | |  |
11. | Solid brush using type converter | |  |
12. | Fill the underline decoration with a solid color brush in VB | |  |
13. | Fill the strikethrough decoration with a solid color brush in VB | |  |
14. | Colors and Brushes | |  |
15. | Predefined brush in Brushes Class | |  |
16. | Convert contents of a ListBoxItem to an instance of Thickness by using the BrushConverter | |  |
17. | Solid Color Brush In Code with predefined brush | |  |
18. | Solid Color Brush In Code with SolidColorBrush | |  |
19. | Solid Color Brush In Code with SolidColorBrush and RGB color | |  |
20. | Fill up the ListBox with brush names | |  |
21. | DrawingBrush with DrawingGroup | |  |