Pass xml node to a method : XPath « XML « Ruby

Pass xml node to a method

xml = %{
 <fish color="blue" size="small" />
 <fish color="orange" size="large">
   <fish color="green" size="small">
    <fish color="red" size="tiny" />
 <decoration type="castle" style="gaudy">
  <algae color="green" />

require 'rexml/document'
doc = xml

def describe(fish)
  "#{fish.attribute('size')} #{fish.attribute('color')} fish"

REXML::XPath.each(doc, '//fish/fish') do |fish|
  puts "#{describe(fish.parent)} #{describe(fish)}."


Related examples in the same category

1.Get XPath from node
2.Navigating a Document with XPath
3.REXML::XPath.match(doc, '//[@color="green"]')
4.Find the second green element.
5.Find the color attributes of all small fish.
6.Count how many fish are inside the large fish.
7.each loop on element
8.Get the first element and first child
9.Search element by XPath