Count how many fish are inside the large fish. : XPath « XML « Ruby

Count how many fish are inside the large fish.

xml = %{
 <fish color="blue" size="small" />
 <fish color="orange" size="large">
   <fish color="green" size="small">
    <fish color="red" size="tiny" />
 <decoration type="castle" style="gaudy">
  <algae color="green" />

require 'rexml/document'
doc = xml

p REXML::XPath.first(doc, "count(//fish[@size='large'][1]//*fish)")


Related examples in the same category

1.Get XPath from node
2.Pass xml node to a method
3.Navigating a Document with XPath
4.REXML::XPath.match(doc, '//[@color="green"]')
5.Find the second green element.
6.Find the color attributes of all small fish.
7.each loop on element
8.Get the first element and first child
9.Search element by XPath