abs 2 | between 1 |
BigDecimal 12 | Bignum class 3 |
Bignum 1 | Binary number 4 |
ceil 1 | coerce 1 |
Complex Numbers 1 | Convert from Integer 1 |
Convert to Char 3 | Convert to Float 4 |
Convert to Integer 14 | Convert to String 8 |
Fixnum class 6 | Fixnum extension 5 |
Float Extension 3 | float 12 |
floor 1 | hexadecimal numbers 3 |
infinite 4 | Integer 12 |
matrix 4 | nan 5 |
next 4 | nonzero 4 |
Number class 7 | Number Literal 7 |
Numeric class 7 | octal numbers 3 |
Prime Numbers 6 | Rational Numbers 16 |
round 4 | shift 2 |
zero 2 |