String « Ruby

String /

capitalize 3casecmp 2
char in string 14char range 4
chomp 3chop 3
concat 2Convert Number 3
Convert to Array 3Convert to String 3
Convert to Symbol 2crypt 1
delete 5downcase 3
dump 1each 2
each_byte 6each_char 3
each_line 1each_with_index 1
empty 1encoding 10
end_with 1eq 1
Escape Characters 14force_encoding 1
freeze 5grep 12
gsub 14hash value 1
hash 1Here Document 3
include 2index 4
insert 3intern 2
Justify Center 5Justify Left 2
Justify Right 4length 2
lines 1match 6
matching operator 2multiply strings 4
next 8replace 3
reverse 5scan 15
select 2slice 3
split 8squeeze 1
String class Extension 20String comparisons 10
String Concatenation 7String format 5
String from Right 1String Literal 9
String Quotation 9String Range 7
string variable 5
Strip from Left 2Strip from right 1
Strip 5sub with regular expressions 8
sub 1succ 3
sum 2swapcase 2
tr 2tr_s 1
unicode 5upcase 5
upto 1wrap 2