Rounding methods : float « Number « Ruby

Rounding methods

puts 1.1.ceil     # =>  2: ceiling: smallest integer >= its argument
puts -1.1.ceil    # => -1: ceiling: smallest integer >= its argument
puts 1.9.floor    # =>  1: floor: largest integer <= its argument
puts -1.9.floor   # => -2: floor: largest integer <= its argument
puts 1.1.round    # =>  1: round to nearest integer
puts 0.5.round    # =>  1: round toward infinity when halfway between integers
puts -0.5.round   # => -1: or round toward negative infinity
puts 1.1.truncate # =>  1: chop off fractional part: round toward zero
puts -1.1.to_i    # => -1: synonym for truncate


Related examples in the same category

1.Floating Point Numbers
2.Check whether a number is finite or infinite with the finite? and infinite?
3.Check whether a floating-point value is a number at all with Float's nan?
4.ArgumentError: invalid value for Float(): "99.44% pure"
5.Float value step
6.Float predicates
7.Class constants
8.Absolute value and sign
9.Constants in Float
10.Round a float
11.round Rounds to the nearest integer.