DIG Precision of Float (in decimal digits)
EPSILON The smallest Float such that 1.0+ EPSILON =1.0
MANT_DIG The number of mantissa digits (base RADIX)
MAX The largest Float
MAX_10_EXP The maximum integerx such that 10x is afinite Float
MAX_EXP The maximum integerx such that FLT_RADIX(x1) is a finite Float
MIN The smallest Float
MIN_10_EXP The minimum integerx such that 10x is afinite Float
MIN_EXP The minimum integerx such that FLT_RADIX(x1) is a finite Float
RADIX The radix offloating point representations
ROUNDS The rounding mode forfloating point operations. Possible values include
1 if the mode is indeterminate
0 if rounding is toward zero
1 if rounding is to nearest representable value
2 if rounding is toward+
3 if rounding is toward