Java XML XML Node
Java examples for XML:XML Node
XML Node
Click the following links for the tutorial for XML and XML Node.
XML node To String
get XML Node Type
get XML Node Name
prepare Direct XML Node
Get all of the XML element nodes from a NodeList
find XML Root Node from NodeList
write XML Node To String
Replaces the old node with the new XML node
get XML Node Attributes
XML Node Lists are equal if and only if their size is equal and the containing nodes at the same indexes are equal.
XML node List To Iterator
Implementation independent version of the XML Node.isEqualNode() method.
Returns the first sibling of XML node, or node itself, which has the given name.
unmarshall XML Node Attribute
get XML Node Local Name
Attempts to match the provided node to the XML Element type with the tag name provided.
XML Node Simple value finder
read XML Node from InputStream
Gets the XML element node with the given name
get Owner Document from XML Node
returns local name of this element if not null, otherwise returns the name of the XML node
get Namespace URI from XML Node
get Name from XML Node
Finds and returns the next sibling XML element node.
Finds and returns the next sibling XML node with the given qualified name.
get Local Name from XML Node
get Prefix for XML Node
get XML Node by name
XML node As String
get Offspring from XML Node
XML DOM NamedNodeMap to Map
get First XML Node By Name
Import a single node into XML document.
get Attribute from XML Node by name
get XML Node At Position
get XML Node Position
Returns the value of the given XML attribute of the also-given node.
Simple XML tree walker that will clone recursively a node.
list a set of XML node that match a specific filter.
Gets the local (sans namespace) name of the given XML node.
Gets the namespace of the given XML node.
Writes the given XML node to the given output stream.
Returns a string representation of the given XML node.
Append the specified key/value pair of attributes to the XML Node.
Checks whether any of the nodes from the list can be appended to a given parent XML Node.
Checks if the node can be appended on the given parent XML node
Serializes the given DOM node using #writeNode(Node,Writer) and returns the XML as a String.
Checks whether a XML node is ancestor of another node.
Checks if any of from the given list of nodes is an ancestor to another XML node
Writes XML node using the given writer.
get Value from XML Node
This is a utility method that will returns a boolean indicating of the node is XML Element and the name matches the tag passed
Get the next sibling org.w3c.dom.Element Element of a org.w3c.dom.Node Node .
Count the DOM element nodes before the supplied node, having the specified tag name, not including the node itself.
Convert a document node into a new Document which root node is the original node.
create Node for Document
is Node Type Matches
xpath To Node
xpath To Node List