Java java.lang Math Matrix

Java examples for java.lang:Math Matrix


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and Math Matrix.

  1. deep Copy Int Matrix
  2. is Matrix Equal to another Matrix
  3. Returns the point in the center of the four supplied points.
  4. Returns true if the specified value is spanned by the two bounds, and false otherwise.
  5. Returns the length of the vector v.
  6. Returns the normal vector for the plane defined by three points.
  7. Returns a new vector that is the normalized form of the specified vector.
  8. Returns the scalar product of two vectors.

  9. Adds s times one row to another row
  10. Multiplies every element in row r by a scalar s.
  11. Swaps rows in Matrix
  12. get Matrix From Array
  13. Takes the transpose of an array (like the matrix operation).
  14. print Matrix Diagonals
  15. rotate Matrix
  16. rotate Matrix In Place

  17. get Differential Int Matrix
  18. get Single Color Int Matrix
  19. Computes the determinant of a matrix.
  20. Computes the mean value of a matrix of integers.
  21. Multiplies a matrix and a vector.
  22. Multiplies a vector and a matrix.
  23. Computes the standard deviation of the values in the matrix.
  24. Computes the dot product of two vectors.
  25. Computes the mean coordinate of the vector.
  26. Multiplies two matrices using an implementation faster than the straightforward one.
  27. matrix Converged
  28. print Matrix
  29. dot Tuple3d
  30. subtract Tuple3d
  31. add Vectors
  32. cross Vector
  33. get Angle
  34. Compute the mean of a vector.
  35. Returns the median of a vector.
  36. Swap the left and right halves of the vector.
  37. Apply weight to vector.
  38. read Double Matrix from InputStream
  39. read Int Matrix from InputStream
  40. Computes the normalized confusion matrix for two vectors.
  41. Calculate and return the absolute minimum value in the matrix
  42. Method used to add a column to a matrix
  43. Method used to add a row to a matrix
  44. Calculate the covariance matrix
  45. Get the maximum value within a column of a given matrix
  46. Get the mean of a given column of a given matrix
  47. Get the minimum value within a column of a given matrix
  48. Get the mean of a given row of a given matrix
  49. Calculate the pseudo-inverse of a matrix
  50. Prints matrix to console
  51. Function used to read matrices from a file (in csv form)
  52. Performs simple regularization by adding a small value to the diagonal of a matrix; matrix must be square
  53. Regularize the matrix using ridge regression
  54. Set a particular column of a matrix
  55. Set a particular row of a matrix
  56. Gets a sub-matrix within the given matrix
  57. Convert a list of a list of doubles into an actual matrix object
  58. Function used to write a matrix out to file (in csv form)
  59. Calculate the inner product of 2 vectors, where the first vector is a row in the first matrix, and the second vector is a column in the second matrix.
  60. Returns the sum of a given column of the matrix (the numbering starts from 1)
  61. Calculates the sum of the principal diagonal of a square matrix
  62. Calculates the sum of all the elements in the matrix
  63. Returns the sum of a given row of the matrix (the numbering starts from 1)
  64. Make the Cholesky decomposition L of a given input matrix A, where: A is symmetric and positive definite (has full rank) A = L L^T (L^T is the transpose of L - here A has real entries only, though a Cholesky decomposition is possible with complex entries) L is a lower triangular matrix We perform the decomposition using the Cholesky?Banachiewicz algorithm, computing L from the top left, row by row (see wikipedia) This method has been adapted from the JAMA project (public domain software)
  65. Return a new matrix with the columns of matrix1 joined on the back of matrix2
  66. Compute the covariance matrix between all column pairs (variables) in the multivariate data set
  67. Returns the determinant of the input matrix.
  68. Compute determinant(A), where A = L*L^T via Cholesky decomposition is a symmetric, positive definite matrix.
  69. Compute matrix inversion of a symmetric, positive definite matrix by using the Cholesky Decomposition L of the matrix A.
  70. Works out the index of the k minimum values in the matrix in a given column
  71. Works out the maximum value in the matrix in a given column
  72. Return an array of the means of each row in the 2D input matrix
  73. select Column from Matrix
  74. Matrix column Shift
  75. Checks if two given matrices are equal.
  76. Computes average value from all entries iterable the matrix
  77. Creates a random boolean matrix
  78. Creates a random matrix.
  79. Creates a random integer matrix.
  80. Sets a sub-matrix of the given matrix at specified position to values from another smaller matrix
  81. Extracts a sub-matrix from the given matrix
  82. Computes sum of two equal-sized matrices.
  83. Swaps two columns of a matrix.
  84. Swaps two rows of a matrix.
  85. Computes trace of the matrix
  86. Transposes a matrix (i.e.
  87. copy Matrix
  88. matrix rotate 180 degrees
  89. matrix rotate Clock Wise
  90. matrix rotate Counter Clock Wise
  91. Inverts a 4 x 4 matrix using Gaussian Elimination.
  92. Multiply a matrix with another matrix that only contains elements on its diagonal.
  93. Multiplies two matrices.
  94. Multiplies a matrix with another matrix that only has one column.
  95. First transposes matrix matA, then multiplies it with matrix matB.
  96. First transposes a matrix, then multiplies it with another matrix that only contains elements on its diagonal, then multiplies it again with the matrix.
  97. First transposes a matrix, then multiplies it with another matrix that only contains elements on its diagonal.