Java tutorial
package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.view.Display; import android.view.Surface; import android.view.WindowManager; public class AndroidApiService { private Configuration config; private ApiUrl apiUrl; private static final Logger L = Logger.getLogger(AndroidApiService.class); private static final String PREF_NAME = ""; private static final String PREF_KEY_TOKEN = "token"; private static final String PREF_KEY_USER_ID = "user_id"; private static final String PREF_KEY_UID = "uid"; private static final String PREF_KEY_SUBSCRIBER_ID = "subscriber_id"; private static final String PREF_KEY_SIM_SERIAL_NUMBER = "sim_serial_number"; private static final String PREF_KEY_APP_FILTER = "app_filter"; private static boolean isLogin = false; private static AndroidApiService service; private String storeId; private String sdkVer; private String sdkRel; private String clientVer; private String deviceId; private String macAddress; private String subscriberId; private String simSerialNumber; // private String token; private String wpx; private String hpx; // private String userId; // private String uid; private int appFilter; private Credential credential; private AndroidApiService(Context context, Configuration config) { this.config = config; this.apiUrl = new ApiUrl(config); if (Logger.DEBUG) L.d("new ApiService()"); sdkVer = Build.VERSION.SDK; sdkRel = Build.VERSION.RELEASE; try { PackageInfo pi = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); storeId = pi.packageName; clientVer = "" + pi.versionCode; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { } TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); deviceId = tm.getDeviceId() == null ? "0" : tm.getDeviceId(); macAddress = NetworkUtils.getDeviceMacAddress(context); subscriberId = tm.getSubscriberId() == null ? "0" : tm.getSubscriberId(); simSerialNumber = tm.getSimSerialNumber() == null ? "0" : tm.getSimSerialNumber(); WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay(); try { Class<Display> cls = Display.class; Method method = cls.getMethod("getRotation"); Object retobj = method.invoke(display); int rotation = Integer.parseInt(retobj.toString()); if (Surface.ROTATION_0 == rotation || Surface.ROTATION_180 == rotation) { wpx = "" + display.getWidth(); hpx = "" + display.getHeight(); } else { wpx = "" + display.getHeight(); hpx = "" + display.getWidth(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (display.getOrientation() == 1) { wpx = "" + display.getHeight(); hpx = "" + display.getWidth(); } else { wpx = "" + display.getWidth(); hpx = "" + display.getHeight(); } } SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); // token = pref.getString(PREF_KEY_TOKEN, ""); // uid = pref.getString(PREF_KEY_UID, ""); // userId = pref.getString(PREF_KEY_USER_ID, ""); appFilter = pref.getInt(PREF_KEY_APP_FILTER, 0); // ipLoginEnable = pref.getBoolean(PREF_KEY_IP_LOGIN_ENABLE, true); // ??SIM? String pref_subscriberId = pref.getString(PREF_KEY_SUBSCRIBER_ID, "0"); String pref_simSerialNumber = pref.getString(PREF_KEY_SIM_SERIAL_NUMBER, "0"); if (!subscriberId.equals(pref_subscriberId) || !simSerialNumber.equals(pref_simSerialNumber)) { if (Logger.DEBUG) L.d("Change SIM card."); cleanCredential(context); } this.getCredential(context); } public static synchronized AndroidApiService getInstance(Context context, Configuration config) { if (service != null) return service; service = new AndroidApiService(context, config); return service; } // public String getToken() { // return token; // } // // public String getUserId() { // return userId; // } // // public String getUID() { // return uid; // } public int getAppFilter() { return appFilter; } public Credential getCredential(Context context) { SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String token = pref.getString(PREF_KEY_TOKEN, ""); String uid = pref.getString(PREF_KEY_UID, ""); String userId = pref.getString(PREF_KEY_USER_ID, ""); credential = new Credential(token, uid, userId); return credential; } public void saveAppFilter(Context context, int filter) { this.appFilter = filter; SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Editor edit = pref.edit(); edit.putInt(PREF_KEY_APP_FILTER, filter); edit.commit(); } public void saveCredential(Context context, Credential credential) { if (Logger.DEBUG) L.d("save Credential."); SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Editor edit = pref.edit(); edit.putString(PREF_KEY_TOKEN, credential.getToken()); edit.putString(PREF_KEY_UID, credential.getUid()); edit.putString(PREF_KEY_USER_ID, credential.getUserId()); edit.putString(PREF_KEY_SUBSCRIBER_ID, subscriberId); edit.putString(PREF_KEY_SIM_SERIAL_NUMBER, simSerialNumber); edit.commit(); // this.token = credential.getToken(); // this.userId = credential.getUserId(); // this.uid = credential.getUid(); this.credential = credential; isLogin = true; } public void cleanCredential(Context context) { if (Logger.DEBUG) L.d("clean Credential."); SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Editor edit = pref.edit(); edit.remove(PREF_KEY_TOKEN); edit.remove(PREF_KEY_UID); edit.remove(PREF_KEY_SUBSCRIBER_ID); edit.remove(PREF_KEY_SIM_SERIAL_NUMBER); edit.commit(); // this.token = ""; // this.uid = ""; this.credential = new Credential("", "", ""); isLogin = false; } private List<NameValuePair> createRequestParams() { return createRequestParams(null, null, true); } public List<NameValuePair> createRequestParams(String[] paramNames, String[] paramValues, boolean withToken) { return createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, withToken, null); } public List<NameValuePair> createRequestParams(String[] paramNames, String[] paramValues, boolean withToken, Integer appfilter) { return createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, withToken, appfilter, null, null); } public List<NameValuePair> createRequestParams(String[] paramNames, String[] paramValues, boolean withToken, Integer appfilter, String userId, String pwd) { List<NameValuePair> nvps = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("store", storeId)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("aver", sdkVer)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("arel", sdkRel)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("cver", clientVer)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("lang", Locale.getDefault().toString())); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("tzid", tz.getID())); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("tzrawoffset", "" + tz.getRawOffset())); String time = "" + System.currentTimeMillis(); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("time", time)); String vstring = storeId + "|" + time; if (userId != null && pwd != null) { vstring = storeId + "|" + time + "|" + userId + "|" + pwd; } else if (withToken && this.credential.getToken() != null && this.credential.getToken().length() > 0) { vstring = storeId + "|" + time + "|" + this.credential.getToken(); } else if (deviceId != null && subscriberId != null && simSerialNumber != null) { vstring = storeId + "|" + time + "|" + deviceId + "|" + subscriberId + "|" + simSerialNumber; } L.d("vstring=" + vstring); String vsign = ""; try { vsign = Dsa.sign(vstring, this.config.getApiPrivkey()); } catch (Exception e) { } nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("vsign", vsign)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("imei", deviceId)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("mac", macAddress)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("imsi", subscriberId)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("iccid", simSerialNumber)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("dvc", Build.MODEL)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("wpx", wpx)); nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("hpx", hpx)); if (appfilter == null) { //?appFilter() nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("appfilter", "" + appFilter)); } else { //?appfilter nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("appfilter", "" + appfilter)); } //??? if (this.config.getSnum() != null && this.config.getSnum().length() > 0) { nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("snum", this.config.getSnum())); } if (withToken && this.credential.getToken() != null && this.credential.getToken().length() > 0) { nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("token", this.credential.getToken())); } if (paramNames == null || paramValues == null) { return nvps; } if (paramNames.length != paramValues.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("paramNames.length != paramValues.length"); } int count = paramNames.length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair(paramNames[i], paramValues[i])); } return nvps; } /** * Login(01): */ public ApiInvoker<LoginRet> login(String userId, String password) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "userId", "pwd" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { "" + userId, "" + password }; String url = apiUrl.getLoginUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<LoginRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.LOGIN_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, false, null, userId, password); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<LoginRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Register: */ public ApiInvoker<LoginRet> register(String userId, String password, String nickName, String signature) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "userId", "pwd", "nickname", "signature" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { "" + userId, "" + password, "" + nickName, "" + signature }; String url = apiUrl.getRegisterUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<LoginRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.LOGIN_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, false, null, userId, password); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<LoginRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Auto Login(02): */ public ApiInvoker<LoginRet> autoLogin() { String url = apiUrl.getAutoLoginUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<LoginRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.LOGIN_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<LoginRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * IP Login(03): IP */ public ApiInvoker<IPLoginRet> IPLogin(String ip) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "ip" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { "" + ip }; String url = apiUrl.getIPLoginUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<IPLoginRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.IP_LOGIN_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, false); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<IPLoginRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Feature Applications(04): Feature Applications */ public ApiInvoker<AppsRet> featureApps(Integer appfilter) { String url = apiUrl.getFeatureAppsUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<AppsRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.APPS_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(null, null, true, appfilter); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<AppsRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Application Category List(05): ? */ public ApiInvoker<CategoriesRet> categories(String categoryId) { String url = apiUrl.getCategoryUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<CategoriesRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.CATEGORIES_PARSE_HANDLER; String[] paramNames = null; String[] paramValues = null; if (categoryId != null) { paramNames = new String[] { "pid" }; paramValues = new String[] { categoryId }; } List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CategoriesRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Applications of Category(06): ?? */ public ApiInvoker<CategoryAppsRet> categoryApps(String categoryId, AppsType appsType, Integer appfilter, int page, Integer pSize) { String url = apiUrl.getCategoryAppsUrl(categoryId, appsType, page); ApiDataParseHandler<CategoryAppsRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.CATEGORY_APPS_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; String[] paramNames = null; String[] paramValues = null; if (pSize != null) { paramNames = new String[] { "psize" }; paramValues = new String[] { pSize.toString() }; } List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true, appfilter); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CategoryAppsRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Application Detail(07): ? */ public ApiInvoker<ApplicationRet> application(String packageName) { String url = apiUrl.getApplicationDetailUrl(packageName); ApiDataParseHandler<ApplicationRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.APPLICATION_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<ApplicationRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Comments of Application(08): ? */ public ApiInvoker<CommentsRet> appComments(String packageName, int page, Integer pSize) { String url = apiUrl.getApplicationCommentsUrl(packageName, page); ApiDataParseHandler<CommentsRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.COMMENTS_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; String[] paramNames = null; String[] paramValues = null; if (pSize != null) { paramNames = new String[] { "psize" }; paramValues = new String[] { pSize.toString() }; } List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CommentsRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Report Application(09): Application */ public ApiInvoker<CommonRet> reportApp(String packageName, Integer appVersion, int reportId) { String[] paramNames; String[] paramValues; if (appVersion != null) { paramNames = new String[] { "lappv", "reportId" }; paramValues = new String[] { String.valueOf(appVersion), String.valueOf(reportId) }; } else { paramNames = new String[] { "reportId" }; paramValues = new String[] { String.valueOf(reportId) }; } String url = apiUrl.getApplicationReportUrl(packageName); ApiDataParseHandler<CommonRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.COMMON_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CommonRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Rate Application(10): ? */ public ApiInvoker<CommonRet> rateApp(String packageName, Integer appVersion, int rating, String comment) { String[] paramNames; String[] paramValues; if (appVersion != null) { paramNames = new String[] { "lappv", "rating", "comment" }; paramValues = new String[] { String.valueOf(appVersion), String.valueOf(rating), "" + comment }; } else { paramNames = new String[] { "rating", "comment" }; paramValues = new String[] { String.valueOf(rating), "" + comment }; } String url = apiUrl.getApplicationRateUrl(packageName); ApiDataParseHandler<CommonRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.COMMON_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CommonRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Search Apps(11): ??? */ public ApiInvoker<AppsRet> searchApps(String query, AppsType appType, Integer appfilter, int page, Integer pSize) { String[] paramNames = null; String[] paramValues = null; if (pSize != null) { paramNames = new String[] { "query", "psize" }; paramValues = new String[] { "" + query, pSize.toString() }; } else { paramNames = new String[] { "query" }; paramValues = new String[] { "" + query }; } String url = apiUrl.getSearchAppsUrl(appType, page); ApiDataParseHandler<AppsRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.APPS_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true, appfilter); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<AppsRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * CPs Apps(12): ?? */ public ApiInvoker<CPAppsRet> cpApps(String cpId, AppsType appsType, Integer appfilter, int page, Integer pSize) { String url = apiUrl.getCPAppsUrl(cpId, appsType, page); ApiDataParseHandler<CPAppsRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.CP_APPS_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; String[] paramNames = null; String[] paramValues = null; if (pSize != null) { paramNames = new String[] { "psize" }; paramValues = new String[] { pSize.toString() }; } List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true, appfilter); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CPAppsRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * My Download ( Free, Paid, All )(13): App ?Free, InApp, InApp * , , InApp */ public ApiInvoker<AppsRet> myDownloadApps(AppsType appsType, int page) { String url = apiUrl.getMyDownloadAppsUrl(appsType, page); ApiDataParseHandler<AppsRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.APPS_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<AppsRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Send Client Usage Log (14): Client */ public ApiInvoker<CommonRet> clientUsage(String l_uid, String l_userId, String l_iccid, String l_imei, String l_cver, long l_time, String l_dvc, String l_imsi, String l_msisdn, String l_isFirstTime) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "l_uid", "l_userId", "l_iccid", "l_imei", "l_cver", "l_time", "l_dvc", "l_imsi", "l_msisdn", "l_isFirstTime" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { l_uid, l_userId, l_iccid, l_imei, l_cver, String.valueOf(l_time), l_dvc, l_imsi, l_msisdn, l_isFirstTime }; String url = apiUrl.getClientUsageUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<CommonRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.COMMON_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CommonRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Is Over Payment Quota?(15): ??? */ public ApiInvoker<OverPaymentQuotaRet> overPaymentQuota(String packageName) { String url = apiUrl.getOverPaymentQuotaUrl(packageName); ApiDataParseHandler<OverPaymentQuotaRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.OVER_PAYMENT_QUOTA_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<OverPaymentQuotaRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Check Pay Status(16): */ public ApiInvoker<CheckPayStatusRet> checkPayStatus(String packageName, Integer lappv) { String url = apiUrl.getCheckPayStatusUrl(packageName); ApiDataParseHandler<CheckPayStatusRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.CHECK_PAY_STATUS_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CheckPayStatusRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Unsubscribe(17): ? */ public ApiInvoker<UnsubscribeRet> unsubscribe(String packageName) { String url = apiUrl.getUnsubscribeUrl(packageName); ApiDataParseHandler<UnsubscribeRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.UNSUBSCRIBE_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<UnsubscribeRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Check New Client(18): Client */ public ApiInvoker<CheckClientVersionRet> checkClientVersion(String msisdn) { String url = apiUrl.getCheckNewClientUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<CheckClientVersionRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.CHECK_CLIENT_VERSION_HANDLER; String[] paramNames = new String[] { "msisdn" }; if (msisdn == null) msisdn = ""; String[] paramValues = new String[] { msisdn }; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } ApiInvoker<CheckClientVersionRet> apiInvoker = new ApiInvoker<CheckClientVersionRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); return apiInvoker; } /** * Download Client(19): Client */ public HttpRequestBase downloadClient(String dlToken) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { String url = apiUrl.getDownloadClientUrl(); List<NameValuePair> nvps; if (dlToken != null) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "dltoken" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { dlToken }; nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); } else { nvps = createRequestParams(); } HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nvps, HTTP.UTF_8)); return post; } /** * Check My Apps Version(20): App */ public ApiInvoker<AppVersionsRet> myAppVersions(String msisdn, int page) { String url = apiUrl.getMyAppsVersionUrl(page); ApiDataParseHandler<AppVersionsRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.MY_APP_VERSIONS_PARSE_HANDLER; String[] paramNames = new String[] { "msisdn" }; if (msisdn == null) msisdn = ""; String[] paramValues = new String[] { msisdn }; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<AppVersionsRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * Download App(21): App */ public HttpRequestBase downloadApp(String packageName, String categoryId, Integer lappv, String vlogId) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (config.getServerType() == Configuration.RUNTIME_SERVER_TYPE.STAGING) { if (LangUtils.isBlank(categoryId) || "0".equals(categoryId)) throw new RuntimeException("categoryId invalid: " + categoryId); } String url = apiUrl.getDownloadAppUrl(packageName); List<NameValuePair> nvps; String[] paramNames; String[] paramValues; if (lappv != null) { if (LangUtils.isBlank(vlogId)) { paramNames = new String[] { "categoryId", "lappv" }; paramValues = new String[] { categoryId, lappv.toString() }; } else { paramNames = new String[] { "categoryId", "lappv", "vlogId" }; paramValues = new String[] { categoryId, lappv.toString(), vlogId }; } } else { if (LangUtils.isBlank(vlogId)) { paramNames = new String[] { "categoryId" }; paramValues = new String[] { categoryId }; } else { paramNames = new String[] { "categoryId", "vlogId" }; paramValues = new String[] { categoryId, vlogId }; } } nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nvps, HTTP.UTF_8)); return post; } /** * ? API 13: ? */ public ApiInvoker<LicenseInfoRet> getLicense(String packageName, Integer lappv) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "ver" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { "" + lappv }; String url = apiUrl.getLicenseUrl(packageName); ApiDataParseHandler<LicenseInfoRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.LICENSE_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<LicenseInfoRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } public ApiInvoker<OrderRet> getNewOrder(String packageName, String storeOid, String payeeInfo) { return getNewOrder(packageName, storeOid, payeeInfo, null); } public ApiInvoker<OrderRet> getNewOrder(String packageName, String storeOid, String payeeInfo, UPayConfig uPayConfig) { String[] paramNames; String[] paramValues; if (uPayConfig == null) { paramNames = new String[] { "storeOid", "payeeInfo" }; paramValues = new String[] { storeOid, payeeInfo }; } else { paramNames = new String[] { "storeOid", "payeeInfo", "isTest", "checkSignUrl", "merchantId", "merchantName", "merchantPublicCer", "privateKeyFileName", "privateKeyAlias", "privateKeyPassword", "transTimeout", "backEndUrl" }; paramValues = new String[] { storeOid, payeeInfo, uPayConfig.getIsTest(), uPayConfig.getCheckSignUrl(), uPayConfig.getMerchantId(), uPayConfig.getMerchantName(), uPayConfig.getMerchantPublicCer(), uPayConfig.getPrivateKeyFileName(), uPayConfig.getPrivateKeyAlias(), uPayConfig.getPrivateKeyPassword(), uPayConfig.getTransTimeout(), uPayConfig.getBackEndUrl() }; } String url = apiUrl.getPaymentOrderNumtUrl(packageName); ApiDataParseHandler<OrderRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.G_PAYMENT_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<OrderRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * ??appstore(26) */ public ApiInvoker<CheckAppStoreRet> checkAppStoreList(String pkg, int ver) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "ver" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { "" + ver }; String url = apiUrl.getCheckAppStoreListUrl(pkg); ApiDataParseHandler<CheckAppStoreRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.APP_STORE_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, false); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CheckAppStoreRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * ??appfor app sdk(27) */ public ApiInvoker<SdkAppInfoRet> getSdkAppInfo(String pkg, int ver, String dlog, String first) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "ver", "dlog", "first" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { "" + ver, dlog, "" + first }; String url = apiUrl.getSdkAppInfoUrl(pkg); ApiDataParseHandler<SdkAppInfoRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.SDK_APP_INFO_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<SdkAppInfoRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /* * ?clientlogserver */ public ApiInvoker<CommonRet> sendLogs(List<? extends LogMessage> logs) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<log>"); for (int i = 0; i < logs.size(); i++) { sb.append(logs.get(i).toXML()); } sb.append("</log>"); String[] paramNames = new String[] { "log" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { sb.toString() }; String url = apiUrl.getSendLogUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<CommonRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.COMMON_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CommonRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /* * ???(44) */ public ApiInvoker<OrderRet> getOrderStatus(String pkg) { String url = apiUrl.getOrderStatusUrl(pkg); ApiDataParseHandler<OrderRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.G_PAYMENT_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(null, null, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<OrderRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /* * ??(45) */ public ApiInvoker<CommonRet> orderRefund(String orderNo, String reason) { String[] paramNames = new String[] { "orderNo", "reason" }; String[] paramValues = new String[] { orderNo, reason }; String url = apiUrl.getOrderRefundUrl(); ApiDataParseHandler<CommonRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.COMMON_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(paramNames, paramValues, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<CommonRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /* * ?PePayURL?(46) */ public ApiInvoker<PePayOrderRet> getPePayOrderUrl(String pkg) { String url = apiUrl.getPePayOrderUrl(pkg); ApiDataParseHandler<PePayOrderRet> handler = ApiDataParseHandler.PEPAYORDER_RET_PARSE_HANDLER; List<NameValuePair> nvps = createRequestParams(null, null, true); if (Logger.DEBUG) { L.d(url + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvps, "UTF-8")); } return new ApiInvoker<PePayOrderRet>(this.config, handler, url, nvps); } /** * ? * @return */ public static boolean isLogin() { return isLogin; } }