Java tutorial
/** ToDoCycleCalendar Copyright (C) 2012 Tohru Mashiko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ??MainCalendar ?Activity ??? (?//???) 0.1/2012.05.21/T.Mashiko 0.2/2012.05.22/T.Mashiko 0.3/2012.05.29/T.Mashiko 0.4/2012.06.04/T.Mashiko 0.5/2012.06.06/T.Mashiko Long 0.6/2012.06.15/T.Mashiko YYYY-MM? 0.7/2012.06.17/T.Mashiko 0.8/2012.06.18/T.Mashiko 0.9/2012.06.19/T.Mashiko ??, 1.0/2012.06.25/T.Mashiko OAuthCode?? 1.1/2012.06.26/T.Mashiko OAuthCode??,GDATA?? 1.2/2012.06.27/T.Mashiko GDATA?? 1.3/2012.06.28/T.Mashiko GDATA?? 1.4/2012.07.02/T.Mashiko GDATA?? 1.5/2012.07.03/T.Mashiko GDATA?? 1.7/2012.07.04/T.Mashiko 1.8/2012.07.05/T.Mashiko OAuth???? 1.9/2012.07.06/T.Mashiko OAuth??SQLiteTokenExpires???? 2.0/2012.07.08/T.Mashiko ?? 2.1/2012.07.09/T.Mashiko , 2.2/2012.07.10/T.Mashiko 2.3/2012.07.11/T.Mashiko ??? 2.4/2012.07.18/T.Mashiko 2.5/2012.08.22/T.Mashiko ?,? 2.6/2012.08.23/T.Mashiko ? 2.7/2012.09.04/T.Mashiko ???? 2.8/2012.09.05/T.Mashiko ???????UI?()????? 2.9/2012.09.06/T.Mashiko ???,????? 3.0/2012.09.07/T.Mashiko ???,?Insert???URL?? 3.1/2012.09.08/T.Mashiko ?Delete???,????? 3.2/2012.09.10/T.Mashiko Insert????URL??????? 3.3/2012.09.13/T.Mashiko ???25??????????2?????????,parse??null?????? 3.4/2012.09.14/T.Mashiko ????,OutOfMemory 3.5/2012.09.19/T.Mashiko ??OutOfMemory(?300?) 3.6/2012.09.26/T.Mashiko About 3.7/2012.09.27/T.Mashiko */ package study.tdcc.act; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import study.tdcc.*; import study.tdcc.adapter.*; import study.tdcc.bean.*; import study.tdcc.lib.*; import study.tdcc.lib.ScheduleDatabaseHelper.ScheduleCursor; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.SQLException; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Log; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.GestureDetector.OnGestureListener; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.Window; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; import android.widget.DatePicker; import android.widget.GridView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import android.widget.ViewFlipper; public class MainCalendar extends Activity implements OnItemClickListener { // private TextView tvCustomTitle; //(?) private TextView tvCustomTitleVersion; // private ViewFlipper vfCalendar; //? private GestureDetector gdObj; // private TextView tvYearMonth; // private GridView gvCalendar; // private GridView gvObj; //CalendarCellAdapter private CalendarCellAdapter ccaDay = null; //??? private GregorianCalendar gcTargetYearMonthDay; //???? private GregorianCalendar gcNow; // private ScheduleDatabaseHelper sdhDB; //?? private ScreenTransitionData stdObj = new ScreenTransitionData(); //? private ProgressDialog pdObj = null; // private ArrayList<String> alDateCell; //???handler private Handler hObj; // private boolean blFlick = true; // private boolean blDialogButton = true; //?handler private Handler hGetTokenObj; // private Map<String, String> mpTokens; //?handler private Handler hSyncCalendarObj; //AuthCode??? private String strAuthCode; // private String strUpdateStartTime = null; //? private String strLastUpdate = null; //??? public static final String LAST_UPDATE = "LastUpdate"; //???? private String strAccessToken; private String strRefreshToken; private long lgAccessTokenExpire; //????? private static final String ACCESS_TOKEN = "access_token"; private static final String REFRESH_TOKEN = "refresh_token"; private static final String EXPIRES_IN = "expires_in"; // Google APIS????? public static final String CLIENT_SECRET = "My_Client_secret"; //IDGoogle APIS????? public static final String CLIENT_ID = "My_Client_ID"; //URIGoogle APIS?? public static final String REDIRECT_URI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"; //OAUTHURL public static final String OAUTH_URL = ""; //?? public static final String GRANT_TYPE_A = "authorization_code"; public static final String GRANT_TYPE_R = "refresh_token"; //?URL public static final String TOKEN_URL = ""; // public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_AX = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_AA = "application/atom+xml"; //? public static final String SCOPE = ""; //???????? public static final String RESPONSE_CODE = "code"; //OAUTH??URI public static final Uri OAUTH_URI = Uri.parse(OAUTH_URL + "?client_id=" + CLIENT_ID + "&redirect_uri=" + REDIRECT_URI + "&scope=" + SCOPE + "&response_type=" + RESPONSE_CODE); //onActivityResult??Activity?request public static final int BROWSER = 11; //onActivityResult??Activity?requestAuthCode public static final int AUTH_CODE_REGISTRATION = 12; //AuthCode???? public static final String AUTH_CODE = "AuthCode"; //GDATA public static final String GDATA_VERSION_TAG = "GData-Version"; //GDATA? public static final String GDATA_VERSION = "2"; //GoogleCalendar?FEED??URL //showdeleted=true??????????? public static final String CALENDAR_FEED_URL = ""; //API??Feed?????????URL public static final String DEFAULT_URL = ""; //HTTP?????? private boolean blHttpSucceeded = false; //HTTP??????? private int intResponseCode = 0; //GData(Insert) ArrayList<GDataEvent> alInsertGCEvents; //GData(Update) ArrayList<GDataEvent> alUpdateGCEvents; //GData(Delete) ArrayList<GDataEvent> alDeleteGCEvents; //Google????? private boolean blSyncGC = true; //Google???????????????? private int intUnreflected = 0; //?? OnTouchListener otlObj = new OnTouchListener() { public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) { if (gdObj.onTouchEvent(event)) return true; return false; } }; //? OnGestureListener oglObj = new OnGestureListener() { public boolean onDown(MotionEvent event) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onDown Start"); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onDown End"); return false; } //? public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onFling Start"); float flCoordX = Math.abs(velocityX); float flCoordY = Math.abs(velocityY); if (flCoordX > flCoordY && flCoordX > 150) { if (blFlick == true) { // blFlick = false; //??????1?? gcTargetYearMonthDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); if (e1.getX() < e2.getX()) { //1? gcTargetYearMonthDay.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); //? long lgLowerLimitTime = DateUtil.convMSec(getString(R.string.lower_limit_time)); if (gcTargetYearMonthDay.getTimeInMillis() < lgLowerLimitTime) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onFling ?"); gcTargetYearMonthDay.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } } else { //1? gcTargetYearMonthDay.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); //? long lgUpperLimitTime = DateUtil.convMSec(getString(R.string.upper_limit_time)); if (gcTargetYearMonthDay.getTimeInMillis() > lgUpperLimitTime) { gcTargetYearMonthDay.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onFling ?"); } } tvYearMonth.setText(DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(gcTargetYearMonthDay.getTime())); //?? changeYMColor(gcTargetYearMonthDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); //???handler hObj = new Handler(); //?(??) makeCalDateCell(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onFling End"); return true; } } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onFling End"); return false; } public void onLongPress(MotionEvent arg0) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onLongPress Start"); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onLongPress End"); } public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent arg0, MotionEvent arg1, float arg2, float arg3) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onScroll Start"); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onScroll End"); return false; } public void onShowPress(MotionEvent arg0) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onShowPress Start"); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onShowPress End"); } public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent arg0) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onSingleTapUp Start"); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onSingleTapUp End"); return false; } }; /** * onCreate * @param savedInstanceState ? */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onCreate Start"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE); //??? setContentView(R.layout.calendar); //??? Window window = getWindow(); window.setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE, R.layout.customtitle); //???? getScreenTransitionData(); //??? getScreenRestoreData(savedInstanceState); //????? getViewElement(); //? setCustomTitle(); //??? setViewListener(); //???? setViewElement(); // blFlick = true; Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onCreate End"); } /** * ???? */ private void getScreenTransitionData() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getScreenTransitionData Start"); //????? Bundle bExtras = getIntent().getExtras(); if (bExtras != null) { stdObj.setStrCalendarYearMonth(bExtras.getString("calym")); stdObj.setStrCalendarYearMonthDay(bExtras.getString("calymd")); stdObj.setStrUserInterfaceId(bExtras.getString("uiid")); stdObj.setLgKeyId(bExtras.getLong("keyid")); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getScreenTransitionData End"); } /** * ??? * @param savedInstanceState ? */ private void getScreenRestoreData(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getScreenRestoreData Start"); if (savedInstanceState != null) { //?? stdObj.setStrCalendarYearMonth(savedInstanceState.getString("calym")); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getScreenRestoreData End"); } /** * ???? * */ private void getViewElement() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getViewElement Start"); // tvCustomTitle = (TextView) this.findViewById(; //? tvCustomTitleVersion = (TextView) this.findViewById(; // vfCalendar = (ViewFlipper) this.findViewById(; // tvYearMonth = (TextView) findViewById(; // gvCalendar = (GridView) findViewById(; //?? gdObj = new GestureDetector(this, oglObj); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getViewElement End"); } /** * ? * */ private void setCustomTitle() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar setCustomTitle Start"); tvCustomTitle.setText(getString(R.string.act_name1)); StringBuilder sbObj = new StringBuilder(); sbObj.append(getString(R.string.title_version)); PackageManager pmObj = this.getPackageManager(); try { PackageInfo piObj = pmObj.getPackageInfo(this.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); sbObj.append(piObj.versionName); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar setCustomTitle NameNotFoundException", e); } tvCustomTitleVersion.setText(sbObj.toString()); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar setCustomTitle End"); } /** * ???? * */ private void setViewListener() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar setViewListener Start"); //? tvYearMonth.setOnClickListener(new DateOnClickListener(this)); //? gvCalendar.setOnItemClickListener(this); gvCalendar.setOnTouchListener(otlObj); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar setViewListener End"); } /** * ???? * */ private void setViewElement() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar setViewElement Start"); //GregorianCalendar??? // gcNow = new GregorianCalendar(); //?????? if (stdObj.getStrCalendarYearMonth() == null || stdObj.getStrCalendarYearMonth().equals("")) { //? gcTargetYearMonthDay = new GregorianCalendar(); String strInitialDate = DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(gcTargetYearMonthDay.getTime()); gcTargetYearMonthDay = DateUtil.toCalendar(strInitialDate + DateUtil.FIRST_DAY); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar setViewElement stdObj:"); } else { gcTargetYearMonthDay = DateUtil.toCalendar(stdObj.getStrCalendarYearMonth() + DateUtil.FIRST_DAY); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar setViewElement stdObj:"); } //??? tvYearMonth.setText(DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(gcTargetYearMonthDay.getTime())); //?? //?? int intMonth = gcTargetYearMonthDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; changeYMColor(intMonth); //?? gvObj = (GridView) vfCalendar.getCurrentView(); //?? gvObj.setNumColumns(DateUtil.DAYS_OF_WEEK); //ScheduleDatabaseHelper? sdhDB = new ScheduleDatabaseHelper(this); //???handler hObj = new Handler(); //?(??) makeCalDateCell(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar setViewElement End"); } /** * ?(??) */ public void makeCalDateCell() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar makeCalDateCell Start"); //?? pdObj = new ProgressDialog(MainCalendar.this); pdObj.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER); pdObj.setMessage(getString(R.string.scload_msg)); //????? pdObj.setCancelable(false); //?; //???? Thread thread = new Thread(runLoadAllDay); //? thread.start(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar makeCalDateCell End"); } /** * runLoadAllDay?? */ private Runnable runLoadAllDay = new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar runLoadAllDay run Start"); alDateCell = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<AllDayWhere> alSqlWhere = new ArrayList<AllDayWhere>(); for (int intCt = 0; intCt < (DateUtil.DAYS_OF_WEEK * 6); intCt++) { //42????? AllDayWhere objADW = new AllDayWhere(); Calendar calCell = (Calendar) gcTargetYearMonthDay.clone(); calCell.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); calCell.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, intCt - calCell.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) + 1); //? objADW.setLgStartTime(calCell.getTimeInMillis()); //? calCell.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); objADW.setLgEndTime(calCell.getTimeInMillis()); alSqlWhere.add(intCt, objADW); } //? alDateCell = selectAllDaySchedule(alSqlWhere); if (alDateCell == null) { Runnable() { public void run() { // // pdObj.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.sqlite_read_err), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); endActivity(); } }); } else { Runnable() { public void run() { //GridView?DateCellAdapter? //DateCellAdapter???(??) ccaDay = new CalendarCellAdapter(MainCalendar.this, alDateCell, gcTargetYearMonthDay, gcNow); gvObj.setAdapter(ccaDay); // blFlick = true; // pdObj.dismiss(); } }); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar runLoadAllDay run End"); } }; /** * ???? * * @alSqlWhere 42???? * @return 42? */ private ArrayList<String> selectAllDaySchedule(ArrayList<AllDayWhere> alSqlWhere) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectAllDaySchedule Start"); ArrayList<String> alResult = new ArrayList<String>(); try { //?? alResult = sdhDB.getScheduleAllDayList(alSqlWhere); } catch (SQLException e) { alResult = null; Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar selectAllDaySchedule DB Error", e); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectAllDaySchedule End"); return alResult; } /** * ?? * * @param intMonth */ public void changeYMColor(int intMonth) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar changeYMColor Start"); if (intMonth % 2 == 0) { //???() tvYearMonth.setTextColor(Color.rgb(22, 74, 132)); } else { //??(?) tvYearMonth.setTextColor(Color.rgb(162, 32, 65)); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar changeYMColor End"); } /** * ??? * * @param parent * @param view * @param position ? * @param id ID */ public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onItemClick Start"); if (blFlick == true) { // blFlick = false; // Calendar calDay = (Calendar) gcTargetYearMonthDay.clone(); //yyyy-MM ? String strYM = DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(calDay.getTime()); //position? calDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); calDay.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, position - calDay.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) + 1); //??? long lgLowerLimitTime = DateUtil.convMSec(getString(R.string.lower_limit_time)); long lgUpperLimitTime = DateUtil.convMSec(getString(R.string.upper_limit_time)); if (calDay.getTimeInMillis() < lgLowerLimitTime) { //???? Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.select_errmsg1), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); blFlick = true; return; } else if (calDay.getTimeInMillis() > lgUpperLimitTime) { //???? Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.select_errmsg2), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); blFlick = true; return; } //yyyy-MM-dd ? String strYMD = DateUtil.DATE_FORMAT.format(calDay.getTime()); nextActivity(MainTab.class, strYMD, strYM); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onItemClick End"); } /** * DateOnClickListener * ??? */ private class DateOnClickListener implements OnClickListener, DialogInterface.OnCancelListener { private Context contextObj = null; public DateOnClickListener(Context context) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar DateOnClickListener DateOnClickListener Start"); //Context?????????????? contextObj = context; Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar DateOnClickListener DateOnClickListener End"); } /** * ???? * @param View ?? */ public void onClick(View view) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar DateOnClickListener onClick Start"); GregorianCalendar gcObj = null; if (view == tvYearMonth && blFlick == true) { //???? // blFlick = false; String strTempYear = DateUtil.toDivideYearMonth(tvYearMonth.getText().toString())[0]; String strTempMonth = DateUtil.toDivideYearMonth(tvYearMonth.getText().toString())[1]; gcObj = DateUtil.toCalendar(DateUtil.toAddZeroYear(strTempYear) + "-" + DateUtil.toAddZeroMonth(strTempMonth) + DateUtil.FIRST_DAY); } else { return; } //AlertDialog??? AlertDialog.Builder adbObj = new AlertDialog.Builder(contextObj); // blDialogButton = true; final DatePicker dpObj = new DatePicker(contextObj); dpObj.updateDate(gcObj.get(Calendar.YEAR), gcObj.get(Calendar.MONTH), gcObj.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); int intDayID = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("day", "id", "android"); dpObj.findViewById(intDayID).setVisibility(View.GONE); adbObj.setView(dpObj).setTitle(contextObj.getString(R.string.select_calendar)) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface diObj, int intWhich) { if (blDialogButton == true) { // blDialogButton = false; //?? long lgLowerLimitTime = DateUtil.convMSec(getString(R.string.lower_limit_time)); long lgUpperLimitTime = DateUtil.convMSec(getString(R.string.upper_limit_time)); GregorianCalendar gcalObj = new GregorianCalendar(); gcalObj.set(dpObj.getYear(), dpObj.getMonth(), dpObj.getDayOfMonth()); if (gcalObj.getTimeInMillis() < lgLowerLimitTime) { gcalObj = DateUtil.toCalendar(getString(R.string.lower_limit_time)); } else if (gcalObj.getTimeInMillis() > lgUpperLimitTime) { gcalObj = DateUtil.toCalendar(getString(R.string.upper_limit_time)); } String strSkipDate = DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(gcalObj.getTime()); //????View?? gcTargetYearMonthDay = DateUtil.toCalendar(strSkipDate + DateUtil.FIRST_DAY); // gcNow = new GregorianCalendar(); //?? gvObj = (GridView) vfCalendar.getCurrentView(); //?? gvObj.setNumColumns(DateUtil.DAYS_OF_WEEK); tvYearMonth .setText(DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(gcTargetYearMonthDay.getTime())); //?? changeYMColor(gcTargetYearMonthDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); //ScheduleDatabaseHelper? sdhDB = new ScheduleDatabaseHelper(MainCalendar.this); //???handler hObj = new Handler(); //?(??) makeCalDateCell(); } } }).setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface diObj, int intWhich) { if (blDialogButton == true) { // blDialogButton = false; // blFlick = true; } } }).setOnCancelListener(this).create().show(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar DateOnClickListener onClick End"); } /** * onCancel * ? * * @param dialog dialog */ @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar DateOnClickListener onCancel Start"); //????? // blFlick = true; Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar DateOnClickListener onCancel End"); } } /** * ?? * * @param Menu ?? * @return ??????true */ public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onCreateOptionsMenu Start"); //MenuInflater? MenuInflater miObj = getMenuInflater(); //MenuInflater????? miObj.inflate(, menu); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onCreateOptionsMenu End"); return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); } /** * ??? * * @param MenuItem ??? * @return ?????true */ public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected Start"); if (item.getItemId() == { //? // Calendar calDay = (Calendar) gcTargetYearMonthDay.clone(); //yyyy-MM ? String strYM = DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(calDay.getTime()); //??? nextActivity(Search.class, "", strYM); //? endActivity(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected(1) End"); return true; } else if (item.getItemId() == { //?? syncCalendar(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected(2) End"); return true; } else if (item.getItemId() == { //? // Calendar calDay = (Calendar) gcTargetYearMonthDay.clone(); //yyyy-MM ? String strYM = DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(calDay.getTime()); //??? nextActivity(AggregateCalculation.class, "", strYM); //? endActivity(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected(3) End"); return true; } else if (item.getItemId() == { //? // Calendar calDay = (Calendar) gcTargetYearMonthDay.clone(); //yyyy-MM ? String strYM = DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(calDay.getTime()); //??? nextActivity(SubcategoryEdit.class, "", strYM); //? endActivity(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected(4) End"); return true; } else if (item.getItemId() == { //??? // Calendar calDay = (Calendar) gcTargetYearMonthDay.clone(); //yyyy-MM ? String strYM = DateUtil.YEARMONTH_FORMAT.format(calDay.getTime()); //????? nextActivity(BackupRestore.class, "", strYM); //? endActivity(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected(5) End"); return true; } else if (item.getItemId() == { //About? showDialog(this, getString(R.string.about_msg1), getString(R.string.about_msg2)); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected(6) End"); return true; } else if (item.getItemId() == { //? //?yes/no? showYesNoDialog(this, R.string.mes1_dialog, R.string.mes2_dialog, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { //?? public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whith) { if (whith == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { // endActivity(); } } }); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected(7) End"); return true; } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onOptionsItemSelected(8) End"); return false; } /** * Google??? */ public void syncCalendar() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar syncCalendar Start"); //??? if (NetWorkUtil.isOffline(this.getApplicationContext())) { //?? Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onCreate Offline"); Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.network_if_err), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { //?? Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onCreate Online"); //? strUpdateStartTime = DateUtil.toUTCString(new GregorianCalendar()); //?DB?? sdhDB = new ScheduleDatabaseHelper(this); AuthInfo aiObj = selectAuthInfo(); if (aiObj == null) { Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.sqlite_read_err), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); endActivity(); } else { strAccessToken = aiObj.getStrAccessToken(); strRefreshToken = aiObj.getStrRefreshToken(); lgAccessTokenExpire = aiObj.getLgAccessTokenExpire(); //?? strLastUpdate = aiObj.getStrLastUpdate(); if (strRefreshToken == null) { //RefreshToken??????? if (strAuthCode == null || strAuthCode.equals("")) { //AuthCode????getOAuthCode getOAuthCode(); } else { //AuthCode???????Web??Auth????????AccessToken? //?????handler hGetTokenObj = new Handler(); //???handler hSyncCalendarObj = new Handler(); //???handler hObj = new Handler(); getAccessToken(); } } else if (lgAccessTokenExpire < Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar syncCalendar lgAccessTokenExpire" + lgAccessTokenExpire); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar syncCalendar < " + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); //?????handler hGetTokenObj = new Handler(); //???handler hSyncCalendarObj = new Handler(); //???handler hObj = new Handler(); //AccessToken?????AccessToken??????getGoogleCalendar refreshToken(); } else { //???handler hObj = new Handler(); //???handler hSyncCalendarObj = new Handler(); //AccessToken??????????getGoogleCalendar() syncGoogleCalendar(); } } } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar syncCalendar End"); } /** * startOAuth * OAuth 2.0????????? * Google???? */ private void getOAuthCode() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getOAuthCode Start"); //URI????Intent? Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, OAUTH_URI); //?????????URI?? startActivityForResult(intent, BROWSER); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getOAuthCode End"); } /** * AccessToken???? * */ private void getAccessToken() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getAccessToken Start"); //?? pdObj = new ProgressDialog(MainCalendar.this); pdObj.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER); pdObj.setMessage(getString(R.string.getToken)); //????? pdObj.setCancelable(false); //?; //???? Thread thread = new Thread(runGetAccessToken); //? thread.start(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getAccessToken End"); } /** * runGetAccessToken?? */ private Runnable runGetAccessToken = new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar runGetAccessToken run Start"); strAccessToken = null; strRefreshToken = null; ArrayList<NameValuePair> alNVP = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); //???nameValuePair? //code?getOAuthCode?????(AuthCode) alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_id", CLIENT_ID)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URI)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("grant_type", GRANT_TYPE_A)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("code", strAuthCode)); //token??? mpTokens = getToken(alNVP); if (mpTokens != null) { Runnable() { public void run() { //tokens?????? strAccessToken = mpTokens.get(ACCESS_TOKEN); strRefreshToken = mpTokens.get(REFRESH_TOKEN); lgAccessTokenExpire = Long.valueOf(mpTokens.get(EXPIRES_IN)); AuthInfo aiObj = new AuthInfo(); aiObj.setStrAccessToken(strAccessToken); aiObj.setStrRefreshToken(strRefreshToken); aiObj.setLgAccessTokenExpire(lgAccessTokenExpire); boolean blResult = sdhDB.updateAuthInfoRefreshToken(aiObj); if (blResult == false) { // // strAuthCode = null; pdObj.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.getToken_err), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } else { // pdObj.dismiss(); //Google??? syncGoogleCalendar(); } } }); } else { Runnable() { public void run() { // // strAuthCode = null; pdObj.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.getToken_err), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } }); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar runGetAccessToken run End"); } }; /** * ??Token?? * * @param ArrayList<NameValuePair> ?????? * @return Map<String,String> ?????Map (?HashMap) */ private Map<String, String> getToken(ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePair) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getToken Start"); long lgNowTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); HashMap<String, String> hmResult = new HashMap<String, String>(); //HttpPost?URL??? HttpPost hpObj = new HttpPost(TOKEN_URL); //DefaultHttpClient?HttpClient???Entity??execute HttpClient hcObj = new DefaultHttpClient(); hpObj.setHeader("Content-Type", CONTENT_TYPE_AX); try { hpObj.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePair)); HttpResponse response = hcObj.execute(hpObj); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { //execute???HttpResponse????? BufferedReader brObj = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(response.getEntity().getContent()))); String strJson = null; try { StringBuilder sbObj = new StringBuilder(); String strLine; while ((strLine = brObj.readLine()) != null) { sbObj.append(strLine); } strJson = sbObj.toString(); //???JSON???? JSONObject joRoot = new JSONObject(strJson); if (joRoot.has(ACCESS_TOKEN)) { //Log.d("DEBUG","MainCalendar getToken ACCESS_TOKEN" + joRoot.getString(ACCESS_TOKEN)); hmResult.put(ACCESS_TOKEN, joRoot.getString(ACCESS_TOKEN)); } if (joRoot.has(REFRESH_TOKEN)) { //Log.d("DEBUG","MainCalendar getToken REFRESH_TOKEN" + joRoot.getString(REFRESH_TOKEN)); hmResult.put(REFRESH_TOKEN, joRoot.getString(REFRESH_TOKEN)); } if (joRoot.has(EXPIRES_IN)) { //Log.d("DEBUG","MainCalendar getToken EXPIRES_IN" + joRoot.getString(EXPIRES_IN)); long lgExpires = Long.valueOf(joRoot.getString(EXPIRES_IN)) * 1000; lgNowTime = lgNowTime + lgExpires; hmResult.put(EXPIRES_IN, String.valueOf(lgNowTime)); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar getToken JSONException : ", e); return null; } } else { //???????HTTPStatus400 Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar getToken HttpStatus Error:" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); return null; } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar getToken UnsupportedEncodingException : ", e); return null; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar getToken ClientProtocolException : ", e); return null; } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar getToken IOException : ", e); return null; } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getToken End"); return hmResult; } /** * AccessToken?? * */ private void refreshToken() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar refreshToken Start"); //?? pdObj = new ProgressDialog(MainCalendar.this); pdObj.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER); pdObj.setMessage(getString(R.string.getToken)); //????? pdObj.setCancelable(false); //?; //???? Thread thread = new Thread(runRefreshToken); //? thread.start(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar refreshToken End"); } /** * runRefreshToken?? */ private Runnable runRefreshToken = new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar runRefreshToken run Start"); strAccessToken = null; //???nameValuePair? ArrayList<NameValuePair> alNVP = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_id", CLIENT_ID)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("refresh_token", strRefreshToken)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("grant_type", GRANT_TYPE_R)); //getToken??token? mpTokens = getToken(alNVP); if (mpTokens != null) { Runnable() { public void run() { strAccessToken = mpTokens.get(ACCESS_TOKEN); lgAccessTokenExpire = Long.valueOf(mpTokens.get(EXPIRES_IN)); AuthInfo aiObj = new AuthInfo(); aiObj.setStrAccessToken(strAccessToken); aiObj.setLgAccessTokenExpire(lgAccessTokenExpire); boolean blResult = sdhDB.updateAuthInfoAccessToken(aiObj); if (blResult == false) { // // pdObj.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.getToken_err), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } else { // pdObj.dismiss(); //Google??? syncGoogleCalendar(); } } }); } else { Runnable() { public void run() { // // pdObj.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.getToken_err), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } }); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar runRefreshToken run End"); } }; /** * getGoogleCalendar ? updateGoogleCalendar?? * ???? */ public void syncGoogleCalendar() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar syncGoogleCalendar Start"); //?? pdObj = new ProgressDialog(MainCalendar.this); pdObj.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER); pdObj.setMessage(getString(R.string.nowOnSync)); //????? pdObj.setCancelable(false); //?; //???? Thread thread = new Thread(runSyncGoogleCalendar); //? thread.start(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar syncGoogleCalendar End"); } /** * getGoogleCalendar?? */ private Runnable runSyncGoogleCalendar = new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar runSyncGoogleCalendar run Start"); blSyncGC = true; boolean blGetGC = true; boolean blUpdateGC = true; intUnreflected = 0; //?? blGetGC = getGoogleCalendar(); if (blGetGC == false) { blSyncGC = false; } else { //? blUpdateGC = updateGoogleCalendar(); if (blUpdateGC == false) { blSyncGC = false; } else { //? boolean blChangeScheduleCountResult = selectChangeScheduleCount(); if (blChangeScheduleCountResult == false) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar runSyncGoogleCalendar ?"); blSyncGC = false; } } } // System.gc(); //???? pdObj.dismiss(); Runnable() { public void run() { //??? if (blSyncGC == false) { Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.gCSync_err), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } //??????????? if (intUnreflected != 0) { Toast.makeText(MainCalendar.this, getString(R.string.gCSync_Unreflected) + intUnreflected, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } //hSyncCalendarObj?????? //?(??) makeCalDateCell(); } }); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar runSyncGoogleCalendar run End"); } }; /** * Google??? * * @return boolean true:??, false:?? */ public boolean getGoogleCalendar() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getGoogleCalendar Start"); boolean blResult = true; boolean blInitFlg = true; String strUpdatedQuery = null; if (strLastUpdate != null) { //?????????updated-min?????????? strUpdatedQuery = "&updated-min=" + strLastUpdate; } else { //???????updateQuery???? strUpdatedQuery = ""; } //?(1300)?strNextUrl String strNextUrl = CALENDAR_FEED_URL; //ScheduleDatabaseHelper? sdhDB = new ScheduleDatabaseHelper(MainCalendar.this); //nextUrl????? while (strNextUrl != null) { //?(????????????) GDataCalendarParser gcpObj = new GDataCalendarParser(this, sdhDB); StringBuffer sbObj = new StringBuffer(); sbObj.append(strNextUrl); //?????AccessTokenoauth_token???URL? sbObj.append("&oauth_token="); //Google??????? if (strRefreshToken != null && (lgAccessTokenExpire < Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())) { boolean blReToken = true; //???? blReToken = reacquisitionToken(); if (blReToken == false) { //????????? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar getGoogleCalendar ????"); blResult = false; break; } } sbObj.append(strAccessToken); //300????????strNextUrl??????? if (blInitFlg == true) { sbObj.append(strUpdatedQuery); } ArrayList<String> alResult = new ArrayList<String>(); alResult = gcpObj.parse(httpGet(sbObj.toString()), 0l); if (alResult == null || alResult.get(1) != null) { //??????? blResult = false; //Google?(OutOfMemoryError) alResult = null; break; } else { strNextUrl = alResult.get(0); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getGoogleCalendar strNextUrl" + strNextUrl); blInitFlg = false; //?(OutOfMemoryError) alResult = null; } //StringBuilder?(OutOfMemoryError) sbObj = null; //?(OutOfMemoryError) gcpObj = null; // System.gc(); } if (blResult == true) { strLastUpdate = strUpdateStartTime; //???? blResult = saveLastUpdate(); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar getGoogleCalendar End"); return blResult; } /** * ???? * * @return boolean true:??, false:?? */ public boolean reacquisitionToken() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar reacquisitionToken Start"); boolean blResult = true; //???nameValuePair? ArrayList<NameValuePair> alNVP = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_id", CLIENT_ID)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("refresh_token", strRefreshToken)); alNVP.add(new BasicNameValuePair("grant_type", GRANT_TYPE_R)); //getToken??token? mpTokens = getToken(alNVP); if (mpTokens != null) { strAccessToken = mpTokens.get(ACCESS_TOKEN); lgAccessTokenExpire = Long.valueOf(mpTokens.get(EXPIRES_IN)); AuthInfo aiObj = new AuthInfo(); aiObj.setStrAccessToken(strAccessToken); aiObj.setLgAccessTokenExpire(lgAccessTokenExpire); blResult = sdhDB.updateAuthInfoAccessToken(aiObj); } else { blResult = false; } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar reacquisitionToken End"); return blResult; } /** * URL??InputStream?? * @param String ?URL * *return InputStream ??????????InputStream */ public InputStream httpGet(String strURL) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpGet Start"); HttpGet hgObj = new HttpGet(strURL); HttpClient hcObj = new DefaultHttpClient(); //GData Version 2?Header hgObj.setHeader(GDATA_VERSION_TAG, GDATA_VERSION); HttpResponse response; try { //HTTP? response = hcObj.execute(hgObj); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpGet HttpResponseCode : " + statusCode); //HttpGet,HttpClient?(OutOfMemory) hgObj = null; hcObj = null; if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { //????response?InputStream?? return response.getEntity().getContent(); } else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar httpGet ERROR", e); //HttpGet,HttpClient?(OutOfMemory) hgObj = null; hcObj = null; } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpGet End"); return null; } /** * ???? * * @return boolean true:??, false:?? */ public boolean saveLastUpdate() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar saveLastUpdate Start"); boolean blResult = true; AuthInfo aiObj = new AuthInfo(); aiObj.setStrLastUpdate(strLastUpdate); blResult = sdhDB.updateAuthInfoLastUpdate(aiObj); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar saveLastUpdate End"); return blResult; } /** * Google?? * * @return boolean true:??, false:?? */ public boolean updateGoogleCalendar() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar Start"); boolean blResult = true; //ScheduleDatabaseHelper? sdhDB = new ScheduleDatabaseHelper(this); //? boolean blChangeScheduleResult = selectChangeSchedule(); if (blChangeScheduleResult == false) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar ?"); blResult = false; } else { //? GDataCalendarParser gcpObj = new GDataCalendarParser(this, sdhDB); //Delete??? String strDeleteResult = null; String strInsertTime = null; //Insert? for (GDataEvent gdeObj : alInsertGCEvents) { //Insert???POST???? //?parse??????? StringBuffer sbPostURL = new StringBuffer(); sbPostURL.append(DEFAULT_URL); sbPostURL.append("?oauth_token="); //Google?????? if (strRefreshToken != null && (lgAccessTokenExpire < Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())) { boolean blReToken = true; //???? blReToken = reacquisitionToken(); if (blReToken == false) { //????????? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar ????"); blResult = false; break; } } sbPostURL.append(strAccessToken); //?? strInsertTime = DateUtil.toUTCString(new GregorianCalendar()); //?updated-min???????? sbPostURL.append("&updated-min="); sbPostURL.append(strInsertTime); ArrayList<String> alResult = new ArrayList<String>(); alResult = gcpObj.parse(httpPost(sbPostURL.toString(), gcpObj.insertSerializer(gdeObj)), gdeObj.getLgAlarmFlag()); if (blHttpSucceeded && alResult != null && alResult.get(1) == null && intResponseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) { //?? //SQL?(ID) Schedule objSchedule = new Schedule(); objSchedule.setLgId(gdeObj.getLgId()); //SCHEDULE(?) blResult = sdhDB.deleteScheduleId(objSchedule); if (blResult == false) { //SCHEDULE?? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar Insert??? " + gdeObj.getLgId()); //?(OutOfMemoryError) alResult = null; break; } //?(OutOfMemoryError) alResult = null; } else if (blHttpSucceeded && alResult != null && alResult.get(1) == null && intResponseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { //?????Google????????? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar Insert???200? " + gdeObj.getLgId()); //?(OutOfMemoryError) alResult = null; } else { //HttpPost?? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar Insert? " + gdeObj.getLgId()); blResult = false; //?(OutOfMemoryError) alResult = null; break; } } //Insert?????????Update? if (blResult == true) { //Update? for (GDataEvent gdeObj : alUpdateGCEvents) { //URL? StringBuffer sbPostURL = new StringBuffer(); sbPostURL.append(gdeObj.getStrEditUrl()); sbPostURL.append("?oauth_token="); //Google?????? if (strRefreshToken != null && (lgAccessTokenExpire < Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())) { boolean blReToken = true; //???? blReToken = reacquisitionToken(); if (blReToken == false) { //????????? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar ????"); blResult = false; break; } } sbPostURL.append(strAccessToken); //????? ArrayList<String> alResult = new ArrayList<String>(); alResult = gcpObj.parse( httpPut(sbPostURL.toString(), gcpObj.updateSerializer(httpGet(sbPostURL.toString()), gdeObj)), gdeObj.getLgAlarmFlag()); //??Google?????? //Modified???????????????? //???????????MODIFIED????????? //???????????) if (alResult == null || !(blHttpSucceeded && alResult.get(1) == null)) { //HttpPut????DB? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar Update? " + gdeObj.getLgId()); blResult = false; //?(OutOfMemoryError) alResult = null; break; } //?(OutOfMemoryError) alResult = null; } } //Insert?orUpdate?????????Delete? if (blResult == true) { //Delete? for (GDataEvent gdeObj : alDeleteGCEvents) { //URL???httpDelete?? StringBuffer sbPostURL = new StringBuffer(); sbPostURL.append(gdeObj.getStrEditUrl()); sbPostURL.append("?oauth_token="); //Google?????? if (strRefreshToken != null && (lgAccessTokenExpire < Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())) { boolean blReToken = true; //???? blReToken = reacquisitionToken(); if (blReToken == false) { //????????? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar ????"); blResult = false; break; } } sbPostURL.append(strAccessToken); InputStream isResult = httpDelete(sbPostURL.toString()); if (isResult != null) { strDeleteResult = InputCheckUtil.convertStreamToString(isResult); } else { strDeleteResult = null; } if (blHttpSucceeded && (strDeleteResult != null && strDeleteResult.equals(""))) { //? //SQL?(ID) Schedule objSchedule = new Schedule(); objSchedule.setLgId(gdeObj.getLgId()); //SCHEDULE(?) blResult = sdhDB.deleteScheduleId(objSchedule); if (blResult == false) { //SCHEDULE?? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar Delete??? " + gdeObj.getLgId()); break; } } else if (blHttpSucceeded && (strDeleteResult != null && strDeleteResult.equals("") == false)) { //?????Google???????? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar Delete???200??????? " + gdeObj.getLgId()); } else { //HttpPost?? Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar Delete? " + gdeObj.getLgId()); blResult = false; break; } } } //?(OutOfMemoryError) gcpObj = null; alInsertGCEvents = null; alUpdateGCEvents = null; alDeleteGCEvents = null; } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar updateGoogleCalendar End"); return blResult; } /** * ???? * * @return ?????true */ private boolean selectChangeSchedule() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectChangeSchedule Start"); boolean blResult = true; ScheduleCursor scObj = null; //insert/update/delete????? alInsertGCEvents = new ArrayList<GDataEvent>(); alUpdateGCEvents = new ArrayList<GDataEvent>(); alDeleteGCEvents = new ArrayList<GDataEvent>(); try { String[] where_args = {}; //?? scObj = sdhDB.getChangeScheduleList(where_args); //?? startManagingCursor(scObj); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectChangeSchedule ScheduleCursor Count : " + scObj.getCount()); for (int intCt = 0; intCt < scObj.getCount(); intCt++) { //? GDataEvent gdeObj = new GDataEvent(); //ID gdeObj.setLgId(scObj.getColId()); // gdeObj.setLgDeleted(scObj.getColDeleted()); // gdeObj.setLgModified(scObj.getColModified()); //?? gdeObj.setStrTitle(scObj.getColTitle()); // gdeObj.setStrWhere(scObj.getColGdWhere()); // gdeObj.setGcStart(scObj.getColGdWhenStarttime()); // gdeObj.setGcEnd(scObj.getColGdWhenEndtime()); // gdeObj.setStrContent(scObj.getColContent()); //? gdeObj.setGcPublished(scObj.getColPublished()); // gdeObj.setGcUpdated(scObj.getColUpdated()); // gdeObj.setStrCategory(scObj.getColCategory()); //URL gdeObj.setStrEditUrl(scObj.getColEditUrl()); // gdeObj.setStrEventStatus(scObj.getColGdEventstatus()); //ID gdeObj.setStrEventId(scObj.getColCalendarId()); //ETAG gdeObj.setStrEtag(scObj.getColEtag()); //?(??) //(??) gdeObj.setAlarmMap(scObj.getColAlarmList()); //(TDCC) gdeObj.setLgAlarmFlag(scObj.getColAlarmFlag()); if (gdeObj.getStrEventId() == null) { //Id???????Google????????insert? alInsertGCEvents.add(gdeObj); } else if (gdeObj.getLgDeleted() == 1) { //??????delete? alDeleteGCEvents.add(gdeObj); } else { //???update? alUpdateGCEvents.add(gdeObj); } scObj.moveToNext(); } scObj.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { blResult = false; Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar selectChangeSchedule DB Error", e); } finally { if (scObj != null) { scObj.close(); } } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectChangeSchedule End"); return blResult; } /** * Http Delete? * * @param strUrl * @return InputStream ???XML?InputStream */ public InputStream httpDelete(String strUrl) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpDelete Start"); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpDelete End"); return httpPostXml(strUrl, "", "DELETE"); } /** * Http Post? * * @param strUrl * @param strXml * @return InputStream ???XML?InputStream */ public InputStream httpPost(String strUrl, String strXml) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPost Start"); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPost End"); return httpPostXml(strUrl, strXml, null); } /** * Http Put? * * @param strUrl * @param strXml * @return InputStream ???XML?InputStream */ public InputStream httpPut(String strUrl, String strXml) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPut Start"); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPut End"); return httpPostXml(strUrl, strXml, "PUT"); } /** * XML????? * * @param strUrl * @param strXml * @param strMethod (PUT,DELETE) * @return InputStream ???InputStream */ public InputStream httpPostXml(String strUrl, String strXml, String strMethod) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPostXml Start"); blHttpSucceeded = false; try { while (strUrl != null) { URL urlObj = new URL(strUrl); //URL????? HttpURLConnection httpURLCObj = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj.openConnection(); //?POST? httpURLCObj.setRequestMethod("POST"); //GData-Version? httpURLCObj.setRequestProperty(GDATA_VERSION_TAG, GDATA_VERSION); if (strMethod != null) { //POST??????If-Match:*?X-HTTP-Method-Override httpURLCObj.setRequestProperty("If-Match", "*"); httpURLCObj.setRequestProperty("X-HTTP-Method-Override", strMethod); } // httpURLCObj.setDoOutput(true); //Content-Type??XML httpURLCObj.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", CONTENT_TYPE_AA); // httpURLCObj.setUseCaches(false); //OutputStreamWriter??XML?? OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(httpURLCObj.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8"); outputStreamWriter.write(strXml); outputStreamWriter.close(); //HTTP?? intResponseCode = 0; intResponseCode = httpURLCObj.getResponseCode(); strUrl = null; Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPostXml HttpResponseCode : " + intResponseCode); if (intResponseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK || intResponseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) { //??OK???CREATED????? blHttpSucceeded = true; Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPostXml End(1)"); //?InputStream?? return httpURLCObj.getInputStream(); } else if (intResponseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP) { //??MOVED_TEMP????????? //?Location????URL????(?while? Map<String, List<String>> mResponseHeaders = httpURLCObj.getHeaderFields(); if (mResponseHeaders.containsKey("Location")) { strUrl = mResponseHeaders.get("Location").get(0); } else if (mResponseHeaders.containsKey("location")) { strUrl = mResponseHeaders.get("location").get(0); } } else { //??OK???CREATED???MOVED_TEMP?? blHttpSucceeded = false; Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPostXml End(2) ??OK,CREATED,MOVED_TEMP??"); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar httpPostXml ERROR", e); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar httpPostXml End(3)"); return null; } /** * AuthInfo???? * @param strAryArgs SQL? * @return ?????true */ private AuthInfo selectAuthInfo() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectAuthInfo Start"); AuthInfo authInfoObj = new AuthInfo(); ScheduleDatabaseHelper.AuthInfoCursor sdObj = null; try { //? String[] where_args = {}; //?? sdObj = sdhDB.getAuthInfo(where_args); //?? startManagingCursor(sdObj); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectAuthInfo AuthInfoCursor Count : " + sdObj.getCount()); for (int intCt = 0; intCt < sdObj.getCount(); intCt++) { //AuthInfo? // authInfoObj.setStrAccessToken(sdObj.getColAccessToken()); //? authInfoObj.setLgAccessTokenExpire(sdObj.getColAccessTokenExpire()); // authInfoObj.setStrRefreshToken(sdObj.getColRefreshToken()); // authInfoObj.setStrLastUpdate(sdObj.getColLastUpdate()); sdObj.moveToNext(); } sdObj.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar selectAuthInfo DB Error", e); if (sdObj != null) { sdObj.close(); } authInfoObj = null; } finally { if (sdObj != null) { sdObj.close(); } } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectAuthInfo End"); return authInfoObj; } /** * ??? * * @return ?????true */ private boolean selectChangeScheduleCount() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectChangeScheduleCount Start"); boolean blResult = true; ScheduleCursor scObj = null; try { String[] where_args = {}; //?? scObj = sdhDB.getChangeScheduleCount(where_args); //?? startManagingCursor(scObj); for (int intCt = 0; intCt < scObj.getCount(); intCt++) { // intUnreflected = (int) scObj.getColScheduleCount(); scObj.moveToNext(); } scObj.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { blResult = false; Log.e("ERROR", "MainCalendar selectChangeScheduleCount DB Error", e); } finally { if (scObj != null) { scObj.close(); } } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar selectChangeScheduleCount End"); return blResult; } /** * About? * * @param context * @param title * @param text */ //About? private static void showDialog(Context context, String title, String text) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar showDialog Start"); AlertDialog.Builder ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); ad.setTitle(title); ad.setMessage(text);; Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar showDialog End"); } /** * ?? * * @param kEvent * @return ?????true */ @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent kEvent) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar dispatchKeyEvent Start"); //????? if (kEvent.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { //????? if (kEvent.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { //?yes/no? showYesNoDialog(this, R.string.mes1_dialog, R.string.mes2_dialog, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { //?? public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whith) { if (whith == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { // endActivity(); } else if (whith == DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE) { // return; } } }); } } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar dispatchKeyEvent End"); return super.dispatchKeyEvent(kEvent); } /** * ?yes/no? * * @param context * @param titleMsg * @param mainMsg * @param listener */ private static void showYesNoDialog(Context context, int titleMsg, int mainMsg, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar showYesNoDialog Start"); AlertDialog.Builder ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); ad.setTitle(titleMsg); ad.setMessage(mainMsg); ad.setPositiveButton(R.string.yes_btn, listener); ad.setNegativeButton(R.string.no_btn, listener);; Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar showYesNoDialog End"); } /** * Activity? * */ private void endActivity() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar endActivity Start"); //? finish(); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar endActivity End"); } /** * Activity?? * * @param clsNext ? * @param strYMD ? * @param strYM */ public void nextActivity(Class clsNext, String strYMD, String strYM) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar nextActivity Start"); //????? Intent intent = new Intent(this, clsNext); //? // intent.putExtra("calym", strYM); //? intent.putExtra("calymd", strYMD); //?ID intent.putExtra("uiid", getString(R.string.uiid1)); //ID intent.putExtra("keyid", 0l); //??? startActivity(intent); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar nextActivity End"); //? endActivity(); } /** * onActivityResult * ???Editor?????????? * @param requestCode ???requestCode * @param resultCode ???Activity???? * @param data ???Activity????Intent */ protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onActivityResult Start"); if (requestCode == BROWSER) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onActivityResult requestCode : BROWSER"); //?????? Intent intent = new Intent(MainCalendar.this, AuthCodeRegistration.class); startActivityForResult(intent, AUTH_CODE_REGISTRATION); } else if (requestCode == AUTH_CODE_REGISTRATION && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onActivityResult requestCode : AUTH_CODE_REGISTRATION"); //AuthCode???Intent?AuthCode? strAuthCode = data.getStringExtra(AUTH_CODE); //AuthCode?????????????syncCalendar syncCalendar(); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onActivityResult End"); } /** * ??? * * @param newConfig ?? */ @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onConfigurationChanged Start"); super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onConfigurationChanged End"); } /** * ??? * * @param outState ? */ @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onSaveInstanceState Start"); super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putString("calym", tvYearMonth.getText().toString()); Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onSaveInstanceState End"); } /** * onDestroy * ? */ @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onDestroy Start"); super.onDestroy(); if (sdhDB != null) { sdhDB.close(); } Log.d("DEBUG", "MainCalendar onDestroy End"); } }