Java tutorial
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package run.ace; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.View; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaInterface; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView; import org.apache.cordova.PluginResult; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Handle; import Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Frame; import Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.Popup; public class NativeHost extends CordovaPlugin { public static Intent intent; static Application _application; static CordovaActivity _activity; static Menu _menu; CordovaWebView _webView; Frame _mainFrame; //TODO: byte[] _startupMarkup; boolean _setting_PopupsCloseOnHtmlNavigation; public NativeHost() { } public static Application getApplication() { return _application; } public static Activity getMainActivity() { return _activity; } public static View getRootView() { return _activity.findViewById(; } public static Menu getRootMenu() { return _menu; } // Used by third-party Java code to dynamically get public static int getResourceId(String name, String type, Context context) { String packageName = ((Application) context.getApplicationContext()).getPackageName(); Resources resources = ((Application) context.getApplicationContext()).getResources(); int id = resources.getIdentifier(name, type, packageName); if (id == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Resource '" + packageName + ":" + type + "/" + name + "' not found"); } return id; } public static void startActivity(String name) { Class c = null; try { c = Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find a class named '" + name + "'"); } android.content.Intent intent = new android.content.Intent(_activity, c); _activity.startActivity(intent); } @Override public void initialize(CordovaInterface cordova, CordovaWebView webView) { super.initialize(cordova, webView); _activity = (CordovaActivity) cordova.getActivity(); _application = _activity.getApplication(); _webView = webView; _mainFrame = new Frame(_activity); this.intent = _activity.getIntent(); /* TODO: No point unless XBF parsing is also done in native host and instances can be retrieved on managed side without caching of property values try { _startupMarkup = readXbf("www/xbf/startup.xbf"); // Since a startup markup file exists, detach the WebView ((android.view.ViewGroup)_webView.getView().getParent()).removeView(_webView.getView()); } catch (IOException ex) { // A startup markup file doesn't exist } */ // TODO: Remove the hiding here, or do it off of some setting final actionBar = _activity.getActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { actionBar.hide(); }; }; _activity.runOnUiThread(runnable); } } public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { // This is important when we were launched by a widget item click this.intent = intent; OutgoingMessages.raiseEvent("", null, null); } // Called when the URL of the webview changes. // TODO: Unlike iOS, this does not detect back navigation @Override public boolean onOverrideUrlLoading(String url) { if (url.startsWith("native://") || url.startsWith("android://")) { OutgoingMessages.raiseEvent("ace.navigate", null, url); return false; } else if (_setting_PopupsCloseOnHtmlNavigation) { // This is an HTML navigation. // Close all popups since this has been requested. Popup.CloseAll(); } return super.onOverrideUrlLoading(url); } @Override public Object onMessage(String id, Object data) { if (id.equals("onCreateOptionsMenu")) { // For CommandBars attached onto the root activity _menu = (Menu) data; } else if (id.equals("onOptionsItemSelected")) { // For CommandBars attached onto the root activity int index = ((android.view.MenuItem) data).getItemId(); android.view.ViewGroup root = (android.view.ViewGroup) NativeHost.getRootView(); if (root.getChildCount() > 0 && root.getChildAt(0) instanceof Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page) { Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page p = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page) root.getChildAt(0); if (p.menuBar != null) { p.menuBar.onMenuItemClicked(index); } } } return null; } // The entry point public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException { // Don't run any of these if the current activity is finishing. if (_activity.isFinishing()) return true; if (action.equals("send")) { this.send(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equals("loadXbf")) { this.loadXbf(args.getString(0), callbackContext); } else if (action.equals("initialize")) { // // Do not initialize unsupported android versions // if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { return true; } OutgoingMessages.setCallbackContext(callbackContext); /* TODO: No startup markup if (_startupMarkup != null) { // Send the bytes back to the managed side. // Do it directly instead of using OutgoingMessages.raiseEvent // Because otherwise it gets marshaled as an array instead of an ArrayBuffer PluginResult r = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, _startupMarkup); r.setKeepCallback(true); callbackContext.sendPluginResult(r); _startupMarkup = null; } */ } else if (action.equals("loadPlatformSpecificMarkup")) { this.loadPlatformSpecificMarkup(args.getString(0), callbackContext); } else if (action.equals("getAndroidId")) { this.getAndroidId(args.getString(0), callbackContext); } else if (action.equals("startAndroidActivity")) { this.startAndroidActivity(args.getString(0), callbackContext); } else if (action.equals("setPopupsCloseOnHtmlNavigation")) { this.setPopupsCloseOnHtmlNavigation(args.getBoolean(0), callbackContext); } else if (action.equals("isSupported")) { boolean supported = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT; callbackContext.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, supported)); } else { return false; } return true; } void send(final JSONArray messages, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { final Activity activity = _activity; Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Object returnValue = null; boolean hasReturnValue = false; // Needed because null can be a valid return value int numMessages = messages.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numMessages; i++) { Object instance = null; Handle handle; JSONArray message = messages.getJSONArray(i); //android.util.Log.d("Ace", "TODO: MSG: " + message); int messageType = message.getInt(0); switch (messageType) { case IncomingMessages.MSG_CREATE: instance = IncomingMessages.create(message, activity); handle = Handle.fromJSONObject(message.getJSONObject(1)); handle.register(instance); break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_SET: IncomingMessages.set(message); break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_INVOKE: returnValue = IncomingMessages.invoke(message); hasReturnValue = true; break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_EVENTADD: IncomingMessages.eventAdd(message); break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_EVENTREMOVE: IncomingMessages.eventRemove(message); break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_STATICINVOKE: returnValue = IncomingMessages.staticInvoke(message); hasReturnValue = true; break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_FIELDGET: returnValue = IncomingMessages.fieldGet(message); hasReturnValue = true; break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_STATICFIELDGET: returnValue = IncomingMessages.staticFieldGet(message); hasReturnValue = true; break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_GETINSTANCE: instance = IncomingMessages.getInstance(message, activity, _webView); handle = Handle.fromJSONObject(message.getJSONObject(1)); handle.register(instance); break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_NAVIGATE: IncomingMessages.navigate((View) Handle.deserialize(message.getJSONObject(1)), activity); break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_FIELDSET: IncomingMessages.fieldSet(message); break; case IncomingMessages.MSG_PRIVATEFIELDGET: returnValue = IncomingMessages.privateFieldGet(message); hasReturnValue = true; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown message type: " + messageType); } } if (numMessages == 1 && hasReturnValue) { // This is a single (non-batched) invoke with a return value // (or a field get). // Send it. // TODO: Need to handle arrays of primitives/objects as well if (Utils.isBoxedNumberOrString(returnValue) || returnValue == null) { // Send the primitive value JSONArray primitive = new JSONArray(); primitive.put(returnValue); callbackContext.success(primitive); } else { // Send the object as a handle // Use existing handle if this object already has one Handle handle = Handle.fromObject(returnValue); if (handle == null) { handle = new Handle(); handle.register(returnValue); } callbackContext.success(handle.toJSONObject()); } } else { callbackContext.success(); } } catch (Exception ex) { android.util.Log.d("Ace", "Caught exception: " + exceptionWithStackTrace(ex)); callbackContext.error(exceptionWithStackTrace(ex)); } }; }; activity.runOnUiThread(runnable); } void loadXbf(String uri, CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { callbackContext.success(readXbf(uri)); } catch (IOException ex) { android.util.Log.d("Ace", "Caught exception: " + exceptionWithStackTrace(ex)); callbackContext.error(exceptionWithStackTrace(ex)); } } byte[] readXbf(String uri) throws IOException { Context context = _activity.getApplicationContext(); AssetManager am = context.getAssets(); InputStream is =; ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int numRead; byte[] data = new byte[16384]; while ((numRead =, 0, data.length)) != -1) { buffer.write(data, 0, numRead); } buffer.flush(); return buffer.toByteArray(); } // Loads an Android XML file void loadPlatformSpecificMarkup(String uri, CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { View content = readAndroidXml(uri); if (content == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Loading " + uri + " returned null."); } // Send the object as a handle Handle handle = new Handle(); handle.register(content); callbackContext.success(handle.toJSONObject()); } catch (Exception ex) { android.util.Log.d("Ace", "Caught exception: " + exceptionWithStackTrace(ex)); callbackContext.error(exceptionWithStackTrace(ex)); } } View readAndroidXml(String layoutName) { Class c = null; try { c = Class.forName(_activity.getPackageName() + ".R$layout"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to find the R.layout class in package '" + _activity.getPackageName() + "'"); } int id; try { Field f = c.getField(layoutName); id = (Integer) f.get(null); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(c.getSimpleName() + " does not have a " + layoutName + " field"); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(c.getSimpleName() + "'s " + layoutName + " field is inaccessible"); } return android.view.LayoutInflater.from(_activity).inflate(id, null); } void getAndroidId(String name, CallbackContext callbackContext) { Class c = null; try { c = Class.forName(_activity.getPackageName() + ".R$id"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to find the class in package '" + _activity.getPackageName() + "'"); } int id; try { Field f = c.getField(name); id = (Integer) f.get(null); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(c.getSimpleName() + " does not have a " + name + " field"); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(c.getSimpleName() + "'s " + name + " field is inaccessible"); } callbackContext.success(id); } // Exposed to JavaScript public void startAndroidActivity(String name, CallbackContext callbackContext) { NativeHost.startActivity(name); callbackContext.success(); } void setPopupsCloseOnHtmlNavigation(boolean value, CallbackContext callbackContext) { _setting_PopupsCloseOnHtmlNavigation = value; callbackContext.success(); } static String exceptionWithStackTrace(Exception ex) { ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(buffer); ex.printStackTrace(ps); ps.close(); return buffer.toString(); } }