Java tutorial
/** * Vulpe Framework - Quick and Smart ;) * Copyright (C) 2011 Active Thread * * Este programa software livre; voc pode redistribu-lo e/ou * modific-lo sob os termos da Licena Pblica Geral GNU, conforme * publicada pela Free Software Foundation; tanto a verso 2 da * Licena como (a seu critrio) qualquer verso mais nova. * * Este programa distribudo na expectativa de ser til, mas SEM * QUALQUER GARANTIA; sem mesmo a garantia implcita de * COMERCIALIZAO ou de ADEQUAO A QUALQUER PROPSITO EM * PARTICULAR. Consulte a Licena Pblica Geral GNU para obter mais * detalhes. * * Voc deve ter recebido uma cpia da Licena Pblica Geral GNU * junto com este programa; se no, escreva para a Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * Vulpe Framework - Quick and Smart ;) * Copyright (C) 2011 Active Thread * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.vulpe.model.dao.impl.jpa; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.Table; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor; import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy; import org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider; import org.vulpe.audit.model.entity.AuditOccurrence; import org.vulpe.commons.VulpeConstants.Model.Entity; import org.vulpe.commons.util.VulpeHashMap; import org.vulpe.commons.util.VulpeReflectUtil; import org.vulpe.commons.util.VulpeStringUtil; import org.vulpe.commons.util.VulpeValidationUtil; import org.vulpe.exception.VulpeApplicationException; import org.vulpe.model.annotations.Like; import org.vulpe.model.annotations.QueryConfiguration; import org.vulpe.model.annotations.QueryConfigurations; import org.vulpe.model.annotations.QueryParameter; import org.vulpe.model.annotations.Relationship; import org.vulpe.model.annotations.Relationship.RelationshipScope; import org.vulpe.model.dao.impl.AbstractVulpeBaseDAO; import org.vulpe.model.entity.Parameter; import org.vulpe.model.entity.VulpeEntity; /** * Default implementation of DAO with JPA * * @author <a href="">Fbio Viana</a> * @author <a href="">Geraldo Felipe</a> */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public abstract class AbstractVulpeBaseDAOJPA<ENTITY extends VulpeEntity<ID>, ID extends Serializable & Comparable<?>> extends AbstractVulpeBaseDAO<ENTITY, ID> { protected static final String CGLIB_ENHANCER = "EnhancerByCGLIB"; protected static final String CGLIB_CALLBACK_0 = "CGLIB$CALLBACK_0"; protected static final String CGLIB_CALLBACK_0_TARGET = "target"; @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; /** * * @param <T> * @param entity */ protected <T> void repairRelationship(final T entity) { final List<Field> fields = VulpeReflectUtil.getFields(entity.getClass()); for (final Field field : fields) { final OneToMany oneToMany = field.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class); if (oneToMany != null) { try { final List<ENTITY> entities = (List<ENTITY>) PropertyUtils.getProperty(entity, field.getName()); if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(entities)) { for (final ENTITY entityChild : entities) { repairRelationship(entityChild); PropertyUtils.setProperty(entityChild, oneToMany.mappedBy(), entity); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } } } /** * * @param entities */ private void repairInstance(final List<ENTITY> entities) { for (final ENTITY entity : entities) { if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(entity)) { final List<Field> fields = VulpeReflectUtil.getFields(entity.getClass()); for (final Field field : fields) { final ManyToOne manyToOne = field.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class); // final OneToMany oneToMany = // field.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class); if (manyToOne != null) { try { ENTITY value = (ENTITY) PropertyUtils.getProperty(entity, field.getName()); if (value != null && value.getClass().getSimpleName().contains("_javassist_")) { final ENTITY newValue = (ENTITY) field.getType().newInstance(); final Object handler = VulpeReflectUtil.getFieldValue(value, "handler"); final ID id = VulpeReflectUtil.getFieldValue(handler, "id"); newValue.setId(id); VulpeReflectUtil.setFieldValue(entity, field.getName(), newValue); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } // } else if (oneToMany != null) { // try { // List<ENTITY> childs = // VulpeReflectUtil.getFieldValue(entity, field // .getName()); // if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(childs)) { // repairInstance(childs); // } // } catch (Exception e) { // LOG.error(e.getMessage()); // } } } } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.vulpe.model.dao.VulpeDAO#merge(java.lang.Object) */ public <T> T merge(final T entity) { if (entity instanceof AuditOccurrence) { entityManager.clear(); } repairRelationship(entity); T merged = entity; if (((ENTITY) entity).map().containsKey(Entity.ONLY_UPDATE_DETAILS)) { final List<String> detailNames = (List<String>) ((ENTITY) entity).map().get(Entity.ONLY_UPDATE_DETAILS); if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(detailNames)) { for (final String detail : detailNames) { List<ENTITY> details = null; try { details = (List<ENTITY>) PropertyUtils.getProperty(entity, detail); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(details)) { for (final ENTITY entity2 : details) { loadEntityRelationships(entity2); merge(entity2); } } } } } else { merged = entityManager.merge(entity); ((ENTITY) entity).setId(((ENTITY) merged).getId()); } entityManager.flush(); entityManager.clear(); loadEntityRelationships((ENTITY) entity); return entity; } /** * Execute HQL query. * * @param <T> * @param hql * @param params * @return * @throws VulpeApplicationException */ protected <T> List<T> execute(final String hql, final Map<String, Object> params) throws VulpeApplicationException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Reading object: ".concat(hql)); } final Query query = entityManager.createQuery(hql); setParams(query, params); return query.getResultList(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.vulpe.model.dao.VulpeDAO#executeProcedure(java.lang.String, * java.util.List) */ public CallableStatement executeProcedure(final String name, final List<Parameter> parameters) throws VulpeApplicationException { return executeCallableStatement(name, null, parameters); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.vulpe.model.dao.VulpeDAO#executeFunction(java.lang.String, int, * java.util.List) */ @Override public CallableStatement executeFunction(final String name, final int returnType, final List<Parameter> parameters) throws VulpeApplicationException { return executeCallableStatement(name, returnType, parameters); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.vulpe.model.dao.VulpeDAO#executeCallableStatement(java.lang.String, * java.lang.Integer, java.util.List) */ public CallableStatement executeCallableStatement(final String name, final Integer returnType, final List<Parameter> parameters) throws VulpeApplicationException { CallableStatement cstmt = null; try { final Session session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate(); final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactoryImplementor = (SessionFactoryImplementor) session .getSessionFactory(); final ConnectionProvider connectionProvider = sessionFactoryImplementor.getConnectionProvider(); final Connection connection = connectionProvider.getConnection(); final StringBuilder call = new StringBuilder(); call.append(returnType == null ? "{call " : "{? = call "); call.append(name); int count = 0; if (parameters != null) { call.append("("); do { if (count > 0) { call.append(","); } call.append("?"); ++count; } while (count < parameters.size()); call.append(")"); } call.append("}"); if (parameters != null) { cstmt = connection.prepareCall(call.toString()); if (returnType != null) { if (returnType != 0) { cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, returnType); count = 1; } else { count = 0; } } for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { ++count; if (parameter.getType() == Types.ARRAY) { // Connection nativeConnection = // cstmt.getConnection().getMetaData().getConnection(); // ArrayDescriptor objectArrayDescriptor = // ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor( // parameter.getArrayType(), nativeConnection); // Array array = new ARRAY(objectArrayDescriptor, // nativeConnection, parameter // .getArrayValues()); // cstmt.setArray(count, array);""); } else { cstmt.setObject(count, parameter.getValue(), parameter.getType()); } if (parameter.isOut()) { if (parameter.getType() == Types.ARRAY) { cstmt.registerOutParameter(count, Types.ARRAY, parameter.getArrayType()); } else { cstmt.registerOutParameter(count, parameter.getType()); } } } } cstmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new VulpeApplicationException(e.getMessage()); } return cstmt; } /** * Prepares object Query, setting parameters */ protected void setParams(final Query query, final Map<String, Object> params) { if (params != null) { for (final String name : params.keySet()) { Object value = params.get(name); final String paramName = name.replace("!", "").replace("_", "").replaceAll("\\.", "_"); if (value instanceof String) { value = ((String) value).replace("[like]", ""); } query.setParameter(paramName, value); } } } /** * Returns NamedQuery defined in entity */ protected NamedQuery getNamedQuery(final Class<?> entityClass, final String nameQuery) { if (entityClass.isAnnotationPresent(NamedQueries.class)) { final NamedQueries namedQueries = entityClass.getAnnotation(NamedQueries.class); for (NamedQuery namedQuery : namedQueries.value()) { if ( { return namedQuery; } } } else if (entityClass.isAnnotationPresent(NamedQuery.class)) { final NamedQuery namedQuery = entityClass.getAnnotation(NamedQuery.class); if ( { return namedQuery; } } return null; } /** * * @param entity */ protected void loadEntityRelationships(final ENTITY entity) { final List<ENTITY> entities = new ArrayList<ENTITY>(); entities.add(entity); loadRelationships(entities, null, true); } /** * * @param attribute * @param parent * @return */ private String loadRelationshipsMountReference(final String attribute, final String parent) { final StringBuilder hqlAttribute = new StringBuilder(); final List<String> attributeList = new ArrayList<String>(); String first = attribute.substring(0, attribute.indexOf('[')); loadRelationshipsSeparateAttributes(attributeList, attribute.replace(first, ""), null); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(first)) { first += "_"; } for (final String attributeName : attributeList) { hqlAttribute.append(", obj.").append(attributeName).append(" as ").append(first) .append(attributeName.replaceAll("\\.", "_")); } return hqlAttribute.toString(); } /** * * @param attributeList * @param value */ private void loadRelationshipsSeparateAttributes(final List<String> attributeList, String value, String parent) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { value = value.replaceAll(" ", ""); } boolean initial = value.startsWith("[") && value.endsWith("]"); if (!initial && value.contains("],")) { final String[] valueParts = value.split("\\],"); int count = 1; for (String valuePart : valueParts) { int countBracketOpen = VulpeStringUtil.count(valuePart, "["); int countBracketClose = VulpeStringUtil.count(valuePart, "]"); for (int i = countBracketOpen; i > countBracketClose; i--) { valuePart += "]"; } if (count == valueParts.length) { value = value.replace(valuePart, ""); } else { value = value.replace(valuePart + "],", ""); } loadRelationshipsSeparateAttributes(attributeList, valuePart, parent); ++count; } } else { String subParent = ""; if (value.indexOf('[') > 0) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parent)) { parent = value.substring(0, value.indexOf('[')); } else { final String parentTest = value.substring(0, value.indexOf('[')); if (!parent.endsWith(parentTest)) { parent += parentTest; } } if (parent.contains(",")) { final String[] parentParts = parent.split(","); int count = 1; for (final String parentPart : parentParts) { if (count == parentParts.length) { parent = parentPart; } else { attributeList.add(parentPart); } ++count; } } } if (value.contains("[")) { value = value.substring(value.indexOf('[') + 1, value.lastIndexOf("]")); } final String text = value.contains("[") ? value.substring(0, value.indexOf('[')) : value; final String[] textParts = text.split(","); parent = StringUtils.isNotBlank(parent) ? parent + "." : ""; int count = 1; for (final String textPart : textParts) { if (count == textParts.length && !textPart.equals(value)) { subParent = textPart; } else { attributeList.add(parent + textPart); if (textPart.equals(value)) { value = ""; } else { value = value.substring(textPart.length() + 1); } } ++count; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(subParent) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { attributeList.add(value); } if (value.contains("[")) { if (value.contains("],")) { subParent = ""; } loadRelationshipsSeparateAttributes(attributeList, value, parent + subParent); } } } /** * "[teste1[teste1_1,teste1_2[teste1_2_1,teste1_2_2,teste1_2_3[teste1_2_3_1,teste1_2_3_2],teste1_2_4]],teste2,teste3[teste3_1]]" * @param expression */ //TODO public static void build(final String expression) { char currentCharacter, previousCharacter; int open = 0; int initialPosition = 0; int finalPosition = 0; String value = ""; List<String> previous = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++) { currentCharacter = expression.charAt(i); if (i > 0) { previousCharacter = expression.charAt(i - 1); if (previousCharacter == '[' || previousCharacter == ',' || previousCharacter == ']') { initialPosition = i; } if (currentCharacter == '[' || currentCharacter == ',' || currentCharacter == ']') { finalPosition = i; } if (previousCharacter == '[') { ++open; if (!value.isEmpty()) { previous.add(value); } } if (currentCharacter == ']') { --open; if (open > -1) { previous.remove(open); } } } if (finalPosition > initialPosition) { value = expression.substring(initialPosition, finalPosition); final StringBuilder hierarchy = new StringBuilder(); for (final String parent : previous) { hierarchy.append(parent).append('.'); } hierarchy.append(value); list.add(hierarchy.toString()); System.out.println(hierarchy.toString()); } } } /** * Load relationships and optimize lazy load. * * @param entities * @param params */ protected void loadRelationships(final List<ENTITY> entities, final Map<String, Object> params, final boolean onlyInMain) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Method loadRelationships - Start"); } if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(entities)) { repairInstance(entities); final ENTITY entity = entities.get(0); final String queryConfigurationName = entity.getQueryConfigurationName(); final Class<?> entityClass = initializeAndUnproxy(entity).getClass(); final QueryConfigurations queryConfigurations = entityClass.getAnnotation(QueryConfigurations.class); if (queryConfigurations != null && queryConfigurations.value().length > 0) { for (final QueryConfiguration queryConfiguration : queryConfigurations.value()) { if (queryConfiguration != null && && queryConfiguration.relationships().length > 0) { final List<ID> parentIds = new ArrayList<ID>(); for (final ENTITY parent : entities) { parentIds.add(parent.getId()); } for (final Relationship relationship : queryConfiguration.relationships()) { final boolean loadAll = relationship.attributes().length == 1 && "*".equals(relationship.attributes()[0]); if ((!relationship.scope().equals(RelationshipScope.SELECT) && loadAll && !onlyInMain) || (relationship.scope().equals(RelationshipScope.SELECT) && onlyInMain)) { continue; } try { final StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); final String parentName = VulpeStringUtil .getAttributeName(entityClass.getSimpleName()); final Class propertyType = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(entityClass.newInstance(),; final OneToMany oneToMany = VulpeReflectUtil.getAnnotationInField(OneToMany.class, entityClass,; final Map<String, String> hqlAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); // select and from hql.append(loadRelationshipsMountSelectAndFrom(relationship, parentName, propertyType, entity, hqlAttributes, oneToMany, loadAll)); // where hql.append( loadRelationshipsMountWhere(relationship, parentName, params, oneToMany)); final Query query = entityManager.createQuery(hql.toString()); if (oneToMany != null) { query.setParameter("parentIds", parentIds); } else { final List<ID> ids = new ArrayList<ID>(); for (final ENTITY entity2 : entities) { final VulpeEntity<ID> propertyEntity = (VulpeEntity<ID>) PropertyUtils .getProperty(entity2,; if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(propertyEntity)) { ids.add(propertyEntity.getId()); } } if (VulpeValidationUtil.isEmpty(ids)) { continue; } query.setParameter("ids", ids); } if (relationship.parameters() != null) { for (final QueryParameter queryParameter : relationship.parameters()) { if (params.containsKey(queryParameter.equals().name())) { query.setParameter(queryParameter.equals().name(), params.get(queryParameter.equals().name())); } } } final List<ENTITY> childs = new ArrayList<ENTITY>(); final Map<ID, ID> relationshipIds = new HashMap<ID, ID>(); if (oneToMany != null && loadAll) { final List<ENTITY> result = query.getResultList(); childs.addAll(loadRelationshipsMountChild(relationship, result, relationshipIds, parentName)); } else { final List<Map> result = query.getResultList(); childs.addAll(loadRelationshipsMountChild(relationship, result, relationshipIds, parentName, propertyType, hqlAttributes, oneToMany)); } if (!onlyInMain) { final Session session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate(); session.clear(); } loadRelationshipsMountEntities(relationship, entities, childs, relationshipIds, parentName, oneToMany); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } } } } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Method loadRelationships - End"); } } private String loadRelationshipsMountSelectAndFrom(final Relationship relationship, final String parentName, final Class propertyType, final ENTITY firstEntity, final Map<String, String> hqlAttributes, final OneToMany oneToMany, final boolean loadAll) { final StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); try { final List<String> hqlJoin = new ArrayList<String>(); if (oneToMany != null && loadAll) { hql.append("select obj "); } else { hql.append("select new map( as id"); for (final String attribute : relationship.attributes()) { if ("id".equals(attribute)) { continue; } if (oneToMany != null) { final Class attributeType = PropertyUtils .getPropertyType(oneToMany.targetEntity().newInstance(), attribute); boolean manyToOne = attributeType.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToOne.class) || VulpeEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(attributeType); hql.append(", ").append("obj.").append(attribute + (manyToOne ? ".id" : "")).append(" as ") .append(attribute); } else { if (attribute.contains("[")) { final StringBuilder hqlAttribute = new StringBuilder("select new map( as id"); String attributeParent = attribute.substring(0, attribute.indexOf('[')); hqlAttribute.append(loadRelationshipsMountReference(attribute, null)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(attributeParent)) { attributeParent =; final Class attributeParentType = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(firstEntity, attributeParent); hqlAttribute.append(") from ").append(attributeParentType.getSimpleName()) .append(" obj"); } else { final Class attributeParentType = PropertyUtils .getPropertyType(propertyType.newInstance(), attributeParent); hqlAttribute.append(") from ").append(attributeParentType.getSimpleName()) .append(" obj"); int joinCount = hqlJoin.size() + 1; hqlJoin.add((joinCount > 0 ? "" : ",") + "left outer join obj." + attributeParent + " obj" + joinCount); hql.append(", obj").append(joinCount).append(".id").append(" as ") .append(attributeParent); } hqlAttribute.append(" where in (:ids)"); hqlAttributes.put(attribute, hqlAttribute.toString()); } else { final Class attributeType = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(propertyType.newInstance(), attribute); boolean manyToOne = attributeType.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToOne.class) || VulpeEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(attributeType); hql.append(", ").append("obj.").append(attribute + (manyToOne ? ".id" : "")) .append(" as ").append(attribute); } } } if (oneToMany != null) { hql.append(", obj.").append(parentName).append(".id as ").append(parentName); } hql.append(")"); } final String className = oneToMany == null ? propertyType.getSimpleName() : oneToMany.targetEntity().getSimpleName(); hql.append(" from ").append(className).append(" obj "); for (final String join : hqlJoin) { hql.append(join); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } return hql.toString(); } private String loadRelationshipsMountWhere(final Relationship relationship, final String parentName, final Map<String, Object> params, final OneToMany oneToMany) { final StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); if (oneToMany != null) { hql.append(" where obj.").append(parentName).append(".id in (:parentIds)"); } else { hql.append(" where in (:ids)"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(relationship.condition())) { hql.append(" and ").append(relationship.condition()); } if (relationship.parameters() != null) { for (final QueryParameter queryParameter : relationship.parameters()) { if (params.containsKey(queryParameter.equals().name())) { hql.append(" and "); hql.append(StringUtils.isNotBlank(queryParameter.equals().alias()) ? queryParameter.equals().alias() : "obj").append("."); hql.append(queryParameter.equals().name()); final Like like = VulpeReflectUtil.getAnnotationInField(Like.class, oneToMany.targetEntity(), queryParameter.equals().name()); hql.append(" ").append(like != null ? "like" : queryParameter.equals().operator().getValue()) .append(" "); hql.append(":").append(queryParameter.equals().name()); } } } return hql.toString(); } private List<ENTITY> loadRelationshipsMountChild(final Relationship relationship, final List<ENTITY> result, final Map<ID, ID> relationshipIds, final String parentName) { final List<ENTITY> childs = new ArrayList<ENTITY>(); try { for (final ENTITY entity : result) { entity.setQueryConfigurationName(relationship.forceLoadQueryConfiguration()); loadEntityRelationships(entity); final ENTITY parent = (ENTITY) PropertyUtils.getProperty(entity, parentName); relationshipIds.put(entity.getId(), parent.getId()); childs.add(entity); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } return childs; } private List<ENTITY> loadRelationshipsMountChild(final Relationship relationship, final List<Map> result, final Map<ID, ID> relationshipIds, final String parentName, final Class propertyType, final Map<String, String> hqlAttributes, final OneToMany oneToMany) { final List<ENTITY> childs = new ArrayList<ENTITY>(); try { for (final Map map : result) { final ENTITY child = (ENTITY) (oneToMany != null ? oneToMany.targetEntity().newInstance() : propertyType.newInstance()); VulpeReflectUtil.setFieldValue(child, "id", map.get("id")); relationshipIds.put(child.getId(), (ID) map.get(parentName)); childs.add(child); } for (final String attribute : relationship.attributes()) { if (hqlAttributes.containsKey(attribute)) { final String attributeParent = attribute.substring(0, attribute.indexOf('[')); final String hqlAttribute = hqlAttributes.get(attribute); final List<ID> ids = new ArrayList<ID>(); for (final ENTITY child : childs) { Map map = null; for (final Map resultMap : result) { if (child.getId().equals((Long) resultMap.get("id"))) { map = resultMap; break; } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attributeParent)) { final Class attributeType = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(propertyType.newInstance(), attributeParent); final VulpeEntity<ID> newAttribute = (VulpeEntity<ID>) attributeType.newInstance(); newAttribute.setId((ID) map.get(attributeParent)); ids.add(newAttribute.getId()); VulpeReflectUtil.setFieldValue(child, attributeParent, newAttribute); } else { ids.add(child.getId()); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attributeParent)) { final Query queryAttribute = getEntityManager().createQuery(hqlAttribute) .setParameter("ids", ids); final List<Map> listAttributeMap = (List<Map>) queryAttribute.getResultList(); for (ENTITY child : childs) { final Class attributeType = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(propertyType.newInstance(), attributeParent); final VulpeEntity<ID> newAttribute = (VulpeEntity<ID>) attributeType.newInstance(); for (Map map : listAttributeMap) { if (((Long) map.get("id")).equals(child.getId())) { loadRelationshipsMountProperties(map, newAttribute, attribute, null); } } VulpeReflectUtil.setFieldValue(child, attributeParent, newAttribute); } } else { final Query queryAttribute = getEntityManager().createQuery(hqlAttribute) .setParameter("ids", ids); final List<Map> listAttributeMap = (List<Map>) queryAttribute.getResultList(); for (final ENTITY child : childs) { for (final Map map : listAttributeMap) { if (((Long) map.get("id")).equals(child.getId())) { loadRelationshipsMountProperties(map, child, attribute, null); } } } } } else { for (final ENTITY child : childs) { Map map = null; for (final Map resultMap : result) { if (child.getId().equals((Long) resultMap.get("id"))) { map = resultMap; break; } } final Class attributeType = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(child, attribute); boolean manyToOne = attributeType.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToOne.class) || VulpeEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(attributeType); VulpeReflectUtil.instanciate(child, attribute + (manyToOne ? ".id" : ""), map.get(attribute)); } } } if (relationship.forceLoad()) { if (!"default".equals(relationship.forceLoadQueryConfiguration())) { for (final ENTITY entity : childs) { entity.setQueryConfigurationName(relationship.forceLoadQueryConfiguration()); } } loadRelationships(childs, null, false); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } return childs; } private void loadRelationshipsMountEntities(final Relationship relationship, final List<ENTITY> entities, final List<ENTITY> childs, final Map<ID, ID> relationshipIds, final String parentName, final OneToMany oneToMany) { try { for (final ENTITY parent : entities) { if (VulpeValidationUtil.isEmpty(childs)) { PropertyUtils.setProperty(parent,, null); } else { final List<ENTITY> loadedChilds = new ArrayList<ENTITY>(); for (final ENTITY child : childs) { if (oneToMany != null) { final ID parentId = (ID) relationshipIds.get(child.getId()); if (parent.getId().equals(parentId)) { PropertyUtils.setProperty(child, parentName, parent); loadedChilds.add(child); } PropertyUtils.setProperty(parent,, loadedChilds); } else { final VulpeEntity<ID> parentChild = (VulpeEntity<ID>) PropertyUtils.getProperty(parent,; if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(parentChild) && child.getId().equals(parentChild.getId())) { PropertyUtils.setProperty(parent,, child); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } /** * * @param map * @param entity * @param attribute * @param parent */ private void loadRelationshipsMountProperties(final Map<String, Object> map, final VulpeEntity<ID> entity, final String attribute, final String parent) { try { final List<String> attributeList = new ArrayList<String>(); String first = attribute.substring(0, attribute.indexOf('[')); loadRelationshipsSeparateAttributes(attributeList, attribute.replace(first, ""), null); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(first)) { first += "_"; } for (final String attributeName : attributeList) { VulpeReflectUtil.instanciate(entity, attributeName, map.get(first + attributeName.replaceAll("\\.", "_"))); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) { this.entityManager = entityManager; } public EntityManager getEntityManager() { return entityManager; } public Object findByNamedQuery(final String name) { try { return getEntityManager().createNamedQuery(name).getSingleResult(); } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { return null; } } public Object findByNamedQueryAndNamedParams(final String name, final Map<String, Object> map) { try { final Query query = getEntityManager().createNamedQuery(name); for (final String parameter : map.keySet()) { query.setParameter(parameter, map.get(parameter)); } return query.getSingleResult(); } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { return null; } } public List<?> listByNamedQuery(final String name) { return getEntityManager().createNamedQuery(name).getResultList(); } public List<?> listByNamedQueryAndNamedParams(final String name, final Map<String, Object> map) { final Query query = getEntityManager().createNamedQuery(name); for (final String parameter : map.keySet()) { if (parameter.equals("limit")) { continue; } query.setParameter(parameter, map.get(parameter)); } final Object limit = map.get("limit"); if (limit != null) { query.setMaxResults((Integer) limit); } return query.getResultList(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.vulpe.model.dao.VulpeDAO#updateSomeAttributes(org.vulpe.model.entity * .VulpeEntity) */ @Override public void updateSomeAttributes(final ENTITY entity) { if (entity.getId() == null) { LOG.debug(entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " id not found"); return; } final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(getUpdateSomeAttributtesSQL(entity)); try { final VulpeHashMap<String, Object> map = getUpdateSomeAttributesMap(entity); final Field idField = VulpeReflectUtil.getField(entity.getClass(), "id"); final Column column = idField.getAnnotation(Column.class); sql.append(column != null ? : "id").append(" = ").append(entity.getId()); final Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString()); for (final String key : map.keySet()) { final Object value = map.get(key); if (value instanceof Enum) { query.setParameter(key, value.toString()); } else if (value instanceof VulpeEntity) { query.setParameter(key, ((VulpeEntity<ID>) value).getId()); } else { query.setParameter(key, value); } } query.executeUpdate(); entityManager.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void updateSomeAttributes(final List<ENTITY> list) { for (final ENTITY entity : list) { updateSomeAttributes(entity); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.vulpe.model.dao.VulpeDAO#updateSomeAttributes(org.vulpe.model.entity * .VulpeEntity, java.util.List) */ @Override public void updateSomeAttributes(final ENTITY entity, final List<ID> ids) { if (VulpeValidationUtil.isEmpty(ids)) { LOG.debug(entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " id list not found"); return; } final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(getUpdateSomeAttributtesSQL(entity)); try { final VulpeHashMap<String, Object> map = getUpdateSomeAttributesMap(entity); StringBuilder sqlIds = new StringBuilder(); for (final ID id : ids) { if (sqlIds.length() > 0) { sqlIds.append(","); } sqlIds.append(((Long) id).intValue()); } final Field idField = VulpeReflectUtil.getField(entity.getClass(), "id"); final Column column = idField.getAnnotation(Column.class); sql.append(column != null ? : "id").append(" in (").append(sqlIds).append(")"); final Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString()); for (final String key : map.keySet()) { final Object value = map.get(key); if (value instanceof Enum) { query.setParameter(key, value.toString()); } else if (value instanceof VulpeEntity) { query.setParameter(key, ((VulpeEntity<ID>) value).getId()); } else { query.setParameter(key, value); } } query.executeUpdate(); entityManager.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } private String getUpdateSomeAttributtesSQL(final ENTITY entity) { final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("update "); final Table table = entity.getClass().getAnnotation(Table.class); if (table != null) { sql.append(; } else { sql.append(entity.getClass().getSimpleName()); } sql.append(" set "); int count = 0; for (final String key : getUpdateSomeAttributesMap(entity).keySet()) { if (count > 0) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append(key).append(" = ").append(":").append(key); ++count; } sql.append(" where "); return sql.toString(); } private VulpeHashMap<String, Object> getUpdateSomeAttributesMap(final ENTITY entity) { final List<Field> fields = VulpeReflectUtil.getFields(entity.getClass()); final VulpeHashMap<String, Object> map = new VulpeHashMap<String, Object>(); for (final Field field : fields) { if (field.getName().equals("id") || Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers())) { continue; } final Object value = VulpeReflectUtil.getFieldValue(entity, field.getName()); if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(value)) { String columnName = field.getName(); if (entity.fieldColumnMap().containsKey(field.getName())) { columnName = entity.fieldColumnMap().get(field.getName()); } else { final Column column = field.getAnnotation(Column.class); final JoinColumn joinColumn = field.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class); if (column != null) { columnName =; } else if (joinColumn != null) { columnName = (StringUtils.isNotBlank(joinColumn.referencedColumnName()) ? joinColumn.referencedColumnName() :; } } map.put(columnName, value); } } return map; } protected <T> T initializeAndUnproxy(T entity) { if (entity == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Entity passed for initialization is null"); } Hibernate.initialize(entity); return unproxy(entity); } protected <T> T unproxy(T entity) { if (entity instanceof HibernateProxy) { entity = (T) ((HibernateProxy) entity).getHibernateLazyInitializer().getImplementation(); } return entity; } public class QueryFunction { public String execute(final ENTITY entity, final String query, final String token) { String queryModified = query; final String initialToken = token + "("; while (queryModified.contains(initialToken)) { final int initialPos = queryModified.indexOf(token); final int initialAttributePos = queryModified.indexOf(initialToken) + initialToken.length(); final int finalPos = queryModified.indexOf(")", initialPos); final String queryAttributte = queryModified.substring(initialAttributePos, queryModified.indexOf(")", initialAttributePos)); queryModified = queryModified.substring(0, initialPos) + queryModified.substring(finalPos + 1); final int openPos = queryModified.indexOf("{"); final int closePos = queryModified.indexOf("}", openPos); if (checkCondition(entity, queryAttributte)) { queryModified = queryModified.substring(0, openPos) + queryModified.substring(openPos + 1, closePos) + queryModified.substring(closePos + 1); } else { queryModified = queryModified.substring(0, openPos) + queryModified.substring(closePos + 1); } } return queryModified; } public boolean checkCondition(final ENTITY entity, final String queryAttributte) { return false; } } protected String validateQueryFunctions(final ENTITY entity, final String query) { String whereModified = emptyQueryFunction(entity, query); whereModified = notEmptyQueryFunction(entity, whereModified); return whereModified; } protected String notEmptyQueryFunction(final ENTITY entity, final String query) { return new QueryFunction() { @Override public boolean checkCondition(ENTITY entity, String queryAttributte) { return VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(VulpeReflectUtil.getFieldValue(entity, queryAttributte)); }; }.execute(entity, query, "notEmpty"); } protected String emptyQueryFunction(final ENTITY entity, final String query) { return new QueryFunction() { @Override public boolean checkCondition(ENTITY entity, String queryAttributte) { return VulpeValidationUtil.isEmpty(VulpeReflectUtil.getFieldValue(entity, queryAttributte)); }; }.execute(entity, query, "empty"); } }