Java tutorial
/** * Vulpe Framework - Quick and Smart ;) * Copyright (C) 2011 Active Thread * * Este programa software livre; voc pode redistribu-lo e/ou * modific-lo sob os termos da Licena Pblica Geral GNU, conforme * publicada pela Free Software Foundation; tanto a verso 2 da * Licena como (a seu critrio) qualquer verso mais nova. * * Este programa distribudo na expectativa de ser til, mas SEM * QUALQUER GARANTIA; sem mesmo a garantia implcita de * COMERCIALIZAO ou de ADEQUAO A QUALQUER PROPSITO EM * PARTICULAR. Consulte a Licena Pblica Geral GNU para obter mais * detalhes. * * Voc deve ter recebido uma cpia da Licena Pblica Geral GNU * junto com este programa; se no, escreva para a Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * Vulpe Framework - Quick and Smart ;) * Copyright (C) 2011 Active Thread * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import javax.persistence.QueryHint; import net.sf.jelly.apt.TemplateBlock; import net.sf.jelly.apt.TemplateException; import net.sf.jelly.apt.TemplateModel; import net.sf.jelly.apt.TemplateOutput; import net.sf.jelly.apt.decorations.declaration.DecoratedClassDeclaration; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.vulpe.commons.VulpeConstants.Code; import org.vulpe.commons.helper.VulpeConfigHelper; import org.vulpe.config.annotations.VulpeDomains; import org.vulpe.exception.VulpeSystemException; import; import; import; import org.vulpe.model.annotations.CodeGenerator; import org.vulpe.model.db4o.annotations.SODAQueries; import org.vulpe.model.db4o.annotations.SODAQuery; import org.vulpe.model.db4o.annotations.SODAQueryAttribute; import org.vulpe.model.entity.impl.AbstractVulpeBaseAuditEntity; import org.vulpe.model.entity.impl.AbstractVulpeBaseEntity; import org.vulpe.model.entity.impl.AbstractVulpeBaseJPAAuditEntity; import org.vulpe.model.entity.impl.AbstractVulpeBaseJPAEntity; import org.vulpe.model.entity.impl.VulpeBaseDB4OAuditEntity; import org.vulpe.model.entity.impl.VulpeBaseDB4OEntity; import org.vulpe.model.entity.impl.VulpeBaseSimpleEntity; import com.sun.mirror.declaration.FieldDeclaration; public class ForAllDAOTemplateStrategy extends VulpeForAllTemplateStrategy { @Override public boolean preProcess(final TemplateBlock block, final TemplateOutput<TemplateBlock> output, final TemplateModel model) throws IOException, TemplateException { if (super.preProcess(block, output, model) && getDeclaration() instanceof DecoratedClassDeclaration) { final DecoratedClassDeclaration clazz = (DecoratedClassDeclaration) getDeclaration(); final CodeGenerator codeGenerator = clazz.getAnnotation(CodeGenerator.class); if (getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()).equals(VulpeBaseSimpleEntity.class.getName()) || (codeGenerator != null && !codeGenerator.dao())) { return false; } final DecoratedDAO dao = new DecoratedDAO(); dao.setOverride(true); final String simpleName = clazz.getSimpleName(); dao.setName(simpleName); dao.setDaoName(simpleName + Code.Generator.DAO_SUFFIX); final String packageName = clazz.getPackage().toString(); dao.setPackageName(packageName); dao.setDaoPackageName( StringUtils.replace(packageName, Code.Generator.ENTITY_PACKAGE, Code.Generator.DAO_PACKAGE)); if (clazz.getAnnotation(javax.persistence.Inheritance.class) != null || clazz.getAnnotation(org.vulpe.model.db4o.annotations.Inheritance.class) != null) { dao.setInheritance(true); dao.setDaoSuperclassPackageName( StringUtils.replace(clazz.getSuperclass().getDeclaration().getPackage().toString(), Code.Generator.ENTITY_PACKAGE, Code.Generator.DAO_PACKAGE)); } // if super class isn't Object if (clazz.getSuperclass() != null && !getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()).equals(Object.class.getName()) && (!getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()).equals(AbstractVulpeBaseEntity.class.getName()) && (!getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()) .equals(AbstractVulpeBaseAuditEntity.class.getName())) && !getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()) .equals(AbstractVulpeBaseJPAEntity.class.getName()) && !getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()) .equals(AbstractVulpeBaseJPAAuditEntity.class.getName()) && !getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()).equals(VulpeBaseDB4OEntity.class.getName()) && !getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()) .equals(VulpeBaseDB4OAuditEntity.class.getName()))) { final String superClassName = getClassName(clazz.getSuperclass()); final String simpleSuperClassName = superClassName.substring(superClassName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if (!simpleSuperClassName.startsWith(Code.Generator.ABSTRACT_PREFIX)) { dao.setSuperclassName(superClassName); dao.setDaoSuperclassName(StringUtils.replace(dao.getSuperclassName(), Code.Generator.ENTITY_PACKAGE, Code.Generator.DAO_PACKAGE) + Code.Generator.DAO_SUFFIX); } } dao.setIdType(getIDType(clazz.getSuperclass())); if (dao.getIdType() == null) { final FieldDeclaration field = getField(clazz, "id"); dao.setIdType(field.getType().toString()); } prepareMethods(clazz, dao); model.setVariable(getVar(), dao); return true; } return false; } protected void prepareMethods(final DecoratedClassDeclaration clazz, final DecoratedDAO dao) { if (VulpeConfigHelper.get(VulpeDomains.class).useDB4O()) { final SODAQueries sodaQueries = clazz.getAnnotation(SODAQueries.class); if (sodaQueries != null) { for (SODAQuery sq : sodaQueries.value()) { putMethod(dao,, sq.unique(), sq.attributes()); } } final SODAQuery sodaQuery = clazz.getAnnotation(SODAQuery.class); if (sodaQuery != null) { putMethod(dao,, sodaQuery.unique(), sodaQuery.attributes()); } } else { final NamedQueries namedQueries = clazz.getAnnotation(NamedQueries.class); if (namedQueries != null) { for (NamedQuery nq : namedQueries.value()) { putMethod(clazz, dao, nq.query(),, nq.hints()); } } final NamedQuery namedQuery = clazz.getAnnotation(NamedQuery.class); if (namedQuery != null) { putMethod(clazz, dao, namedQuery.query(),, namedQuery.hints()); } final NamedNativeQueries namedNativeQueries = clazz.getAnnotation(NamedNativeQueries.class); if (namedNativeQueries != null) { for (NamedNativeQuery nnq : namedNativeQueries.value()) { putMethod(clazz, dao, nnq.query(),, nnq.hints()); } } final NamedNativeQuery namedNativeQuery = clazz.getAnnotation(NamedNativeQuery.class); if (namedNativeQuery != null) { putMethod(clazz, dao, namedNativeQuery.query(),, namedNativeQuery.hints()); } } } private void putMethod(final DecoratedClassDeclaration clazz, final DecoratedDAO dao, final String query, final String queryName, final QueryHint[] hints) { if (queryName.equals(dao.getName().concat(".read"))) { return; } final DecoratedDAOMethod method = new DecoratedDAOMethod(); if (StringUtils.indexOf(queryName, dao.getName().concat(".")) > -1) { method.setName( StringUtils.substring(queryName, StringUtils.indexOf(queryName, dao.getName().concat(".")) + new String(dao.getName().concat(".")).length())); } else { throw new VulpeSystemException("Name of definition in the query is incorrect. Must be on format: " .concat(dao.getName()).concat(".").concat(queryName)); } boolean unique = false; String newQuery = StringUtils.replace(query, "\t", " "); final char dots = ':'; final char space = ' '; while (newQuery.indexOf(dots) > -1) { newQuery = newQuery.substring(newQuery.indexOf(dots)); String param = newQuery.substring(1); param = param.replace(")", "").replace("(", ""); if (newQuery.indexOf(space) > -1) { param = newQuery.substring(1, newQuery.indexOf(space)); } newQuery = newQuery.replace(":".concat(param), ""); // get parameter type in annotations @Params and @QueryParameter String type = getType(param, hints); if (type == null) { final FieldDeclaration field = getField(clazz, param); if (field == null) { throw new VulpeSystemException( "Parameter [".concat(param).concat("] not found on class: ").concat(dao.getName())); } else { if (param.equals("id")) { unique = true; } type = field.getType().toString(); // verified if is unique column or id if (!unique) { final Column column = field.getAnnotation(Column.class); if (column != null) { unique = column.unique(); } if (!unique) { final JoinColumn joinColumn = field.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class); if (field.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class) != null) { unique = joinColumn.unique(); } } } } } final DecoratedDAOParameter parameter = new DecoratedDAOParameter(); parameter.setName(param); parameter.setType(type); method.getParameters().add(parameter); } for (final QueryHint queryHint : hints) { if ("limit")) { final DecoratedDAOParameter parameter = new DecoratedDAOParameter(); parameter.setName("limit"); parameter.setType("java.lang.Integer"); parameter.setValue(Integer.valueOf(queryHint.value())); method.getParameters().add(0, parameter); } } setupReturn(dao, queryName, hints, method, unique); dao.getMethods().add(method); } private void putMethod(final DecoratedDAO dao, final String queryName, final boolean unique, final SODAQueryAttribute[] atributes) { if (queryName.equals(dao.getName().concat(".read"))) { return; } final DecoratedDAOMethod method = new DecoratedDAOMethod(); method.setName(queryName); for (SODAQueryAttribute queryAttribute : atributes) { final DecoratedDAOParameter parameter = new DecoratedDAOParameter(); parameter.setName(; parameter.setType(queryAttribute.type()); method.getParameters().add(parameter); } setupReturn(dao, queryName, method, unique); dao.getMethods().add(method); } protected void setupReturn(final DecoratedDAO dao, final String queryName, final QueryHint[] hints, final DecoratedDAOMethod method, final boolean unique) { final String returnType = findQueryHint("return", hints); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(returnType)) { method.setReturnType(returnType); } else if (unique || isReturnEntity(hints)) { method.setReturnType(dao.getName()); } else { method.setReturnType("java.util.List<".concat(dao.getName()).concat(">")); } } protected void setupReturn(final DecoratedDAO dao, final String queryName, final DecoratedDAOMethod method, final boolean unique) { if (unique) { method.setReturnType(dao.getName()); } else { method.setReturnType("java.util.List<".concat(dao.getName()).concat(">")); } } }