Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. This software is licensed under the MIT License. * See the license file delivered with this project for further information. */ package; import; import; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.CountDownTimer; import; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager; import org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager; import org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings; import org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.PeerProperties; import org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.utils.BluetoothSocketIoThread; import; import java.util.UUID; /** * This class is responsible for managing both peer discovery and connections. */ public class ConnectionEngine implements ConnectionManager.ConnectionManagerListener, DiscoveryManager.DiscoveryManagerListener, Connection.Listener { protected static final String TAG = ConnectionEngine.class.getName(); // Service type and UUID has to be application/service specific. // The app will only connect to peers with the matching values. public static final String PEER_NAME = Build.MANUFACTURER + "_" + Build.MODEL; // Use manufacturer and device model name as the peer name protected static final String SERVICE_TYPE = "ThaliTestSampleApp._tcp"; protected static final String SERVICE_UUID_AS_STRING = "9ab3c173-66d5-4da6-9e23-e8ce520b479b"; protected static final String SERVICE_NAME = "Thali Test Sample App"; protected static final UUID SERVICE_UUID = UUID.fromString(SERVICE_UUID_AS_STRING); protected static final long CHECK_CONNECTIONS_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECONDS = 10000; protected static final long NOTIFY_STATE_CHANGED_DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 500; protected static int DURATION_OF_DEVICE_DISCOVERABLE_IN_SECONDS = 60; private static final int PERMISSION_REQUEST_ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION = 1; protected Context mContext = null; protected Activity mActivity = null; protected Settings mSettings = null; protected ConnectionManager mConnectionManager = null; protected DiscoveryManager mDiscoveryManager = null; protected PeerAndConnectionModel mModel = null; protected CountDownTimer mCheckConnectionsTimer = null; protected CountDownTimer mNotifyStateChangedTimer = null; private AlertDialog mAlertDialog = null; private boolean mIsShuttingDown = false; /** * Constructor. */ public ConnectionEngine(Context context, Activity activity) { mContext = context; mActivity = activity; mModel = PeerAndConnectionModel.getInstance(); mConnectionManager = new ConnectionManager(mContext, this, SERVICE_UUID, SERVICE_NAME); mConnectionManager.setPeerName(PEER_NAME); mDiscoveryManager = new DiscoveryManager(mContext, this, SERVICE_UUID, SERVICE_TYPE); mDiscoveryManager.setPeerName(PEER_NAME); } /** * Loads the settings and binds the discovery manager to the settings instance. */ public void bindSettings() { mSettings = Settings.getInstance(mContext); mSettings.setConnectionManager(mConnectionManager); mSettings.setDiscoveryManager(mDiscoveryManager); mSettings.load(); } /** * Starts both the connection and the discovery manager. * * @return True, if started successfully. False otherwise. */ public synchronized boolean start() { mIsShuttingDown = false; boolean shouldConnectionManagerBeRunning = mSettings.getListenForIncomingConnections(); boolean wasConnectionManagerStarted = false; if (shouldConnectionManagerBeRunning) { wasConnectionManagerStarted = mConnectionManager.startListeningForIncomingConnections(); if (!wasConnectionManagerStarted) { Log.e(TAG, "start: Failed to start the connection manager"); LogFragment.logError("Failed to start the connection manager"); } } boolean shouldDiscoveryManagerBeRunning = (mSettings.getEnableBleDiscovery() || mSettings.getEnableWifiDiscovery()); boolean wasDiscoveryManagerStarted = false; if (shouldDiscoveryManagerBeRunning) { wasDiscoveryManagerStarted = (mDiscoveryManager .getState() != DiscoveryManager.DiscoveryManagerState.NOT_STARTED || mDiscoveryManager.start(true, true)); if (!shouldDiscoveryManagerBeRunning) { Log.e(TAG, "start: Failed to start the discovery manager"); LogFragment.logError("Failed to start the discovery manager"); } } if (mCheckConnectionsTimer != null) { mCheckConnectionsTimer.cancel(); mCheckConnectionsTimer = null; } mCheckConnectionsTimer = new CountDownTimer(CHECK_CONNECTIONS_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECONDS, CHECK_CONNECTIONS_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECONDS) { @Override public void onTick(long l) { // Not used } @Override public void onFinish() { sendPingToAllPeers(); mCheckConnectionsTimer.start(); } }; return ((!shouldConnectionManagerBeRunning || wasConnectionManagerStarted) && (!shouldDiscoveryManagerBeRunning || wasDiscoveryManagerStarted)); } /** * Stops both the connection and the discovery manager. */ public synchronized void stop() { mIsShuttingDown = true; if (mCheckConnectionsTimer != null) { mCheckConnectionsTimer.cancel(); } mConnectionManager.stopListeningForIncomingConnections(); mConnectionManager.cancelAllConnectionAttempts(); mDiscoveryManager.stop(); mModel.closeAllConnections(); mModel.clearPeers(); } /** * Disposes both the discovery and the connection manager. * After calling this method, this instance of the connection engine cannot be used again. */ public void dispose() { stop(); mDiscoveryManager.dispose(); mConnectionManager.dispose(); mDiscoveryManager = null; mConnectionManager = null; } /** * Connects to the peer with the given properties. * * @param peerProperties The properties of the peer to connect to. */ public synchronized void connect(PeerProperties peerProperties) { if (peerProperties != null) { if (mConnectionManager.connect(peerProperties)) { LogFragment.logMessage("Trying to connect to peer " + peerProperties.toString()); mModel.addPeerBeingConnectedTo(peerProperties); MainActivity.updateOptionsMenu(); } else { String errorMessageStub = "Failed to start connecting to peer "; Log.e(TAG, "connect: " + errorMessageStub + peerProperties.toString()); LogFragment.logError(errorMessageStub + peerProperties.toString()); MainActivity.showToast(errorMessageStub + peerProperties.getName()); } } } /** * Starts the Bluetooth device discovery. */ public void startBluetoothDeviceDiscovery() { mDiscoveryManager.getBluetoothMacAddressResolutionHelper().startBluetoothDeviceDiscovery(); } /** * Makes the device discoverable. */ public void makeDeviceDiscoverable() { mDiscoveryManager.makeDeviceDiscoverable(DURATION_OF_DEVICE_DISCOVERABLE_IN_SECONDS); } /** * Starts sending data to the peer with the given properties. * * @param peerProperties The properties of the peer to send data to. */ public synchronized void startSendingData(PeerProperties peerProperties) { Connection connection = mModel.getConnectionToPeer(peerProperties, false); if (connection == null) { connection = mModel.getConnectionToPeer(peerProperties, true); } if (connection != null) { connection.sendData(); LogFragment.logMessage( "Sending " + String.format("%.2f", connection.getTotalDataAmountCurrentlySendingInMegaBytes()) + " MB to peer " + peerProperties.toString()); mModel.notifyListenersOnDataChanged(); // To update the progress bar MainActivity.updateOptionsMenu(); } else { Log.e(TAG, "startSendingData: No connection found"); } } /** * Called when the user grants/denies a permission request. * * @param requestCode The request code associated with the permission request. * @param permissions The permissions in question. * @param grantResults The grant results (granted/denied). */ public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) { Log.d(TAG, "onRequestPermissionsResult: Request code: " + requestCode); for (int i = 0; (i < permissions.length && i < grantResults.length); ++i) { Log.d(TAG, "onRequestPermissionsResult: Permission: " + permissions[i] + ", grant result: " + grantResults[i]); } if (requestCode == PERMISSION_REQUEST_ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION && grantResults.length > 0) { if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { Log.d(TAG, "onRequestPermissionsResult: Permission granted"); mDiscoveryManager.start(true, true); } else { Log.e(TAG, "onRequestPermissionsResult: Permission denied"); } if (mAlertDialog != null) { mAlertDialog.dismiss(); mAlertDialog = null; } } } @Override public void onConnectionManagerStateChanged(ConnectionManager.ConnectionManagerState connectionManagerState) { Log.v(TAG, "onConnectionManagerStateChanged: " + connectionManagerState); restartNotifyStateChangedTimer(); } /** * Constructs a Bluetooth socket IO thread for the new connection and adds it to the list of * connections. * * @param bluetoothSocket The Bluetooth socket. * @param isIncoming If true, this is an incoming connection. If false, this is an outgoing connection. * @param peerProperties The peer properties. */ @Override public void onConnected(BluetoothSocket bluetoothSocket, boolean isIncoming, PeerProperties peerProperties) { Log.i(TAG, "onConnected: " + (isIncoming ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing") + " connection: " + peerProperties.toString()); mModel.removePeerBeingConnectedTo(peerProperties); Connection connection = null; try { connection = new Connection(this, bluetoothSocket, peerProperties, isIncoming); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "onConnected: Failed to create a socket IO thread instance: " + e.getMessage(), e); try { bluetoothSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { } } if (connection != null) { final String peerName = connection.getPeerProperties().getName(); final boolean wasIncoming = connection.getIsIncoming(); mModel.addOrRemoveConnection(connection, true); MainActivity.showToast(peerName + " connected (is " + (wasIncoming ? "incoming" : "outgoing") + ")"); if (isIncoming) { // Add peer, if it was not discovered before mModel.addOrUpdatePeer(peerProperties); mDiscoveryManager.getPeerModel().addOrUpdateDiscoveredPeer(peerProperties); } // Update the peer name, if already in the model mModel.updatePeerName(peerProperties); LogFragment.logMessage((isIncoming ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing") + " connection established to peer " + peerProperties.toString()); } final int totalNumberOfConnections = mModel.getTotalNumberOfConnections(); Log.i(TAG, "onConnected: Total number of connections is now " + totalNumberOfConnections); if (totalNumberOfConnections == 1) { mCheckConnectionsTimer.cancel(); mCheckConnectionsTimer.start(); } MainActivity.updateOptionsMenu(); } @Override public void onConnectionTimeout(PeerProperties peerProperties) { Log.i(TAG, "onConnectionTimeout: " + peerProperties); if (peerProperties != null) { mModel.removePeerBeingConnectedTo(peerProperties); MainActivity.showToast("Failed to connect to " + peerProperties.getName() + ": Connection timeout"); LogFragment.logError("Failed to connect to peer " + peerProperties.toString() + ": Connection timeout"); } else { MainActivity.showToast("Failed to connect: Connection timeout"); LogFragment.logError("Failed to connect: Connection timeout"); } MainActivity.updateOptionsMenu(); } @Override public void onConnectionFailed(PeerProperties peerProperties, String errorMessage) { Log.i(TAG, "onConnectionFailed: " + errorMessage + ": " + peerProperties); if (peerProperties != null) { mModel.removePeerBeingConnectedTo(peerProperties); MainActivity.showToast("Failed to connect to " + peerProperties.getName() + ((errorMessage != null) ? (": " + errorMessage) : "")); LogFragment.logError("Failed to connect to peer " + peerProperties.toString() + ((errorMessage != null) ? (": " + errorMessage) : "")); } else { MainActivity.showToast("Failed to connect" + ((errorMessage != null) ? (": " + errorMessage) : "")); LogFragment.logError("Failed to connect" + ((errorMessage != null) ? (": " + errorMessage) : "")); } MainActivity.updateOptionsMenu(); } @Override public boolean onPermissionCheckRequired(String permission) { int permissionCheck = PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED; if (mActivity != null) { permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(mActivity, permission); Log.i(TAG, "onPermissionCheckRequired: " + permission + ": " + permissionCheck); if (permissionCheck == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { requestPermission(permission); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "onPermissionCheckRequired: The activity is null"); } return (permissionCheck == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED); } /** * @param isEnabled True, if enabled. False, if disabled. */ @Override public void onWifiEnabledChanged(boolean isEnabled) { Log.d(TAG, "onWifiEnabledChanged: " + isEnabled); } /** * @param isEnabled True, if enabled. False, if disabled. */ @Override public void onBluetoothEnabledChanged(boolean isEnabled) { Log.d(TAG, "onBluetoothEnabledChanged: " + isEnabled); } /** * @param state The new state. * @param isDiscovering True, if peer discovery is active. False otherwise. * @param isAdvertising True, if advertising is active. False otherwise. */ @Override public void onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged(DiscoveryManager.DiscoveryManagerState state, boolean isDiscovering, boolean isAdvertising) { Log.v(TAG, "onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: " + state + ", " + isDiscovering + ", " + isAdvertising); restartNotifyStateChangedTimer(); } @Override public void onProvideBluetoothMacAddressRequest(String requestId) { // TODO } @Override public void onPeerReadyToProvideBluetoothMacAddress() { if (!DiscoveryManagerSettings.getInstance(null).getAutomateBluetoothMacAddressResolution()) { mDiscoveryManager.makeDeviceDiscoverable(DURATION_OF_DEVICE_DISCOVERABLE_IN_SECONDS); } } @Override public void onBluetoothMacAddressResolved(String bluetoothMacAddress) { Log.i(TAG, "onBluetoothMacAddressResolved: " + bluetoothMacAddress); LogFragment.logMessage("Bluetooth MAC address resolved: " + bluetoothMacAddress); start(); } @Override public void onPeerDiscovered(PeerProperties peerProperties) { Log.i(TAG, "onPeerDiscovered: " + peerProperties.toString()); if (mModel.addOrUpdatePeer(peerProperties)) { LogFragment.logMessage("Peer " + peerProperties.toString() + " discovered"); autoConnectIfEnabled(peerProperties); } } @Override public void onPeerUpdated(PeerProperties peerProperties) { Log.i(TAG, "onPeerUpdated: " + peerProperties.toString()); mModel.addOrUpdatePeer(peerProperties); LogFragment.logMessage("Peer " + peerProperties.toString() + " updated"); } @Override public void onPeerLost(PeerProperties peerProperties) { Log.i(TAG, "onPeerLost: " + peerProperties.toString()); if (mModel.hasConnectionToPeer(peerProperties)) { // We are connected so it can't be lost mDiscoveryManager.getPeerModel().addOrUpdateDiscoveredPeer(peerProperties); } else { mModel.removePeer(peerProperties); LogFragment.logMessage("Peer " + peerProperties.toString() + " lost"); } } @Override public void onBytesRead(byte[] bytes, int numberOfBytesRead, BluetoothSocketIoThread bluetoothSocketIoThread) { Log.v(TAG, "onBytesRead: Received " + numberOfBytesRead + " bytes from peer " + (bluetoothSocketIoThread.getPeerProperties() != null ? bluetoothSocketIoThread.getPeerProperties().toString() : "<no ID>")); } @Override public void onBytesWritten(byte[] bytes, int numberOfBytesWritten, BluetoothSocketIoThread bluetoothSocketIoThread) { Log.v(TAG, "onBytesWritten: Sent " + numberOfBytesWritten + " bytes to peer " + (bluetoothSocketIoThread.getPeerProperties() != null ? bluetoothSocketIoThread.getPeerProperties().toString() : "<no ID>")); } @Override public void onDisconnected(String reason, final Connection connection) { Log.i(TAG, "onDisconnected: Peer " + connection.getPeerProperties().toString() + " disconnected: " + reason); final PeerProperties peerProperties = connection.getPeerProperties(); final String peerName = peerProperties.getName(); final boolean wasIncoming = connection.getIsIncoming(); synchronized (this) { new Thread() { @Override public void run() { if (!mModel.addOrRemoveConnection(connection, false) && !mIsShuttingDown) { Log.e(TAG, "onDisconnected: Failed to remove the connection, because not found in the list"); } else if (!mIsShuttingDown) { Log.d(TAG, "onDisconnected: Connection " + connection.toString() + " removed from the list"); } connection.close(true); final int totalNumberOfConnections = mModel.getTotalNumberOfConnections(); Log.i(TAG, "onDisconnected: Total number of connections is now " + totalNumberOfConnections); if (totalNumberOfConnections == 0) { mCheckConnectionsTimer.cancel(); } // ToDo: we are inside the run() of a new Thread - that the autoconnect will attempt to create a handler - when looper.prepare() was never called. // ToDo: for now, disable this automatic reconnect that seems to be the logic. Let the Engine decide which peer to intiate and not just autoconnnect to the broken peer. // Reverse the transfer with that partner, doing back and forth? if (!mIsShuttingDown) { Log.i(TAG, "onDisconnected: initiating reverse direction transfer to peer"); try { boolean goodConnect = autoConnectIfEnabled(peerProperties); Log.i(TAG, "onDisconnected: did reverse direction transfer to peer, result: " + goodConnect); } catch (Exception e0) { BridgeSpot.exceptionProblemCount++; Log.e(TAG, "Exception in the reverse direction transfer", e0); } } MainActivity.updateOptionsMenu(); } }.start(); } MainActivity.showToast(peerName + " disconnected (was " + (wasIncoming ? "incoming" : "outgoing") + ")"); LogFragment.logMessage("Peer " + peerProperties.toString() + " disconnected (was " + (wasIncoming ? "incoming" : "outgoing") + ")"); } @Override public void onSendDataProgress(float progressInPercentages, float transferSpeed, PeerProperties receivingPeer) { Log.d(TAG, "onSendDataProgress: " + Math.round(progressInPercentages * 100) + " % " + transferSpeed + " MB/s"); mModel.notifyListenersOnDataChanged(); // To update the progress bar } @Override public void onDataSent(float dataSentInMegaBytes, float transferSpeed, PeerProperties receivingPeer) { String message = "Sent " + String.format("%.2f", dataSentInMegaBytes) + " MB with transfer speed of " + String.format("%.3f", transferSpeed) + " MB/s"; Log.i(TAG, "onDataSent: " + message + " to peer " + receivingPeer); LogFragment.logMessage(message + " to peer " + receivingPeer); MainActivity.showToast(message + " to peer " + receivingPeer.getName()); mModel.notifyListenersOnDataChanged(); // To update the progress bar MainActivity.updateOptionsMenu(); } /** * Sends a ping message to all connected peers. */ protected synchronized void sendPingToAllPeers() { for (Connection connection : mModel.getConnections()) {; } } /** * Tries to connect to the peer with the given properties if the auto-connect is enabled. * * @param peerProperties The peer properties. */ protected synchronized boolean autoConnectIfEnabled(PeerProperties peerProperties) { if (!mIsShuttingDown) { if (mSettings.getAutoConnect() && !mModel.hasConnectionToPeer(peerProperties, false)) { if (mSettings.getAutoConnectEvenWhenIncomingConnectionEstablished() || !mModel.hasConnectionToPeer(peerProperties, true)) { // Do auto-connect Log.i(TAG, "autoConnectIfEnabled: Auto-connecting to peer " + peerProperties.toString()); connect(peerProperties); return true; } } } return false; } protected synchronized void restartNotifyStateChangedTimer() { if (mNotifyStateChangedTimer != null) { mNotifyStateChangedTimer.cancel(); mNotifyStateChangedTimer = null; } mNotifyStateChangedTimer = new CountDownTimer(NOTIFY_STATE_CHANGED_DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS, NOTIFY_STATE_CHANGED_DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS) { @Override public void onTick(long l) { // Not used } @Override public void onFinish() { this.cancel(); mNotifyStateChangedTimer = null; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("Connectivity: "); stringBuilder.append((mConnectionManager != null) ? mConnectionManager.getState() : "not running"); stringBuilder.append(", discovery: "); stringBuilder.append((mDiscoveryManager != null) ? mDiscoveryManager.getState() : "not running"); stringBuilder.append(", "); stringBuilder.append( (mDiscoveryManager != null && mDiscoveryManager.isDiscovering()) ? "discovering/scanning" : "not discovering/scanning"); stringBuilder.append(", "); stringBuilder .append((mDiscoveryManager != null && mDiscoveryManager.isAdvertising()) ? "advertising" : "not advertising"); String message = stringBuilder.toString(); LogFragment.logMessage(message); MainActivity.showToast(message); BridgeSpot.statusConnectionEngine = ":" + message; } }; mNotifyStateChangedTimer.start(); } /** * Prompts the user to grant the given permission. * * @param permission The permission, which needs to be granted. */ private void requestPermission(final String permission) { Log.i(TAG, "requestPermission: " + permission); // Should we show an explanation? if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(mActivity, permission)) { // The app has requested this permission previously and the user denied the request. if (mAlertDialog == null) { AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mActivity); alertDialogBuilder .setMessage("Location permission is required to scan for nearby peers using Bluetooth LE."); alertDialogBuilder.setCancelable(true); alertDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(mActivity, new String[] { permission }, PERMISSION_REQUEST_ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION); } }); mAlertDialog = alertDialogBuilder.create(); } if (!mAlertDialog.isShowing()) {; } } else { // No explanation needed, we can request the permission. ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(mActivity, new String[] { permission }, PERMISSION_REQUEST_ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION); } } }