Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 The University of Manchester * * See the file "LICENSE.txt" for license terms. */ package org.taverna.server.localworker.impl; import static java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime; import static java.lang.System.getProperty; import static java.lang.System.out; import static java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import static java.util.UUID.randomUUID; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.impl.SecurityConstants.HELIO_TOKEN_NAME; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.impl.SecurityConstants.KEYSTORE_FILE; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.impl.SecurityConstants.SECURITY_DIR_NAME; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.impl.SecurityConstants.TRUSTSTORE_FILE; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.impl.utils.FilenameVerifier.getValidatedFile; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteStatus.Finished; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteStatus.Initialized; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteStatus.Operating; import static org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteStatus.Stopped; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.IllegalStateTransitionException; import org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.ImplementationException; import org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteDirectory; import org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteInput; import org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteListener; import org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteSecurityContext; import org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteSingleRun; import org.taverna.server.localworker.remote.RemoteStatus; import org.taverna.server.localworker.server.UsageRecordReceiver; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings; /** * This class implements one side of the connection between the Taverna Server * master server and this process. It delegates to a {@link Worker} instance the * handling of actually running a workflow. * * @author Donal Fellows * @see DirectoryDelegate * @see FileDelegate * @see WorkerCore */ @SuppressWarnings({ "SE_BAD_FIELD", "SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID" }) public class LocalWorker extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RemoteSingleRun { // ----------------------- CONSTANTS ----------------------- /** * Subdirectories of the working directory to create by default. */ private static final String[] dirstomake = { "conf", "externaltool", "lib", "logs", "plugins", "repository", "t2-database", "var" }; /** The name of the default encoding for characters on this machine. */ public static final String SYSTEM_ENCODING = defaultCharset().name(); /** Handle to the directory containing the security info. */ static final File SECURITY_DIR; static { File home = new File(getProperty("user.home")); // If we can't write to $HOME (i.e., we're in an odd deployment) use // the official version of /tmp/$PID as a fallback. if (!home.canWrite()) home = new File(getProperty(""), ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName()); SECURITY_DIR = new File(home, SECURITY_DIR_NAME); } // ----------------------- VARIABLES ----------------------- /** * Magic flag used to turn off problematic code when testing inside CI * environment. */ static boolean DO_MKDIR = true; /** What to use to run a workflow engine. */ private final String executeWorkflowCommand; /** What workflow to run. */ private final String workflow; /** The remote access object for the working directory. */ private final DirectoryDelegate baseDir; /** What inputs to pass as files. */ final Map<String, String> inputFiles; /** What inputs to pass as files (as file refs). */ final Map<String, File> inputRealFiles; /** What inputs to pass as direct values. */ final Map<String, String> inputValues; /** The interface to the workflow engine subprocess. */ private final Worker core; /** Our descriptor token (UUID). */ private final String masterToken; /** * The root working directory for a workflow run, or <tt>null</tt> if it has * been deleted. */ private File base; /** * When did this workflow start running, or <tt>null</tt> for * "never/not yet". */ private Date start; /** * When did this workflow finish running, or <tt>null</tt> for * "never/not yet". */ private Date finish; /** The cached status of the workflow run. */ RemoteStatus status; /** * The name of the input Baclava document, or <tt>null</tt> to not do it * that way. */ String inputBaclava; /** * The name of the output Baclava document, or <tt>null</tt> to not do it * that way. */ String outputBaclava; /** * The file containing the input Baclava document, or <tt>null</tt> to not * do it that way. */ private File inputBaclavaFile; /** * The file containing the output Baclava document, or <tt>null</tt> to not * do it that way. */ private File outputBaclavaFile; /** * Registered shutdown hook so that we clean up when this process is killed * off, or <tt>null</tt> if that is no longer necessary. */ Thread shutdownHook; /** Location for security information to be written to. */ File securityDirectory; /** * Password to use to encrypt security information. This default is <7 chars * to work even without Unlimited Strength JCE. */ char[] keystorePassword = new char[] { 'c', 'h', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e' }; /** Additional server-specified environment settings. */ Map<String, String> environment = new HashMap<String, String>(); // ----------------------- METHODS ----------------------- /** * @param executeWorkflowCommand * The script used to execute workflows. * @param workflow * The workflow to execute. * @param workerClass * The class to instantiate as our local representative of the * run. * @param urReceiver * The remote class to report the generated usage record(s) to. * @param id * The UUID to use, or <tt>null</tt> if we are to invent one. * @throws RemoteException * If registration of the worker fails. * @throws ImplementationException * If something goes wrong during local setup. */ protected LocalWorker(String executeWorkflowCommand, String workflow, Class<? extends Worker> workerClass, UsageRecordReceiver urReceiver, UUID id) throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { super(); if (id == null) id = randomUUID(); masterToken = id.toString(); this.workflow = workflow; this.executeWorkflowCommand = executeWorkflowCommand; base = new File(getProperty(""), masterToken); out.println("about to create " + base); try { forceMkdir(base); for (String subdir : dirstomake) { new File(base, subdir).mkdir(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem creating run working directory", e); } baseDir = new DirectoryDelegate(base, null); inputFiles = new HashMap<String, String>(); inputRealFiles = new HashMap<String, File>(); inputValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { core = workerClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { out.println("problem when creating core worker implementation"); e.printStackTrace(out); throw new ImplementationException("problem when creating core worker implementation", e); } core.setURReceiver(urReceiver); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { /** * Kill off the worker launched by the core. */ @Override public void run() { try { shutdownHook = null; destroy(); } catch (ImplementationException e) { } catch (RemoteException e) { } } }); getRuntime().addShutdownHook(t); shutdownHook = t; status = Initialized; } @Override public void destroy() throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { if (status != Finished && status != Initialized) try { core.killWorker(); if (finish == null) finish = new Date(); } catch (Exception e) { out.println("problem when killing worker"); e.printStackTrace(out); } try { if (shutdownHook != null) getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem removing shutdownHook", e); } finally { shutdownHook = null; } // Is this it? try { if (base != null) forceDelete(base); } catch (IOException e) { out.println("problem deleting working directory"); e.printStackTrace(out); throw new ImplementationException("problem deleting working directory", e); } finally { base = null; } try { if (securityDirectory != null) forceDelete(securityDirectory); } catch (IOException e) { out.println("problem deleting security directory"); e.printStackTrace(out); throw new ImplementationException("problem deleting security directory", e); } finally { securityDirectory = null; } } @Override public void addListener(RemoteListener listener) throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { throw new ImplementationException("not implemented"); } @Override public String getInputBaclavaFile() { return inputBaclava; } @Override public List<RemoteInput> getInputs() throws RemoteException { ArrayList<RemoteInput> result = new ArrayList<RemoteInput>(); for (String name : inputFiles.keySet()) result.add(new InputDelegate(name)); return result; } @Override public List<String> getListenerTypes() { return emptyList(); } @Override public List<RemoteListener> getListeners() { return singletonList(core.getDefaultListener()); } @Override public String getOutputBaclavaFile() { return outputBaclava; } @SuppressWarnings("SE_INNER_CLASS") class SecurityDelegate extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RemoteSecurityContext { private void setPrivatePerms(File dir) { if (!dir.setReadable(false, false) || !dir.setReadable(true, true) || !dir.setExecutable(false, false) || !dir.setExecutable(true, true) || !dir.setWritable(false, false) || !dir.setWritable(true, true)) { out.println("warning: " + "failed to set permissions on security context directory"); } } protected SecurityDelegate(String token) throws IOException { super(); if (DO_MKDIR) { securityDirectory = new File(SECURITY_DIR, token); forceMkdir(securityDirectory); setPrivatePerms(securityDirectory); } } /** * Write some data to a given file in the context directory. * * @param name * The name of the file to write. * @param data * The bytes to put in the file. * @throws RemoteException * If anything goes wrong. * @throws ImplementationException */ protected void write(String name, byte[] data) throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { try { File f = new File(securityDirectory, name); writeByteArrayToFile(f, data); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem writing " + name, e); } } /** * Write some data to a given file in the context directory. * * @param name * The name of the file to write. * @param data * The lines to put in the file. The * {@linkplain LocalWorker#SYSTEM_ENCODING system encoding} * will be used to do the writing. * @throws RemoteException * If anything goes wrong. * @throws ImplementationException */ protected void write(String name, Collection<String> data) throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { try { File f = new File(securityDirectory, name); writeLines(f, SYSTEM_ENCODING, data); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem writing " + name, e); } } /** * Write some data to a given file in the context directory. * * @param name * The name of the file to write. * @param data * The line to put in the file. The * {@linkplain LocalWorker#SYSTEM_ENCODING system encoding} * will be used to do the writing. * @throws RemoteException * If anything goes wrong. * @throws ImplementationException */ protected void write(String name, char[] data) throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { try { File f = new File(securityDirectory, name); writeLines(f, SYSTEM_ENCODING, asList(new String(data))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem writing " + name, e); } } @Override public void setKeystore(byte[] keystore) throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { if (status != Initialized) throw new RemoteException("not initializing"); if (keystore == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("keystore may not be null"); write(KEYSTORE_FILE, keystore); } @Override public void setPassword(char[] password) throws RemoteException { if (status != Initialized) throw new RemoteException("not initializing"); if (password == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("password may not be null"); keystorePassword = password.clone(); } @Override public void setTruststore(byte[] truststore) throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { if (status != Initialized) throw new RemoteException("not initializing"); if (truststore == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("truststore may not be null"); write(TRUSTSTORE_FILE, truststore); } @Override public void setUriToAliasMap(HashMap<URI, String> uriToAliasMap) throws RemoteException { if (status != Initialized) throw new RemoteException("not initializing"); if (uriToAliasMap == null) return; ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<URI, String> site : uriToAliasMap.entrySet()) lines.add(site.getKey().toASCIIString() + " " + site.getValue()); // write(URI_ALIAS_MAP, lines); } @Override public void setHelioToken(String helioToken) throws RemoteException { if (status != Initialized) throw new RemoteException("not initializing"); out.println("registering HELIO CIS token for export"); environment.put(HELIO_TOKEN_NAME, helioToken); } } @Override public RemoteSecurityContext getSecurityContext() throws RemoteException, ImplementationException { try { return new SecurityDelegate(masterToken); } catch (RemoteException e) { if (e.getCause() != null) throw new ImplementationException("problem initializing security context", e.getCause()); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem initializing security context", e); } } @Override public RemoteStatus getStatus() { // only state that can spontaneously change to another if (status == Operating) { status = core.getWorkerStatus(); if (status == Finished && finish == null) finish = new Date(); } return status; } @Override public RemoteDirectory getWorkingDirectory() { return baseDir; } File validateFilename(String filename) throws RemoteException { if (filename == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("filename must be non-null"); try { return getValidatedFile(base, filename.split("/")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to validate filename", e); } } @SuppressWarnings("SE_INNER_CLASS") class InputDelegate extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RemoteInput { private String name; InputDelegate(String name) throws RemoteException { super(); = name; if (!inputFiles.containsKey(name)) { if (status != Initialized) throw new IllegalStateException("not initializing"); inputFiles.put(name, null); inputRealFiles.put(name, null); inputValues.put(name, null); } } @Override public String getFile() { return inputFiles.get(name); } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String getValue() { return inputValues.get(name); } @Override public void setFile(String file) throws RemoteException { if (status != Initialized) throw new IllegalStateException("not initializing"); inputRealFiles.put(name, validateFilename(file)); inputValues.put(name, null); inputFiles.put(name, file); inputBaclava = null; } @Override public void setValue(String value) throws RemoteException { if (status != Initialized) throw new IllegalStateException("not initializing"); inputValues.put(name, value); inputFiles.put(name, null); inputRealFiles.put(name, null); inputBaclava = null; } } @Override public RemoteInput makeInput(String name) throws RemoteException { return new InputDelegate(name); } @Override public RemoteListener makeListener(String type, String configuration) throws RemoteException { throw new RemoteException("listener manufacturing unsupported"); } @Override public void setInputBaclavaFile(String filename) throws RemoteException { if (status != Initialized) throw new IllegalStateException("not initializing"); inputBaclavaFile = validateFilename(filename); for (String input : inputFiles.keySet()) { inputFiles.put(input, null); inputRealFiles.put(input, null); inputValues.put(input, null); } inputBaclava = filename; } @Override public void setOutputBaclavaFile(String filename) throws RemoteException { if (status != Initialized) throw new IllegalStateException("not initializing"); if (filename != null) outputBaclavaFile = validateFilename(filename); else outputBaclavaFile = null; outputBaclava = filename; } @Override public void setStatus(RemoteStatus newStatus) throws IllegalStateTransitionException, RemoteException, ImplementationException { if (status == newStatus) return; switch (newStatus) { case Initialized: throw new IllegalStateTransitionException("may not move back to start"); case Operating: switch (status) { case Initialized: try { start = new Date(); core.initWorker(executeWorkflowCommand, workflow, base, inputBaclavaFile, inputRealFiles, inputValues, outputBaclavaFile, securityDirectory, keystorePassword, environment, masterToken); /* * Do not clear the keystorePassword array here; its * ownership is *transferred* to the worker core which * doesn't copy it but *does* clear it after use. */ keystorePassword = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem creating executing workflow", e); } break; case Stopped: try { core.startWorker(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem starting workflow run", e); } break; case Finished: throw new IllegalStateTransitionException("already finished"); } status = Operating; break; case Stopped: switch (status) { case Initialized: throw new IllegalStateTransitionException("may only stop from Operating"); case Operating: try { core.stopWorker(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem stopping workflow run", e); } break; case Finished: throw new IllegalStateTransitionException("already finished"); } status = Stopped; break; case Finished: switch (status) { case Operating: case Stopped: try { core.killWorker(); if (finish == null) finish = new Date(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImplementationException("problem killing workflow run", e); } break; } status = Finished; break; } } @Override public Date getFinishTimestamp() { return finish == null ? null : new Date(finish.getTime()); } @Override public Date getStartTimestamp() { return start == null ? null : new Date(start.getTime()); } }