Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.streetpacman; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.json.JSONException; import org.streetpacman.core.DMCore; import org.streetpacman.core.DMConstants; import org.streetpacman.util.DMUtils; import org.streetpacman.util.GeoRect; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.hardware.Sensor; import android.hardware.SensorEvent; import android.hardware.SensorEventListener; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.opengl.GLSurfaceView; import android.os.Bundle; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.View; import android.view.Window; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import android.widget.AbsoluteLayout; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.ImageView.ScaleType; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; public class DMBoard extends MapActivity implements View.OnTouchListener, View.OnClickListener { private static DMBoard instance; private DMOverlay dmOverlay; private Location currentLocation; private LocationManager locationManager; private SensorManager sensorManager; private boolean keepMyLocationVisible; MapView mapView; TextView noteView, menuView; TextView v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6; private GLSurfaceView mGLSurfaceView; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { DMBoard.instance = this; Log.d(DMConstants.TAG, "DMBoard.onCreate"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); setContentView(R.layout.mapview); mapView = (MapView) findViewById(; noteView = (TextView) findViewById(; noteView.setOnClickListener(this); menuView = (TextView) findViewById(; menuView.setOnClickListener(this); v1 = (TextView) findViewById(; v1.setOnClickListener(this); v2 = (TextView) findViewById(; v2.setOnClickListener(this); v3 = (TextView) findViewById(; v3.setOnClickListener(this); v4 = (TextView) findViewById(; v4.setOnClickListener(this); v5 = (TextView) findViewById(; v5.setOnClickListener(this); v6 = (TextView) findViewById(; v6.setOnClickListener(this); toggle(); this.dmOverlay = new DMOverlay(this); List<Overlay> listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays(); listOfOverlays.clear(); listOfOverlays.add(dmOverlay); sensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE); locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); // api update_phone_settings DMCore.self().net(DMConstants.update_phone_settings, r_update_phone_settings, rEmpty); // // Create our Preview view and set it as the content of our // // Activity // mGLSurfaceView = (GLSurfaceView) findViewById(; // // We want an 8888 pixel format because that's required for // // a translucent window. // // And we want a depth buffer. // mGLSurfaceView.setEGLConfigChooser(8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 0); // // Tell the cube renderer that we want to render a translucent version // // of the cube: // mGLSurfaceView.setRenderer(new DMRenderer(true)); // // Use a surface format with an Alpha channel: // mGLSurfaceView.getHolder().setFormat(PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT); // mGLSurfaceView.setZOrderOnTop(true); } @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() { return false; } @Override protected boolean isLocationDisplayed() { return true; } @Override protected void onPause() { // Called when activity is going into the background, but has not (yet) // been // killed. Shouldn't block longer than approx. 2 seconds. Log.d(DMConstants.TAG, "DM.onPause"); unregisterLocationAndSensorListeners(); super.onPause(); } @Override protected void onResume() { // Called when the current activity is being displayed or re-displayed // to the user. Log.d(DMConstants.TAG, "DM.onResume"); super.onResume(); registerLocationAndSensorListeners(); // zoom and pan // showPoints(); } public void addSprite(DMSprite dmSprite) { ((AbsoluteLayout) findViewById(; } /** * Registers to receive location updates from the GPS location provider and * sensor updated from the compass. */ void registerLocationAndSensorListeners() { if (locationManager != null) { locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, locationListener); try { locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 1000 * 60 * 5 /* minTime */, 0 /* minDist */, locationListener); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // If anything at all goes wrong with getting a cell location do // not // abort. Cell location is not essential to this app. Log.w(DMConstants.TAG, "Could not register network location listener."); } } if (sensorManager == null) { return; } Sensor compass = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION); if (compass == null) { return; } Log.d(DMConstants.TAG, "DM: Now registering sensor listeners."); sensorManager.registerListener(sensorListener, compass, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI); } public void alert(String txt) { Toast.makeText(this, txt, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } /** * Moves the location pointer to the current location and center the map if * the current location is outside the visible area. */ private void showCurrentLocation() { if (currentLocation == null || dmOverlay == null || mapView == null) { return; } dmOverlay.setMyLocation(currentLocation); mapView.invalidate(); if (keepMyLocationVisible && !locationIsVisible(currentLocation)) { MapController controller = mapView.getController(); GeoPoint geoPoint = DMUtils.getGeoPoint(currentLocation); controller.animateTo(geoPoint); } } private boolean locationIsVisible(Location location) { if (location == null || mapView == null) { return false; } GeoPoint center = mapView.getMapCenter(); int latSpan = mapView.getLatitudeSpan(); int lonSpan = mapView.getLongitudeSpan(); // Bottom of map view is obscured by zoom controls/buttons. // Subtract a margin from the visible area: GeoPoint marginBottom = mapView.getProjection().fromPixels(0, mapView.getHeight()); GeoPoint marginTop = mapView.getProjection().fromPixels(0, mapView.getHeight() - mapView.getZoomButtonsController().getZoomControls().getHeight()); int margin = Math.abs(marginTop.getLatitudeE6() - marginBottom.getLatitudeE6()); GeoRect r = new GeoRect(center, latSpan, lonSpan); += margin; GeoPoint geoPoint = DMUtils.getGeoPoint(location); return r.contains(geoPoint); } private Runnable r_update_phone_settings = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { note("phone: " + DMCore.self(); } }; private Runnable r_new_game = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { note("New Game " + DMCore.self(); // DMCore.self().net(DMConstants.find_games, r_find_games, rEmpty); } }; private Runnable r_find_games = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DMCore.self() = DMCore.self().alGames.get(0); DMCore.self().net(DMConstants.join_game, r_join_game, rEmpty); note("Join Game " + DMCore.self(); } }; private Runnable r_join_game = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // zoom and pan showPoints(); } }; private Runnable rEmpty = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; private final LocationListener locationListener = new LocationListener() { @Override public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { currentLocation = location; showCurrentLocation(); if (location != null) { // Toast.makeText( // getBaseContext(), // "Lat: " + location.getLatitude() + "\nLng: " // + location.getLongitude(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) // .show(); // note("Lat: " + location.getLatitude() + "\nLng: " // + location.getLongitude()); DMCore.self().myPhone.setLocation(location); DMCore.self().net(DMConstants.update, rEmpty, rEmpty); } } @Override public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; /** * Unregisters all location and sensor listeners */ void unregisterLocationAndSensorListeners() { if (locationManager != null) { Log.d(DMConstants.TAG, "DM: Now unregistering location listeners."); locationManager.removeUpdates(locationListener); } if (sensorManager != null) { Log.d(DMConstants.TAG, "DM: Now unregistering sensor listeners."); sensorManager.unregisterListener(sensorListener); } } public void showPoints() { if (mapView == null) { return; } int bottom = DMCore.self().map.getBottom(); int left = DMCore.self().map.getLeft(); int latSpanE6 = DMCore.self().map.getTop() - bottom; int lonSpanE6 = DMCore.self().map.getRight() - left; if (latSpanE6 > 0 && latSpanE6 < 180E6 && lonSpanE6 > 0 && lonSpanE6 < 360E6) { keepMyLocationVisible = false; GeoPoint center = new GeoPoint(bottom + latSpanE6 / 2, left + lonSpanE6 / 2); if (DMUtils.isValidGeoPoint(center)) { mapView.getController().setCenter(center); mapView.getController().setZoom(20); mapView.getController().zoomToSpan(latSpanE6, lonSpanE6); } } } private final SensorEventListener sensorListener = new SensorEventListener() { @Override public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent se) { synchronized (this) { float magneticHeading = se.values[0]; DMSprite.get(DMCore.self().myPhoneIndex).setHeading(magneticHeading); } } @Override public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor s, int accuracy) { // do nothing } }; public static DMBoard getInstance() { return instance; } private int noteID = 0; @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v == noteView) { keepMyLocationVisible = true; showCurrentLocation(); note(DMConstants.NOTES[noteID]); noteID = (noteID + 1) % DMConstants.NOTES.length; } if (v == menuView) { toggle(); } if (v == v1) { DMCore.self().myPhoneIndex = (DMCore.self().myPhoneIndex + 1) % 7; } if (v == v2) { DMCore.self().powerMode = !DMCore.self().powerMode; } if (v == v3) { DMCore.self().allowUpdate = !DMCore.self().allowUpdate; } if (v == v4) { DMCore.self().myPhoneState.alive = !DMCore.self().myPhoneState.alive; } if (v == v5) { DMCore.self().net(DMConstants.find_games, r_find_games, rEmpty); } if (v == v6) { DMCore.self().net(DMConstants.new_game, r_new_game, rEmpty); } v1.setText("role\n" + DMCore.self().myPhoneIndex); v2.setText("powerMode\n" + DMCore.self().powerMode); v3.setText("update\n" + DMCore.self().allowUpdate); v4.setText("alive\n" + DMCore.self().myPhoneState.alive); v5.setText("join_game"); v6.setText("new_game"); } private void toggle() { if (v1.getVisibility() == View.GONE) { v1.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); v2.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); v3.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); v4.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); v5.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); v6.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); return; } if (v1.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { v1.setVisibility(View.GONE); v2.setVisibility(View.GONE); v3.setVisibility(View.GONE); v4.setVisibility(View.GONE); v5.setVisibility(View.GONE); v6.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } public void note(String txt) { noteView.setText("Street Pacman\n\n" + txt); } @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { // toggle(); // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } }