Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005 Open Source Applications Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * */ package org.osaf.caldav4j; import static org.osaf.caldav4j.util.ICalendarUtils.getMasterEvent; import static org.osaf.caldav4j.util.ICalendarUtils.getUIDValue; import static org.osaf.caldav4j.util.UrlUtils.stripHost; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Component; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ComponentList; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Date; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.CalendarComponent; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VTimeZone; import; import; import; import net.fortuna.ical4j.util.CompatibilityHints; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.HeadMethod; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.webdav.lib.Ace; import org.apache.webdav.lib.PropertyName; import org.apache.webdav.lib.methods.AclMethod; import org.apache.webdav.lib.methods.DepthSupport; import org.osaf.caldav4j.exceptions.BadStatusException; import org.osaf.caldav4j.exceptions.CalDAV4JException; import org.osaf.caldav4j.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.osaf.caldav4j.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException.IdentifierType; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.CalDAV4JMethodFactory; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.CalDAVReportMethod; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.DelTicketMethod; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.DeleteMethod; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.GetMethod; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.HttpClient; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.MkCalendarMethod; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.MkTicketMethod; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.PropFindMethod; import org.osaf.caldav4j.methods.PutMethod; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.request.CalendarData; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.request.CalendarMultiget; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.request.CalendarQuery; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.request.PropProperty; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.request.TicketRequest; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.response.CalDAVResponse; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.response.TicketDiscoveryProperty; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.response.TicketResponse; import org.osaf.caldav4j.model.util.PropertyFactory; import org.osaf.caldav4j.util.CaldavStatus; import org.osaf.caldav4j.util.GenerateQuery; import org.osaf.caldav4j.util.ICalendarUtils; import org.osaf.caldav4j.util.MethodUtil; import org.osaf.caldav4j.util.UrlUtils; /** * This class provides a high level API to a calendar collection on a CalDAV server. * * @author * * implements methods for * - create * - retrieve * - update * - delete * * calendars are retrieved in two ways * - by path (with get methods) * - by custom query (with search methods) * no customized queries should be public in this class */ public class CalDAVCollection extends CalDAVCalendarCollectionBase { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CalDAVCollection.class); // configuration settings public CalDAVCollection() { } /** * Creates a new CalDAVCalendar collection with the specified paramters * * @param path The path to the collection * @param hostConfiguration Host information for the CalDAV Server * @param methodFactory methodFactory to obtail HTTP methods from * @param prodId String identifying who creates the iCalendar objects */ public CalDAVCollection(String path, HostConfiguration hostConfiguration, CalDAV4JMethodFactory methodFactory, String prodId) { setCalendarCollectionRoot(path); this.hostConfiguration = hostConfiguration; this.methodFactory = methodFactory; this.prodId = prodId; } //Configuration Methods /** * Returns the icalendar object which contains the event with the specified * UID. * * @param httpClient the httpClient which will make the request * @param uid The uniqueID of the event to find * @return the Calendar object containing the event with this UID * @throws CalDAV4JException if there was a problem, or if the resource could * not be found. * @deprecated use a less-specialized query */ public Calendar getCalendarForEventUID(HttpClient httpClient, String uid) throws CalDAV4JException, ResourceNotFoundException { // implement it using a simplequery: here we don't need meta-data/tags return getCalDAVResourceForEventUID(httpClient, uid).getCalendar(); } /** * Gets an icalendar object by GET * * @param httpClient the httpClient which will make the request * @param icsRelativePath the path, relative to the collection path * @return the Calendar object at the specified path * @throws CalDAV4JException */ public Calendar getCalendar(HttpClient httpClient, String icsRelativePath) throws CalDAV4JException { return getCalDAVResource(httpClient, getAbsolutePath(icsRelativePath)).getCalendar(); } /** * Retrieve a single calendar by UID / COMPONENT using REPORT * @param httpClient * @param component * @param uid * @param recurrenceId * @return The Calendar with the given UID. null if not found * @throws CalDAV4JException */ public Calendar queryCalendar(HttpClient httpClient, String component, String uid, String recurrenceId) throws CalDAV4JException { String filter = String.format("%s : UID==%s", component, uid); if (recurrenceId != null) { filter = String.format("%s, RECURRENCE-ID==%s", filter, recurrenceId); } GenerateQuery gq = new GenerateQuery(component, filter); List<Calendar> cals = queryCalendars(httpClient, gq.generate()); switch (cals.size()) { case 1: return cals.get(0); case 0: return null; default: throw new CalDAV4JException("More than one calendar returned for uid " + uid); } } /** * Returns all Calendars which contain events which have instances who fall within * the two dates. Note that recurring events are NOT expanded. * * @param httpClient the httpClient which will make the request * @param beginDate the beginning of the date range. Must be a UTC date * @param endDate the end of the date range. Must be a UTC date. * @return a List of Calendars * @throws CalDAV4JException if there was a problem * * @deprecated should be implemented by query */ public List<Calendar> getEventResources(HttpClient httpClient, Date beginDate, Date endDate) throws CalDAV4JException { GenerateQuery gq = new GenerateQuery(); gq.setFilter("VEVENT"); gq.setTimeRange(beginDate, endDate); return queryCalendars(httpClient, gq.generate()); } /** * Delete every component with the given UID. As UID is unique in the * collection it should remove only one Calendar resource * * @param httpClient * @param uid * @throws CalDAV4JException * * TODO this method should be refined with recurrenceid */ public void delete(HttpClient httpClient, String component, String uid) throws CalDAV4JException { CalDAVResource resource = getCalDAVResourceByUID(httpClient, component, uid); Calendar calendar = resource.getCalendar(); ComponentList eventList = calendar.getComponents().getComponents(component); // get a list of components to remove List<Component> componentsToRemove = new ArrayList<Component>(); boolean hasOtherEvents = false; for (Object o : eventList) { CalendarComponent event = (CalendarComponent) o; String curUID = ICalendarUtils.getUIDValue(event); if (!uid.equals(curUID)) { hasOtherEvents = true; } else { componentsToRemove.add(event); } } // // remove from calendar the components with the given UID // and PUT the calendar // if (hasOtherEvents) { if (componentsToRemove.size() == 0) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResourceNotFoundException.IdentifierType.UID, uid); } for (Component removeMe : componentsToRemove) { calendar.getComponents().remove(removeMe); } put(httpClient, calendar, stripHost(resource.getResourceMetadata().getHref()), resource.getResourceMetadata().getETag()); return; } else { delete(httpClient, stripHost(resource.getResourceMetadata().getHref())); } } /** * Creates a calendar at the specified path * */ public void createCalendar(HttpClient httpClient) throws CalDAV4JException { MkCalendarMethod mkCalendarMethod = new MkCalendarMethod(); mkCalendarMethod.setPath(getCalendarCollectionRoot()); try { httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, mkCalendarMethod); int statusCode = mkCalendarMethod.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != CaldavStatus.SC_CREATED) { MethodUtil.StatusToExceptions(mkCalendarMethod); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Trouble executing MKCalendar", e); } } /** * Adds a new Calendar with the given Component and VTimeZone to the collection. * * Tries to use the event UID followed by ".ics" as the name of the * resource, otherwise will use the UID followed by a random number and * ".ics" * * @param httpClient the httpClient which will make the request * @param vevent The VEvent to put in the Calendar * * @param timezone The VTimeZone of the VEvent if it references one, * otherwise null * @throws CalDAV4JException * @todo specify somewhere the kind of caldav error... */ public void add(HttpClient httpClient, CalendarComponent vevent, VTimeZone timezone) throws CalDAV4JException { Calendar calendar = new Calendar(); calendar.getProperties().add(new ProdId(prodId)); calendar.getProperties().add(Version.VERSION_2_0); calendar.getProperties().add(CalScale.GREGORIAN); if (timezone != null) { calendar.getComponents().add(timezone); } calendar.getComponents().add(vevent); // // retry 3 times while caldav server returns PRECONDITION_FAILED // boolean didIt = false; for (int x = 0; x < 3 && !didIt; x++) { String resourceName = null; String uid = ICalendarUtils.getUIDValue(vevent); // change UID at second attempt if (x > 0) { uid += "-" + random.nextInt(); ICalendarUtils.setUIDValue(calendar, uid); } resourceName = uid + ".ics"; PutMethod putMethod = createPutMethodForNewResource(resourceName, calendar); try { httpClient.executeMethod(getHostConfiguration(), putMethod); //fixed for nullpointerexception // A caldav server should always return a valid ETAG for given event, but google doesn't String etag = StringUtils.defaultString(UrlUtils.getHeaderPrettyValue(putMethod, HEADER_ETAG), ""); CalDAVResource calDAVResource = new CalDAVResource(calendar, etag, getHref((putMethod.getPath()))); cache.putResource(calDAVResource); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Trouble executing PUT", e); } int statusCode = putMethod.getStatusCode(); switch (statusCode) { case CaldavStatus.SC_CREATED: case CaldavStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT: didIt = true; break; case CaldavStatus.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED: // event not added, retry break; default: MethodUtil.StatusToExceptions(putMethod); } // switch } } /** * adds a calendar object to caldav collection using UID.ics as file name * @param httpClient * @param c * @throws CalDAV4JException */ public void add(HttpClient httpClient, Calendar c) throws CalDAV4JException { // // retry 3 times while caldav server returns PRECONDITION_FAILED // boolean didIt = false; for (int x = 0; x < 3 && !didIt; x++) { String resourceName = null; String uid = ICalendarUtils.getUIDValue(c); // change UID at second attempt if (x > 0) { uid += "-" + random.nextInt(); ICalendarUtils.setUIDValue(c, uid); } // TODO move all these lines into ICalendarUtils uid = ICalendarUtils.getUIDValue(c); if (uid == null) { uid = random.nextLong() + "-" + random.nextLong(); ICalendarUtils.setUIDValue(c, uid); } PutMethod putMethod = createPutMethodForNewResource(uid + ".ics", c); try { httpClient.executeMethod(getHostConfiguration(), putMethod); // TODO see RFC to check fallback if no etags are passed in response String etag = StringUtils.defaultString(UrlUtils.getHeaderPrettyValue(putMethod, HEADER_ETAG), ""); CalDAVResource calDAVResource = new CalDAVResource(c, etag, getHref((putMethod.getPath()))); cache.putResource(calDAVResource); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Trouble executing PUT", e); } int statusCode = putMethod.getStatusCode(); switch (statusCode) { case CaldavStatus.SC_CREATED: case CaldavStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT: didIt = true; break; default: MethodUtil.StatusToExceptions(putMethod); } } //for } /** * Updates the resource containing the VEvent with the same UID as the given * VEvent with the given VEvent * * TODO: Deal with SEQUENCE * TODO: Handle timezone!!! Right now ignoring the param... * * @param httpClient the httpClient which will make the request * @param vevent the vevent to update * @param timezone The VTimeZone of the VEvent if it references one, * otherwise null * @throws CalDAV4JException */ public void updateMasterEvent(HttpClient httpClient, VEvent vevent, VTimeZone timezone) throws CalDAV4JException { String uid = getUIDValue(vevent); CalDAVResource resource = getCalDAVResourceByUID(httpClient, Component.VEVENT, uid); Calendar calendar = resource.getCalendar(); //let's find the master event first! VEvent originalVEvent = getMasterEvent(calendar, uid); calendar.getComponents().remove(originalVEvent); calendar.getComponents().add(vevent); put(httpClient, calendar, stripHost(resource.getResourceMetadata().getHref()), resource.getResourceMetadata().getETag()); } /** * Creates a ticket for the specified resource and returns the ticket id. * * @param httpClient the httpClient which will make the request * @param relativePath the path, relative to the collection path for * which to grant the ticket on * @param visits * @param timeout * @param read * @param write * @return The id of the created ticket * @throws CalDAV4JException * Is thrown if the execution of the MkTicketMethod fails */ public String createTicket(HttpClient httpClient, String relativePath, Integer visits, Integer timeout, boolean read, boolean write) throws CalDAV4JException { TicketRequest ticketRequest = new TicketRequest(); ticketRequest.setVisits(visits); ticketRequest.setTimeout(timeout); ticketRequest.setRead(read); ticketRequest.setWrite(write); // Make the ticket MkTicketMethod mkTicketMethod = methodFactory.createMkTicketMethod(); mkTicketMethod.setPath(getAbsolutePath(relativePath)); mkTicketMethod.setTicketRequest(ticketRequest); try { httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, mkTicketMethod); int statusCode = mkTicketMethod.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != CaldavStatus.SC_OK) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Create Ticket Failed with Status: " + statusCode + " and body: \n" + mkTicketMethod.getResponseBodyAsString()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Trouble executing MKTicket", e); } TicketResponse ticketResponse = null; try { ticketResponse = mkTicketMethod.getResponseBodyAsTicketResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Trouble handling MkTicket Response", e); } return ticketResponse.getID(); } /** * Deletes the specified ticket on the specified resource. * * @param httpClient the httpClient which will make the request * @param relativePath the path, relative to the collection path for * which to revoke the ticket * @param ticketID the ticketID which to revoke * @throws CalDAV4JException * Is thrown if the execution of the DelTicketMethod fails */ public void deleteTicket(HttpClient httpClient, String relativePath, String ticketId) throws CalDAV4JException { DelTicketMethod delTicketMethod = methodFactory.createDelTicketMethod(); delTicketMethod.setPath(getAbsolutePath(relativePath)); delTicketMethod.setTicket(ticketId); try { httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, delTicketMethod); int statusCode = delTicketMethod.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != CaldavStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Delete Ticket Failed with Status: " + statusCode + " and body: \n" + delTicketMethod.getResponseBodyAsString()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Trouble executing DelTicket", e); } } /** * Returns all the ticket ID's from all tickets the requesting user has * permision to view on a resource. * * @param httpClient the httpClient which will make the request * @param relativePath the path, relative to the collection path for which * to get the tickets * @return * @throws CalDAV4JException * @throws HttpException * @throws IOException */ public List<String> getTicketsIDs(HttpClient httpClient, String relativePath) throws CalDAV4JException, HttpException, IOException { Vector<PropertyName> properties = new Vector<PropertyName>(); PropertyName ticketDiscoveryProperty = new PropertyName(CalDAVConstants.NS_XYTHOS, CalDAVConstants.ELEM_TICKETDISCOVERY); PropertyName ownerProperty = new PropertyName(CalDAVConstants.NS_DAV, "owner"); properties.add(ticketDiscoveryProperty); properties.add(ownerProperty); PropFindMethod propFindMethod = methodFactory.createPropFindMethod(); propFindMethod.setDepth(0); propFindMethod.setType(0); propFindMethod.setPath(getAbsolutePath(relativePath)); propFindMethod.setPropertyNames(properties.elements()); httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, propFindMethod); int statusCode = propFindMethod.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != CaldavStatus.SC_MULTI_STATUS) { throw new CalDAV4JException("PropFind Failed with Status: " + statusCode + " and body: \n" + propFindMethod.getResponseBodyAsString()); } String href = getHref(getAbsolutePath(relativePath)); Enumeration responses = propFindMethod.getResponseProperties(href); List<String> ticketIDList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (responses.hasMoreElements()) { org.apache.webdav.lib.Property item = (org.apache.webdav.lib.Property) responses.nextElement(); if (item.getLocalName().equals(CalDAVConstants.ELEM_TICKETDISCOVERY)) { TicketDiscoveryProperty ticketDiscoveryProp = (TicketDiscoveryProperty) item; ticketIDList.addAll(ticketDiscoveryProp.getTicketIDs()); } } return ticketIDList; } /** * get a CalDAVResource by UID * it tries * - first by a REPORT * - then by GET /path * @param httpClient * @param uid * @return * @throws Exception * @deprecated this query is too specialized @see{getCalDAVResourceByUID()} */ private CalDAVResource getCalDAVResourceForEventUID(HttpClient httpClient, String uid) throws CalDAV4JException { return getCalDAVResourceByUID(httpClient, Component.VEVENT, uid); } /** * * it tries * - first by a REPORT * - then by GET /path checking that UID=filename * TODO another strategy can be to * - first by GET /path and check UID * - else try by report * as the first case is the most common, I avoid overload the server with REPORT * @param httpClient * @param component * @param uid * @return a Caldav resource containing the component type with the given uid * @throws Exception */ protected CalDAVResource getCalDAVResourceByUID(HttpClient httpClient, String component, String uid) throws CalDAV4JException, ResourceNotFoundException { //first check the cache! String href = cache.getHrefForEventUID(uid); CalDAVResource resource = null; if (href != null) { resource = getCalDAVResource(httpClient, stripHost(href)); if (resource != null) { return resource; } } else { // check if there's an event with the standard caldav url // TODO this method retrieves a VTIMEZONE on google calendar, due to a google-bug. // check current behaviour!!! try { resource = getCalDAVResource(httpClient, getAbsolutePath(uid + ".ics")); if (uid.equals(getUIDValue(ICalendarUtils.getFirstComponent(resource, component)))) { return resource; } } catch (Exception e) { // resource not found: continue... resource = null; } } // then check by calendar query GenerateQuery gq; gq = new GenerateQuery(null, component + " : UID==" + uid); List<CalDAVResource> cr; cr = getCalDAVResources(httpClient, gq.generate()); try { resource = cr.get(0); if (uid.equals(getUIDValue(ICalendarUtils.getFirstComponent(resource, component)))) { cache.putResource(resource); return resource; } else { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResourceNotFoundException.IdentifierType.UID, uid); } } /** * GET the resource at the given path. Will check the cache first, and compare that to the * latest etag obtained using a HEAD request. * * if calendar resource in cache is void, retrieve directly from server (avoid get etag only) * @param httpClient * @param path * @return * @throws CalDAV4JException * FIXME testme */ protected CalDAVResource getCalDAVResource(HttpClient httpClient, String path) throws CalDAV4JException { CalDAVResource calDAVResource = cache.getResource(getHref(path)); if (calDAVResource == null || calDAVResource.getCalendar() == null) { return getCalDAVResourceFromServer(httpClient, path); } else { String currentEtag = getETag(httpClient, path); return getCalDAVResource(httpClient, path, currentEtag); } } /** * Gets the resource for the given href. Will check the cache first, and if a cached * version exists that has the etag provided it will be returned. Otherwise, it goes * to the server for the resource. * * @param httpClient * @param path * @param currentEtag * @return * @throws CalDAV4JException */ protected CalDAVResource getCalDAVResource(HttpClient httpClient, String path, String currentEtag) throws CalDAV4JException { //first try getting from the cache CalDAVResource calDAVResource = cache.getResource(getHref(path)); //ok, so we got the resource...but has it been changed recently? if (calDAVResource != null && calDAVResource.getCalendar() != null) { // FIXME calDAVResource's calendar should not be null! String cachedEtag = calDAVResource.getResourceMetadata().getETag(); if (cachedEtag.equals(currentEtag)) { return calDAVResource; } } //either the etag was old, or it wasn't in the cache so let's get it //from the server return getCalDAVResourceFromServer(httpClient, path); } /** * Gets a CalDAVResource (not a mere timezone) from the server - in other words DOES NOT check the cache. * Adds the new resource to the cache, replacing any pre-existing version. * On Google Caldav Server, this method skips VTIMEZONE resources as they are used as tombstones * * @param httpClient * @param path * @return CalDAVResource * @throws CalDAV4JException */ protected CalDAVResource getCalDAVResourceFromServer(HttpClient httpClient, String path) throws CalDAV4JException { CalDAVResource calDAVResource = null; GetMethod getMethod = getMethodFactory().createGetMethod(); getMethod.setPath(path); try { httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, getMethod); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Problem executing get method", e); } if (getMethod.getStatusCode() != CaldavStatus.SC_OK) { MethodUtil.StatusToExceptions(getMethod); throw new BadStatusException(getMethod); } String href = getHref(path); String etag = getMethod.getResponseHeader(HEADER_ETAG).getValue(); Calendar calendar = null; try { // XXX relaxed parsing can cause problem // with converted x-vcalendar so check deeply into that stuff // probably we only need to manage line-folding.. // if it doesn't parse, try again disabling quick-parsing @see{CompatibilityHints} try { calendar = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsCalendar(); } catch (ParserException pe) { if (!isTolerantParsing()) { throw pe; } CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_UNFOLDING, false); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_PARSING, false); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_OUTLOOK_COMPATIBILITY, true); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_VALIDATION, false); calendar = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsCalendar(); } } catch (Exception e) { try { log.error(getMethod.getResponseBodyAsString()); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } throw new CalDAV4JException("Malformed calendar resource returned at path: " + getMethod.getPath(), e); } // XXX if calendar is more than a single timezone (this kludge is needed for google calendar) if (!isGoogleTombstone(calendar)) { calDAVResource = new CalDAVResource(); calDAVResource.setCalendar(calendar); calDAVResource.getResourceMetadata().setETag(etag); calDAVResource.getResourceMetadata().setHref(href); } cache.putResource(calDAVResource); return calDAVResource; } /** * check if calendar is a tombstone. always false if skipGoogleTombstones is true * @param calendar * @return true if I object is a tombstone and tombstone-checking enabled */ private boolean isGoogleTombstone(Calendar calendar) { /* if (this.skipGoogleTombstones && (calendar != null )) { // is it a tombstone? if ( calendar.getComponents().size() ==1 && (calendar.getProductId().getValue().matches("Google Calendar")) && (calendar.getComponents().get(0) instanceof VTimeZone ) ) return true; } */ return false; } protected void delete(HttpClient httpClient, String path) throws CalDAV4JException { DeleteMethod deleteMethod = new DeleteMethod(path); try { httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, deleteMethod); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Problem executing delete method", e); } if (deleteMethod.getStatusCode() != CaldavStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) { MethodUtil.StatusToExceptions(deleteMethod); throw new CalDAV4JException("Problem executing delete method"); } cache.removeResource(getHref(path)); } /** * Replace double slashes * @param relativePath * @return a path with double slashes removed */ protected String getAbsolutePath(String relativePath) { return (getCalendarCollectionRoot() + "/" + relativePath).replaceAll("/+", "/"); } /** * retrieve etags using HEAD /path/to/resource.ics * * @param httpClient * @param path * @return * @throws CalDAV4JException */ protected String getETag(HttpClient httpClient, String path) throws CalDAV4JException { HeadMethod headMethod = new HeadMethod(path); try { httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, headMethod); int statusCode = headMethod.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode == CaldavStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResourceNotFoundException.IdentifierType.PATH, path); } if (statusCode != CaldavStatus.SC_OK) { throw new CalDAV4JException( "Unexpected Status returned from Server: " + headMethod.getStatusCode()); } } catch (IOException e) { String message = hostConfiguration.getHostURL() + headMethod.getPath(); throw new CalDAV4JException("Problem executing HEAD method on: " + message, e); } Header h = headMethod.getResponseHeader(HEADER_ETAG); String etag = null; if (h != null) { etag = h.getValue(); } return etag; } /** * Useful for retrieving a list of UIDs of all events * * @param httpClient * @param componentName * @param propertyName * @param query * @return a list of property values of events. * @throws CalDAV4JException * * @deprecated maybe create a method in ICalendarUtils or an "asString()" method */ protected List<String> getComponentProperty(HttpClient httpClient, String componentName, String propertyName, CalendarQuery query) throws CalDAV4JException { List<String> propertyList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Calendar> calendarList = getCalendarLight(httpClient, query); for (Calendar cal : calendarList) { propertyList.add(ICalendarUtils.getPropertyValue(cal.getComponent(componentName), propertyName)); } return propertyList; } /** * Return a list of components using REPORT * @param query * @return a new Calendar list with no elements if 0 * @throws CalDAV4JException */ public List<Calendar> queryCalendars(HttpClient httpClient, CalendarQuery query) throws CalDAV4JException { List<Calendar> list = new ArrayList<Calendar>(); for (CalDAVResource cr : getCalDAVResources(httpClient, query)) { list.add(cr.getCalendar()); } return list; } /** * return a list of components using REPORT without * passing thru CaldavResource * @param query * @return * @throws CalDAV4JException * @deprecated This is still a proposed feature */ public List<Calendar> getCalendarLight(HttpClient httpClient, CalendarQuery query) throws CalDAV4JException { List<Calendar> list = new ArrayList<Calendar>(); if (isCacheEnabled()) { query.setCalendarDataProp(null); } CalDAVReportMethod reportMethod = methodFactory.createCalDAVReportMethod(); reportMethod.setPath(getCalendarCollectionRoot()); reportMethod.setReportRequest(query); try { httpClient.executeMethod(getHostConfiguration(), reportMethod); } catch (Exception he) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Problem executing method", he); } Enumeration<CalDAVResponse> e = reportMethod.getResponses(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { CalDAVResponse response = e.nextElement(); String etag = response.getETag(); if (isCacheEnabled()) { CalDAVResource resource = getCalDAVResource(httpClient, stripHost(response.getHref()), etag); Calendar cal = resource.getCalendar(); if (!isGoogleTombstone(cal)) { list.add(resource.getCalendar()); // XXX check if getCalDAVResource does its caching job cache.putResource(resource); } } else { if (response.getCalendarDataProperty() != null) { list.add(response.getCalendar()); } } } return list; } // FIXME test speed public Enumeration<CalDAVResponse> getResponse(HttpClient httpClient, CalendarQuery query) throws CalDAV4JException { List<Calendar> list = new ArrayList<Calendar>(); if (isCacheEnabled()) { query.setCalendarDataProp(null); } CalDAVReportMethod reportMethod = methodFactory.createCalDAVReportMethod(); reportMethod.setPath(getCalendarCollectionRoot()); reportMethod.setReportRequest(query); try { httpClient.executeMethod(getHostConfiguration(), reportMethod); if (reportMethod.getStatusCode() >= 400) { throw new Exception(reportMethod.getStatusText()); } } catch (Exception he) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Problem executing method", he); } Enumeration<CalDAVResponse> e = reportMethod.getResponses(); return e; } /** * return a list of caldav resources. * All other methods should use this one * * The use of caching changes the behavior of this method. * if cache is not enable, returns a list of CalDAVResource parsed from the response * if cache is enabled, foreach HREF returned by server: * - retrieve the resource using getCaldavReource(client, string), this method checks cache * - * @param httpClient * @param componentName * @param query * @return * @throws CalDAV4JException */ protected List<CalDAVResource> getCalDAVResources(HttpClient httpClient, CalendarQuery query) throws CalDAV4JException { boolean usingCache = isCacheEnabled(); if (usingCache) { query.setCalendarDataProp(null); log.debug("Using cache, so I am removing calendar data"); } log.trace("Executing query: " + GenerateQuery.printQuery(query)); CalDAVReportMethod reportMethod = methodFactory.createCalDAVReportMethod(); reportMethod.setPath(getCalendarCollectionRoot()); reportMethod.setReportRequest(query); try { httpClient.executeMethod(getHostConfiguration(), reportMethod); } catch (ConnectException connEx) { // TODO getHostURL is synchronized throw new CalDAV4JException("Can't connecto to " + getHostConfiguration().getHostURL(), connEx.getCause()); } catch (Exception he) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Problem executing method", he); } log.trace("Parsing response.. "); Enumeration<CalDAVResponse> responseEnum = reportMethod.getResponses(); List<CalDAVResource> list = new ArrayList<CalDAVResource>(); while (responseEnum.hasMoreElements()) { try { CalDAVResponse response = responseEnum.nextElement(); String etag = response.getETag(); if (usingCache) { CalDAVResource resource = getCalDAVResource(httpClient, stripHost(response.getHref()), etag); list.add(resource); cache.putResource(resource); /* dead code, to be reenabled in case of tombstones // avoid parsing object if not required if (isSkipGoogleTombstones()) { list.add(resource); cache.putResource(resource); } else if (! isGoogleTombstone(resource.getCalendar())){ list.add(resource); cache.putResource(resource); } */ } else { if (response != null) { list.add(new CalDAVResource(response)); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception while retrieving objects:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } return list; } // // MultiGet queries // /** * * @param httpClient * @param componentName * @param query * @return a list of Calendar, each followed by a status * @throws CalDAV4JException */ protected List<Calendar> getComponentByMultiget(HttpClient httpClient, String componentName, CalendarMultiget query) throws CalDAV4JException { if (isCacheEnabled()) { query.setCalendarDataProp(null); } CalDAVReportMethod reportMethod = methodFactory.createCalDAVReportMethod(); reportMethod.setPath(getCalendarCollectionRoot()); reportMethod.setReportRequest(query); try { httpClient.executeMethod(getHostConfiguration(), reportMethod); } catch (Exception he) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Problem executing method", he); } Enumeration<CalDAVResponse> e = reportMethod.getResponses(); List<Calendar> list = new ArrayList<Calendar>(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { CalDAVResponse response = e.nextElement(); if (response.getStatusCode() == CaldavStatus.SC_OK) { CalDAVResource resource = null; if (isCacheEnabled()) { String etag = response.getETag(); try { resource = getCalDAVResource(httpClient, stripHost(response.getHref()), etag); list.add(resource.getCalendar()); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO e1.printStackTrace(); } } else { list.add(response.getCalendar()); } } } return list; } /** * implementing calendar multiget * @link { } * * @author rpolli * *<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <C:calendar-multiget xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"> <D:prop> <D:getetag/> <C:calendar-data/> </D:prop> <D:href>/bernard/work/abcd1.ics</D:href> <D:href>/bernard/work/mtg1.ics</D:href> </C:calendar-multiget> */ public List<Calendar> multigetCalendarUris(HttpClient httpClient, List<String> calendarUris) throws CalDAV4JException { // first create the calendar query CalendarMultiget query = new CalendarMultiget("C", "D"); CalendarData calendarData = new CalendarData("C"); query.addProperty(CalDAVConstants.PROP_GETETAG); query.setCalendarDataProp(calendarData); query.setHrefs(calendarUris); return getComponentByMultiget(httpClient, Component.VEVENT, query); } // // HEAD method, useful for testing connection // public int testConnection(HttpClient httpClient) throws CalDAV4JException { HeadMethod method = new HeadMethod(); method.setPath(getCalendarCollectionRoot()); try { httpClient.executeMethod(hostConfiguration, method); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException(e.getMessage(), new Throwable(e.getCause())); } switch (method.getStatusCode()) { case CaldavStatus.SC_OK: break; default: throw new BadStatusException(method.getStatusCode(), method.getName(), getCalendarCollectionRoot()); } return method.getStatusCode(); } // // manage ACL TODO // public Ace[] getAces(HttpClient httpClient) throws CalDAV4JException { return getAces(httpClient, null); } public Ace[] getAces(HttpClient httpClient, String path) throws CalDAV4JException { PropFindMethod method = methodFactory.createPropFindMethod(); method.setPath(getCalendarCollectionRoot() + StringUtils.defaultString(path, "")); method.setDepth(DepthSupport.DEPTH_0); try { PropProperty propfind = PropertyFactory.createProperty(PropertyFactory.PROPFIND); PropProperty prop = PropertyFactory.createProperty(PropertyFactory.PROP); prop.addChild(PropertyFactory.createProperty(PropertyFactory.ACL)); propfind.addChild(prop); method.setPropFindRequest(propfind); httpClient.executeMethod(getHostConfiguration(), method); } catch (CalDAV4JException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in source code", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Error in PROPFIND " + getCalendarCollectionRoot(), e); } int status = method.getStatusCode(); switch (status) { case CaldavStatus.SC_MULTI_STATUS: return method.getAces(method.getPath()); default: MethodUtil.StatusToExceptions(method); return null; } } public void setAces(HttpClient client, Ace[] aces, String path) throws CalDAV4JException { AclMethod method = new AclMethod(); method.setPath(getCalendarCollectionRoot() + StringUtils.defaultString(path, "")); for (Ace a : aces) { method.addAce(a); } try { client.executeMethod(method); int status = method.getStatusCode(); switch (status) { case CaldavStatus.SC_OK: break; case CaldavStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND: throw new ResourceNotFoundException(IdentifierType.PATH, method.getPath()); case CaldavStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED: default: throw new BadStatusException(status, method.getName(), getCalendarCollectionRoot()); } } catch (HttpException e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Error in ACL " + getCalendarCollectionRoot(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CalDAV4JException("Error in ACL " + getCalendarCollectionRoot(), e); } } /* // if set to true, caldav4j will skip timezone-only calendars // this should be set to false to find deleted events private boolean skipGoogleTombstones = false; public boolean isSkipGoogleTombstones() { return skipGoogleTombstones; } public void setSkipGoogleTombstones(boolean skipGoogleTombstones) { this.skipGoogleTombstones = skipGoogleTombstones; } */ } //end of class