Java tutorial
package org.apache.commons.httpclient; import; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.DefaultHttpParams; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HostParams; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.LangUtils; public class HostConfiguration implements Cloneable { public static final HostConfiguration ANY_HOST_CONFIGURATION = new HostConfiguration(); private HttpHost host = null; private InetAddress localAddress = null; private HostParams params = new HostParams(); private ProxyHost proxyHost = null; public HostConfiguration() { } public HostConfiguration(HostConfiguration paramHostConfiguration) { while (true) { try { if ( != null) { = ((HttpHost); if (paramHostConfiguration.proxyHost != null) { this.proxyHost = ((ProxyHost) paramHostConfiguration.proxyHost.clone()); this.localAddress = paramHostConfiguration.getLocalAddress(); this.params = ((HostParams) paramHostConfiguration.getParams().clone()); } } else { = null; continue; } } catch (CloneNotSupportedException localCloneNotSupportedException) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Host configuration could not be cloned"); } finally { } this.proxyHost = null; } } public Object clone() { return new HostConfiguration(this); } public boolean equals(Object paramObject) { boolean bool1 = true; try { boolean bool2 = paramObject instanceof HostConfiguration; if (bool2) if (paramObject != this) ; while (true) { return bool1; paramObject = (HostConfiguration) paramObject; if ((LangUtils.equals(, && (LangUtils.equals(this.proxyHost, paramObject.proxyHost))) { bool2 = LangUtils.equals(this.localAddress, paramObject.localAddress); if (bool2) ; } else { bool1 = false; continue; bool1 = false; } } } finally { } throw paramObject; } public String getHost() { try { if ( != null) { str =; return str; } String str = null; } finally { } } public String getHostURL() { try { if ( == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Host must be set to create a host URL"); } finally { } String str =; return str; } public InetAddress getLocalAddress() { try { InetAddress localInetAddress = this.localAddress; return localInetAddress; } finally { localObject = finally; throw localObject; } } public HostParams getParams() { return this.params; } public int getPort() { try { if ( != null) { i =; return i; } int i = -1; } finally { } } public Protocol getProtocol() { try { if ( != null) { localProtocol =; return localProtocol; } Protocol localProtocol = null; } finally { } } public String getProxyHost() { try { if (this.proxyHost != null) { str = this.proxyHost.getHostName(); return str; } String str = null; } finally { } } public int getProxyPort() { try { if (this.proxyHost != null) { i = this.proxyHost.getPort(); return i; } int i = -1; } finally { } } public String getVirtualHost() { try { String str = this.params.getVirtualHost(); return str; } finally { localObject = finally; throw localObject; } } public int hashCode() { try { int i = LangUtils.hashCode(LangUtils.hashCode(LangUtils.hashCode(17,, this.proxyHost), this.localAddress); return i; } finally { localObject = finally; throw localObject; } } public boolean hostEquals(HttpConnection paramHttpConnection) { boolean bool2 = false; if (paramHttpConnection == null) try { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection may not be null"); } finally { } boolean bool1 = bool2; if ( != null) { bool1 =; if (bool1) break label57; bool1 = bool2; } while (true) { return bool1; label57: bool1 = bool2; if ( == paramHttpConnection.getPort()) { bool1 = bool2; if ( if (this.localAddress != null) { bool1 = bool2; if (this.localAddress.equals(paramHttpConnection.getLocalAddress())) break label132; } else { paramHttpConnection = paramHttpConnection.getLocalAddress(); if (paramHttpConnection != null) bool1 = bool2; else label132: bool1 = true; } } } } public boolean isHostSet() { try { HttpHost localHttpHost =; if (localHttpHost != null) { bool = true; return bool; } boolean bool = false; } finally { } } public boolean isProxySet() { try { ProxyHost localProxyHost = this.proxyHost; if (localProxyHost != null) { bool = true; return bool; } boolean bool = false; } finally { } } public boolean proxyEquals(HttpConnection paramHttpConnection) { boolean bool = true; if (paramHttpConnection == null) try { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection may not be null"); } finally { } if (this.proxyHost != null) if (this.proxyHost.getHostName().equalsIgnoreCase(paramHttpConnection.getProxyHost())) { int i = this.proxyHost.getPort(); int j = paramHttpConnection.getProxyPort(); if (i != j) ; } while (true) { return bool; bool = false; continue; paramHttpConnection = paramHttpConnection.getProxyHost(); if (paramHttpConnection != null) bool = false; } } public void setHost(String paramString) { try { Protocol localProtocol = Protocol.getProtocol("http"); setHost(paramString, localProtocol.getDefaultPort(), localProtocol); return; } finally { paramString = finally; } throw paramString; } public void setHost(String paramString, int paramInt) { try { setHost(paramString, paramInt, Protocol.getProtocol("http")); return; } finally { paramString = finally; } throw paramString; } public void setHost(String paramString1, int paramInt, String paramString2) { try { = new HttpHost(paramString1, paramInt, Protocol.getProtocol(paramString2)); return; } finally { paramString1 = finally; } throw paramString1; } public void setHost(String paramString, int paramInt, Protocol paramProtocol) { if (paramString == null) try { throw new IllegalArgumentException("host must not be null"); } finally { } if (paramProtocol == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocol must not be null"); = new HttpHost(paramString, paramInt, paramProtocol); } public void setHost(String paramString1, String paramString2, int paramInt, Protocol paramProtocol) { try { setHost(paramString1, paramInt, paramProtocol); this.params.setVirtualHost(paramString2); return; } finally { paramString1 = finally; } throw paramString1; } public void setHost(HttpHost paramHttpHost) { try { = paramHttpHost; return; } finally { paramHttpHost = finally; } throw paramHttpHost; } public void setHost(URI paramURI) { try { setHost(paramURI.getHost(), paramURI.getPort(), paramURI.getScheme()); return; } catch (URIException paramURI) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(paramURI.toString()); } finally { } throw paramURI; } public void setLocalAddress(InetAddress paramInetAddress) { try { this.localAddress = paramInetAddress; return; } finally { paramInetAddress = finally; } throw paramInetAddress; } public void setParams(HostParams paramHostParams) { if (paramHostParams == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameters may not be null"); this.params = paramHostParams; } public void setProxy(String paramString, int paramInt) { try { this.proxyHost = new ProxyHost(paramString, paramInt); return; } finally { paramString = finally; } throw paramString; } public void setProxyHost(ProxyHost paramProxyHost) { try { this.proxyHost = paramProxyHost; return; } finally { paramProxyHost = finally; } throw paramProxyHost; } public String toString() { int i = 0; try { Object localObject1 = new StringBuffer(50); ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append("HostConfiguration["); if ( != null) { i = 1; ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append("host=").append(; } int j = i; if (this.proxyHost != null) { if (i != 0) { ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append(", "); ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append("proxyHost=").append(this.proxyHost); j = i; } } else if (this.localAddress != null) { if (j == 0) break label158; ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append(", "); label98: ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append("localAddress=").append(this.localAddress); if (j == 0) break label163; ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append(", "); } label158: label163: while (true) { ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append("params=").append(this.params); ((StringBuffer) localObject1).append("]"); localObject1 = ((StringBuffer) localObject1).toString(); return localObject1; i = 1; break; j = 1; break label98; } } finally { } } } /* Location: C:\Users\User\dex2jar-2.0\dex\qting\classes-dex2jar.jar * Qualified Name: org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration * JD-Core Version: 0.6.2 */