Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2006-2007 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.deploy; import com.gigaspaces.grid.gsm.GSM; import; import com.gigaspaces.logger.GSLogConfigLoader; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gigaspaces.start.SystemInfo; import com.j_spaces.core.Constants; import com.j_spaces.core.client.SpaceURL; import com.j_spaces.core.service.ServiceConfigLoader; import com.j_spaces.kernel.PlatformVersion; import com.j_spaces.kernel.time.SystemTime; import net.jini.config.Configuration; import net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator; import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openspaces.admin.pu.ProcessingUnitType; import org.openspaces.core.cluster.ClusterInfo; import; import org.openspaces.pu.container.ProcessingUnitContainerConfig; import org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.InstanceSLA; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.Policy; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.RelocationPolicy; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.SLA; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.ScaleUpPolicy; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.requirement.HostRequirement; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.requirement.RangeRequirement; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.requirement.Requirement; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.requirement.SystemRequirement; import org.openspaces.pu.sla.requirement.ZoneRequirement; import org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.util.FileCopyUtils; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.MarshalledObject; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** */ public class Deploy { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Deploy.class); private GSM gsm = null; private DeployAdmin deployAdmin; private String[] groups; private LookupLocator[] locators; private int lookupTimeout = 5000; private long deployTimeout = Long.MAX_VALUE; private static boolean sout = false; private static boolean disableInfoLogging = false; public static final String KEY_HELP1 = "h"; // help public static final String KEY_HELP2 = "help"; public static final String KEY_USER = "user"; public static final String KEY_PASSWORD = "password"; public static final String KEY_SECURED = "secured"; public static final String KEY_SLA = "sla"; public static final String KEY_CLUSTER = "cluster"; public static final String KEY_SCHEMA = "schema"; public static final String KEY_TOTAL_MEMBERS = "total_members"; public static final String KEY_GROUPS = "groups"; public static final String KEY_LOCATORS = "locators"; public static final String KEY_TIMEOUT = "timeout"; public static final String KEY_PROPERTIES = "properties"; public static final String KEY_OVERRIDE_NAME = "override-name"; public static final String KEY_ZONES = "zones"; public static final String KEY_PRIMARY_ZONE = "primary-zone"; public static final String KEY_APPLICATION_NAME = "application-name"; public static final String KEY_ELASTIC_PROPERTIES = "elastic-properties"; public static final String KEY_DEPLOY_TIMEOUT = "deploy-timeout"; public static final String KEY_REQUIRES_ISOLATION = "requires-isolation"; public static final String KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_VM = "max-instances-per-vm"; public static final String KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MACHINE = "max-instances-per-machine"; public static final String KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_ZONE = "max-instances-per-zone"; public final static String[] validOptionsArray = { KEY_HELP1, KEY_HELP2, KEY_USER, KEY_PASSWORD, KEY_SECURED, KEY_SLA, KEY_CLUSTER, /*KEY_SCHEMA, KEY_TOTAL_MEMBERS,*/ KEY_GROUPS, KEY_LOCATORS, KEY_TIMEOUT, KEY_PROPERTIES, KEY_OVERRIDE_NAME, KEY_ZONES, KEY_DEPLOY_TIMEOUT, KEY_APPLICATION_NAME, KEY_REQUIRES_ISOLATION, KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_VM, KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MACHINE, KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_ZONE }; public static void setDisableInfoLogging(boolean disableInfoLogging) { Deploy.disableInfoLogging = disableInfoLogging; } static { TLSUtils.enableHttpsClient(); } private void initGSM() { if (this.gsm != null) { return; } info("Searching for GSM in groups " + Arrays.toString(getGroups()) + " and locators [" + Arrays.toString(getLocators()) + "]"); ServiceItem[] result = ServiceFinder.find(null, GSM.class, lookupTimeout, getGroups(), getLocators()); if (result != null && result.length > 0) { gsm = (GSM) result[0].service; } else { throw new GSMNotFoundException(getGroups(), lookupTimeout); } } private void initDeployAdmin() { if (deployAdmin != null) { return; } try { deployAdmin = (DeployAdmin) gsm.getAdmin(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get deploy admin", e); } } public static void setSout(boolean soutVal) { sout = soutVal; } public void initializeDiscovery(GSM gsm) { this.gsm = gsm; try { deployAdmin = (DeployAdmin) gsm.getAdmin(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get deploy admin", e); } } public String[] getGroups() { if (groups == null) { String groupsProperty = SystemInfo.singleton().lookup().groups(); if (groupsProperty != null) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(groupsProperty); int count = tokenizer.countTokens(); groups = new String[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { groups[i] = tokenizer.nextToken(); } } else { groups = new String[] { SystemInfo.singleton().lookup().defaultGroups() }; } } return groups; } public LookupLocator[] getLocators() { if (locators == null) { String locatorsProperty = SystemInfo.singleton().lookup().locators(); if (locatorsProperty != null) { locators = BootUtil.toLookupLocators(locatorsProperty); } } return locators; } public void setGroups(String[] groups) { this.groups = groups; } public void setLocators(String locators) { this.locators = BootUtil.toLookupLocators(locators); } public void setLookupTimeout(int lookupTimeout) { this.lookupTimeout = lookupTimeout; } private Boolean secured; public void setSecured(boolean secured) { this.secured = secured; } private UserDetails userDetails; private CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider; private String applicationName; @Deprecated public void setUserDetails(UserDetails userDetails) { this.userDetails = userDetails; } @Deprecated public void setUserDetails(String userName, String password) { this.userDetails = new User(userName, password); } public void setCredentials(String userName, String password) { this.credentialsProvider = new DefaultCredentialsProvider(userName, password); } public void setCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider) { this.credentialsProvider = credentialsProvider; } public void setDeployTimeout(long deployTimeout) { this.deployTimeout = deployTimeout; } public void setApplicationName(String applicationName) { this.applicationName = applicationName; } public void deployAndWait(String[] args) throws Exception { OperationalString opString = buildOperationalString(args); if (deployAdmin.hasDeployed(opString.getName())) { info("Processing Unit already deployed, exiting"); return; } int totalPlanned = sumUpServices(opString); DeployListener listener = new DeployListener(); Configuration config = ServiceConfigLoader.getConfiguration(); deployAdmin.deploy(opString, (ServiceProvisionListener) ExporterConfig .getExporter(config, "com.gigaspaces.transport", "defaultExporter").export(listener)); info("Waiting " + (deployTimeout != Long.MAX_VALUE ? deployTimeout + " ms" : "indefinitely") + " for [" + totalPlanned + "] processing unit instances to be deployed..."); long expireDeployTimeout = (deployTimeout != Long.MAX_VALUE ? SystemTime.timeMillis() + deployTimeout : Long.MAX_VALUE); while (listener.getTotalEvents() < totalPlanned && SystemTime.timeMillis() < expireDeployTimeout) { Thread.sleep(200); } if (SystemTime.timeMillis() >= expireDeployTimeout) { info("Timed-out deploying [" + totalPlanned + "] processing unit instances"); } else { info("Finished deploying [" + totalPlanned + "] processing unit instances"); } } public void deploy(String[] args) throws Exception { deploy(args, null); } public void deploy(String[] args, ServiceProvisionListener listener) throws Exception { OperationalString opString = buildOperationalString(args); /* Map result = */ if (listener != null) { deployAdmin.deploy(opString, listener); } else { deployAdmin.deploy(opString); } } public OperationalString buildOperationalString(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The pu name must be defined"); } String puPath = args[args.length - 1]; File puFile = new File(puPath); String puName = puFile.getName().replace(' ', '_'); // override pu name allows to change the actual pu name deployed from the on under deploy directory String overridePuName = puName; boolean deletePUFile = false; if (puFile.exists() && puFile.isDirectory()) { // this is a directory, jar it up and prepare it for upload File zipPUFile = new File(System.getProperty("") + "/" + puName + ".zip"); info("Deploying a directory [" + puFile.getAbsolutePath() + "], zipping it into [" + zipPUFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]");, zipPUFile); puFile = zipPUFile; deletePUFile = true; } if (puFile.getName().endsWith(".zip") || puFile.getName().endsWith(".jar") || puFile.getName().endsWith(".war")) { if (!puFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File [" + puFile.getAbsolutePath() + "] not found and can't be deployed"); } overridePuName = puFile.getName().substring(0, puFile.getName().length() - 4).replace(' ', '_'); puPath = overridePuName; } CommandLineParser.Parameter[] params = CommandLineParser.parse(args, args.length - 1); RequiredDependencies instanceDeploymentDependencies = new RequiredDependencies(); RequiredDependencies instanceStartDependencies = new RequiredDependencies(); // check if we have a groups parameter and timeout parameter for (CommandLineParser.Parameter param : params) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_GROUPS)) { setGroups(param.getArguments()); } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_LOCATORS)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String arg : param.getArguments()) { sb.append(arg).append(','); } setLocators(sb.toString()); } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_TIMEOUT)) { setLookupTimeout(Integer.valueOf(param.getArguments()[0])); } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_OVERRIDE_NAME)) { overridePuName = param.getArguments()[0]; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_DEPLOY_TIMEOUT)) { setDeployTimeout(Long.valueOf(param.getArguments()[0])); } if (RequiredDependenciesCommandLineParser.isInstanceDeploymentDependencies(param)) { instanceDeploymentDependencies = RequiredDependenciesCommandLineParser .convertCommandlineParameterToInstanceDeploymentDependencies(param); } if (RequiredDependenciesCommandLineParser.isInstanceStartDependencies(param)) { instanceStartDependencies = RequiredDependenciesCommandLineParser .convertCommandlineParameterToInstanceStartDependencies(param); } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_APPLICATION_NAME)) { setApplicationName(param.getArguments()[0]); } } info("Deploying [" + puName + "] with name [" + overridePuName + "] under groups " + Arrays.toString(getGroups()) + " and locators " + Arrays.toString(getLocators())); initGSM(); initDeployAdmin(); // check if the pu to deploy is an actual file on the file system and ends with jar, zip or war. if (puFile.exists() && (puFile.getName().endsWith(".zip") || puFile.getName().endsWith(".jar") || puFile.getName().endsWith(".war"))) { try { if (isOnGsmHost()) { // the client is on the same host as the gsm. // we can simply copy the pu instead of uploading it. copyPu(puPath, puFile); } else { // we deploy a jar/zip/war file, upload it to the GSM uploadPU(puPath, puFile); } } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { // fall back to upload anyway logger.warn("Could not determine if client and GSM[" + gsm.getGSAServiceID() + "] are on the same " + "host", uhe); uploadPU(puPath, puFile); } catch (RemoteException re) { // fall back to upload anyway logger.warn("Could not determine if client and GSM[" + gsm.getGSAServiceID() + "] are on the same " + "host", re); uploadPU(puPath, puFile); } if (deletePUFile) { puFile.delete(); } } if (!gsm.hasPUUnderDeploy(puPath)) { throw new ProcessingUnitNotFoundException(puName, gsm); } String codeserver = getCodebase(deployAdmin); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Using codeserver [" + codeserver + "]"); } //list remote files, only works with webster URL root = new URL(codeserver); BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties = new BeanLevelProperties(); URL puPropsURL = new URL(root, puPath + "/META-INF/spring/"); try { InputStream is = puPropsURL.openStream(); if (is != null) { beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().load(is); is.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore, no file } puPropsURL = new URL(root, puPath + "/"); try { InputStream is = puPropsURL.openStream(); if (is != null) { beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().load(is); is.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore, no file } beanLevelProperties = BeanLevelPropertiesParser.parse(beanLevelProperties, params); //read pu xml String puString = ""; try { puString = readFile(root, puPath, "/META-INF/spring/pu.xml"); } catch (IOException e) { logger.debug("Failed to find puPath " + puPath, e); // ignore, it might be ok for war files } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Using PU xml [" + puString + "]"); } boolean slaInPu = true; Resource resource; // check to see if sla was passed as a parameter String slaString = puString; for (CommandLineParser.Parameter param : params) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_SLA)) { String slaLocation = param.getArguments()[0]; info("Loading SLA from [" + slaLocation + "]"); resource = new DefaultResourceLoader() { // override the default load from the classpath to load from the file system @Override protected Resource getResourceByPath(String path) { return new FileSystemResource(path); } }.getResource(slaLocation); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(resource.getInputStream()); slaString = FileCopyUtils.copyToString(reader); reader.close(); slaInPu = false; } } if (slaString == puString) { // no sla passed as a parameter, try and load from default locations try { slaString = readFile(root, puPath, "/META-INF/spring/sla.xml"); slaInPu = false; } catch (IOException e) { // no sla string found try { slaString = readFile(root, puPath, "/sla.xml"); slaInPu = false; } catch (IOException e1) { // no sla string found } } } //get sla from pu string SLA sla = new SLA(); if (StringUtils.hasText(slaString)) { resource = new ByteArrayResource(slaString.getBytes()); if (slaInPu) { XmlBeanFactory xmlBeanFactory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource); // TODO: Need to find how to do it // Map<String, PropertyResourceConfigurer> map = xmlBeanFactory.getBeansOfType(PropertyResourceConfigurer.class); // for (PropertyResourceConfigurer cfg : map.values()) { // cfg.postProcessBeanFactory(xmlBeanFactory); // } try { sla = (SLA) xmlBeanFactory.getBean("SLA"); } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) { info("SLA Not Found in PU. Using Default SLA."); sla = new SLA(); } } else { // if we have specific sla file, load it as usual, so we can have deploy properties / system properties injected to it ProcessingUnitContainerConfig config = new ProcessingUnitContainerConfig(); config.setBeanLevelProperties(beanLevelProperties); ResourceApplicationContext applicationContext = new ResourceApplicationContext( new Resource[] { resource }, null, config); // start the application context applicationContext.refresh(); try { sla = (SLA) applicationContext.getBean("SLA"); } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find SLA from in [" + slaString + "]"); } finally { applicationContext.close(); } } } ClusterInfo clusterInfo = ClusterInfoParser.parse(params); if (clusterInfo != null) { // override specific cluster info parameters on the SLA if (clusterInfo.getSchema() != null && clusterInfo.getSchema().length() > 0) { info("Overriding SLA cluster schema with [" + clusterInfo.getSchema() + "]"); sla.setClusterSchema(clusterInfo.getSchema()); } if (clusterInfo.getNumberOfInstances() != null) { info("Overriding SLA numberOfInstances with [" + clusterInfo.getNumberOfInstances() + "]"); sla.setNumberOfInstances(clusterInfo.getNumberOfInstances()); if (clusterInfo.getNumberOfBackups() == null) { info("Overriding SLA numberOfBackups with [" + clusterInfo.getNumberOfBackups() + "]"); sla.setNumberOfBackups(0); } else { info("Overriding SLA numberOfBackups with [" + clusterInfo.getNumberOfBackups() + "]"); sla.setNumberOfBackups(clusterInfo.getNumberOfBackups()); } } } for (CommandLineParser.Parameter param : params) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_REQUIRES_ISOLATION)) { String requiresIsolation = param.getArguments()[0]; sla.setRequiresIsolation(Boolean.parseBoolean(requiresIsolation)); info("Overriding SLA requiresIsolation with [" + requiresIsolation + "]"); } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_VM)) { String maxInstancePerVm = param.getArguments()[0]; sla.setMaxInstancesPerVM(Integer.valueOf(maxInstancePerVm)); info("Overriding SLA maxInstancesPerVM with [" + maxInstancePerVm + "]"); } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MACHINE)) { String maxInstancePerMachine = param.getArguments()[0]; sla.setMaxInstancesPerMachine(Integer.valueOf(maxInstancePerMachine)); info("Overriding SLA maxInstancesPerMachine with [" + maxInstancePerMachine + "]"); } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_ZONE)) { Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String arg : param.getArguments()) { map.putAll(ZoneHelper.parse(arg)); } sla.setMaxInstancesPerZone(map); info("Overriding SLA maxInstancesPerZone with [" + ZoneHelper.unparse(map) + "]"); } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_ZONES)) { for (String arg : param.getArguments()) { sla.getRequirements().add(new ZoneRequirement(arg)); info("Adding SLA required zone with [" + arg + "]"); } } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_PRIMARY_ZONE)) { String primaryZone = param.getArguments()[0]; sla.setPrimaryZone(primaryZone); info("Overriding SLA primaryZone with [" + primaryZone + "]"); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Using SLA " + sla); } processSecurityParameters(beanLevelProperties, params); //Get elastic properties Map<String, String> elasticProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (CommandLineParser.Parameter param : params) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_ELASTIC_PROPERTIES)) { for (String argument : param.getArguments()) { int indexOfEqual = argument.indexOf("="); String name = argument.substring(0, indexOfEqual); String value = argument.substring(indexOfEqual + 1); elasticProperties.put(name, value); } } } //get pu type String puType = guessProcessingUnitType(puPath, puFile, root, puString, sla, beanLevelProperties); beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().put("pu.type", puType); //deploy to sg return loadDeployment(puString, codeserver, sla, puPath, overridePuName, beanLevelProperties, elasticProperties, instanceDeploymentDependencies, instanceStartDependencies, applicationName); } private void copyPu(String puPath, File puFile) throws Exception { PUZipUtils.unzip(new File(puFile.getAbsolutePath()), new File(gsm.getDeployPath(), puPath)); } private boolean isOnGsmHost() throws UnknownHostException, RemoteException { InetAddress localHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); InetAddress gsmHostByName = null; InetAddress gsmHostByAddress = null; try { gsmHostByName = InetAddress.getByName(gsm.getOSDetails().getHostName()); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { try { gsmHostByAddress = InetAddress.getByName(gsm.getOSDetails().getHostAddress()); } catch (UnknownHostException e2) { throw new UnknownHostException("failed to resolve host by name (" + gsm.getOSDetails().getHostName() + ") - caused by " + e1 + "; failed to resolve host by address (" + gsm.getOSDetails().getHostAddress() + ") - caused by " + e2.toString()); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("local host: " + localHost + " GSM host-by-name: " + gsmHostByName + " host-by-address: " + gsmHostByAddress); } return localHost.equals(gsmHostByName) || localHost.equals(gsmHostByAddress); } private void processSecurityParameters(BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties, Parameter[] params) throws IOException { // detive the user details if they provided using deploy time properties String userName = null; String password = null; for (CommandLineParser.Parameter param : params) { if (param.getName().equals(KEY_USER)) { userName = param.getArguments()[0]; } else if (param.getName().equals(KEY_PASSWORD)) { password = param.getArguments()[0]; } else if (param.getName().equals(KEY_SECURED)) { if (param.getArguments().length == 0) { setSecured(true); } else { setSecured(Boolean.parseBoolean(param.getArguments()[0])); } } } if (userName != null && password != null) { setUserDetails(userName, password); } if (userDetails == null) { userName = (String) beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().remove(Constants.Security.USERNAME); password = (String) beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().remove(Constants.Security.PASSWORD); if (userName != null && password != null) { setUserDetails(userName, password); } } // init the user detalis if (userDetails != null || credentialsProvider != null) { beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().setProperty(SpaceURL.SECURED, "true"); // Backwards protection - preserve either userDetails or credentials in case versions are mixed. CredentialsProviderHelper.appendMarshalledCredentials(beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties(), userDetails, credentialsProvider); } else if (secured != null && secured) { beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().setProperty(SpaceURL.SECURED, "true"); } } private String guessProcessingUnitType(String puPath, File puFile, URL root, String puString, SLA sla, BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties) { if (containsWEB_INF(puPath, root)) { return; //Web APP } if (containsEXT(puPath, root)) { return; //USM } if (sla.getClusterSchema() != null) { return; //cluster space } String puStringWithoutComments = removeCommentsFromPuString(puString); if (puStringWithoutComments.contains("os-core:mirror") || puStringWithoutComments.contains("schema=\"mirror\"")) { return; //mirror space } if (puStringWithoutComments.contains("os-core:space")) { if (puStringWithoutComments.contains("url=\"/./")) { return; //embedded space } if (puStringWithoutComments.contains("url=\"${")) { //Extract place holder int beginIndex = puStringWithoutComments.indexOf("url=\"${") + 7; //length if (beginIndex != -1) { int endIndex = puStringWithoutComments.indexOf("}", beginIndex); if (endIndex != -1) { String propertyKey = puStringWithoutComments.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); if (beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().getProperty(propertyKey, "") .startsWith("/./")) { return; //embedded space } } } } } //new embedded space syntax, since version 10.0 if (puStringWithoutComments.contains("os-core:embedded-space")) { return; //embedded space } if (puStringWithoutComments.contains("os-gateway:sink") || puStringWithoutComments.contains("os-gateway:delegator")) { return; } if (puStringWithoutComments.length() == 0 && beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().containsKey("dataGridName")) { return; //.Net stateful } return; //default } /** search for /web-inf */ private boolean containsWEB_INF(String puPath, URL root) { boolean containsWebInf = false; try { URL webInfURL = new URL(root, puPath + "/WEB-INF"); InputStream is = webInfURL.openStream(); if (is != null) { containsWebInf = true; is.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore, no file } return containsWebInf; } /** search for /ext (assuming that only USM has this! TODO - find better distinction) */ private boolean containsEXT(String puPath, URL root) { boolean containsExt = false; try { URL extURL = new URL(root, puPath + "/ext"); InputStream is = extURL.openStream(); if (is != null) { containsExt = true; is.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore, no file } return containsExt; } /* * Remove all comments from pu.xml string * in JDK1.6, there is a stack overflow bug when using regex matching to remove the comments: * puString.replaceAll("<!--(?:[^-]|-(?!->))*-->","") */ private String removeCommentsFromPuString(final String puString) { if (puString.length() == 0) return puString; final String openComment = "<!--"; final String closeComment = "-->"; String parsedString = puString; String newString = ""; for (;;) { int startCommentIdx = parsedString.indexOf(openComment); int endCommentIdx = parsedString.indexOf(closeComment, startCommentIdx); if (startCommentIdx == -1 || endCommentIdx == -1) { newString = newString.concat(parsedString); break; } newString = newString.concat(parsedString.substring(0, startCommentIdx)); parsedString = parsedString.substring(endCommentIdx + closeComment.length()); } return newString; } //copied from opstringloader private String[] getSLAConfigArgs(String type, String max, long lowerDampener, long upperDampener) { String[] args; String handler = ""; int handlerType; if (type.equals("scaling")) { handler = handler + "ScalingPolicyHandler"; handlerType = 1; } else if (type.equals("relocation")) { handler = handler + "RelocationPolicyHandler"; handlerType = 2; } else { handler = handler + "SLAPolicyHandler"; handlerType = 3; } String slaPolicyHandler = ""; switch (handlerType) { case 1: args = new String[5]; args[0] = "-"; args[1] = slaPolicyHandler + "=" + "new " + handler + "(($data)"; args[2] = handler + ".MaxServices=" + max; args[3] = handler + ".LowerThresholdDampeningFactor=" + lowerDampener; args[4] = handler + ".UpperThresholdDampeningFactor=" + upperDampener; break; case 2: args = new String[4]; args[0] = "-"; args[1] = slaPolicyHandler + "=" + "new " + handler + "(($data)"; args[2] = handler + ".LowerThresholdDampeningFactor=" + lowerDampener; args[3] = handler + ".UpperThresholdDampeningFactor=" + upperDampener; break; default: args = new String[2]; args[0] = "-"; args[1] = slaPolicyHandler + "=" + "new " + handler + "(($data)"; } return (args); } private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); private static String readFile(URL root, String puPath, String filePath) throws IOException { URL puURL = new URL(root, puPath + filePath); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(puURL.openStream())); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { buffer.append(line).append(LINE_SEPARATOR); } reader.close(); return buffer.toString(); } private String getCodebase(DeployAdmin deployAdmin) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException { return deployAdmin.getDeployURL(); } private OperationalString loadDeployment(String puString, String codeserver, SLA sla, String puPath, String puName, BeanLevelProperties beanLevelProperties, Map<String, String> elasticProperties, RequiredDependencies deploymentRequiredDependencies, RequiredDependencies startRequiredDependencies, String applicationName) throws Exception { InputStream opstringURL = Deploy.class .getResourceAsStream("/org/openspaces/pu/container/servicegrid/puservicebean.xml"); OperationalString opString; //load the servicebean opstring OpStringLoader opStringLoader = new OpStringLoader(); opStringLoader.setDefaultGroups(getGroups()); opStringLoader.setDefaultLookupLocators(getLocators()); opStringLoader.setCodebaseOverride(codeserver); opString = opStringLoader.parseOperationalString(opstringURL)[0]; ((OpString) opString).setName(puName); //this opstring should only have one servicebean ServiceElement[] serviceElements = opString.getServices(); ServiceElement element = serviceElements[0]; //put the entire pu spring xml as parameter to servicebean element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("pu", puString); if (beanLevelProperties != null) { element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("pu.type", beanLevelProperties.getContextProperties().remove("pu.type")); element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("beanLevelProperties", new MarshalledObject<BeanLevelProperties>(beanLevelProperties)); element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter( JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider.JEE_CONTAINER_PROPERTY_NAME, JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider.getJeeContainer(beanLevelProperties)); } //sla int numberOfInstances = sla.getNumberOfInstances(); int numberOfBackups = sla.getNumberOfBackups(); Policy policy = sla.getPolicy(); if (policy != null) { String type; if (policy instanceof ScaleUpPolicy) { type = "scaling"; } else if (policy instanceof RelocationPolicy) { type = "relocation"; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown SLA Policy:" + policy); } String max = String.valueOf(sla.getNumberOfInstances()); //todo: make sure max is greater then num of instances if (policy instanceof ScaleUpPolicy) { max = String.valueOf(((ScaleUpPolicy) policy).getMaxInstances()); numberOfInstances = ((ScaleUpPolicy) policy).getMaxInstances(); } String[] configParms = getSLAConfigArgs(type, max, policy.getLowerDampener(), policy.getUpperDampener()); slaElement = new, new double[] { policy.getLow(), policy.getHigh() }, configParms, null); element.getServiceLevelAgreements().addServiceSLA(slaElement); } //requirements applyRequirements(element, sla.getRequirements()); element.getFaultDetectionHandlerBundle().addMethod("setConfiguration", new Object[] { new String[] { "-", "org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.PUFaultDetectionHandler.invocationDelay = " + sla.getMemberAliveIndicator().getInvocationDelay(), "org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.PUFaultDetectionHandler.retryCount = " + sla.getMemberAliveIndicator().getRetryCount(), "org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.PUFaultDetectionHandler.retryTimeout = " + sla.getMemberAliveIndicator().getRetryTimeout() } }); if (sla.getMaxInstancesPerVM() > 0) { element.setMaxPerMachine(sla.getMaxInstancesPerVM()); } if (sla.getMaxInstancesPerMachine() > 0) { element.setMaxPerPhysicalMachine(sla.getMaxInstancesPerMachine()); } element.setRequiresIsolation(sla.isRequiresIsolation()); element.setMaxPerZone(sla.getMaxInstancesPerZone()); element.setElasticProperties(elasticProperties); element.setInstanceDeploymentDependencies(deploymentRequiredDependencies); element.setInstanceStartDependencies(startRequiredDependencies); element.setApplicationName(applicationName); element.setTotalNumberOfServices(sla.getNumberOfInstances()); // set for each service to have the operation string name element.getServiceBeanConfig().setName(element.getOperationalStringName().replace(' ', '-')); // pass the SLA as an init parameter so the GSC won't need to parse the XML again element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("sla", new MarshalledObject<SLA>(sla)); element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("numberOfInstances", numberOfInstances); element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("numberOfBackups", numberOfBackups); // add pu names, path and code server so it can be used on the service bean side element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("puName", puName); element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("puPath", puPath); element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("primaryZone", sla.getPrimaryZone()); //this is the MOST IMPORTANT part if (sla.getInstanceSLAs() != null && sla.getInstanceSLAs().size() > 0) { element.setPlanned(1); String name = element.getName(); opString.removeService(element); for (int instanceId = 1; instanceId <= sla.getNumberOfInstances(); instanceId++) { ServiceElement clone = deepCopy(element); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().setName(name + "." + instanceId); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("clusterGroup", String.valueOf(instanceId)); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("instanceId", String.valueOf(instanceId)); InstanceSLA instanceSLA = findInstanceSLA(instanceId, null, sla.getInstanceSLAs()); if (instanceSLA != null) { applyRequirements(clone, instanceSLA.getRequirements()); } opString.addService(clone); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Using Service Element " + element.toString()); } for (int backupId = 1; backupId <= sla.getNumberOfBackups(); backupId++) { clone = deepCopy(element); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().setName(name + "." + instanceId + "_" + backupId); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("clusterGroup", String.valueOf(instanceId)); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("instanceId", String.valueOf(instanceId)); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("backupId", String.valueOf(backupId)); instanceSLA = findInstanceSLA(instanceId, backupId, sla.getInstanceSLAs()); if (instanceSLA != null) { applyRequirements(clone, instanceSLA.getRequirements()); } opString.addService(clone); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Using Service Element " + element.toString()); } } } } else { boolean hasBackups = sla.getNumberOfBackups() > 0; if (hasBackups) { //the extra one is the primary element.setPlanned(sla.getNumberOfBackups() + 1); String name = element.getName(); opString.removeService(element); for (int i = 1; i <= sla.getNumberOfInstances(); i++) { ServiceElement clone = deepCopy(element); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().setName(name + "." + i); clone.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("clusterGroup", String.valueOf(i)); opString.addService(clone); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Using Service Element " + element.toString()); } } } else { element.setPlanned(sla.getNumberOfInstances()); element.getServiceBeanConfig().addInitParameter("clusterGroup", String.valueOf(1)); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Using Service Element " + element.toString()); } } } return (opString); } private InstanceSLA findInstanceSLA(Integer instanceId, Integer backupId, List<InstanceSLA> instanceSLAs) { for (InstanceSLA instanceSLA : instanceSLAs) { if (instanceId.equals(instanceSLA.getInstanceId())) { if (backupId != null) { if (backupId.equals(instanceSLA.getBackupId())) { return instanceSLA; } } else { return instanceSLA; } } } return null; } private void applyRequirements(ServiceElement element, List<Requirement> requirements) { if (requirements == null || requirements.isEmpty()) { return; } List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Requirement requirement : requirements) { if (requirement instanceof RangeRequirement) { RangeRequirement range = (RangeRequirement) requirement; ThresholdValues thresholdValues = new ThresholdValues(range.getLow(), range.getHigh()); element.getServiceLevelAgreements().addSystemThreshold(range.getWatch(), thresholdValues); } else if (requirement instanceof HostRequirement) { hosts.add(((HostRequirement) requirement).getIp()); } else if (requirement instanceof ZoneRequirement) { element.addRequiredZone(((ZoneRequirement) requirement).getZone()); } else if (requirement instanceof SystemRequirement) { SystemRequirement systemAttributes = (SystemRequirement) requirement; ServiceLevelAgreements.SystemRequirement systemRequirement = new ServiceLevelAgreements.SystemRequirement( systemAttributes.getName(), null, systemAttributes.getAttributes()); element.getServiceLevelAgreements().addSystemRequirement(systemRequirement); } } //put hosts as cluster if (hosts.size() > 0) { element.setCluster(hosts.toArray(new String[hosts.size()])); } } private void uploadPU(String puPath, File puFile) throws IOException { if (puFile.length() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File " + puFile.getPath() + " is too big: " + puFile.length() + " bytes"); } byte[] buffer = new byte[4098]; String codebase = getCodebase(deployAdmin); info("Uploading [" + puPath + "] " + "[" + puFile.getPath() + "] to [" + codebase + "]"); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(codebase + puFile.getName()).openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setAllowUserInteraction(false); conn.setUseCaches(false); conn.setRequestMethod("PUT"); conn.setRequestProperty("Extract", "true"); //Sets the Content-Length request property //And disables buffering of file in memory (pure streaming) conn.setFixedLengthStreamingMode((int) puFile.length()); conn.connect(); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream()); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(puFile)); int byteCount = 0; int bytesRead = -1; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); byteCount += bytesRead; } out.flush(); out.close(); in.close(); int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); String line; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } reader.close(); conn.disconnect(); if (responseCode != 200 && responseCode != 201) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to upload file, response code [" + responseCode + "], response: " + sb.toString()); } } private ServiceElement deepCopy(ServiceElement element) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { //write byte[] writtenBytes; ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream); objectOutputStream.writeObject(element); writtenBytes = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(); //read ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(writtenBytes); ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(byteArrayInputStream); Object readObject = objectInputStream.readObject(); return (ServiceElement) readObject; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println(getUsage()); return; } // init GigaSpace logger GSLogConfigLoader.getLoader(); Deploy deployer = new Deploy(); deployer.deployAndWait(args); } public static String getUsage() { return getUsage(false); } public static String getUsage(boolean managed) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!managed) { sb.append("Usage: Deploy [-" + KEY_SLA + " ...] [-" + KEY_CLUSTER + " ...] [-" + KEY_GROUPS + " groups] [-" + KEY_LOCATORS + " hots1 hots2] [-" + KEY_TIMEOUT + " timeoutValue] [-" + KEY_PROPERTIES + " ...] [-" + KEY_USER + " xxx -" + KEY_PASSWORD + " yyy] [-" + KEY_SECURED + " true/false] PU_Name"); } else { sb.append("Usage: deploy [-" + KEY_SLA + " ...] [-" + KEY_CLUSTER + " ...] [-" + KEY_PROPERTIES + " ...] [-" + KEY_USER + " xxx -" + KEY_PASSWORD + " yyy] [-" + KEY_SECURED + " true/false] PU_Name"); } sb.append( "\n PU_Name: The name of the processing unit under the deploy directory, or packaged jar file"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_SLA + " [sla-location] : Location of an optional xml file holding the SLA element"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_CLUSTER + " [cluster properties] : Allows to override the cluster parameters of the SLA elements"); sb.append("\n " + KEY_SCHEMA + "=partitioned-sync2backup : The cluster schema to override"); sb.append("\n " + KEY_TOTAL_MEMBERS + "=1,1 : The number of instances and number of backups to override"); if (!managed) { sb.append("\n -" + KEY_GROUPS + " [groupName] [groupName] ... : The lookup groups used to look up the GSM"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_LOCATORS + " [host1] [host2] ... : The lookup locators used to look up the GSM"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_TIMEOUT + " [timeout value] : The timeout value of GSM lookup (defaults to 5000) in milliseconds"); } sb.append("\n -" + KEY_USER + " xxx -" + KEY_PASSWORD + " yyyy : Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_SECURED + " true : Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -" + KEY_USER + "/-" + KEY_PASSWORD + ")"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_PROPERTIES + " [properties-loc] : Location of context level properties"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_PROPERTIES + " [bean-name] [properties-loc] : Location of properties used applied only for a specified bean"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_OVERRIDE_NAME + " [override pu name] : An override pu name, useful when using pu as a template"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_REQUIRES_ISOLATION + " [true/false] : Allows to set the SLA requires isolation"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_VM + " [number] : Allows to set the SLA number of instances per VM"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MACHINE + " [number] : Allows to set the SLA number of instances per machine"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_ZONE + " [zone/number,...]: Allows to set the SLA number of instances per zone"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_ZONES + " [zoneName] [zoneName] ... : Allows to set the SLA zone requirements"); sb.append("\n -" + KEY_DEPLOY_TIMEOUT + " [timeout value in ms] : Timeout for deploy operation, otherwise blocks until all successful/failed deployment events arrive (default)"); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("\nSome Examples:"); sb.append("\n1. Deploy data-processor"); sb.append("\n - Deploys a processing unit called data-processor"); sb.append("\n2. Deploy -" + KEY_SLA + " file://config/sla.xml data-processor"); sb.append("\n - Deploys a processing unit called data-processor using an SLA element read from sla.xml"); sb.append("\n3. Deploy -" + KEY_PROPERTIES + " file://config/ -" + KEY_PROPERTIES + " space1 file://config/ data-processor"); sb.append( "\n - Deploys a processing unit called data-processor using context level properties called and bean level properties called applied to bean named space1"); sb.append("\n4. Deploy -" + KEY_PROPERTIES + " embed://prop1=value1 -" + KEY_PROPERTIES + " space1 embed://prop2=value2;prop3=value3 data-processor"); sb.append( "\n - Deploys a processing unit called data-processor using context level properties with a single property called prop1 with value1 and bean level properties with two properties"); return sb.toString(); } private static void info(String message) { if (disableInfoLogging) { return; } if (sout) { System.out.println(message); } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {; } } // utility to create a jar file private static class DeployListener implements ServiceProvisionListener { private final AtomicInteger totalEvents = new AtomicInteger(); public void succeeded(ServiceBeanInstance jsbInstance) throws RemoteException { info("[" + jsbInstance.getServiceBeanConfig().getName() + "] [" + jsbInstance.getServiceBeanConfig().getInstanceID() + "] deployed successfully on [" + jsbInstance.getHostAddress() + "]"); totalEvents.incrementAndGet(); } public void failed(ServiceElement sElem, boolean resubmitted) throws RemoteException { info("[" + sElem.getName() + "] [" + sElem.getServiceBeanConfig().getInstanceID() + "] failed to deploy, resubmitted [" + resubmitted + "]"); totalEvents.incrementAndGet(); } public int getTotalEvents() { return totalEvents.intValue(); } } private static int sumUpServices(OperationalString deployment) { int summation = 0; ServiceElement[] elems = deployment.getServices(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { ServiceElement element = elems[i]; summation += element.getPlanned(); } OperationalString[] nested = deployment.getNestedOperationalStrings(); for (int i = 0; i < nested.length; i++) { summation += sumUpServices(nested[i]); } return (summation); } }