Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.module.uiframework; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.openmrs.api.APIAuthenticationException; import org.openmrs.api.AdministrationService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.api.context.ContextAuthenticationException; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.FormatterImpl; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.SimpleObject; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.UiFrameworkException; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.UiFrameworkUtil; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.ViewException; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.WebConstants; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.fragment.FragmentFactory; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.fragment.action.FailureResult; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.fragment.action.ObjectResult; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.fragment.action.SuccessResult; import org.openmrs.ui.util.ExceptionUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.validation.Errors; import org.springframework.validation.FieldError; import org.springframework.validation.ObjectError; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * Lets clients access pages via: * <ul> * <li>(in 1.8.4+) .../openmrs/provider/subfolder/fragmentName/methodName.action</li> * <li>(in 1.8-1.8.3) .../openmrs/action/subfolder/fragmentName/methodName.form</li> * </ul> */ @Controller public class FragmentActionController { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FragmentActionController.class); public final static String SHOW_HTML_VIEW = "/module/uiframework/showHtml"; @Autowired @Qualifier("coreFragmentFactory") FragmentFactory fragmentFactory; @Autowired MessageSource messageSource; @Autowired @Qualifier("adminService") AdministrationService administrationService; @RequestMapping("/action/**") public String handleUrlStartingWithAction( @RequestParam(value = "returnFormat", required = false) String returnFormat, @RequestParam(value = "successUrl", required = false) String successUrl, @RequestParam(value = "failureUrl", required = false) String failureUrl, HttpServletRequest request, Model model, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // everything after the contextPath, e.g. "/action/emr/registration/checkin.form" String path = request.getServletPath(); path = path.substring("/action/".length(), path.lastIndexOf(".")); return handlePath(path, returnFormat, successUrl, failureUrl, request, model, response); } @RequestMapping("**/*.action") public String handleUrlWithDotAction( @RequestParam(value = "returnFormat", required = false) String returnFormat, @RequestParam(value = "successUrl", required = false) String successUrl, @RequestParam(value = "failureUrl", required = false) String failureUrl, HttpServletRequest request, Model model, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // everything after the contextPath, e.g. "/emr/registration/checkin.action" String path = request.getServletPath(); path = path.substring(1, path.lastIndexOf(".action")); return handlePath(path, returnFormat, successUrl, failureUrl, request, model, response); } /** * @param path should be of the form "provider/optional/subdirectories/fragmentName/actionName" * @param returnFormat * @param successUrl * @param failureUrl * @param request * @param model * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ public String handlePath(String path, String returnFormat, String successUrl, String failureUrl, HttpServletRequest request, Model model, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // handle the case where the url has two slashes, e.g. host/openmrs//emr/radiology/order.action if (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1); } int firstSlash = path.indexOf("/"); int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (firstSlash < 0 || lastSlash < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fragment action request must have at least provider/fragmentName/actionName, but this does not: " + request.getRequestURI()); } String providerName = path.substring(0, firstSlash); String fragmentName = path.substring(firstSlash + 1, lastSlash); String action = path.substring(lastSlash + 1); if (returnFormat == null) { String acceptHeader = request.getHeader("Accept"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(acceptHeader)) { if (acceptHeader.startsWith("application/json")) { returnFormat = "json"; } } } Object resultObject; try { resultObject = fragmentFactory.invokeFragmentAction(providerName, fragmentName, action, request); // Default status code for failures is 400 (BAD REQUEST), successes is 200 (OK) response.setStatus((resultObject instanceof FailureResult) ? 400 : 200); } catch (Exception ex) { // Look for specific exceptions down the chain Exception specificEx = null; // It's possible that the underlying exception is that the user was logged out or lacks privileges if ((specificEx = ExceptionUtil.findExceptionInChain(ex, APIAuthenticationException.class)) != null) { resultObject = new FailureResult("#APIAuthenticationException#" + specificEx.getMessage()); response.setStatus(403); // 403 (FORBIDDEN) } else if ((specificEx = ExceptionUtil.findExceptionInChain(ex, ContextAuthenticationException.class)) != null) { resultObject = new FailureResult("#APIAuthenticationException#" + specificEx.getMessage()); response.setStatus(403); // 403 (FORBIDDEN) } else { // We don't know how to handle other types of exceptions log.error("error", ex); // TODO figure how to return UiFrameworkExceptions that result from // missing controllers or methods with status 404 (NOT FOUND) throw new UiFrameworkException("Error invoking fragment action", ex); } } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(returnFormat)) { // this is an ajax request, so we need to return an object // turn the non-object result types into ObjectResults if (resultObject == null) { resultObject = new SuccessResult(); } else if (resultObject instanceof SuccessResult) { SuccessResult success = (SuccessResult) resultObject; resultObject = SimpleObject.create("success", "true", "message", success.getMessage()); } else if (resultObject instanceof FailureResult) { FailureResult failure = (FailureResult) resultObject; resultObject = SimpleObject.create("failure", "true", "globalErrors", failure.getGlobalErrors(), "fieldErrors", failure.getFieldErrorMap()); } else if (resultObject instanceof ObjectResult) { resultObject = ((ObjectResult) resultObject).getWrapped(); } // Convert result to JSON or plain text depending on requested format Object result; if (returnFormat.equals("json")) { result = toJson(resultObject); } else { result = resultObject.toString(); } model.addAttribute("html", result); return SHOW_HTML_VIEW; } else { // this is a regular post, so we will return a page if (successUrl == null) successUrl = getSuccessUrl(request); if (failureUrl == null) failureUrl = getFailureUrl(request, successUrl); successUrl = removeContextPath(successUrl); failureUrl = removeContextPath(failureUrl); if (resultObject == null || resultObject instanceof SuccessResult) { if (resultObject != null) { SuccessResult result = (SuccessResult) resultObject; if (result.getMessage() != null) request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, result.getMessage()); } return "redirect:/" + successUrl; } else if (resultObject instanceof FailureResult) { // TODO harmonize this with the return-type version FailureResult failureResult = (FailureResult) resultObject; String errorMessage = null; if (failureResult.getSingleError() != null) { errorMessage = failureResult.getSingleError(); } else if (failureResult.getErrors() != null) { Errors errors = failureResult.getErrors(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<ul>"); for (ObjectError err : errors.getGlobalErrors()) { sb.append("<li>" + UiFrameworkUtil.getMessage(err) + "</li>"); } for (FieldError err : errors.getFieldErrors()) { sb.append("<li>" + err.getField() + ": " + UiFrameworkUtil.getMessage(err) + "</li>"); } sb.append("</ul>"); errorMessage = sb.toString(); } request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_ERROR_ATTR, errorMessage); return redirectHelper(failureUrl, model); } else if (resultObject instanceof ObjectResult) { // the best we can do is just display a formatted version of the wrapped object String formatted = new FormatterImpl(messageSource, administrationService) .format(((ObjectResult) resultObject).getWrapped(), Context.getLocale()); model.addAttribute("html", formatted); return SHOW_HTML_VIEW; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Don't know how to handle fragment action result type: " + resultObject.getClass()); } } } private String removeContextPath(String url) { if (url != null) { if (url.startsWith(WebConstants.CONTEXT_PATH)) url = url.substring(WebConstants.CONTEXT_PATH.length()); else if (url.startsWith("/" + WebConstants.CONTEXT_PATH)) url = url.substring(WebConstants.CONTEXT_PATH.length() + 1); } return url; } /** * Exposes any query parameter from url * * @param urlString * @param model * @throws MalformedURLException */ private String redirectHelper(String urlString, Model model) throws MalformedURLException { URL url = new URL(urlString); if (url.getQuery() != null) { for (StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(url.getQuery(), "&"); st.hasMoreTokens();) { String item = st.nextToken(); int ind = item.indexOf('='); String name = item.substring(0, ind); String value = URLDecoder.decode(item.substring(ind + 1)); model.addAttribute(name, value); } } return "redirect:" + removeContextPath(url.getPath()); } private String getSuccessUrl(HttpServletRequest request) { String referrer = request.getHeader("referer"); if (referrer != null) { try { referrer = new URL(referrer).getFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get file part of referer", ex); } return referrer; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Don't know what to use as success url"); } } private String getFailureUrl(HttpServletRequest request, String successUrl) { String referrer = request.getHeader("referer"); if (referrer != null) { try { referrer = new URL(referrer).getFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get file part of referer", ex); } return referrer; } else { return successUrl; } } private String toJson(Object object) { try { if (object instanceof ObjectResult) { object = ((ObjectResult) object).getWrapped(); } ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); mapper.writeValue(sw, object); return sw.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new ViewException("Error generating JSON", ex); } } }