Java tutorial
/** * openHAB, the open Home Automation Bus. * Copyright (C) 2010-2012, <> * * See the contributors.txt file in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <>. * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or * combining it with Eclipse (or a modified version of that library), * containing parts covered by the terms of the Eclipse Public License * (EPL), the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission * to convey the resulting work. */ package org.openhab.habdroid.ui; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.openhab.habdroid.R; import org.openhab.habdroid.listener.ListItemListener; import org.openhab.habdroid.model.OpenHABPage; import org.openhab.habdroid.model.OpenHABSitemap; import org.openhab.habdroid.model.OpenHABWidget; import org.openhab.habdroid.model.OpenHABWidgetDataSource; import org.openhab.habdroid.util.MyAsyncHttpClient; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.Window; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; /** * This class provides app activity which displays list of openHAB * widgets from sitemap page * * @author Victor Belov * */ public class OpenHABRoomSettingActivity extends ListActivity implements ListItemListener { // Logging TAG private static final String TAG = "OpenHABWidgetListActivity"; // Datasource, providing list of openHAB widgets private OpenHABWidgetDataSource openHABWidgetDataSource; // List adapter for list view of openHAB widgets private OpenHABWidgetSettingsAdapter openHABWidgetAdapter; // Url of current sitemap page displayed private String displayPageUrl = ""; // sitemap root url private String sitemapRootUrl = ""; // async http client private AsyncHttpClient pageAsyncHttpClient; // openHAB base url private String openHABBaseUrl = ""; // List of widgets to display private ArrayList<OpenHABWidget> widgetList = new ArrayList<OpenHABWidget>(); // Username/password for authentication private String openHABUsername; private String openHABPassword; private String currPID; private TextView tvtitle; private Button btnback; private Button btndone; Resources res; private ArrayList<OpenHABWidget> groupList = new ArrayList<OpenHABWidget>(); private ArrayList<OpenHABPage> pageStack = new ArrayList<OpenHABPage>(); @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.i("OpenHABWidgetListActivity", "onCreate"); // TODO: Make progress indicator active every time we load the page // requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); // requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.roomsettings); res = this.getApplicationContext().getResources(); SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); openHABUsername = settings.getString("default_openhab_username", ""); openHABPassword = settings.getString("default_openhab_password", ""); openHABWidgetDataSource = new OpenHABWidgetDataSource(); openHABWidgetAdapter = new OpenHABWidgetSettingsAdapter(OpenHABRoomSettingActivity.this, R.layout.openhabwidgetlist_genericitem, widgetList, this); getListView().setAdapter(openHABWidgetAdapter); openHABWidgetAdapter.setOpenHABUsername(openHABUsername); openHABWidgetAdapter.setOpenHABPassword(openHABPassword); // this.getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); // this.getActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(true); // Check if we have openHAB page url in saved instance state? if (savedInstanceState != null) { pageStack = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList("pageStack"); displayPageUrl = savedInstanceState.getString("displayPageUrl"); openHABBaseUrl = savedInstanceState.getString("openHABBaseUrl"); sitemapRootUrl = savedInstanceState.getString("sitemapRootUrl"); openHABWidgetAdapter.setOpenHABBaseUrl(openHABBaseUrl); } // If yes, then just show it if (displayPageUrl.length() > 0) { Log.i(TAG, "displayPageUrl = " + displayPageUrl); showPage(displayPageUrl, false); // Else check if we got openHAB base url through launch intent? } else { openHABBaseUrl = getIntent().getExtras().getString("baseURL"); if (openHABBaseUrl != null) { openHABWidgetAdapter.setOpenHABBaseUrl(openHABBaseUrl); selectSitemap(openHABBaseUrl, false); } else { Log.i(TAG, "No base URL!"); } } initUI(); } private void initUI() { btnback = (Button) findViewById(; btndone = (Button) findViewById(; btnback.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub goBack(); } }); btndone.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub finish(); } }); tvtitle = (TextView) findViewById(; tvtitle.setText(res.getString(R.string.settings_room_title)); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.i("OpenHABWidgetListActivity", "onSaveInstanceState"); // Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState. // This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is // killed and restarted. savedInstanceState.putString("displayPageUrl", displayPageUrl); savedInstanceState.putString("openHABBaseUrl", openHABBaseUrl); savedInstanceState.putString("sitemapRootUrl", sitemapRootUrl); super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); Log.i(TAG, "onDestroy() for " + this.displayPageUrl); if (pageAsyncHttpClient != null) pageAsyncHttpClient.cancelRequests(this, true); } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { Log.i(TAG, "onActivityResult " + String.valueOf(requestCode) + " " + String.valueOf(resultCode)); if (resultCode == -1) { // Right now only PreferencesActivity returns -1 // Restart app after preferences Log.i(TAG, "Restarting"); // Get launch intent for application Intent restartIntent = getBaseContext().getPackageManager() .getLaunchIntentForPackage(getBaseContext().getPackageName()); restartIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); // Finish current activity finish(); // Start launch activity startActivity(restartIntent); } } /** * Loads data from sitemap page URL and passes it to processContent * * @param pageUrl an absolute base URL of openHAB sitemap page * @param longPolling enable long polling when loading page * @return void */ public void showPage(String pageUrl, boolean longPolling) { Log.i(TAG, "showPage for " + pageUrl + " longPolling = " + longPolling); // Cancel any existing http request to openHAB (typically ongoing long poll) if (pageAsyncHttpClient != null) { pageAsyncHttpClient.cancelRequests(this, true); } pageAsyncHttpClient = new MyAsyncHttpClient(); // If authentication is needed pageAsyncHttpClient.setBasicAuth(openHABUsername, openHABPassword); // If long-polling is needed if (longPolling) { // Add corresponding fields to header to make openHAB know we need long-polling pageAsyncHttpClient.addHeader("X-Atmosphere-Transport", "long-polling"); pageAsyncHttpClient.addHeader("Accept", "application/xml"); pageAsyncHttpClient.setTimeout(30000); } pageAsyncHttpClient.get(this, pageUrl, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() { @Override public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] response) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final String content = new String(response); processContent(content); } @Override public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] errorResponse, Throwable e) { Log.i(TAG, "http request failed"); if (e.getMessage() != null) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); if (e.getMessage().equals("Unauthorized")) { showAlertDialog("@string/error_authentication_failed"); } } stopProgressIndicator(); } }); } /** * Parse XML sitemap page and show it * * @param content XML as a text * @return void */ public void processContent(String content) { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); try { DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document; // TODO: fix crash with null content document = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes("UTF-8"))); Node rootNode = document.getFirstChild(); openHABWidgetDataSource.setSourceNode(rootNode); widgetList.clear(); // As we change the page we need to stop all videos on current page // before going to the new page. This is quite dirty, but is the only // way to do that... openHABWidgetAdapter.stopVideoWidgets(); openHABWidgetAdapter.stopImageRefresh(); if (isSitemap()) groupList.clear(); for (OpenHABWidget w : openHABWidgetDataSource.getWidgets()) { widgetList.add(w); if (isSitemap() && w.getType().equals("Group")) groupList.add(w); } openHABWidgetAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); setTitle(openHABWidgetDataSource.getTitle()); setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(false); getListView().setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { Log.i(TAG, "Widget clicked " + String.valueOf(position)); OpenHABWidget openHABWidget = openHABWidgetAdapter.getItem(position); if (openHABWidget.hasLinkedPage()) { currPID = openHABWidget.getWidgetId(); tvtitle.setText(openHABWidget.getLabel()); pageStack.add(0, new OpenHABPage(displayPageUrl, OpenHABRoomSettingActivity.this.getListView().getFirstVisiblePosition())); displayPageUrl = openHABWidget.getLinkedPage().getLink(); showPage(openHABWidget.getLinkedPage().getLink(), false); } } }); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } private void goBack() { if (pageStack.size() > 0) { displayPageUrl = pageStack.get(0).getPageUrl(); // OpenHABWidgetListActivity.this.setSelection(pageStack.get(0).getWidgetListPosition()); pageStack.remove(0); showPage(displayPageUrl, false); if (pageStack.size() == 0) tvtitle.setText(res.getString(R.string.settings_room_title)); } else { Log.i(TAG, "No more pages left in stack, exiting"); finish(); } } /** * We run all openHAB browsing in a single activity, so we need to * intercept 'Back' key to get back to previous sitemap page. * If no pages in stack - simulate typical android app behaviour - * exit application. * */ @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { Log.i(TAG, "keyCode = " + keyCode); if (keyCode == 4) { Log.i(TAG, "This is 'back' key"); goBack(); return true; } else { return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } } /** * Get sitemaps from openHAB, if user already configured preffered sitemap * just open it. If no preffered sitemap is configured - let user select one. * * @param baseUrl an absolute base URL of openHAB to open * @return void */ private void selectSitemap(final String baseURL, final boolean forceSelect) { Log.i(TAG, "Loding sitemap list from " + baseURL + "rest/sitemaps"); AsyncHttpClient asyncHttpClient = new MyAsyncHttpClient(); // If authentication is needed asyncHttpClient.setBasicAuth(openHABUsername, openHABPassword); asyncHttpClient.get(baseURL + "rest/sitemaps", new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() { @Override public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] response) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final String content = new String(response); List<OpenHABSitemap> sitemapList = parseSitemapList(content); if (sitemapList.size() == 0) { // Got an empty sitemap list! showAlertDialog("@string/error_empty_sitemap_list"); return; } // If we are forced to do selection, just open selection dialog if (forceSelect) { showSitemapSelectionDialog(sitemapList); } else { // Check if we have a sitemap configured to use SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences(OpenHABRoomSettingActivity.this); String configuredSitemap = settings.getString("default_openhab_sitemap", ""); // If we have sitemap configured if (configuredSitemap.length() > 0) { // Configured sitemap is on the list we got, open it! if (sitemapExists(sitemapList, configuredSitemap)) { Log.i(TAG, "Configured sitemap is on the list"); OpenHABSitemap selectedSitemap = getSitemapByName(sitemapList, configuredSitemap); openSitemap(selectedSitemap.getHomepageLink()); // Configured sitemap is not on the list we got! } else { Log.i(TAG, "Configured sitemap is not on the list"); if (sitemapList.size() == 1) { Log.i(TAG, "Got only one sitemap"); Editor preferencesEditor = settings.edit(); preferencesEditor.putString("default_openhab_sitemap", sitemapList.get(0).getName()); preferencesEditor.commit(); openSitemap(sitemapList.get(0).getHomepageLink()); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Got multiply sitemaps, user have to select one"); showSitemapSelectionDialog(sitemapList); } } // No sitemap is configured to use } else { // We got only one single sitemap from openHAB, use it if (sitemapList.size() == 1) { Log.i(TAG, "Got only one sitemap"); Editor preferencesEditor = settings.edit(); preferencesEditor.putString("default_openhab_sitemap", sitemapList.get(0).getName()); preferencesEditor.commit(); openSitemap(sitemapList.get(0).getHomepageLink()); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Got multiply sitemaps, user have to select one"); showSitemapSelectionDialog(sitemapList); } } } } @Override public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] errorResponse, Throwable e) { if (e.getMessage() != null) { if (e.getMessage().equals("Unauthorized")) { showAlertDialog("@string/error_authentication_failed"); } else { showAlertDialog("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } } else { // TODO: carefully handle errors without message // showAlertDialog("ERROR: Http error, no details"); } } }); } private void stopProgressIndicator() { setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(false); } private boolean sitemapExists(List<OpenHABSitemap> sitemapList, String sitemapName) { for (int i = 0; i < sitemapList.size(); i++) { if (sitemapList.get(i).getName().equals(sitemapName)) return true; } return false; } private OpenHABSitemap getSitemapByName(List<OpenHABSitemap> sitemapList, String sitemapName) { for (int i = 0; i < sitemapList.size(); i++) { if (sitemapList.get(i).getName().equals(sitemapName)) return sitemapList.get(i); } return null; } private List<OpenHABSitemap> parseSitemapList(String xmlContent) { List<OpenHABSitemap> sitemapList = new ArrayList<OpenHABSitemap>(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder; try { builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document; document = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlContent.getBytes("UTF-8"))); NodeList sitemapNodes = document.getElementsByTagName("sitemap"); if (sitemapNodes.getLength() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < sitemapNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node sitemapNode = sitemapNodes.item(i); OpenHABSitemap openhabSitemap = new OpenHABSitemap(sitemapNode); sitemapList.add(openhabSitemap); } } } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } catch (SAXException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } return sitemapList; } private void showAlertDialog(String alertMessage) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(OpenHABRoomSettingActivity.this); builder.setMessage(alertMessage).setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } }); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } private void showSitemapSelectionDialog(final List<OpenHABSitemap> sitemapList) { Log.i(TAG, "Opening sitemap selection dialog"); final List<String> sitemapNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); ; for (int i = 0; i < sitemapList.size(); i++) { sitemapNameList.add(sitemapList.get(i).getName()); } AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(OpenHABRoomSettingActivity.this); dialogBuilder.setTitle("Select sitemap"); dialogBuilder.setItems(sitemapNameList.toArray(new CharSequence[sitemapNameList.size()]), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { Log.i(TAG, "Selected sitemap " + sitemapNameList.get(item)); SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences(OpenHABRoomSettingActivity.this); Editor preferencesEditor = settings.edit(); preferencesEditor.putString("default_openhab_sitemap", sitemapList.get(item).getName()); preferencesEditor.commit(); openSitemap(sitemapList.get(item).getHomepageLink()); } }).show(); } private void openSitemap(String sitemapUrl) { Log.i(TAG, "Opening sitemap at " + sitemapUrl); displayPageUrl = sitemapUrl; sitemapRootUrl = sitemapUrl; showPage(displayPageUrl, false); OpenHABRoomSettingActivity.this.getListView().setSelection(0); } private boolean isSitemap() { if (null == displayPageUrl || displayPageUrl.length() == 0) return false; if (null == sitemapRootUrl || sitemapRootUrl.length() == 0) return false; return displayPageUrl.equals(sitemapRootUrl); } @Override public void onEditClickListener(int pos) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub OpenHABWidget w = openHABWidgetDataSource.getWidgets().get(pos); Intent i = new Intent(OpenHABRoomSettingActivity.this, ChangeItemActivity.class); Bundle data = new Bundle(); if (!w.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("group")) { data.putSerializable(ChangeItemActivity.GROUP_KEY, groupList); data.putString(ChangeItemActivity.PARENT_KEY, currPID); } data.putSerializable(ChangeItemActivity.ITEM_KEY, w); data.putString(ChangeItemActivity.SITE_KEY, sitemapRootUrl); i.putExtras(data); startActivity(i); } }