Java tutorial
// Carrie Remote Control // Copyright (C) 2012 Mike Elson // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. package org.ohthehumanity.carrie; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.InterruptedException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import android.preference.Preference; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener; import; import org.ohthehumanity.carrie.CarriePreferences; /** Main window for the Carrie application. **/ public class CarrieActivity extends Activity implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { public enum Status { OK, INTERNAL_ERROR, NO_CONNECTION, TIMEOUT, BAD_URL, NETWORK_ERROR, SERVER_ERROR }; private static final String TAG = "carrie"; private SharedPreferences mPreferences; //private string connection_status; private String mServerName; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mServerName = ""; setContentView(R.layout.main); // instantiate our preferences backend mPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); // set callback function when settings change mPreferences.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); if (mPreferences.getString("server", null) == null) { setStatus("Server not set"); } else if (mPreferences.getString("port", null) == null) { setStatus("Port not configured"); } ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if (cm.getActiveNetworkInfo().getType() != ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) { AlertDialog.Builder dlgAlert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); dlgAlert.setTitle("WiFi not active"); dlgAlert.setMessage( "This application is usually used on a local network over a WiFi. Open WiFi settings?"); dlgAlert.setPositiveButton("Yes", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { switch (which) { case DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE: //Yes button clicked final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); final ComponentName cn = new ComponentName("", ""); intent.setComponent(cn); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); break; case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: //Log.i(TAG, "Not opening wifi"); //No button clicked break; } } }); dlgAlert.setNegativeButton("No", null); dlgAlert.setCancelable(true); dlgAlert.create().show(); } updateTitle(); updateSkipLabels(); updateServerName(); } /** ABC to send a single network command in a separate Task thread **/ private abstract class HTTPTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, Void> { // TBD split no connection into NO_ROUTE and NO_SERVER protected CarrieActivity.Status status; protected String response; protected String url; protected void retrieve(String request) { url = request; URL urlobj; try { urlobj = new URL(request); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { status = CarrieActivity.Status.BAD_URL; return; } URLConnection conn; try { conn = urlobj.openConnection(); } catch (IOException e) { status = CarrieActivity.Status.NO_CONNECTION; return; } //Log.i(TAG, "Opening URL " + request); HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) conn; httpConn.setAllowUserInteraction(false); httpConn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(true); try { httpConn.setRequestMethod("GET"); } catch (ProtocolException e) { status = CarrieActivity.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } try { httpConn.connect(); } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { //Log.i(TAG, "timeout"); status = CarrieActivity.Status.TIMEOUT; return; } catch (IOException e) { //Log.i(TAG, "ioexception"); status = CarrieActivity.Status.NO_CONNECTION; return; } //Log.i(TAG, "Sending request"); int response_code; try { response_code = httpConn.getResponseCode(); } catch (IOException e) { status = CarrieActivity.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR; //Log.e(TAG, "Exception reading response code"); return; } if (response_code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { status = CarrieActivity.Status.SERVER_ERROR; //Log.e(TAG, "Server returned " + response_code); return; } //Log.i(TAG, "Got response code " + response_code); InputStream in; try { in = httpConn.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { status = CarrieActivity.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(in); int charRead; int BUFFER_SIZE = 2000; char[] inputBuffer = new char[BUFFER_SIZE]; response = ""; try { while ((charRead = > 0) { String readString = String.copyValueOf(inputBuffer, 0, charRead); response += readString; inputBuffer = new char[BUFFER_SIZE]; } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); status = CarrieActivity.Status.NETWORK_ERROR; return; } status = CarrieActivity.Status.OK; //Log.i(TAG, "Server response was " + response); } protected String statusString() { switch (status) { case NO_CONNECTION: return "Cannot connect"; case INTERNAL_ERROR: return "Internal error"; case TIMEOUT: return "Timeout"; case BAD_URL: return "Bad url: " + url; case NETWORK_ERROR: return "Network error"; case SERVER_ERROR: return "Server error"; default: return "ok"; } } } /** Request the server name from a Carrie server and update the status bar **/ private class GetServerNameTask extends HTTPTask { protected Void doInBackground(String... url) { //Log.d(TAG, "GetServerNameTask.doInBackground"); String target = mPreferences.getString("server", null) + ":" + mPreferences.getString("port", null); //Log.i(TAG, "Calling retrieve"); retrieve("http://" + target + "/carrie/hello"); //Log.i(TAG, "Done retrieve, status is " + status); return null; } protected void onPostExecute(Void dummy) { //Log.i(TAG, "GetServerName.onPostExecute"); if (status == CarrieActivity.Status.OK) { setStatus("Connected to " + response); mServerName = response; } else { setStatus(statusString() + " " + mPreferences.getString("server", null)); } updateTitle(); } } /** Send a command to the server and show the status **/ private class SendCommandTask extends HTTPTask { protected Void doInBackground(String... url) { String target = mPreferences.getString("server", null) + ":" + mPreferences.getString("port", null); //Log.i(TAG, "Calling retrieve"); retrieve("http://" + target + "/" + url[0]); //Log.i(TAG, "Done retrieve, status is " + status); return null; } protected void onPostExecute(Void dummy) { //Log.i(TAG, "onPostExecute"); if (status == CarrieActivity.Status.OK) { setStatus(response); } else { setStatus(statusString()); } } } private class ScanServersTask extends AsyncTask<Void, String, LinkedList<String>> { protected LinkedList<String> mServers; //protected Object mLock; protected CarrieActivity mActivity; public ScanServersTask(CarrieActivity activity) { super(); mActivity = activity; } private class Scanner extends Thread { String mBaseAddr; int mOffsetAddr; int mPort; int mTimeout; ScanServersTask mTask; public Scanner(String baseAddr, int offsetAddr, int port, int timeout, ScanServersTask task) { mBaseAddr = baseAddr; mOffsetAddr = offsetAddr; mPort = port; mTask = task; } public void run() { //Log.i(TAG, "threadstart"); Socket socket = new Socket(); String server = mBaseAddr + mOffsetAddr; try { socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(server), mPort), mTimeout); } catch (IOException e) { //Log.i(TAG, " cannot connect"); try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { // ignore anything thrown by close() } return; } try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } //Log.i(TAG, " connection on " + server); mTask.callback(server); } } /** As each thread completes and exits, call this function to record the new server if found **/ public void callback(String addr) { //Log.i(TAG, "Callback " + addr); //publishProgress(addr); synchronized (this) { mServers.add(addr); } } /** Wrapper to update the status area of the main activity **/ protected void setStatus(String message) { final String inner_message = new String(message); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { TextView updateView = (TextView) findViewById(; updateView.setText(inner_message); } }); } /** Initiate scan. Each request is sent by a seperate thread so all 256 possible IP addresses on the local /8 subnet can be tested in parallel **/ protected LinkedList<String> doInBackground(Void... params) { mServers = new LinkedList<String>(); String full_ip = getLocalIpAddress(); int index = full_ip.lastIndexOf("."); if (index == -1) { //Log.e(TAG, "Cannot decode IP " + full_ip); return mServers; } String subnet = full_ip.substring(0, index + 1); //Log.i(TAG, "Begin scan of " + subnet); setStatus("Scanning " + subnet + "* ..."); int timeout = 500; // ms int port = Integer.parseInt(mPreferences.getString("port", null)); LinkedList<Scanner> scanners = new LinkedList<Scanner>(); for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) { Scanner t = new Scanner(subnet, i, port, timeout, this); scanners.add(t); t.start(); } //Log.i(TAG, "End scan initiation, waiting for threads to exit"); for (Iterator<Scanner> i = scanners.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { try {; } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } //Log.i(TAG, "Threads finished, found " + mServers.size() + " servers"); return mServers; } /** After scan completed update the UI **/ protected void onPostExecute(LinkedList<String> servers) { //Log.d(TAG, "ScanServersTask.onPostExecute"); setStatus("Found " + mServers.size() + " servers"); switch (mServers.size()) { case 0: // no servers found return; case 1: // single server found, automatically connect //Log.d(TAG, "Updating preferences"); setServer(servers.getFirst()); return; default: // multiple servers found, present the user with a choice dialog AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(mActivity); alert.setTitle("Choose server"); final String[] inner_servers = new String[servers.size()]; servers.toArray(inner_servers); alert.setItems(inner_servers, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { setServer(inner_servers[item]); } });; return; } } } /** Write a new string into our `server` preference and ping it to check for the hostname **/ public void setServer(String server) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mPreferences.edit(); editor.putString("server", server); editor.commit(); updateServerName(); } public String getLocalIpAddress() { try { for (Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); en .hasMoreElements();) { NetworkInterface intf = en.nextElement(); for (Enumeration<InetAddress> enumIpAddr = intf.getInetAddresses(); enumIpAddr.hasMoreElements();) { InetAddress inetAddress = enumIpAddr.nextElement(); if (!inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress()) { return inetAddress.getHostAddress(); } } } } catch (SocketException ex) { //Log.e(TAG, ex.toString()); } return ""; } /** Set windoww status field **/ public void setStatus(String message) { TextView updateView = (TextView) findViewById(; if (updateView == null) { //Log.e(TAG, " is null"); } else { updateView.setText(message); } } /** Tell our worker thread to send a command over the network **/ public void command(String message) { if (mPreferences.getString("server", null) == null || mPreferences.getString("port", null) == null) { startActivity(new Intent(this, CarriePreferences.class)); } else { //Log.i(TAG, "command"); setStatus("Connecting..."); new SendCommandTask().execute(message); } } /** Handle click on Play/Pause button **/ public void onPlay(View view) { setStatus("on play"); //Log.i(TAG, "onPlay"); //String res = send("play"); command("pause"); } /** Handle click on Fullscreen button **/ public void onFullscreen(View view) { setStatus("on fullscreen"); command("fullscreen"); } /** Handle click on little backwards button **/ public void onBackwards(View view) { command("backward/" + mPreferences.getString("small_skip", "7")); } /** Handle click on little forwards button **/ public void onForwards(View view) { command("forward/" + mPreferences.getString("small_skip", "7")); } public void onBBackwards(View view) { command("backward/" + mPreferences.getString("large_skip", "60")); } public void onFForwards(View view) { command("forward/" + mPreferences.getString("large_skip", "60")); } public void onOSDOn(View view) { command("osdon"); } public void onOSDOff(View view) { command("osdoff"); } public void onMute(View view) { command("mute"); } public void onVoldown(View view) { command("voldown"); } public void onVolup(View view) { command("volup"); } public void onSub(View view) { command("sub"); } public void onSubLang(View view) { //new ScanServersTask().execute(); command("sublang"); } public void onAudLang(View view) { command("audlang"); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { //Log.i(TAG, "onCreateOptionsMenu"); //startActivity(new Intent(this, CarriePreferences.class)); startActivityForResult(new Intent(this, CarriePreferences.class), 1); return false; } /** Automatically called when an activity (our preferences) that was started with startActivityForResult exits **/ protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { //if (data == null) { //Log.i(TAG, "Preferences closed no scan requested"); //} else { //Log.i(TAG, "Preferences closed scan is " + data.getBooleanExtra("scan", false)); //} if (data != null && data.getBooleanExtra("scan", false) == true) { //Log.i(TAG, "Begin scan in correct thread"); new ScanServersTask(this).execute(); } else { //Log.d(TAG, "Updating server name"); updateServerName(); } } /** Callback when a preference is changed, either through code or the preferences screen **/ public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { mServerName = ""; // Change the title bar to show target address and port updateTitle(); // Change the labels showing how far jumps go updateSkipLabels(); // Test the network connection //setStatus("Requesting server name"); //new GetServerNameTask().execute(); } /** Update the window title and status area to show the target server name as returned by a check on url http://<servername>:<port>/carrie/hello **/ private void updateServerName() { if (mPreferences.getString("server", null) == null) { setStatus("Server not set"); } else { setStatus("Requesting server name"); new GetServerNameTask().execute(); } } /** Update the window title bar to show server location **/ private void updateTitle() { // vvv String prelude = "Remote Control - "; if (mPreferences.getString("server", null) == null) { setTitle(prelude + "server not set"); } else if (mServerName.equals("")) { setTitle(prelude + mPreferences.getString("server", "") + ":" + mPreferences.getString("port", "5505")); } else { setTitle(prelude + mServerName); } } /** On startup and after changing settings update the labels in between the skip back/forwards buttons to show the current skip distances in seconds **/ private void updateSkipLabels() { ((TextView) findViewById("small_skip", "7") + "s"); ((TextView) findViewById("large_skip", "60") + "s"); } }