Java tutorial
//Copyright (C) 2010 Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH // //This file is part of Nuclos. // //Nuclos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Nuclos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Nuclos. If not, see <>. package org.nuclos.client.console; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException; import org.nuclos.client.attribute.AttributeCache; import org.nuclos.client.attribute.AttributeDelegate; import org.nuclos.client.genericobject.GenericObjectMetaDataCache; import org.nuclos.client.layout.LayoutDelegate; import org.nuclos.client.masterdata.MasterDataDelegate; import org.nuclos.client.nuclet.generator.NucletGenerator; import; import org.nuclos.client.rule.RuleCache; import org.nuclos.client.rule.RuleDelegate; import org.nuclos.client.rule.TimelimitRuleDelegate; import; import org.nuclos.client.updatejobs.MigrateSearchFilterPreferences; import org.nuclos.common.ApplicationProperties; import org.nuclos.common.ConsoleConstants; import org.nuclos.common.NuclosEntity; import org.nuclos.common.NuclosFatalException; import org.nuclos.common.Priority; import org.nuclos.common.collection.CollectionUtils; import org.nuclos.common.dal.DalSupportForMD; import org.nuclos.common.dal.vo.EntityObjectVO; import org.nuclos.common2.DateUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.IOUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.LangUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonBusinessException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonFatalException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonFinderException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonPermissionException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonRemoteException; import org.nuclos.server.attribute.valueobject.LayoutVO; import org.nuclos.server.common.ejb3.PreferencesFacadeRemote; import org.nuclos.server.common.valueobject.PreferencesVO; import org.nuclos.server.console.ejb3.ConsoleFacadeRemote; import org.nuclos.server.masterdata.ejb3.MasterDataFacadeRemote; import org.nuclos.server.masterdata.valueobject.MasterDataVO; import; import; import; import; import org.nuclos.server.ruleengine.ejb3.TimelimitRuleFacadeRemote; import org.nuclos.server.ruleengine.valueobject.RuleEventUsageVO; import org.nuclos.server.ruleengine.valueobject.RuleVO; import org.nuclos.server.ruleengine.valueobject.RuleWithUsagesVO; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; /** * Management console for Nucleus. * @todo the JNDI URL is read from currently. It should be given on the command line instead. * <br> * <br>Created by Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH <br>Please visit <a href=""></a> * * @author <a href="">Boris Sander</a> * @version 01.00.00 */ public class NuclosConsole extends ConsoleConstants { /** * this list is used by NuclosConsoleGui to show the available commands */ public static final List<String> LSTCOMMANDS = Arrays.asList(CMD_INVALIDATE_ATTRIBUTECACHE, CMD_INVALIDATE_METADATACACHE, CMD_SHOWDEVELOPERCOMMANDS, CMD_REFRESHVIEWS, CMD_UNSCHEDULE_JOB, CMD_SHOWJOBS, CMD_SHOWREPORTS, CMD_IMPORTLAYOUTS, CMD_EXPORTLAYOUTS, CMD_IMPORTRULES, CMD_EXPORTRULES, CMD_SETUSERPREFERENCES, CMD_RESETUSERPREFERENCES, CMD_VALIDATEOBJECTGENERATIONS, CMD_CHECKMASTERDATAVALUES, CMD_COMPILEDBOBJECTS, CMD_SENDMESSAGE, CMD_KILLSESSION, CMD_IMPORTTIMELIMITRULES, CMD_EXPORTTIMELIMITRULES, CMD_EXECUTE_TIMELIMITRULE_NOW, CMD_NUCLET_GENERATION_FROM_XLSX, CMD_NUCLET_GENERATION_CREATE_EMPTY_XLSX_FILE, CMD_REBUILD_CONSTRAINTS); private static NuclosConsole INSTANCE; private static String sUserName; // // Spring injection private AttributeCache attributeCache; private SchedulerControlFacadeRemote schedulerControlFacadeRemote; private TimelimitRuleFacadeRemote timelimitRuleFacadeRemote; private PreferencesFacadeRemote preferencesFacadeRemote; private MasterDataFacadeRemote masterDataFacadeRemote; private DatasourceFacadeRemote datasourceFacadeRemote; private ConsoleFacadeRemote consoleFacadeRemote; private NuclosRemoteServerSession nuclosRemoteServerSession; // end of Spring injection public static NuclosConsole getInstance() { if (INSTANCE == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("too early"); } return INSTANCE; } protected static NuclosConsole newNuclosConsole() { try { final String sClassName = LangUtils.defaultIfNull( ApplicationProperties.getInstance().getConsoleClassName(), NuclosConsole.class.getName()); INSTANCE = (NuclosConsole) Class.forName(sClassName).newInstance(); return INSTANCE; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CommonFatalException("Console could not be created.", ex); } } protected NuclosConsole() { } @Autowired @Qualifier("attributeCache") final void setAttributeCache(AttributeCache attributeCache) { this.attributeCache = attributeCache; } @Autowired final void setSchedulerControlFacadeRemote(SchedulerControlFacadeRemote schedulerControlFacadeRemote) { this.schedulerControlFacadeRemote = schedulerControlFacadeRemote; } @Autowired final void setTimelimitRuleFacadeRemote(TimelimitRuleFacadeRemote timelimitRuleFacadeRemote) { this.timelimitRuleFacadeRemote = timelimitRuleFacadeRemote; } @Autowired final void setPreferencesFacadeRemote(PreferencesFacadeRemote preferencesFacadeRemote) { this.preferencesFacadeRemote = preferencesFacadeRemote; } @Autowired final void setMasterDataFacadeRemote(MasterDataFacadeRemote masterDataFacadeRemote) { this.masterDataFacadeRemote = masterDataFacadeRemote; } @Autowired final void setDatasourceFacadeRemote(DatasourceFacadeRemote datasourceFacadeRemote) { this.datasourceFacadeRemote = datasourceFacadeRemote; } @Autowired final void setConsoleFacadeRemote(ConsoleFacadeRemote consoleFacadeRemote) { this.consoleFacadeRemote = consoleFacadeRemote; } @Autowired final void setNuclosRemoteServerSession(NuclosRemoteServerSession NuclosRemoteServerSession) { this.nuclosRemoteServerSession = nuclosRemoteServerSession; } private String login(String sUser, String sPassword) throws LoginException { sUserName = nuclosRemoteServerSession.login(sUser, sPassword); return sUserName; } private void logout() throws LoginException { nuclosRemoteServerSession.logout(); } public String invalidateAllCaches() { return consoleFacadeRemote.invalidateAllCaches(); } /** * Invalidates the attribute cache */ private void invalidateAttributeCache() { System.out.println("Invalidating attribute cache..."); AttributeDelegate.getInstance().invalidateCache(); System.out.println("done"); } /** * Invalidates the rule cache */ private void invalidateRuleCache() { System.out.println("Invalidating rule cache..."); RuleDelegate.getInstance().invalidateCache(); System.out.println("done"); } /** * Refreshes the dynamic generic object views */ private void refreshViews() { System.out.println("Refreshing generic object views..."); LayoutDelegate.getInstance().refreshAll(); System.out.println("done"); } /** * delete a scheduled job * @param sJobName */ private void unscheduleJob(String sJobName) throws CommonBusinessException, RemoteException { schedulerControlFacadeRemote.deleteJob(sJobName); System.out.println("Successfully deleted job: " + sJobName); System.out.println(schedulerControlFacadeRemote.getSchedulerSummary()); } private void executeTimelimitJobNow(String sRuleName) throws RemoteException, CommonBusinessException { try { timelimitRuleFacadeRemote.executeTimelimitRule(sRuleName); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw new CommonBusinessException(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * get a list of all scheduled jobs */ private void showJobs() throws RemoteException { System.out.println(schedulerControlFacadeRemote.getSchedulerSummary()); } /** * List of all reports defined in the application * @throws CommonPermissionException */ private void showReports() throws CommonPermissionException { for (final ReportVO report : getReports()) { if (report.getType() == ReportType.REPORT) { System.out.println(report.getName()); } } } /** * @param sReportName * @return Does a report with the given name exist? * @throws CommonPermissionException */ private boolean reportExists(String sReportName) throws CommonPermissionException { boolean result = false; for (ReportVO report : getReports()) { if (report.getName().compareTo(sReportName) == 0) { result = true; break; } } return result; } /** * @return all reports from the server * @throws CommonPermissionException */ private Collection<ReportVO> getReports() throws CommonPermissionException { return ReportDelegate.getInstance().getReports(); } private void importLayouts(String sInputDir) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileInputDir = testForNonEmptyDirectory(sInputDir); try { LayoutDelegate.getInstance().importLayouts(readLayouts(fileInputDir)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new NuclosFatalException(ex); } } /** * @param fileInputDir * @return Collection<LayoutVO> * @throws IOException */ private Collection<LayoutVO> readLayouts(File fileInputDir) throws IOException { final Collection<LayoutVO> result = new ArrayList<LayoutVO>(); final FileFilter filter = new SuffixFileFilter(".layoutml"); for (File file : fileInputDir.listFiles(filter)) { final String sLayoutName = getNameWithoutSuffix(file); final String sLayoutML = readFromTextFile(file); result.add(new LayoutVO(sLayoutName, sLayoutName, sLayoutML)); } return result; } private String getNameWithoutSuffix(File file) { final int iDotPosition = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.'); assert iDotPosition >= 0; return file.getName().substring(0, iDotPosition); } /** * Export all Layouts * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public void exportLayouts(String sOutputDir) throws CommonBusinessException { exportLayouts(sOutputDir, NuclosEntity.LAYOUT); } private void exportLayouts(String sOutputDir, final NuclosEntity entity) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileOutputDir = testForEmptyDirectory(sOutputDir); System.out.println("Exporting Layouts to " + sOutputDir + "..."); try { for (MasterDataVO mdvoLayout : MasterDataDelegate.getInstance().getMasterData(entity.getEntityName())) { final String sLayoutName = mdvoLayout.getField("name", String.class); final String sLayoutML = mdvoLayout.getField("layoutML", String.class); // no need to write layouts containing no data if (sLayoutML != null) { final String sFileName = sLayoutName + ".layoutml"; final File fileLayout = new File(fileOutputDir, sFileName); IOUtils.writeToTextFile(fileLayout, sLayoutML, "ISO-8859-1"); } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CommonFatalException(ex); } System.out.println("Layouts successfully exported."); } private void exportRules(String sOutputDir) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileOutputDir = testForEmptyDirectory(sOutputDir); try { for (RuleVO rulevo : RuleCache.getInstance().getAllRules()) { final String sFileName = rulevo.getRule() + ".txt"; IOUtils.writeToTextFile(new File(fileOutputDir, sFileName), rulevo.getSource(), "ISO-8859-1"); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CommonFatalException(e); } /** @todo */ } private void exportTimelimitRules(String sOutputDir) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileOutputDir = testForEmptyDirectory(sOutputDir); try { for (RuleVO rulevo : TimelimitRuleDelegate.getInstance().getAllTimelimitRules()) { final String sFileName = rulevo.getRule() + ".txt"; IOUtils.writeToTextFile(new File(fileOutputDir, sFileName), rulevo.getSource(), "ISO-8859-1"); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CommonFatalException(e); } } // Only used for exports, so target directory will be created if necessary private File testForEmptyDirectory(String sOutputDir) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileOutputDir = testForDirectory(sOutputDir, true); for (File file : fileOutputDir.listFiles()) if (!file.isHidden()) throw new CommonBusinessException("The output directory must be empty."); return fileOutputDir; } // Only used for imports, so target directory must exist and will not be created private File testForNonEmptyDirectory(String sOutputDir) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileOutputDir = testForDirectory(sOutputDir, false); if (fileOutputDir.listFiles().length == 0) { throw new CommonBusinessException("The input directory is empty."); } return fileOutputDir; } /** * Check for existence of a directory and create it, if desired. * @param sOutputDir path of directory * @param bCreate create directory if true * @return directory as file * @throws CommonBusinessException */ private File testForDirectory(String sOutputDir, boolean bCreate) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileOutputDir = new File(sOutputDir); if (!fileOutputDir.exists() && bCreate) { fileOutputDir.mkdir(); } if (!fileOutputDir.isDirectory()) { throw new CommonBusinessException("The specified path does not denote a directory."); } return fileOutputDir; } private void importRules(String sInputDir) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileInputDir = testForNonEmptyDirectory(sInputDir); try { System.out.println("Importing rules from " + sInputDir + "..."); RuleDelegate.getInstance().importRules(readRules(fileInputDir)); System.out.println("Done."); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new NuclosFatalException(ex); } } private void importTimelimitRules(String sInputDir) throws CommonBusinessException { final File fileInputDir = testForNonEmptyDirectory(sInputDir); try { System.out.println("Importing TimelimitRules from " + sInputDir + "..."); TimelimitRuleDelegate.getInstance().importTimelimitRules(readTimelimitRules(fileInputDir)); System.out.println("Done."); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new NuclosFatalException(ex); } } private Collection<RuleVO> readTimelimitRules(File fileInputDir) throws IOException { final Collection<RuleVO> result = new ArrayList<RuleVO>(); for (File file : fileInputDir.listFiles(new SuffixFileFilter(".txt"))) { final String sRuleName = getNameWithoutSuffix(file); final String sRuleSource = readFromTextFile(file); final RuleVO rulevo = new RuleVO(sRuleName, sRuleName, sRuleSource, null, Boolean.TRUE); result.add(rulevo); } return result; } private Collection<RuleWithUsagesVO> readRules(File fileInputDir) throws IOException { final Collection<RuleWithUsagesVO> result = new ArrayList<RuleWithUsagesVO>(); for (File file : fileInputDir.listFiles(new SuffixFileFilter(".txt"))) { final String sRuleName = getNameWithoutSuffix(file); final String sRuleSource = readFromTextFile(file); final RuleVO rulevo = new RuleVO(sRuleName, sRuleName, sRuleSource, null, true); result.add(new RuleWithUsagesVO(rulevo, new ArrayList<RuleEventUsageVO>())); } return result; } private void setUserPreferences(String sUserName, String sFileName) { final File filePreferencesXml = new File(sFileName); try { final byte[] bytes = IOUtils.readFromBinaryFile(filePreferencesXml); internalSetUserPreferences(sUserName, new PreferencesVO(bytes)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new NuclosFatalException(ex); } } private void resetUserPreferences(String sUserName) { internalSetUserPreferences(sUserName, null); } private void internalSetUserPreferences(String sUserName, PreferencesVO prefsvo) { try { preferencesFacadeRemote.setPreferencesForUser(sUserName, prefsvo); } catch (CommonFinderException ex) { throw new NuclosFatalException(ex); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw new NuclosFatalException(ex); } } /** * reads the contents of a text file, using the default encoding. * * @param file a File that must have a size < 2GB. * @return a String containing the contents of the file. * @throws * @todo move to IOUtils * @todo Is it really true that it's not possible with BufferedReader.readLine()? */ public String readFromTextFile(File file) throws IOException { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final Reader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); try { appendText(br, sb); } finally { br.close(); } return sb.toString(); } /** * @param reader * @param sb * @throws IOException * @see #readFromTextFile(File) */ private void appendText(Reader reader, StringBuilder sb) throws IOException { int i; boolean bLastCharWasCR = false; while ((i = != -1) { final char c = (char) i; if (bLastCharWasCR) { bLastCharWasCR = false; if (c == '\n') { sb.append(c); continue; } else { sb.append('\n'); } } bLastCharWasCR = (c == '\r'); if (!bLastCharWasCR) { sb.append(c); } } } private String getUsage() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Usage: NuclosConsole <username> <password> <serverconfig> <command>\n"); sb.append( "The configuration for the application server must be one contained in the file, which must be in the CLASSPATH.\n"); sb.append("<command> is one of the following:\n"); sb.append("==========================================================================\n"); sb.append("\t-invalidateAttributeCache\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tInvalidates the attribute cache.\n"); sb.append("\t-refreshViews\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tRefreshes the dynamic leased object views.\n"); sb.append("\t-scheduleReportJob <ReportName> [-hour <hh>] [-minute <mm]>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tSchedules <ReportName> daily at specified hour and specified minute.\n"); sb.append("\t-scheduleTimelimitJob -hour <hh> [-minute <mm>]\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tSchedules the Timelimit job daily at specified hour and specified minute.\n"); sb.append("\t-unscheduleJob <Job Name>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tRemoves scheduling for <Job Name>. Use -showJobs to get a list of scheduled jobs.\n"); sb.append("\t-showJobs\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tLists names of all scheduled jobs. Use these names for -unscheduleJob.\n"); sb.append("\t-showReports\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tLists all reports defined in the application.\n"); sb.append("\t-importLayouts <directory>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tImports all layouts contained in the given directory (on the client side).\n"); sb.append("\t-exportLayouts <directory>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tExports all layouts to the given output directory (on the client side).\n"); sb.append("\t-importRules <input directory>\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tImports all business rules (without usages) contained in the given directory (on the client side).\n"); sb.append("\t-exportRules <output directory>\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tExports all business rules (without usages) to an empty output directory (on the client side).\n"); sb.append("\t-executeTimelimitRule <rule name>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tExecutes a timelimit rule immediately.\n"); sb.append("\t-importTimelimitRules <input directory>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tImports all timelimit rules contained in the given directory (on the client side).\n"); sb.append("\t-exportTimelimitRules <output directory>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tExports all timelimit rules to an empty output directory (on the client side).\n"); sb.append("\t-setUserPreferences <user name> <file name>\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tStores the contents of the file with the given name as the preferences for the user with the given name.\n"); sb.append("\t-resetUserPreferences <user name>\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tResets the preferences for the user with the given name.\n"); sb.append("\t-compileAllRules\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tCompiles all rules.\n"); sb.append("\t-compilealltimelimitrules\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tCompiles all Timelimit rules.\n"); sb.append("\t-checkMasterDataValues\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tChecks all masterdata records against masterdata meta information (field length, not null etc.). Will take a long time!\n"); sb.append("\t-developer\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tShows commands only relevant for developing.\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tPrefix, suffix and extension may contain wildcards, but prefix must not be or contain *.\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tSpecification of logfile path and/or name without extension, default is ImportLog.\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tIndication of path for logging is recommended. Path or Filenames with blanks have to be quoted.\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tIf no remark text is given, default is \"Migration Altakten\". Quote text if more than one word.\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tDefault for deletion of source files ist false.\n"); sb.append("\t-removeimporteddocuments [-remark <text>] [-logfile <base file name or path>]\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tRemoves prior added documents from assets, optional filtert by the given remark during import.\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tIf no remark text is given, default is \"Migration Altakten\". Quote text if more than one word.\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tSpecification of logfile path and/or name without extension, default is Remove.\n"); sb.append( "\t\t\tIndication of path for logging is recommended. Path or Filenames with blanks have to be quoted.\n"); sb.append("\t-migrationService [-logfile <filename>] [-undo]\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tMigrate entries from assetinformation to assetservice.\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tUse -undo to revert all changes.\n"); sb.append("\t-compileDbObjects\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tcompile all invalid db functins and views.\n"); sb.append( "\t-sendMessage -message <message text> [-user <username>] [-priority <high, normal, low>] [-author <author>]\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tsend a message to the specified user (or all users if no one is specified).\n"); sb.append("\t-killSession [-user <username>]\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tkill the client of the specified user (or all users if no one is specified).\n"); sb.append("\t-invalidatAllCaches\n"); sb.append("\t\t\tinvalide all server side caches.\n"); sb.append("\t-rebuildConstraints\n"); sb.append("\t\t\rebuilds all unique and foreign constraints.\n"); return sb.toString(); } /** * directly called by GUI (already logged in) - called by console's main method * @param asArgs * @param bCalledByConsole */ public void parseAndInvoke(String[] asArgs, boolean bCalledByConsole) throws Exception { final long lStartTime = new Date().getTime(); if (asArgs == null || asArgs.length == 0) { System.out.println(getUsage()); return; } final String sCommand = asArgs[0]; final String sCommandLowerCase = sCommand.toLowerCase(); parseAndInvoke(sCommand, sCommandLowerCase, asArgs, bCalledByConsole); System.out.println("NuclosConsole finished in " + ( - lStartTime) + " ms"); } protected void parseAndInvoke(String sCommand, String sCommandLowerCase, String[] asArgs, boolean bCalledByConsole) throws Exception { if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_INVALIDATE_ATTRIBUTECACHE)) { invalidateAttributeCache(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_INVALIDATE_RULECACHE)) { invalidateRuleCache(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_REFRESHVIEWS)) { refreshViews(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_UNSCHEDULE_JOB)) { if (asArgs.length < 2) { System.out.println("Missing argument <ReportName> for command " + sCommand + "\n"); System.out.println(getUsage()); if (bCalledByConsole) { System.exit(-1); } else { return; } } unscheduleJob(asArgs[1]); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_SHOWJOBS)) { showJobs(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_SHOWREPORTS)) { showReports(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_IMPORTLAYOUTS)) { checkForImportExportParameters(asArgs, false); final String sInputDir = asArgs[1]; importLayouts(sInputDir); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_EXPORTLAYOUTS)) { checkForImportExportParameters(asArgs, true); final String sOutputDir = asArgs[1]; exportLayouts(sOutputDir); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_IMPORTRULES)) { checkForImportExportParameters(asArgs, false); final String sInputDir = asArgs[1]; importRules(sInputDir); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_EXPORTRULES)) { checkForImportExportParameters(asArgs, true); final String sOutputDir = asArgs[1]; exportRules(sOutputDir); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_IMPORTTIMELIMITRULES)) { checkForImportExportParameters(asArgs, false); final String sInputDir = asArgs[1]; importTimelimitRules(sInputDir); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_EXPORTTIMELIMITRULES)) { checkForImportExportParameters(asArgs, true); final String sOutputDir = asArgs[1]; exportTimelimitRules(sOutputDir); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_EXECUTE_TIMELIMITRULE_NOW)) { if (asArgs.length < 2) { System.out.println("Missing argument <rule name> for command " + sCommand + "\n"); System.out.println(getUsage()); if (bCalledByConsole) { System.exit(-1); } else { return; } } executeTimelimitJobNow(asArgs[1]); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_SETUSERPREFERENCES)) { if (asArgs.length < 3) { System.out.println(getUsage()); } final String sUserName = asArgs[1]; final String sFileName = asArgs[2]; setUserPreferences(sUserName, sFileName); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_RESETUSERPREFERENCES)) { if (asArgs.length < 2) { System.out.println(getUsage()); } final String sUserName = asArgs[1]; resetUserPreferences(sUserName); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals("-dosomethinguseful")) { doSomethingUseful(asArgs); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_SHOWDEVELOPERCOMMANDS)) { printDeveloperCommands(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_INVALIDATE_METADATACACHE)) { System.out.println("Invalidating metadata cache..."); masterDataFacadeRemote.revalidateMasterDataMetaCache(); System.out.println("done"); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_INVALIDATE_DATASOURCECACHE)) { System.out.println("Invalidating datasource cache..."); datasourceFacadeRemote.invalidateCache(); System.out.println("done"); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_VALIDATEOBJECTGENERATIONS)) { validateObjectGenerations(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_CHECKMASTERDATAVALUES)) { String filename = "masterdata.csv"; if (asArgs.length < 2) { System.out.println("No file name specified. Default is: " + filename + "\n"); } else { filename = asArgs[1]; } checkMasterDataValues(filename); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_COMPILEDBOBJECTS)) { compileDBObjects(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_REBUILD_CONSTRAINTS.toLowerCase())) { rebuildConstraints(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_SENDMESSAGE)) { String sMessage = null; String sUser = null; String sAuthor = "Administrator"; Priority priority = Priority.HIGH; if (asArgs.length >= 2) { for (int i = 1; i < asArgs.length; i++) { if (asArgs[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-user") && i + 1 < asArgs.length) { sUser = asArgs[i + 1]; } else if (asArgs[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-priority") && i + 1 < asArgs.length) { String sPrio = asArgs[i + 1]; if (sPrio.equalsIgnoreCase("hoch") || sPrio.equalsIgnoreCase("high")) { priority = Priority.HIGH; } else if (sPrio.equalsIgnoreCase("normal")) { priority = Priority.NORMAL; } else if (sPrio.equalsIgnoreCase("niedrig") || sPrio.equalsIgnoreCase("low")) { priority = Priority.LOW; } else { throw new CommonBusinessException("Unknown priority \"" + sPrio + "\". Use one of: " + Priority.HIGH + ", " + Priority.NORMAL + ", " + Priority.LOW); } } else if (asArgs[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-message") && i + 1 < asArgs.length) { sMessage = asArgs[i + 1]; } else if (asArgs[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-author") && i + 1 < asArgs.length) { sAuthor = asArgs[i + 1]; } } if (sMessage != null) { sendMessage(sMessage, sUser, priority, sAuthor); } else { throw new CommonBusinessException("Missing argument -message\n"); } } else { throw new CommonBusinessException("Missing arguments for sendMessage\n" + getUsage()); } } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_KILLSESSION)) { String sUser = null; if (asArgs.length >= 2) { for (int i = 1; i < asArgs.length; i++) { if (asArgs[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-user") && i + 1 < asArgs.length) { sUser = asArgs[i + 1]; } } } killSession(sUser); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_INVALIDATEALLCACHES)) { invalidatAllCaches(); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_MIGRATESEARCHFILTER)) { MigrateSearchFilterPreferences.getInstance().migrate(sUserName); } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_NUCLET_GENERATION_CREATE_EMPTY_XLSX_FILE.toLowerCase())) { NucletGenerator generator = new NucletGenerator(); if (asArgs.length == 2) { generator.createEmptyXLSXFile(asArgs[1]); } else { generator.createEmptyXLSXFile(); } } else if (sCommandLowerCase.equals(CMD_NUCLET_GENERATION_FROM_XLSX.toLowerCase())) { NucletGenerator generator = new NucletGenerator(); if (asArgs.length == 2) { generator.generateNucletFromXLSX(asArgs[1]); } else { generator.generateNucletFromXLSX(); } } else { throw new CommonBusinessException("Unknown command: " + sCommand + "\n" + getUsage()); } } private void invalidatAllCaches() throws CommonRemoteException, RemoteException, CommonFatalException { System.out.println(consoleFacadeRemote.invalidateAllCaches()); } private void killSession(String user) throws RemoteException { consoleFacadeRemote.killSession(user); } private void sendMessage(String sMessage, String sUser, Priority priority, String sAuthor) throws RemoteException { consoleFacadeRemote.sendClientNotification(sMessage, sUser, priority, sAuthor); } /** * Check the given parameters for import or export use cases. Give explicit error description if necessary. * @param args all arguments to the use case * @param bDirectoryMayBeEmpty * @throws CommonBusinessException */ private void checkForImportExportParameters(String[] args, boolean bDirectoryMayBeEmpty) throws CommonBusinessException { if (args.length < 2) { throw new CommonBusinessException( "Name of " + (bDirectoryMayBeEmpty ? "empty " : "") + "directory must be given."); } if (args.length > 2) { throw new CommonBusinessException("Too many parameters - maybe enclosing quotation marks missing?"); } } private void compileDBObjects() throws RemoteException, SQLException { consoleFacadeRemote.compileInvalidDbObjects(); } private void rebuildConstraints() { String[] result = consoleFacadeRemote.rebuildConstraints(); if (result != null) { for (String s : result) { System.out.println(s); } } } /** * Validate all masterdata entries against their meta information (length, format, min, max etc.). * @param filename the name of the csv file to which the results are written. */ private void checkMasterDataValues(String filename) { // iterate over masterdata meta cache; masterdatafacade.get(entity) to get all; validate each cvo MasterDataDelegate.getInstance().checkMasterDataValues(filename); } /** * Check and eliminate attributes from object generation which are not valid in the context * todo: check validity of subentities here also! */ private void validateObjectGenerations() { System.out.println("validateObjectGenerations start ..."); attributeCache.fill(); final GenericObjectMetaDataCache lometacache = GenericObjectMetaDataCache.getInstance(); for (MasterDataVO mdvoGeneration : MasterDataDelegate.getInstance() .getMasterData(NuclosEntity.GENERATION.getEntityName())) { final Collection<String> collSourceAttributeNames = lometacache.getAttributeNamesByModuleId( mdvoGeneration.getField("sourceModuleId", Integer.class), Boolean.FALSE); final Collection<String> collTargetAttributeNames = lometacache.getAttributeNamesByModuleId( mdvoGeneration.getField("targetModuleId", Integer.class), Boolean.FALSE); final Collection<String> collAttributeNames = CollectionUtils.intersection(collSourceAttributeNames, collTargetAttributeNames); final Collection<EntityObjectVO> coll = MasterDataDelegate.getInstance().getDependantMasterData( NuclosEntity.GENERATIONATTRIBUTE.getEntityName(), "generation", mdvoGeneration.getId()); for (EntityObjectVO mdvoAttribute : coll) { if (!collAttributeNames.contains(mdvoAttribute.getField("attribute", String.class))) { try { MasterDataDelegate.getInstance().remove(NuclosEntity.GENERATIONATTRIBUTE.getEntityName(), DalSupportForMD.wrapEntityObjectVO(mdvoAttribute), null); } catch (CommonBusinessException e) { // Ok! (tp) e.printStackTrace(); } } } } System.out.println("validateObjectGenerations finished"); } private void printDeveloperCommands() { System.out.println("Developer commands:\n"); System.out.println("\t-invalidatemasterdatametacache"); System.out.println( "\t\t\tFills the masterdata cache of the server newly with values, so it is not necessary to restart the server (but the client still)"); } /** * This is a temporary hack that may be used for quick migrations etc. * @param asArgs * @todo create a server-side pendant doSomethingUseful(asArgs) in your favorite FacadeBean. */ private void doSomethingUseful(String[] asArgs) { // today, we're generating stupid sql inserts out of metadata information: } /** * called if real console is required (shell) * @param asArgs */ public static void main(String[] asArgs) { final NuclosConsole dut = NuclosConsole.getInstance(); try { if (asArgs.length < 4) { System.out.println("Missing command.\n\n"); System.out.println(dut.getUsage()); System.exit(-1); } dut.login(asArgs[0], asArgs[1]); try { final String[] asParamsWithoutLoginInfo = new String[asArgs.length - 3]; for (int i = 3; i < asArgs.length; i++) { asParamsWithoutLoginInfo[i - 3] = asArgs[i]; } NuclosConsole.getInstance().parseAndInvoke(asParamsWithoutLoginInfo, true); } finally { dut.logout(); } System.exit(0); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex) { // Ok! (tp) System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ok! (tp) ex.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(-1); } } /** * A FileFilter accepting all files that end with the given suffix. */ private static class SuffixFileFilter implements FileFilter { private final String sSuffix; /** * @param sSuffix * @precondition sSuffix.startsWith(".") */ SuffixFileFilter(String sSuffix) { if (sSuffix == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("sSuffix"); } if (!sSuffix.startsWith(".")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sSuffix"); } this.sSuffix = sSuffix; } @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(sSuffix); } } } // class NuclosConsole