Java tutorial
/* * (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e. V. <> * * This file is part of the Kitodo project. * * It is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later. * * For the full copyright and license information, please read the * GPL3-License.txt file that was distributed with this source code. */ package org.kitodo.production.exporter; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading.FileChangedReloadingStrategy; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jaxen.JaxenException; import org.jaxen.jdom.JDOMXPath; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.jdom.transform.XSLTransformException; import org.jdom.transform.XSLTransformer; import org.kitodo.config.ConfigCore; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class provides xml logfile generation. After the generation the file * will be written to user home directory * * @author Robert Sehr * @author Steffen Hankiewicz * */ public class ExportXmlLog { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ExportXmlLog.class); private static final String LABEL = "label"; private static final String NAMESPACE = ""; private static final String PROPERTIES = "properties"; private static final String PROPERTY = "property"; private static final String PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER = "propertyIdentifier"; private static final String VALUE = "value"; /** * This method exports the production metadata as xml to a given directory. * * @param process * the process to export * @param destination * the destination to write the file */ public void startExport(Process process, String destination) throws IOException { try (FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(destination)) { startExport(process, ostream); } } /** * Start export. * * @param process * Process object * @param dest * File */ public void startExport(Process process, File dest) throws IOException { try (FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(dest)) { startExport(process, ostream); } } /** * This method exports the production metadata as xml to a given stream. * * @param process * the process to export * @param os * the OutputStream to write the contents to */ private void startExport(Process process, OutputStream os) throws IOException { Document doc = createDocument(process, true); XMLOutputter outp = new XMLOutputter(); outp.setFormat(Format.getPrettyFormat()); outp.output(doc, os); } /** * This method exports the production metadata as xml to a given stream. * * @param processList * list of Process' objects * @param outputStream * object * @param xslt * String */ public void startExport(Iterable<Process> processList, OutputStream outputStream, String xslt) throws IOException { Document answer = new Document(); Element root = new Element("processes"); answer.setRootElement(root); Namespace xmlns = Namespace.getNamespace(NAMESPACE); root.setNamespace(xmlns); addNamespaceDeclaration(root); for (Process p : processList) { Document doc = createDocument(p, false); Element processRoot = doc.getRootElement(); processRoot.detach(); root.addContent(processRoot); } XMLOutputter outp = new XMLOutputter(); outp.output(answer, outputStream); } /** * This method creates a new xml document with process metadata. * * @param process * the process to export * @return a new xml document */ private Document createDocument(Process process, boolean addNamespace) { Element processElement = new Element("process"); processElement.setAttribute("processID", String.valueOf(process.getId())); Namespace xmlns = Namespace.getNamespace(NAMESPACE); processElement.setNamespace(xmlns); // namespace declaration if (addNamespace) { addNamespaceDeclaration(processElement); } // process information List<Element> processElements = getProcessInformation(xmlns, process); processElement.setContent(processElements); return new Document(processElement); } private void addNamespaceDeclaration(Element element) { Namespace xsi = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", ""); element.addNamespaceDeclaration(xsi); Attribute attSchema = new Attribute("schemaLocation", NAMESPACE + " XML-logfile.xsd", xsi); element.setAttribute(attSchema); } private List<Element> getProcessInformation(Namespace xmlns, Process process) { List<Element> processElements = new ArrayList<>(); Element processTitle = new Element("title", xmlns); processTitle.setText(process.getTitle()); processElements.add(processTitle); Element project = new Element("project", xmlns); project.setText(process.getProject().getTitle()); processElements.add(project); Element date = new Element("time", xmlns); date.setAttribute("type", "creation date"); date.setText(String.valueOf(process.getCreationDate())); processElements.add(date); Element ruleset = new Element("ruleset", xmlns); ruleset.setText(process.getRuleset().getFile()); processElements.add(ruleset); Element comment = new Element("comment", xmlns); comment.setText(process.getWikiField()); processElements.add(comment); StringBuilder batches = new StringBuilder(); for (Batch batch : process.getBatches()) { if (Objects.nonNull(batch.getType())) { batches.append(ServiceManager.getBatchService().getTypeTranslated(batch)); batches.append(": "); } if (batches.length() != 0) { batches.append(", "); } batches.append(ServiceManager.getBatchService().getLabel(batch)); } if (batches.length() != 0) { Element batch = new Element("batch", xmlns); batch.setText(batches.toString()); processElements.add(batch); } List<Element> processProperties = prepareProperties(process.getProperties(), xmlns); if (!processProperties.isEmpty()) { Element properties = new Element(PROPERTIES, xmlns); properties.addContent(processProperties); processElements.add(properties); } // task information Element tasks = getTasksElement(process.getTasks(), xmlns); processElements.add(tasks); // template information Element templates = new Element("originals", xmlns); List<Element> templateElements = new ArrayList<>(); Element template = getTemplateElement(process, xmlns); templateElements.add(template); templates.addContent(templateElements); processElements.add(templates); // digital document information List<Element> docElements = new ArrayList<>(); Element dd = new Element("digitalDocument", xmlns); dd.setAttribute("digitalDocumentID", String.valueOf(process.getId())); List<Element> docProperties = prepareProperties(process.getWorkpieces(), xmlns); if (!docProperties.isEmpty()) { Element properties = new Element(PROPERTIES, xmlns); properties.addContent(docProperties); dd.addContent(properties); } docElements.add(dd); Element digdoc = new Element("digitalDocuments", xmlns); digdoc.addContent(docElements); processElements.add(digdoc); // METS information Element metsElement = new Element("metsInformation", xmlns); List<Element> metadataElements = getMetadataElements(xmlns, process); metsElement.addContent(metadataElements); processElements.add(metsElement); return processElements; } private Element getTasksElement(List<Task> tasks, Namespace xmlns) { // step information Element steps = new Element("steps", xmlns); List<Element> stepElements = new ArrayList<>(); for (Task task : tasks) { Element stepElement = new Element("step", xmlns); stepElement.setAttribute("stepID", String.valueOf(task.getId())); Element stepTitle = new Element("title", xmlns); stepTitle.setText(task.getTitle()); stepElement.addContent(stepTitle); Element state = new Element("processingstatus", xmlns); state.setText(String.valueOf(task.getProcessingStatus().getValue())); stepElement.addContent(state); Element begin = new Element("time", xmlns); begin.setAttribute("type", "start time"); begin.setText(String.valueOf(task.getProcessingBegin())); stepElement.addContent(begin); Element end = new Element("time", xmlns); end.setAttribute("type", "end time"); end.setText(String.valueOf(ServiceManager.getTaskService().getProcessingEndAsFormattedString(task))); stepElement.addContent(end); if (isNonOpenStateAndHasRegularUser(task)) { Element user = new Element("user", xmlns); user.setText(ServiceManager.getUserService().getFullName(task.getProcessingUser())); stepElement.addContent(user); } Element editType = new Element("edittype", xmlns); editType.setText(task.getEditType().getTitle()); stepElement.addContent(editType); stepElements.add(stepElement); } steps.addContent(stepElements); return steps; } private Element getTemplateElement(Process process, Namespace xmlns) { Element template = new Element("original", xmlns); template.setAttribute("originalID", String.valueOf(process.getId())); List<Element> templateProperties = new ArrayList<>(); for (Property property : process.getTemplates()) { Element propertyElement = preparePropertyElement(xmlns, property); Element label = new Element(LABEL, xmlns); label.setText(property.getTitle()); propertyElement.addContent(label); templateProperties.add(propertyElement); if (property.getTitle().equals("Signatur")) { Element secondProperty = new Element(PROPERTY, xmlns); secondProperty.setAttribute(PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER, property.getTitle() + "Encoded"); if (Objects.nonNull(property.getValue())) { secondProperty.setAttribute(VALUE, "vorl:" + replacer(property.getValue())); Element secondLabel = new Element(LABEL, xmlns); secondLabel.setText(property.getTitle()); secondProperty.addContent(secondLabel); templateProperties.add(secondProperty); } } } if (!templateProperties.isEmpty()) { Element properties = new Element(PROPERTIES, xmlns); properties.addContent(templateProperties); template.addContent(properties); } return template; } private List<Element> prepareProperties(List<Property> properties, Namespace xmlns) { List<Element> preparedProperties = new ArrayList<>(); for (Property property : properties) { Element propertyElement = preparePropertyElement(xmlns, property); Element label = new Element(LABEL, xmlns); label.setText(property.getTitle()); propertyElement.addContent(label); preparedProperties.add(propertyElement); } return preparedProperties; } private Element preparePropertyElement(Namespace xmlns, Property property) { Element propertyElement = new Element(PROPERTY, xmlns); propertyElement.setAttribute(PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER, property.getTitle()); if (Objects.nonNull(property.getValue())) { propertyElement.setAttribute(VALUE, replacer(property.getValue())); } else { propertyElement.setAttribute(VALUE, ""); } return propertyElement; } private void prepareMetadataElements(List<Element> metadataElements, Map<String, String> fields, Document document, HashMap<String, Namespace> namespaces, Namespace xmlns) throws JaxenException { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : fields.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); List<Element> metsValues = getMetsValues(entry.getValue(), document, namespaces); for (Element element : metsValues) { Element ele = new Element(PROPERTY, xmlns); ele.setAttribute("name", key); ele.addContent(element.getTextTrim()); metadataElements.add(ele); } } } private List<Element> getMetadataElements(Namespace xmlns, Process process) { List<Element> metadataElements = new ArrayList<>(); try { URI metadataFilePath = ServiceManager.getFileService().getMetadataFilePath(process); Document metsDoc = new SAXBuilder() .build(ServiceManager.getFileService().getFile(metadataFilePath).toString()); Document anchorDoc = null; URI anchorFileName = URI.create(ServiceManager.getFileService().getMetadataFilePath(process).toString() .replace("meta.xml", "meta_anchor.xml")); if (ServiceManager.getFileService().fileExist(anchorFileName) && ServiceManager.getFileService().canRead(anchorFileName)) { anchorDoc = new SAXBuilder() .build(ServiceManager.getFileService().getFile(metadataFilePath).toString()); } HashMap<String, Namespace> namespaces = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, String> names = getNamespacesFromConfig(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : names.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); namespaces.put(key, Namespace.getNamespace(key, entry.getValue())); } HashMap<String, String> fields = getMetsFieldsFromConfig(false); prepareMetadataElements(metadataElements, fields, metsDoc, namespaces, xmlns); if (Objects.nonNull(anchorDoc)) { fields = getMetsFieldsFromConfig(true); prepareMetadataElements(metadataElements, fields, anchorDoc, namespaces, xmlns); } } catch (IOException | JDOMException | JaxenException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return metadataElements; } /** * Get METS values. * * @param expr * String * @param element * Object * @param namespaces * HashMap * @return list of elements */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Element> getMetsValues(String expr, Object element, Map<String, Namespace> namespaces) throws JaxenException { JDOMXPath xpath = new JDOMXPath(expr.trim().replace("\n", "")); // Add all namespaces for (Map.Entry<String, Namespace> entry : namespaces.entrySet()) { xpath.addNamespace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getURI()); } return xpath.selectNodes(element); } /** * This method transforms the xml log using a xslt file and opens a new window * with the output file. * * @param out * ServletOutputStream * @param doc * the xml document to transform * @param filename * the filename of the xslt */ private void xmlTransformation(OutputStream out, Document doc, String filename) throws XSLTransformException, IOException { Document docTrans; if (Objects.nonNull(filename) && filename.isEmpty()) { XSLTransformer transformer; transformer = new XSLTransformer(filename); docTrans = transformer.transform(doc); } else { docTrans = doc; } Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat(); format.setEncoding(; XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter(format); xmlOut.output(docTrans, out); } public void startTransformation(OutputStream out, Process p, String filename) throws XSLTransformException, IOException { startTransformation(p, out, filename); } private void startTransformation(Process p, OutputStream out, String filename) throws XSLTransformException, IOException { Document doc = createDocument(p, true); xmlTransformation(out, doc, filename); } private String replacer(String in) { in = in.replace("", "?"); in = in.replace("^", "?"); in = in.replace("|", "?"); in = in.replace(">", "?"); in = in.replace("<", "?"); return in; } private HashMap<String, String> getMetsFieldsFromConfig(boolean useAnchor) { String xmlpath = "mets." + PROPERTY; if (useAnchor) { xmlpath = "anchor." + PROPERTY; } HashMap<String, String> fields = new HashMap<>(); try { File file = new File(ConfigCore.getKitodoConfigDirectory() + "kitodo_exportXml.xml"); if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) { XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration(file); config.setListDelimiter('&'); config.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy()); int count = config.getMaxIndex(xmlpath); for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) { String name = config.getString(xmlpath + "(" + i + ")[@name]"); String value = config.getString(xmlpath + "(" + i + ")[@value]"); fields.put(name, value); } } } catch (ConfigurationException | RuntimeException e) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); fields = new HashMap<>(); } return fields; } private HashMap<String, String> getNamespacesFromConfig() { HashMap<String, String> nss = new HashMap<>(); try { File file = new File(ConfigCore.getKitodoConfigDirectory() + "kitodo_exportXml.xml"); if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) { XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration(file); config.setListDelimiter('&'); config.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy()); int count = config.getMaxIndex("namespace"); for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) { String name = config.getString("namespace(" + i + ")[@name]"); String value = config.getString("namespace(" + i + ")[@value]"); nss.put(name, value); } } } catch (ConfigurationException | RuntimeException e) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); nss = new HashMap<>(); } return nss; } /** * Check task for non-open step state and step has a regular user assigned. * * @param task * task to check * @return boolean */ private boolean isNonOpenStateAndHasRegularUser(Task task) { return !TaskStatus.OPEN.equals(task.getProcessingStatus()) && Objects.nonNull(task.getProcessingUser()) && task.getProcessingUser().getId() != 0 && Objects.nonNull(ServiceManager.getUserService().getFullName(task.getProcessingUser())); } }