Java tutorial
/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at */ package; import android.content.res.*; import android.os.*; import*; import android.view.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import org.jitsi.*; import*; import*; import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.*; import org.jitsi.service.osgi.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; // Disambiguation /** * Dialog fragment displaying technical call information. * To create dialog instance factory method {@link #newInstance(String)} * should be used. As an argument it takes the call key that identifies a call * in {@link CallManager}. * * @author Pawel Domas */ public class CallInfoDialogFragment extends OSGiDialogFragment { /** * The extra key pointing to the "call key" that will be used to retrieve * active call from {@link CallManager}. */ public static final String CALL_KEY_EXTRA = "CALL_KEY"; /** * Unicode constant for up arrow. */ private static final String UP_ARROW = "\u2191"; /** * Unicode constant for down arrow. */ private static final String DOWN_ARROW = "\u2193"; /** * The call handled by this dialog. */ private Call call; /** * Reference to the thread that calculates media statistics and updates * the view. */ private InfoUpdateThread pollingThread; /** * Factory method that creates new dialog fragment and injects the * <tt>callKey</tt> into the dialog arguments bundle. * * @param callKey the key string that identifies active call in * {@link CallManager}. * * @return new, parametrized instance of {@link CallInfoDialogFragment}. */ public static CallInfoDialogFragment newInstance(String callKey) { CallInfoDialogFragment f = new CallInfoDialogFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(CALL_KEY_EXTRA, callKey); f.setArguments(args); return f; } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Retrieves the call from manager. String callKey = getArguments().getString(CALL_KEY_EXTRA); = CallManager.getActiveCall(callKey); // Inflates the view. View main = inflater.inflate(R.layout.call_info, container, true); // Sets the title. getDialog().setTitle(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_TECHNICAL_CALL_INFO); return main; } /** * Triggers the view update on UI thread. */ private void updateView() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doUpdateView(); } }); } /** * Sets given <tt>text</tt> on the <tt>TextView</tt> identified by the * <tt>id</tt>. The <tt>TextView</tt> must be inside the view hierarchy. * * @param id the id of <tt>TextView</tt> we want to edit. * @param text string value that will be set on the <tt>TextView</tt>. */ private void setTextViewValue(int id, String text) { ViewUtil.setTextViewValue(getView(), id, text); } /** * Sets given <tt>text</tt> on the <tt>TextView</tt> identified by the * <tt>id</tt>. The <tt>TextView</tt> must be inside <tt>container</tt> * view hierarchy. * * @param container the <tt>View</tt> that contains the <tt>TextView</tt>. * @param id the id of <tt>TextView</tt> we want to edit. * @param text string value that will be set on the <tt>TextView</tt>. */ private void setTextViewValue(View container, int id, String text) { ViewUtil.setTextViewValue(container, id, text); } /** * Ensures that the <tt>View</tt> is currently in visible or hidden state * which depends on <tt>isVisible</tt> flag. * * @param container parent <tt>View</tt> that contains displayed * <tt>View</tt>. * @param viewId the id of <tt>View</tt> that will be shown/hidden. * @param isVisible flag telling whether the <tt>View</tt> has to be shown * or hidden. */ private void ensureVisible(View container, int viewId, boolean isVisible) { ViewUtil.ensureVisible(container, viewId, isVisible); } /** * Updates the view to display actual call information. */ private void doUpdateView() { CallConference conference = call.getConference(); List<Call> calls = conference.getCalls(); Call aCall = calls.get(0); // Identity. setTextViewValue(, aCall.getProtocolProvider().getAccountID().getDisplayName()); // Peer count. setTextViewValue(, String.valueOf(conference.getCallPeerCount())); // Conference focus. setTextViewValue(, String.valueOf(conference.isConferenceFocus())); // Preferred transport. TransportProtocol preferredTransport = aCall.getProtocolProvider().getTransportProtocol(); setTextViewValue(, preferredTransport.toString()); constructPeerInfo(conference.getCallPeers().get(0)); } /** * Constructs peer info. * * @param callPeer the <tt>CallPeer</tt>, for which we'll construct * the info. */ private void constructPeerInfo(CallPeer callPeer) { // Peer name. setTextViewValue(, callPeer.getAddress()); // Call duration. Date startTime = new Date(callPeer.getCallDurationStartTime()); String durationStr = GuiUtils.formatTime(startTime.getTime(), System.currentTimeMillis()); setTextViewValue(, durationStr); CallPeerMediaHandler<?> callPeerMediaHandler = null; if (callPeer instanceof MediaAwareCallPeer) { callPeerMediaHandler = ((MediaAwareCallPeer<?, ?, ?>) callPeer).getMediaHandler(); } // Audio stream info. updateAudioVideoInfo(callPeerMediaHandler, MediaType.AUDIO); // Video stream info. updateAudioVideoInfo(callPeerMediaHandler, MediaType.VIDEO); // ICE info. updateIceSection(callPeerMediaHandler); } /** * Updates section displaying ICE information for given * <tt>callPeerMediaHandler</tt>. * * @param callPeerMediaHandler the call peer for which ICE information will * be displayed. */ private void updateIceSection(CallPeerMediaHandler<?> callPeerMediaHandler) { // ICE state. String iceState = null; if (callPeerMediaHandler != null) { iceState = callPeerMediaHandler.getICEState(); } boolean iceStateVisible = iceState != null && !iceState.equals("Terminated"); ensureVisible(getView(),, iceStateVisible); ensureVisible(getView(),, iceStateVisible); if (iceStateVisible) { Resources resources = getResources(); int strId = resources.getIdentifier("service_gui_callinfo_ICE_STATE_" + iceState.toUpperCase(), "string", getActivity().getPackageName()); setTextViewValue(, resources.getString(strId)); } // Total harvesting time. long harvestingTime = 0; if (callPeerMediaHandler != null) { harvestingTime = callPeerMediaHandler.getTotalHarvestingTime(); } boolean isTotalHarvestTime = harvestingTime != 0; ensureVisible(getView(),, isTotalHarvestTime); ensureVisible(getView(),, isTotalHarvestTime); if (isTotalHarvestTime) { String harvestStr = getHarvestTimeStr(harvestingTime, callPeerMediaHandler.getNbHarvesting()); setTextViewValue(getView(),, harvestStr); } // Current harvester time if ICE agent is harvesting. String[] harvesterNames = { "GoogleTurnCandidateHarvester", "GoogleTurnSSLCandidateHarvester", "HostCandidateHarvester", "JingleNodesHarvester", "StunCandidateHarvester", "TurnCandidateHarvester", "UPNPHarvester" }; int[] harvesterLabels = {,,,,,, }; int[] harvesterValues = {,,,,,, }; for (int i = 0; i < harvesterLabels.length; ++i) { harvestingTime = 0; if (callPeerMediaHandler != null) { harvestingTime = callPeerMediaHandler.getHarvestingTime(harvesterNames[i]); } boolean visible = harvestingTime != 0; ensureVisible(getView(), harvesterLabels[i], visible); ensureVisible(getView(), harvesterValues[i], visible); if (visible) { int harvestCount = callPeerMediaHandler.getNbHarvesting(harvesterNames[i]); setTextViewValue(getView(), harvesterValues[i], getHarvestTimeStr(harvestingTime, harvestCount)); } } } /** * Constructs a string describing harvesting time. * * @param harvestingTime the harvesting time in ms. * @param harvestCount harvest count. * @return string describing harvesting time. */ private String getHarvestTimeStr(long harvestingTime, int harvestCount) { StringBuilder harvestStr = new StringBuilder(); harvestStr.append(harvestingTime); harvestStr.append(" "); harvestStr.append(getString(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_HARVESTING_MS_FOR)); harvestStr.append(" "); harvestStr.append(harvestCount); harvestStr.append(getString(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_HARVESTS)); return harvestStr.toString(); } /** * Creates the string for the stream encryption method (null, MIKEY, * SDES, ZRTP) used for a given media stream (type AUDIO or VIDEO). * * @param callPeerMediaHandler The media handler containing the different * media streams. * @param mediaStream the <tt>MediaStream</tt> that gives us access to * audio/video info. * @param mediaType The media type used to determine which stream of the * media handler must returns it encryption method. */ private String getStreamEncryptionMethod(CallPeerMediaHandler<?> callPeerMediaHandler, MediaStream mediaStream, MediaType mediaType) { Resources resources = getResources(); String transportProtocolString = ""; StreamConnector.Protocol transportProtocol = mediaStream.getTransportProtocol(); if (transportProtocol != null) { transportProtocolString = transportProtocol.toString(); } String rtpType; SrtpControl srtpControl = callPeerMediaHandler.getEncryptionMethod(mediaType); // If the stream is secured. if (srtpControl != null) { String info; if (srtpControl instanceof ZrtpControl) { info = "ZRTP " + ((ZrtpControl) srtpControl).getCipherString(); } else { info = "SDES"; } rtpType = resources.getString(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_MEDIA_STREAM_SRTP) + " (" + resources.getString(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_KEY_EXCHANGE_PROTOCOL) + ": " + info + ")"; } // If the stream is not secured. else { rtpType = resources.getString(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_MEDIA_STREAM_RTP); } return transportProtocolString + " / " + rtpType; } /** * Updates audio video peer info. * * @param callPeerMediaHandler The <tt>CallPeerMadiaHandler</tt> containing * the AUDIO/VIDEO stream. * @param mediaType The media type used to determine which stream of the * media handler will be used. */ private void updateAudioVideoInfo(CallPeerMediaHandler<?> callPeerMediaHandler, MediaType mediaType) { View container = mediaType == MediaType.AUDIO ? getView().findViewById( : getView().findViewById(; MediaStream mediaStream = callPeerMediaHandler.getStream(mediaType); MediaStreamStats mediaStreamStats = null; if (mediaStream != null) { mediaStreamStats = mediaStream.getMediaStreamStats(); } // Hides the whole section if stats are not available. ensureVisible(getView(), container.getId(), mediaStreamStats != null); if (mediaStreamStats == null) { return; } // Sets the encryption status String. setTextViewValue(container,, getStreamEncryptionMethod(callPeerMediaHandler, mediaStream, mediaType)); // Set the title label to Video info if it's a video stream. if (mediaType == MediaType.VIDEO) { setTextViewValue(container,, getString(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_VIDEO_INFO)); } boolean hasVideoSize = false; if (mediaType == MediaType.VIDEO) { Dimension downloadVideoSize = mediaStreamStats.getDownloadVideoSize(); Dimension uploadVideoSize = mediaStreamStats.getUploadVideoSize(); // Checks that at least one video stream is active. if (downloadVideoSize != null || uploadVideoSize != null) { hasVideoSize = true; setTextViewValue(container,, DOWN_ARROW + " " + this.videoSizeToString(downloadVideoSize) + " " + UP_ARROW + " " + this.videoSizeToString(uploadVideoSize)); } // Otherwise, quit the stats for this video stream. else { ensureVisible(container, container.getId(), false); return; } } // Shows video size if it's available(always false for AUDIO) ensureVisible(container,, hasVideoSize); ensureVisible(container,, hasVideoSize); // Codec. setTextViewValue(container,, mediaStreamStats.getEncoding() + " / " + mediaStreamStats.getEncodingClockRate() + " Hz"); boolean displayedIpPort = false; // ICE candidate type. String iceCandidateExtendedType = callPeerMediaHandler.getICECandidateExtendedType(mediaType.toString()); boolean iceCandidateExtVisible = iceCandidateExtendedType != null; ensureVisible(container,, iceCandidateExtVisible); ensureVisible(container,, iceCandidateExtVisible); if (iceCandidateExtVisible) { setTextViewValue(container,, iceCandidateExtendedType); displayedIpPort = true; } // Local host address. InetSocketAddress iceLocalHostAddress = callPeerMediaHandler.getICELocalHostAddress(mediaType.toString()); boolean iceLocalHostVisible = iceLocalHostAddress != null; ensureVisible(container,, iceLocalHostVisible); ensureVisible(container,, iceLocalHostVisible); if (iceLocalHostVisible) { setTextViewValue(container,, iceLocalHostAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + "/" + iceLocalHostAddress.getPort()); displayedIpPort = true; } // Local reflexive address. InetSocketAddress iceLocalReflexiveAddress = callPeerMediaHandler .getICELocalReflexiveAddress(mediaType.toString()); boolean iceLocalReflexiveVisible = iceLocalReflexiveAddress != null; ensureVisible(container,, iceLocalReflexiveVisible); ensureVisible(container,, iceLocalReflexiveVisible); if (iceLocalReflexiveVisible) { setTextViewValue(container,, iceLocalReflexiveAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + "/" + iceLocalReflexiveAddress.getPort()); displayedIpPort = true; } // Local relayed address. InetSocketAddress iceLocalRelayedAddress = callPeerMediaHandler .getICELocalRelayedAddress(mediaType.toString()); boolean iceLocalRelayedVisible = iceLocalRelayedAddress != null; ensureVisible(container,, iceLocalRelayedVisible); ensureVisible(container,, iceLocalRelayedVisible); if (iceLocalRelayedAddress != null) { setTextViewValue(container,, iceLocalRelayedAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + "/" + iceLocalRelayedAddress.getPort()); displayedIpPort = true; } // Remote relayed address. InetSocketAddress iceRemoteRelayedAddress = callPeerMediaHandler .getICERemoteRelayedAddress(mediaType.toString()); boolean isIceRemoteRelayed = iceRemoteRelayedAddress != null; ensureVisible(container,, isIceRemoteRelayed); ensureVisible(container,, isIceRemoteRelayed); if (isIceRemoteRelayed) { setTextViewValue(container,, iceRemoteRelayedAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + "/" + iceRemoteRelayedAddress.getPort()); displayedIpPort = true; } // Remote reflexive address. InetSocketAddress iceRemoteReflexiveAddress = callPeerMediaHandler .getICERemoteReflexiveAddress(mediaType.toString()); boolean isIceRemoteReflexive = iceRemoteReflexiveAddress != null; ensureVisible(container,, isIceRemoteReflexive); ensureVisible(container,, isIceRemoteReflexive); if (isIceRemoteReflexive) { setTextViewValue(container,, iceRemoteReflexiveAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + "/" + iceRemoteReflexiveAddress.getPort()); displayedIpPort = true; } // Remote host address. InetSocketAddress iceRemoteHostAddress = callPeerMediaHandler.getICERemoteHostAddress(mediaType.toString()); boolean isIceRemoteHost = iceRemoteHostAddress != null; ensureVisible(container,, isIceRemoteHost); ensureVisible(container,, isIceRemoteHost); if (isIceRemoteHost) { setTextViewValue(container,, iceRemoteHostAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + "/" + iceRemoteHostAddress.getPort()); displayedIpPort = true; } // If the stream does not use ICE, then show the transport IP/port. ensureVisible(container,, !displayedIpPort); ensureVisible(container,, !displayedIpPort); ensureVisible(container,, !displayedIpPort); ensureVisible(container,, !displayedIpPort); if (!displayedIpPort) { setTextViewValue(container,, mediaStreamStats.getLocalIPAddress() + " / " + String.valueOf(mediaStreamStats.getLocalPort())); setTextViewValue(container,, mediaStreamStats.getRemoteIPAddress() + " / " + String.valueOf(mediaStreamStats.getRemotePort())); } // Bandwidth. String bandwidthStr = DOWN_ARROW + " " + (int) mediaStreamStats.getDownloadRateKiloBitPerSec() + " Kbps " + " " + UP_ARROW + " " + (int) mediaStreamStats.getUploadRateKiloBitPerSec() + " Kbps"; setTextViewValue(container,, bandwidthStr); // Loss rate. String lossRateStr = DOWN_ARROW + " " + (int) mediaStreamStats.getDownloadPercentLoss() + "% " + UP_ARROW + " " + (int) mediaStreamStats.getUploadPercentLoss() + "%"; setTextViewValue(container,, lossRateStr); // Decoded with FEC. setTextViewValue(container,, String.valueOf(mediaStreamStats.getNbFec())); // Discarded percent. setTextViewValue(container,, String.valueOf((int) mediaStreamStats.getPercentDiscarded() + "%")); // Discarded total. String discardedTotalStr = String.valueOf(mediaStreamStats.getNbDiscarded()) + " (" + mediaStreamStats.getNbDiscardedLate() + " late, " + mediaStreamStats.getNbDiscardedFull() + " full, " + mediaStreamStats.getNbDiscardedShrink() + " shrink, " + mediaStreamStats.getNbDiscardedReset() + " reset)"; setTextViewValue(container,, discardedTotalStr); // Adaptive jitter buffer. setTextViewValue(container,, mediaStreamStats.isAdaptiveBufferEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"); // Jitter buffer delay. String jitterDelayStr = "~" + mediaStreamStats.getJitterBufferDelayMs() + "ms; currently in queue: " + mediaStreamStats.getPacketQueueCountPackets() + "/" + mediaStreamStats.getPacketQueueSize() + " packets"; setTextViewValue(container,, jitterDelayStr); // RTT String naStr = getString(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_NA); long rttMs = mediaStreamStats.getRttMs(); String rttStr = rttMs != -1 ? rttMs + " ms" : naStr; setTextViewValue(container,, rttStr); // Jitter. setTextViewValue(container,, DOWN_ARROW + " " + (int) mediaStreamStats.getDownloadJitterMs() + " ms " + UP_ARROW + (int) mediaStreamStats.getUploadJitterMs() + " ms"); } /** * Converts a video size Dimension into its String representation. * * @param videoSize The video size Dimension, containing the width and the * height of the video. * * @return The String representation of the video width and height, or a * String with "Not Available (N.A.)" if the videoSize is null. */ private String videoSizeToString(Dimension videoSize) { if (videoSize == null) { return getString(R.string.service_gui_callinfo_NA); } return ((int) videoSize.getWidth()) + " x " + ((int) videoSize.getHeight()); } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); startUpdateThread(); } @Override public void onStop() { stopUpdateThread(); super.onStop(); } /** * Starts the update thread. */ private void startUpdateThread() { this.pollingThread = new InfoUpdateThread(); pollingThread.start(); } /** * Stops the update thread ensuring that it has finished it's job. */ private void stopUpdateThread() { if (pollingThread != null) { pollingThread.ensureFinished(); pollingThread = null; } } /** * Calculates media statistics for all peers. This must be executed on non * UI thread or the network on UI thread exception will occur. */ private void updateMediaStats() { CallConference conference = call.getConference(); for (CallPeer callPeer : conference.getCallPeers()) { if (!(callPeer instanceof MediaAwareCallPeer)) { continue; } CallPeerMediaHandler<?> callPeerMediaHandler = ((MediaAwareCallPeer<?, ?, ?>) callPeer) .getMediaHandler(); if (callPeerMediaHandler == null) { continue; } calcStreamMediaStats(callPeerMediaHandler.getStream(MediaType.AUDIO)); calcStreamMediaStats(callPeerMediaHandler.getStream(MediaType.VIDEO)); } } /** * Calculates media stream statistics. * * @param mediaStream the media stream that will have it's statistics * recalculated. */ private void calcStreamMediaStats(MediaStream mediaStream) { if (mediaStream == null) return; MediaStreamStats mediaStats = mediaStream.getMediaStreamStats(); if (mediaStats != null) { mediaStats.updateStats(); } } /** * The thread that periodically recalculates media stream statistics * and triggers view updates. */ class InfoUpdateThread extends Thread { /** * The polling loop flag. */ private boolean run = true; /** * Stops and joins the thread. */ public void ensureFinished() { try { synchronized (this) { run = false; this.notify(); } this.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void run() { synchronized (this) { while (run) { try { // Recalculate statistics. updateMediaStats(); // Trigger view refresh. updateView(); this.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } } }