Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2013, MANDIANT, Eric Lordahl * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.vmware.vim25.CustomizationSpecItem; import com.vmware.vim25.GuestInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.InvalidProperty; import com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectReference; import com.vmware.vim25.OptionValue; import com.vmware.vim25.RuntimeFault; import com.vmware.vim25.TaskInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.TaskInfoState; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineCloneSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineConfigInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineConfigSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachinePowerState; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineQuestionInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineSnapshotInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineSnapshotTree; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineToolsStatus; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class VSphere { private final URL url; private final String session; private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(VSphere.class.getName()); private VSphere(@Nonnull String url, @Nonnull String user, @CheckForNull String pw) throws VSphereException { try { //TODO - change ignoreCert to be configurable this.url = new URL(url); this.session = (new ServiceInstance(this.url, user, pw, true)).getServerConnection().getSessionStr(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } private ServiceInstance getServiceInstance() throws RemoteException, MalformedURLException { return new ServiceInstance(url, session, true); } /** * Initiates Connection to vSphere Server * @param server Server URL * @param user Username. * @param pw Password. * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. * @return A connected instance. */ public static VSphere connect(@Nonnull String server, @Nonnull String user, @CheckForNull String pw) throws VSphereException { return new VSphere(server, user, pw); } /** * Disconnect from vSphere server. * <p> * Note: This logs any {@link Exception} it encounters - it does not pass * them to get to the calling method. * </p> */ public void disconnect() { try { this.getServiceInstance().getServerConnection().logout(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Caught exception when trying to disconnect vSphere.", e); } } /** * Deploys a new VM from an existing (named) Template. * * @param cloneName - name of VM to be created * @param sourceName - name of VM or template to be cloned * @param linkedClone - true if you want to re-use disk backings * @param resourcePoolName - resource pool to use * @param cluster - ComputeClusterResource to use * @param datastoreName - Datastore to use * @param folderName - Folder name or path to use * @param powerOn - If true the VM will be powered on. * @param customizationSpec - Customization spec to use for this VM * @param jLogger - Where to log to. * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public void deployVm(String cloneName, String sourceName, boolean linkedClone, String resourcePoolName, String cluster, String datastoreName, String folderName, boolean powerOn, String customizationSpec, PrintStream jLogger) throws VSphereException { final boolean useCurrentSnapshotIsFALSE = false; final String namedSnapshotIsNULL = null; final Map<String, String> extraConfigParameters = null; logMessage(jLogger, "Deploying new vm \"" + cloneName + "\" from template \"" + sourceName + "\""); cloneOrDeployVm(cloneName, sourceName, linkedClone, resourcePoolName, cluster, datastoreName, folderName, useCurrentSnapshotIsFALSE, namedSnapshotIsNULL, powerOn, extraConfigParameters, customizationSpec, jLogger); } /** * Clones a new VM from an existing (named) VM. * * @param cloneName - name of VM to be created * @param sourceName - name of VM or template to be cloned * @param linkedClone - true if you want to re-use disk backings * @param resourcePoolName - resource pool to use * @param cluster - ComputeClusterResource to use * @param datastoreName - Datastore to use * @param folderName - Folder name or path to use * @param powerOn - If true the VM will be powered on. * @param customizationSpec - Customization spec to use for this VM * @param jLogger - Where to log to. * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public void cloneVm(String cloneName, String sourceName, boolean linkedClone, String resourcePoolName, String cluster, String datastoreName, String folderName, boolean powerOn, String customizationSpec, PrintStream jLogger) throws VSphereException { final boolean useCurrentSnapshotIsTRUE = true; final String namedSnapshotIsNULL = null; final Map<String, String> extraConfigParameters = null; logMessage(jLogger, "Creating a " + (linkedClone ? "shallow" : "deep") + " clone of \"" + sourceName + "\" to \"" + cloneName + "\""); cloneOrDeployVm(cloneName, sourceName, linkedClone, resourcePoolName, cluster, datastoreName, folderName, useCurrentSnapshotIsTRUE, namedSnapshotIsNULL, powerOn, extraConfigParameters, customizationSpec, jLogger); } /** * Creates a new VM by cloning an existing VM or Template. * * @param cloneName * The name for the new VM. * @param sourceName * The name of the VM or Template that is to be cloned. * @param linkedClone * If true then the clone will be defined as a delta from the * original, rather than a "full fat" copy. If this is true then * you will need to use a snapshot. * @param resourcePoolName * (Optional) The name of the resource pool to use, or null. * @param cluster * (Optional) The name of the cluster, or null. * @param datastoreName * (Optional) The name of the data store, or null. * @param folderName * (Optional) The name or path of the VSphere folder, or null * @param useCurrentSnapshot * If true then the clone will be created from the source VM's * "current" snapshot. This means that the VM <em>must</em> have * at least one snapshot. * @param namedSnapshot * If set then the clone will be created from the source VM's * snapshot of this name. If this is set then * <code>useCurrentSnapshot</code> must not be set. * @param powerOn * If true then the new VM will be switched on after it has been * created. * @param extraConfigParameters * (Optional) parameters to set in the VM's "extra config" * object. This data can then be read back at a later stage.In * the case of parameters whose name starts "guestinfo.", the * parameter can be read by the VMware Tools on the client OS. * e.g. a variable named "guestinfo.Foo" with value "Bar" could * be read on the guest using the command-line * <tt>vmtoolsd --cmd "info-get guestinfo.Foo"</tt>. * @param customizationSpec * (Optional) Customization spec to use for this VM, or null * @param jLogger * Where to log to. * @throws VSphereException * if anything goes wrong. */ public void cloneOrDeployVm(String cloneName, String sourceName, boolean linkedClone, String resourcePoolName, String cluster, String datastoreName, String folderName, boolean useCurrentSnapshot, final String namedSnapshot, boolean powerOn, Map<String, String> extraConfigParameters, String customizationSpec, PrintStream jLogger) throws VSphereException { try { final VirtualMachine sourceVm = getVmByName(sourceName); if (sourceVm == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("VM or template", sourceName); } if (getVmByName(cloneName) != null) { throw new VSphereDuplicateException("VM", cloneName); } final VirtualMachineConfigInfo vmConfig = sourceVm.getConfig(); final boolean sourceIsATemplate = vmConfig.template; final String sourceType = sourceIsATemplate ? "Template" : "VM"; final VirtualMachineRelocateSpec rel = createRelocateSpec(jLogger, linkedClone, resourcePoolName, cluster, datastoreName, sourceIsATemplate); final VirtualMachineCloneSpec cloneSpec = createCloneSpec(rel); cloneSpec.setTemplate(false); cloneSpec.powerOn = powerOn; if (namedSnapshot != null && !namedSnapshot.isEmpty()) { if (useCurrentSnapshot) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("It is not valid to request a clone of " + sourceType + " \"" + sourceName + "\" based on its snapshot \"" + namedSnapshot + "\" AND also specify that the latest snapshot should be used. Either choose to use the latest snapshot, or name a snapshot, or neither, but not both."); } final VirtualMachineSnapshot namedVMSnapshot = getSnapshotInTree(sourceVm, namedSnapshot); if (namedVMSnapshot == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("Snapshot", namedSnapshot, "Source " + sourceType + " \"" + sourceName + "\" has no snapshot called \"" + namedSnapshot + "\"."); } logMessage(jLogger, "Clone of " + sourceType + " \"" + sourceName + "\" will be based on named snapshot \"" + namedSnapshot + "\"."); cloneSpec.setSnapshot(namedVMSnapshot.getMOR()); } if (useCurrentSnapshot) { final VirtualMachineSnapshot currentSnapShot = sourceVm.getCurrentSnapShot(); if (currentSnapShot == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("Snapshot", null, "Source " + sourceType + " \"" + sourceName + "\" requires at least one snapshot."); } logMessage(jLogger, "Clone of " + sourceType + " \"" + sourceName + "\" will be based on current snapshot \"" + currentSnapShot.toString() + "\"."); cloneSpec.setSnapshot(currentSnapShot.getMOR()); } if (extraConfigParameters != null && !extraConfigParameters.isEmpty()) { logMessage(jLogger, "Clone of " + sourceType + " \"" + sourceName + "\" will have extra configuration parameters " + extraConfigParameters + "."); VirtualMachineConfigSpec cs = createVMConfigSpecFromExtraConfigParameters(extraConfigParameters); cloneSpec.setConfig(cs); } if (customizationSpec != null && customizationSpec.length() > 0) { logMessage(jLogger, "Clone of " + sourceType + " \"" + sourceName + "\" will use customization specification \"" + customizationSpec + "\"."); CustomizationSpecItem spec = getCustomizationSpecByName(customizationSpec); cloneSpec.setCustomization(spec.getSpec()); } Folder folder; if (folderName == null || folderName.isEmpty() || folderName.equals(" ")) { //same folder as source folder = (Folder) sourceVm.getParent(); } else if (!folderExists(folderName)) { folder = (Folder) sourceVm.getParent(); logMessage(jLogger, "Unable to find the specified folder. Creating VM in the same folder as its parent "); } else { folder = getFolder(folderName); } final Task task = sourceVm.cloneVM_Task(folder, cloneName, cloneSpec); logMessage(jLogger, "Started cloning of " + sourceType + " \"" + sourceName + "\". Please wait ..."); final String status = task.waitForTask(); if (!TaskInfoState.success.toString().equals(status)) { throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), "Couldn't clone \"" + sourceName + "\". " + "Clone task ended with status " + status + "."); } logMessage(jLogger, "Successfully cloned VM \"" + sourceName + "\" to create \"" + cloneName + "\"."); } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } private VirtualMachineCloneSpec createCloneSpec(VirtualMachineRelocateSpec rel) { VirtualMachineCloneSpec cloneSpec = new VirtualMachineCloneSpec(); cloneSpec.setLocation(rel); cloneSpec.setTemplate(false); cloneSpec.setPowerOn(true); return cloneSpec; } private VirtualMachineRelocateSpec createRelocateSpec(PrintStream jLogger, boolean linkedClone, String resourcePoolName, String cluster, String datastoreName, boolean isResourcePoolRequired) throws RemoteException, MalformedURLException, VSphereException { VirtualMachineRelocateSpec rel = new VirtualMachineRelocateSpec(); if (linkedClone) { rel.setDiskMoveType("createNewChildDiskBacking"); } else { rel.setDiskMoveType("moveAllDiskBackingsAndDisallowSharing"); } ClusterComputeResource clusterResource = getClusterByName(cluster); // probably only of interest if someone actually entered a cluster name if (clusterResource == null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(cluster)) { logMessage(jLogger, "Cluster resource " + cluster + " does not exist, root folder will be used for getting resource pool and datastore"); } if (resourcePoolName != null && !resourcePoolName.isEmpty()) { ResourcePool resourcePool = getResourcePoolByName(resourcePoolName, clusterResource); if (resourcePool == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("Resource pool", resourcePoolName); } rel.setPool(resourcePool.getMOR()); } else if (isResourcePoolRequired) { throw new VSphereException("You must specify a resource pool when using a template"); } if (datastoreName != null && !datastoreName.isEmpty()) { Datastore datastore = getDatastoreByName(datastoreName, clusterResource); if (datastore == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("Datastore", datastoreName); } rel.setDatastore(datastore.getMOR()); } return rel; } public void reconfigureVm(String name, VirtualMachineConfigSpec spec) throws VSphereException { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(name); if (vm == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("VM or template", name); } LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Reconfiguring VM. Please wait ..."); try { Task task = vm.reconfigVM_Task(spec); String status = task.waitForTask(); if (status.equals(TaskInfoState.success.toString())) { return; } throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), "Couldn't reconfigure \"" + name + "\"!"); } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException("VM cannot be reconfigured:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * @param name - Name of VM to start * @param timeoutInSeconds How long to wait for the VM to be running. * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public void startVm(String name, int timeoutInSeconds) throws VSphereException { try { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(name); if (vm == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("VM", name); } if (isPoweredOn(vm)) return; if (vm.getConfig().template) throw new VSphereException("VM represents a template!"); Task task = vm.powerOnVM_Task(null); int timesToCheck = timeoutInSeconds / 5; // add one extra time for remainder timesToCheck++; LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Checking " + timesToCheck + " times for vm to be powered on"); for (int i = 0; i < timesToCheck; i++) { if (task.getTaskInfo().getState() == TaskInfoState.success) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "VM was powered up successfully."); return; } if (task.getTaskInfo().getState() == TaskInfoState.running || task.getTaskInfo().getState() == TaskInfoState.queued) { Thread.sleep(5000); } //Check for copied/moved question VirtualMachineQuestionInfo q = vm.getRuntime().getQuestion(); if (q != null && q.getId().equals("_vmx1")) { vm.answerVM(q.getId(), q.getChoice().getDefaultIndex().toString()); return; } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // build aborted Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // pass interrupt upwards throw new VSphereException("VM cannot be started: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException("VM cannot be started: " + e.getMessage(), e); } throw new VSphereException("VM cannot be started"); } private ManagedObjectReference findSnapshotInTree(VirtualMachineSnapshotTree[] snapTree, String snapName) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Looking for snapshot " + snapName); for (VirtualMachineSnapshotTree node : snapTree) { if (snapName.equals(node.getName())) { return node.getSnapshot(); } else { VirtualMachineSnapshotTree[] childTree = node.getChildSnapshotList(); if (childTree != null) { ManagedObjectReference mor = findSnapshotInTree(childTree, snapName); if (mor != null) { return mor; } } } } return null; } public VirtualMachineSnapshot getSnapshotInTree(VirtualMachine vm, String snapName) { if (vm == null || snapName == null) { return null; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Looking for snapshot " + snapName + " in " + vm.getName()); VirtualMachineSnapshotInfo info = vm.getSnapshot(); if (info != null) { VirtualMachineSnapshotTree[] snapTree = info.getRootSnapshotList(); if (snapTree != null) { ManagedObjectReference mor = findSnapshotInTree(snapTree, snapName); if (mor != null) { return new VirtualMachineSnapshot(vm.getServerConnection(), mor); } } } return null; } public void revertToSnapshot(String vmName, String snapName) throws VSphereException { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(vmName); VirtualMachineSnapshot snap = getSnapshotInTree(vm, snapName); if (snap == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot find snapshot: '" + snapName + "' for virtual machine: '" + vm.getName() + "'"); throw new VSphereNotFoundException("Snapshot", snapName); } try { Task task = snap.revertToSnapshot_Task(null); if (!task.waitForTask().equals(Task.SUCCESS)) { final String msg = "Could not revert to snapshot '" + snap.toString() + "' for virtual machine:'" + vm.getName() + "'"; LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, msg); throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), msg); } } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } public void deleteSnapshot(String vmName, String snapName, boolean consolidate, boolean failOnNoExist) throws VSphereException { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(vmName); VirtualMachineSnapshot snap = getSnapshotInTree(vm, snapName); if (snap == null && failOnNoExist) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("Snapshot", snapName); } try { Task task; if (snap != null) { //Does not delete subtree; Implicitly consolidates disk task = snap.removeSnapshot_Task(false); if (!task.waitForTask().equals(Task.SUCCESS)) { throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), "Could not delete snapshot"); } } if (!consolidate) return; //This might be redundant, but I think it consolidates all disks, //where as the removeSnapshot only consolidates the individual disk task = vm.consolidateVMDisks_Task(); if (!task.waitForTask().equals(Task.SUCCESS)) { throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), "Could not consolidate VM disks"); } } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } public void takeSnapshot(String vmName, String snapshot, String description, boolean snapMemory) throws VSphereException { final String message = "Could not take snapshot"; VirtualMachine vmToSnapshot = getVmByName(vmName); if (vmToSnapshot == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("VM", vmName); } try { Task task = vmToSnapshot.createSnapshot_Task(snapshot, description, snapMemory, !snapMemory); if (task.waitForTask().equals(Task.SUCCESS)) { return; } throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), message); } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(message, e); } } public void markAsTemplate(String vmName, String snapName, boolean force) throws VSphereException { final String message = "Could not mark as Template. Check it's power state or select \"force.\""; try { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(vmName); if (vm.getConfig().template) return; if (isPoweredOff(vm) || force) { powerOffVm(vm, force, false); vm.markAsTemplate(); return; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(message, e); } throw new VSphereException(message); } public void markAsVm(String name, String resourcePool, String cluster) throws VSphereException { try { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(name); if (vm.getConfig().template) { vm.markAsVirtualMachine(getResourcePoolByName(resourcePool, getClusterByName(cluster)), null); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException("Could not convert to VM", e); } } /** * Asks vSphere for the IP address used by a VM. * * @param vm VirtualMachine name whose IP is to be returned. * @param timeout How long to wait (in seconds) for the IP address to known to vSphere. * @return String containing IP address. * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public String getIp(VirtualMachine vm, int timeout) throws VSphereException { if (vm == null) throw new VSphereException("VM is null"); //Determine how many attempts will be made to fetch the IP address final int waitSeconds = 5; final int maxTries; if (timeout <= waitSeconds) maxTries = 1; else maxTries = (int) Math.round((double) timeout / waitSeconds); for (int count = 0; count < maxTries; count++) { GuestInfo guestInfo = vm.getGuest(); // guest info can be null sometimes if (guestInfo != null && guestInfo.getIpAddress() != null) { return guestInfo.getIpAddress(); } try { //wait Thread.sleep(waitSeconds * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // build aborted Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // pass interrupt upwards break; // and abort our activities now. } } return null; } /** * @param vmName - name of VM object to retrieve * @return - VirtualMachine object * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public VirtualMachine getVmByName(String vmName) throws VSphereException { try { return (VirtualMachine) new InventoryNavigator(getServiceInstance().getRootFolder()) .searchManagedEntity("VirtualMachine", vmName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } public int countVms() throws VSphereException { int count = 0; try { final InventoryNavigator navigator = new InventoryNavigator(getServiceInstance().getRootFolder()); final ManagedEntity[] entities = navigator.searchManagedEntities(false); count = entities.length; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VSphereException(ex); } return count; } public int countVmsByPrefix(final String prefix) throws VSphereException { int count = 0; try { final InventoryNavigator navigator = new InventoryNavigator(getServiceInstance().getRootFolder()); final ManagedEntity[] entities = navigator.searchManagedEntities(false); for (final ManagedEntity entity : entities) { if (entity.getName().startsWith(prefix)) { ++count; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VSphereException(ex); } return count; } private Datastore getDatastoreByName(final String datastoreName, ManagedEntity rootEntity) throws RemoteException, MalformedURLException { if (rootEntity == null) { rootEntity = getServiceInstance().getRootFolder(); } Datastore datastore = (Datastore) new InventoryNavigator(rootEntity).searchManagedEntity("Datastore", datastoreName); if (datastore != null) { return datastore; } if (rootEntity == null || !(rootEntity instanceof ClusterComputeResource)) { return null; } // try to fetch data store directly from cluster if above approach doesn't work ClusterComputeResource clusterResource = (ClusterComputeResource) rootEntity; for (Datastore dataStore : clusterResource.getDatastores()) { if (dataStore.getName().equals(datastoreName)) { return dataStore; } } return null; } /* Check if folder exists along all the vSphere folders */ public Boolean folderExists(String folderPath) throws VSphereException { try { String[] folderHierarchy = folderPath.split("/"); ManagedEntity folder = null; for (int i = 0; i < folderHierarchy.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { folder = new InventoryNavigator(getServiceInstance().getRootFolder()) .searchManagedEntity("Folder", folderHierarchy[i]); } else { folder = new InventoryNavigator(folder).searchManagedEntity(null, folderHierarchy[i]); } if (folder == null) { return false; } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed while checking if folder exists"); throw new VSphereException(e); } } public Folder getFolder(String folderPath) throws VSphereException { try { String[] folderHierarchy = folderPath.split("/"); ManagedEntity folder = null; for (int i = 0; i < folderHierarchy.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { folder = new InventoryNavigator(getServiceInstance().getRootFolder()) .searchManagedEntity("Folder", folderHierarchy[i]); } else { folder = new InventoryNavigator(folder).searchManagedEntity(null, folderHierarchy[i]); } } return (Folder) folder; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Invalid folder"); throw new VSphereException(e); } } public CustomizationSpecItem getCustomizationSpecByName(final String customizationSpecName) throws VSphereException { try { ServerConnection conn = getServiceInstance().getServerConnection(); CustomizationSpecManager mgr = new CustomizationSpecManager(conn, getServiceInstance().getServiceContent().customizationSpecManager); return mgr.getCustomizationSpec(customizationSpecName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } /** * @return - ManagedEntity array of Datastore * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public ManagedEntity[] getDatastores() throws VSphereException { try { return new InventoryNavigator(getServiceInstance().getRootFolder()).searchManagedEntities("Datastore"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } /** * @param poolName - Name of pool to use * @return - ResourcePool object * @throws InvalidProperty * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws RemoteException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws VSphereException */ private ResourcePool getResourcePoolByName(final String poolName, ManagedEntity rootEntity) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException, MalformedURLException { if (rootEntity == null) rootEntity = getServiceInstance().getRootFolder(); return (ResourcePool) new InventoryNavigator(rootEntity).searchManagedEntity("ResourcePool", poolName); } /** * @param clusterName - Name of cluster name to find * @param rootEntity - managed entity to search * @return - ClusterComputeResource object * @throws InvalidProperty * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws RemoteException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws VSphereException */ private ClusterComputeResource getClusterByName(final String clusterName, ManagedEntity rootEntity) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException, MalformedURLException { if (rootEntity == null) rootEntity = getServiceInstance().getRootFolder(); return (ClusterComputeResource) new InventoryNavigator(rootEntity) .searchManagedEntity("ClusterComputeResource", clusterName); } /** * @param clusterName - Name of cluster name to find * @return - ClusterComputeResource object * @throws InvalidProperty * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws RemoteException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws VSphereException */ private ClusterComputeResource getClusterByName(final String clusterName) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException, MalformedURLException { return getClusterByName(clusterName, null); } /** * Destroys the VM in vSphere * @param name - VM object to destroy * @param failOnNoExist If true and the VM does not exist then a {@link VSphereNotFoundException} will be thrown. * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public void destroyVm(String name, boolean failOnNoExist) throws VSphereException { try { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(name); if (vm == null) { if (failOnNoExist) throw new VSphereNotFoundException("VM", name); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "VM \"" + name + "\" does not exist, or already deleted!"); return; } if (!vm.getConfig().template) { powerOffVm(vm, true, false); } final Task task = vm.destroy_Task(); String status = task.waitForTask(); if (status.equals(Task.SUCCESS)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "VM \"" + name + "\" was deleted successfully."); return; } throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), "Could not delete VM \"" + name + "\"!"); } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Renames a VM Snapshot * @param vmName the name of the VM whose snapshot is being renamed. * @param oldName the current name of the VM's snapshot. * @param newName the new name of the VM's snapshot. * @param newDescription the new description of the VM's snapshot. * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public void renameVmSnapshot(String vmName, String oldName, String newName, String newDescription) throws VSphereException { try { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(vmName); if (vm == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("VM", vmName); } VirtualMachineSnapshot snapshot = getSnapshotInTree(vm, oldName); snapshot.renameSnapshot(newName, newDescription); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "VM Snapshot was renamed successfully."); return; } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Renames the VM vSphere * @param oldName the current name of the vm * @param newName the new name of the vm * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public void renameVm(String oldName, String newName) throws VSphereException { try { VirtualMachine vm = getVmByName(oldName); if (vm == null) { throw new VSphereNotFoundException("VM", oldName); } final Task task = vm.rename_Task(newName); final String status = task.waitForTask(); if (status.equals(Task.SUCCESS)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "VM was renamed successfully."); return; } throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), "Could not rename VM \"" + oldName + "\"!"); } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private boolean isSuspended(VirtualMachine vm) { return (vm.getRuntime().getPowerState() == VirtualMachinePowerState.suspended); } private boolean isPoweredOn(VirtualMachine vm) { return (vm.getRuntime().getPowerState() == VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn); } private boolean isPoweredOff(VirtualMachine vm) { return (vm.getRuntime() != null && vm.getRuntime().getPowerState() == VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOff); } public boolean vmToolIsEnabled(VirtualMachine vm) { VirtualMachineToolsStatus status = vm.getGuest().toolsStatus; return ((status == VirtualMachineToolsStatus.toolsOk) || (status == VirtualMachineToolsStatus.toolsOld)); } public void powerOffVm(VirtualMachine vm, boolean evenIfSuspended, boolean shutdownGracefully) throws VSphereException { if (vm.getConfig().template) throw new VSphereException("VM represents a template!"); if (isPoweredOn(vm) || (evenIfSuspended && isSuspended(vm))) { boolean doHardShutdown = true; String status; try { if (!isSuspended(vm) && shutdownGracefully && vmToolIsEnabled(vm)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Requesting guest shutdown"); vm.shutdownGuest(); // Wait for up to 180 seconds for a shutdown - then shutdown hard. for (int i = 0; i <= 180; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // build aborted Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // pass interrupt upwards throw new VSphereException("VM power-down interrupted", e); } if (isPoweredOff(vm)) { doHardShutdown = false; LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "VM gracefully powered down successfully."); return; } } } if (doHardShutdown) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Powering off the VM"); final Task task = vm.powerOffVM_Task(); status = task.waitForTask(); if (status.equals(Task.SUCCESS)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "VM was powered down successfully."); return; } throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), "Machine could not be powered down!"); } } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } else if (isPoweredOff(vm)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Machine is already off."); return; } throw new VSphereException("Machine could not be powered down!"); } public void suspendVm(VirtualMachine vm) throws VSphereException { if (isPoweredOn(vm)) { try { //TODO is this better? //vm.shutdownGuest() final Task task = vm.suspendVM_Task(); final String status = task.waitForTask(); if (Task.SUCCESS.equals(status)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "VM was suspended successfully."); return; } throw newVSphereException(task.getTaskInfo(), "Machine could not be suspended!"); } catch (RuntimeException | VSphereException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } else { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Machine not powered on."); return; } } /** * Private helper functions that finds the datanceter a VirtualMachine belongs to * @param managedEntity - VM object * @return returns Datacenter object */ private Datacenter getDataCenter(ManagedEntity managedEntity) { if (managedEntity != null) { ManagedEntity parent = managedEntity.getParent(); if (parent.getMOR().getType().equals("Datacenter")) { return (Datacenter) parent; } else { return getDataCenter(managedEntity.getParent()); } } else { return null; } } /** * Find Distributed Virtual Port Group name in the same Datacenter as the VM * @param virtualMachine - VM object * @param name - the name of the Port Group * @return returns DistributedVirtualPortgroup object for the provided vDS PortGroup * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public Network getNetworkPortGroupByName(VirtualMachine virtualMachine, String name) throws VSphereException { try { Datacenter datacenter = getDataCenter(virtualMachine); for (Network network : datacenter.getNetworks()) { if (network instanceof Network && (name.isEmpty() || network.getName().contentEquals(name))) { return network; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } return null; } /** * Find Distributed Virtual Port Group name in the same Datacenter as the VM * @param virtualMachine - VM object * @param name - the name of the Port Group * @return returns DistributedVirtualPortgroup object for the provided vDS PortGroup * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public DistributedVirtualPortgroup getDistributedVirtualPortGroupByName(VirtualMachine virtualMachine, String name) throws VSphereException { try { Datacenter datacenter = getDataCenter(virtualMachine); for (Network network : datacenter.getNetworks()) { if (network instanceof DistributedVirtualPortgroup && (name.isEmpty() || network.getName().contentEquals(name))) { return (DistributedVirtualPortgroup) network; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } return null; } /** * Find Distributed Virtual Switch from the provided Distributed Virtual Portgroup * @param distributedVirtualPortgroup - DistributedVirtualPortgroup object for the provided vDS PortGroup * @return returns DistributedVirtualSwitch object that represents the vDS Switch * @throws VSphereException If an error occurred. */ public DistributedVirtualSwitch getDistributedVirtualSwitchByPortGroup( DistributedVirtualPortgroup distributedVirtualPortgroup) throws VSphereException { try { ManagedObjectReference managedObjectReference = new ManagedObjectReference(); managedObjectReference.setType("DistributedVirtualSwitch"); managedObjectReference .setVal(distributedVirtualPortgroup.getConfig().getDistributedVirtualSwitch().getVal()); return new DistributedVirtualSwitch(getServiceInstance().getServerConnection(), managedObjectReference); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } } /** * Passes data to a VM's "extra config" object. This data can then be read * back at a later stage. * In the case of parameters whose name starts "guestinfo.", the parameter * can be read by the VMware Tools on the client OS. * <p> * e.g. a variable named "guestinfo.Foo" with value "Bar" could be read on * the guest using the command-line * <tt>vmtoolsd --cmd "info-get guestinfo.Foo"</tt>. * </p> * * @param vmName * The name of the VM. * @param parameters * A {@link Map} of variable name to variable value. * @throws VSphereException * If an error occurred. */ public void setExtraConfigParameters(String vmName, Map<String, String> parameters) throws VSphereException { VirtualMachineConfigSpec cs = createVMConfigSpecFromExtraConfigParameters(parameters); reconfigureVm(vmName, cs); } private static VirtualMachineConfigSpec createVMConfigSpecFromExtraConfigParameters( Map<String, String> parameters) { VirtualMachineConfigSpec cs = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); OptionValue[] ourOptionValues = new OptionValue[parameters.size()]; List<OptionValue> optionValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> eachVariable : parameters.entrySet()) { OptionValue ov = new OptionValue(); ov.setKey(eachVariable.getKey()); ov.setValue(eachVariable.getValue()); optionValues.add(ov); } for (int i = 0; i < optionValues.size(); i++) { ourOptionValues[i] = optionValues.get(i); } cs.setExtraConfig(ourOptionValues); return cs; } private void logMessage(PrintStream jLogger, String message) { if (jLogger != null) { VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, message); } LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, message); } /** * Creates a {@link VSphereException} whose cause is the {@link TaskInfo}'s * exception. This provides an exception that is much more informative than * what is said by the <code>message</code> alone. * * @param taskInfo * The vSphere task that failed. * @param message * A line of text that says what the task was trying to achieve. * @return An exception that includes the cause of the failure. */ private static VSphereException newVSphereException(TaskInfo taskInfo, final String message) { final com.vmware.vim25.LocalizedMethodFault error = taskInfo == null ? null : taskInfo.getError(); final String faultMsg = error == null ? null : error.getLocalizedMessage(); final Exception fault = error == null ? null : error.getFault(); final String combinedMsg = message + (faultMsg == null ? "" : ("\n" + faultMsg)); if (fault != null) { return new VSphereException(combinedMsg, fault); } else { return new VSphereException(combinedMsg); } } }