Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license
 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work
 * for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
 * copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource;

import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveEntry;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.cpio.CpioArchiveInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.jar.JarArchiveInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2CompressorInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.GzipCompressorInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.pack200.Pack200CompressorInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.xz.XZCompressorInputStream;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.tika.detect.DefaultDetector;
import org.apache.tika.detect.Detector;
import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata;
import org.apache.tika.mime.MediaType;
import org.jasig.portal.concurrency.CallableWithoutResult;
import org.jasig.portal.utils.AntPatternFileFilter;
import org.jasig.portal.utils.ConcurrentDirectoryScanner;
import org.jasig.portal.utils.PeriodicFlushingBufferedWriter;
import org.jasig.portal.utils.ResourceUtils;
import org.jasig.portal.utils.SafeFilenameUtils;
import org.jasig.portal.xml.StaxUtils;
import org.jasig.portal.xml.XmlUtilities;
import org.jasig.portal.xml.XmlUtilitiesImpl;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.context.ResourceLoaderAware;
import org.springframework.oxm.Marshaller;
import org.springframework.oxm.Unmarshaller;
import org.springframework.oxm.XmlMappingException;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;


 * Pulls together {@link IPortalDataType}, {@link IDataUpgrader}, and {@link IDataImporter}
 * implementations to handle data upgrade, import, export and removal operations.
 * @author Eric Dalquist
 * @version $Revision$
public class JaxbPortalDataHandlerService implements IPortalDataHandlerService, ResourceLoaderAware {

     * Tracks the base import directory to allow for easier to read logging when importing 
    private static final ThreadLocal<String> IMPORT_BASE_DIR = new ThreadLocal<String>();

    private static final String REPORT_FORMAT = "%s,%s,%.2fms\n";

    private static final MediaType MT_JAVA_ARCHIVE = MediaType.application("java-archive");
    private static final MediaType MT_CPIO = MediaType.application("x-cpio");
    private static final MediaType MT_AR = MediaType.application("x-archive");
    private static final MediaType MT_TAR = MediaType.application("x-tar");
    private static final MediaType MT_BZIP2 = MediaType.application("x-bzip2");
    private static final MediaType MT_GZIP = MediaType.application("x-gzip");
    private static final MediaType MT_PACK200 = MediaType.application("x-java-pack200");
    private static final MediaType MT_XZ = MediaType.application("x-xz");

    protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

    // Order in which data must be imported
    private List<PortalDataKey> dataKeyImportOrder = Collections.emptyList();
    // Map to lookup the associated IPortalDataType for each known PortalDataKey
    private Map<PortalDataKey, IPortalDataType> dataKeyTypes = Collections.emptyMap();

    // Ant path matcher patterns that a file must match when scanning directories (unless a pattern is explicitly specified)
    private Set<String> dataFileIncludes = Collections.emptySet();
    private Set<String> dataFileExcludes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(DirectoryScanner.getDefaultExcludes());

    // Data upgraders mapped by PortalDataKey
    private Map<PortalDataKey, IDataUpgrader> portalDataUpgraders = Collections.emptyMap();
    // Data importers mapped by PortalDataKey
    private Map<PortalDataKey, IDataImporter<Object>> portalDataImporters = Collections.emptyMap();

    // ExportAll data types
    private Set<IPortalDataType> exportAllPortalDataTypes = null;
    // All portal data types available for export
    private Set<IPortalDataType> exportPortalDataTypes = Collections.emptySet();
    // Data exporters mapped by IPortalDateType#getTypeId()
    private Map<String, IDataExporter<Object>> portalDataExporters = Collections.emptyMap();

    // All portal data types available for delete
    private Set<IPortalDataType> deletePortalDataTypes = Collections.emptySet();
    // Data deleters mapped by IPortalDateType#getTypeId()
    private Map<String, IDataDeleter<Object>> portalDataDeleters = Collections.emptyMap();

    private org.jasig.portal.utils.DirectoryScanner directoryScanner;
    private ExecutorService importExportThreadPool;
    private XmlUtilities xmlUtilities;
    private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

    private long maxWait = -1;
    private TimeUnit maxWaitTimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;

    public void setXmlUtilities(XmlUtilities xmlUtilities) {
        this.xmlUtilities = xmlUtilities;

    public void setImportExportThreadPool(
            @Qualifier("importExportThreadPool") ExecutorService importExportThreadPool) {
        this.importExportThreadPool = importExportThreadPool;
        this.directoryScanner = new ConcurrentDirectoryScanner(this.importExportThreadPool);

     * Maximum time to wait for an import, export, or delete to execute. 
    public void setMaxWait(long maxWait) {
        this.maxWait = maxWait;

     * {@link TimeUnit} for {@link #setMaxWait(long)} value.
    public void setMaxWaitTimeUnit(TimeUnit maxWaitTimeUnit) {
        this.maxWaitTimeUnit = maxWaitTimeUnit;

     * Order in which data types should be imported.
    @javax.annotation.Resource(name = "dataTypeImportOrder")
    public void setDataTypeImportOrder(List<IPortalDataType> dataTypeImportOrder) {
        final ArrayList<PortalDataKey> dataKeyImportOrder = new ArrayList<PortalDataKey>(
                dataTypeImportOrder.size() * 2);
        final Map<PortalDataKey, IPortalDataType> dataKeyTypes = new LinkedHashMap<PortalDataKey, IPortalDataType>(
                dataTypeImportOrder.size() * 2);

        for (final IPortalDataType portalDataType : dataTypeImportOrder) {
            final List<PortalDataKey> supportedDataKeys = portalDataType.getDataKeyImportOrder();
            for (final PortalDataKey portalDataKey : supportedDataKeys) {
                dataKeyTypes.put(portalDataKey, portalDataType);

        this.dataKeyImportOrder = Collections.unmodifiableList(dataKeyImportOrder);
        this.dataKeyTypes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(dataKeyTypes);

     * Ant path matching patterns that files must match to be included
    @javax.annotation.Resource(name = "dataFileIncludes")
    public void setDataFileIncludes(Set<String> dataFileIncludes) {
        this.dataFileIncludes = dataFileIncludes;

     * Ant path matching patterns that exclude matched files. Defaults to {@link DirectoryScanner#addDefaultExcludes()}
    public void setDataFileExcludes(Set<String> dataFileExcludes) {
        this.dataFileExcludes = dataFileExcludes;

     * {@link IDataImporter} implementations to delegate import operations to. 
    @Autowired(required = false)
    public void setDataImporters(Collection<IDataImporter<? extends Object>> dataImporters) {
        final Map<PortalDataKey, IDataImporter<Object>> dataImportersMap = new LinkedHashMap<PortalDataKey, IDataImporter<Object>>();

        for (final IDataImporter<?> dataImporter : dataImporters) {
            final Set<PortalDataKey> importDataKeys = dataImporter.getImportDataKeys();

            for (final PortalDataKey importDataKey : importDataKeys) {
                this.logger.debug("Registering IDataImporter for '{}' - {}",
                        new Object[] { importDataKey, dataImporter });
                final IDataImporter<Object> existing = dataImportersMap.put(importDataKey,
                        (IDataImporter<Object>) dataImporter);
                if (existing != null) {
                    this.logger.warn("Duplicate IDataImporter PortalDataKey for {} Replacing {} with {}",
                            new Object[] { importDataKey, existing, dataImporter });

        this.portalDataImporters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(dataImportersMap);

     * {@link IDataExporter} implementations to delegate export operations to. 
    @Autowired(required = false)
    public void setDataExporters(Collection<IDataExporter<? extends Object>> dataExporters) {
        final Map<String, IDataExporter<Object>> dataExportersMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, IDataExporter<Object>>();

        final Set<IPortalDataType> portalDataTypes = new LinkedHashSet<IPortalDataType>();

        for (final IDataExporter<?> dataImporter : dataExporters) {
            final IPortalDataType portalDataType = dataImporter.getPortalDataType();
            final String typeId = portalDataType.getTypeId();

            this.logger.debug("Registering IDataExporter for '{}' - {}", new Object[] { typeId, dataImporter });
            final IDataExporter<Object> existing = dataExportersMap.put(typeId,
                    (IDataExporter<Object>) dataImporter);
            if (existing != null) {
                this.logger.warn("Duplicate IDataExporter typeId for {} Replacing {} with {}",
                        new Object[] { typeId, existing, dataImporter });


        this.portalDataExporters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(dataExportersMap);
        this.exportPortalDataTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(portalDataTypes);

     * Optional set of all portal data types to export. If not specified all available portal data types
     * will be listed.
    @javax.annotation.Resource(name = "exportAllPortalDataTypes")
    public void setExportAllPortalDataTypes(Set<IPortalDataType> exportAllPortalDataTypes) {
        this.exportAllPortalDataTypes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(exportAllPortalDataTypes);

     * {@link IDataDeleter} implementations to delegate delete operations to. 
    @Autowired(required = false)
    public void setDataDeleters(Collection<IDataDeleter<? extends Object>> dataDeleters) {
        final Map<String, IDataDeleter<Object>> dataDeletersMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, IDataDeleter<Object>>();

        final Set<IPortalDataType> portalDataTypes = new LinkedHashSet<IPortalDataType>();

        for (final IDataDeleter<?> dataImporter : dataDeleters) {
            final IPortalDataType portalDataType = dataImporter.getPortalDataType();
            final String typeId = portalDataType.getTypeId();

            this.logger.debug("Registering IDataDeleter for '{}' - {}", new Object[] { typeId, dataImporter });
            final IDataDeleter<Object> existing = dataDeletersMap.put(typeId, (IDataDeleter<Object>) dataImporter);
            if (existing != null) {
                this.logger.warn("Duplicate IDataDeleter typeId for {} Replacing {} with {}",
                        new Object[] { typeId, existing, dataImporter });


        this.portalDataDeleters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(dataDeletersMap);
        this.deletePortalDataTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(portalDataTypes);

     * {@link IDataUpgrader} implementations to delegate upgrade operations to. 
    @Autowired(required = false)
    public void setDataUpgraders(Collection<IDataUpgrader> dataUpgraders) {
        final Map<PortalDataKey, IDataUpgrader> dataUpgraderMap = new LinkedHashMap<PortalDataKey, IDataUpgrader>();

        for (final IDataUpgrader dataUpgrader : dataUpgraders) {
            final Set<PortalDataKey> upgradeDataKeys = dataUpgrader.getSourceDataTypes();
            for (final PortalDataKey upgradeDataKey : upgradeDataKeys) {
                this.logger.debug("Registering IDataUpgrader for '{}' - {}", upgradeDataKey, dataUpgrader);
                final IDataUpgrader existing = dataUpgraderMap.put(upgradeDataKey, dataUpgrader);
                if (existing != null) {
                    this.logger.warn("Duplicate IDataUpgrader PortalDataKey for {} Replacing {} with {}",
                            new Object[] { upgradeDataKey, existing, dataUpgrader });

        this.portalDataUpgraders = Collections.unmodifiableMap(dataUpgraderMap);

    public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
        this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;

    public void importDataArchive(Resource archive, BatchImportOptions options) {
        try {
            importDataArchive(archive, archive.getInputStream(), options);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not load InputStream for resource: " + archive, e);

    protected void importDataArchive(Resource archive, InputStream resourceStream, BatchImportOptions options) {
        BufferedInputStream bufferedResourceStream = null;
        try {
            //Make sure the stream is buffered
            if (resourceStream instanceof BufferedInputStream) {
                bufferedResourceStream = (BufferedInputStream) resourceStream;
            } else {
                bufferedResourceStream = new BufferedInputStream(resourceStream);

            //Buffer up to 100MB, bad things will happen if we bust this buffer.
            //TODO see if there is a buffered stream that will write to a file once the buffer fills up
            bufferedResourceStream.mark(100 * 1024 * 1024);
            final MediaType type = getMediaType(bufferedResourceStream, archive.getFilename());

            if (MT_JAVA_ARCHIVE.equals(type)) {
                final ArchiveInputStream archiveStream = new JarArchiveInputStream(bufferedResourceStream);
                importDataArchive(archive, archiveStream, options);
            } else if (MediaType.APPLICATION_ZIP.equals(type)) {
                final ArchiveInputStream archiveStream = new ZipArchiveInputStream(bufferedResourceStream);
                importDataArchive(archive, archiveStream, options);
            } else if (MT_CPIO.equals(type)) {
                final ArchiveInputStream archiveStream = new CpioArchiveInputStream(bufferedResourceStream);
                importDataArchive(archive, archiveStream, options);
            } else if (MT_AR.equals(type)) {
                final ArchiveInputStream archiveStream = new ArArchiveInputStream(bufferedResourceStream);
                importDataArchive(archive, archiveStream, options);
            } else if (MT_TAR.equals(type)) {
                final ArchiveInputStream archiveStream = new TarArchiveInputStream(bufferedResourceStream);
                importDataArchive(archive, archiveStream, options);
            } else if (MT_BZIP2.equals(type)) {
                final CompressorInputStream compressedStream = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(
                importDataArchive(archive, compressedStream, options);
            } else if (MT_GZIP.equals(type)) {
                final CompressorInputStream compressedStream = new GzipCompressorInputStream(
                importDataArchive(archive, compressedStream, options);
            } else if (MT_PACK200.equals(type)) {
                final CompressorInputStream compressedStream = new Pack200CompressorInputStream(
                importDataArchive(archive, compressedStream, options);
            } else if (MT_XZ.equals(type)) {
                final CompressorInputStream compressedStream = new XZCompressorInputStream(bufferedResourceStream);
                importDataArchive(archive, compressedStream, options);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized archive media type: " + type);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not load InputStream for resource: " + archive, e);
        } finally {

     * Extracts the archive resource and then runs the batch-import process on it.
    protected void importDataArchive(final Resource resource, final ArchiveInputStream resourceStream,
            BatchImportOptions options) {

        final File tempDir = Files.createTempDir();
        try {
            ArchiveEntry archiveEntry;
            while ((archiveEntry = resourceStream.getNextEntry()) != null) {
                final File entryFile = new File(tempDir, archiveEntry.getName());
                if (archiveEntry.isDirectory()) {
                } else {

                    Files.copy(new InputSupplier<InputStream>() {
                        public InputStream getInput() throws IOException {
                            return new CloseShieldInputStream(resourceStream);
                    }, entryFile);

            importData(tempDir, null, options);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Failed to extract data from '" + resource + "' to '" + tempDir + "' for batch import.", e);
        } finally {

    protected void importXmlData(final Resource resource, final BufferedInputStream resourceStream,
            final PortalDataKey portalDataKey) {
        try {
            final String resourceUri = ResourceUtils.getResourceUri(resource);
            this.importData(new StreamSource(resourceStream, resourceUri), portalDataKey);
        } finally {

    protected MediaType getMediaType(BufferedInputStream inputStream, String fileName) throws IOException {
        final TikaInputStream tikaInputStreamStream = TikaInputStream.get(new CloseShieldInputStream(inputStream));
        try {
            final Detector detector = new DefaultDetector();
            final Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
            metadata.set(Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, fileName);

            final MediaType type = detector.detect(tikaInputStreamStream, metadata);
            logger.debug("Determined '{}' for '{}'", type, fileName);
            return type;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.warn("Failed to determine media type for '" + fileName + "' assuming XML", e);
            return null;
        } finally {

            //Reset the buffered stream to make up for anything read by the detector

    public void importData(File directory, String pattern, final BatchImportOptions options) {
        if (!directory.exists()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified directory '" + directory + "' does not exist");

        //Create the file filter to use when searching for files to import
        final FileFilter fileFilter;
        if (pattern != null) {
            fileFilter = new AntPatternFileFilter(true, false, pattern, this.dataFileExcludes);
        } else {
            fileFilter = new AntPatternFileFilter(true, false, this.dataFileIncludes, this.dataFileExcludes);

        //Determine the parent directory to log to
        final File logDirectory = determineLogDirectory(options, "import");

        //Setup reporting file
        final File importReport = new File(logDirectory, "data-import.txt");
        final PrintWriter reportWriter;
        try {
            reportWriter = new PrintWriter(new PeriodicFlushingBufferedWriter(500, new FileWriter(importReport)));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create FileWriter for: " + importReport, e);

        //Convert directory to URI String to provide better logging output
        final URI directoryUri = directory.toURI();
        final String directoryUriStr = directoryUri.toString();
        try {
            //Scan the specified directory for files to import
  "Scanning for files to Import from: {}", directory);
            final PortalDataKeyFileProcessor fileProcessor = new PortalDataKeyFileProcessor(this.dataKeyTypes,
            this.directoryScanner.scanDirectoryNoResults(directory, fileFilter, fileProcessor);
            final long resourceCount = fileProcessor.getResourceCount();
  "Found {} files to Import from: {}", resourceCount, directory);

            //See if the import should fail on error
            final boolean failOnError = options != null ? options.isFailOnError() : true;

            //Map of files to import, grouped by type
            final ConcurrentMap<PortalDataKey, Queue<Resource>> dataToImport = fileProcessor.getDataToImport();

            //Import the data files
            for (final PortalDataKey portalDataKey : this.dataKeyImportOrder) {
                final Queue<Resource> files = dataToImport.remove(portalDataKey);
                if (files == null) {

                final Queue<ImportFuture<?>> importFutures = new LinkedList<ImportFuture<?>>();
                final List<FutureHolder<?>> failedFutures = new LinkedList<FutureHolder<?>>();

                final int fileCount = files.size();
      "Importing {} files of type {}", fileCount, portalDataKey);
                reportWriter.println(portalDataKey + "," + fileCount);

                while (!files.isEmpty()) {
                    final Resource file = files.poll();

                    //Check for completed futures on every iteration, needed to fail as fast as possible on an import exception
                    final List<FutureHolder<?>> newFailed = waitForFutures(importFutures, reportWriter,
                            logDirectory, false);

                    final AtomicLong importTime = new AtomicLong(-1);

                    //Create import task
                    final Callable<Object> task = new CallableWithoutResult() {
                        protected void callWithoutResult() {
                            try {
                                importData(file, portalDataKey);
                            } finally {
                                importTime.set(System.nanoTime() - importTime.get());

                    //Submit the import task
                    final Future<?> importFuture = this.importExportThreadPool.submit(task);

                    //Add the future for tracking
                    importFutures.offer(new ImportFuture(importFuture, file, portalDataKey, importTime));

                //Wait for all of the imports on of this type to complete
                final List<FutureHolder<?>> newFailed = waitForFutures(importFutures, reportWriter, logDirectory,

                if (failOnError && !failedFutures.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            failedFutures.size() + " " + portalDataKey + " entities failed to import.\n\n"
                                    + "\tPer entity exception logs and a full report can be found in "
                                    + logDirectory + "\n");


            if (!dataToImport.isEmpty()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "The following PortalDataKeys are not listed in the dataTypeImportOrder List: "
                                + dataToImport.keySet());

  "For a detailed report on the data import see " + importReport);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while waiting for entities to import", e);
        } finally {

     * Determine directory to log import/export reports to
    private File determineLogDirectory(final BatchOptions options, String operation) {
        File logDirectoryParent = options != null ? options.getLogDirectoryParent() : null;
        if (logDirectoryParent == null) {
            logDirectoryParent = Files.createTempDir();
        File logDirectory = new File(logDirectoryParent, "data-" + operation + "-reports");
        try {
            logDirectory = logDirectory.getCanonicalFile();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to clean data-" + operation + " log directory: " + logDirectory, e);
        return logDirectory;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
    public void importData(String resourceLocation) {
        final Resource resource = this.resourceLoader.getResource(resourceLocation);

    public void importData(final Resource resource) {
        this.importData(resource, null);

    public void importData(Source source) {
        this.importData(source, null);

     * @param portalDataKey Optional PortalDataKey to use, useful for batch imports where post-processing of keys has already take place
    protected final void importData(final Resource resource, final PortalDataKey portalDataKey) {
        final InputStream resourceStream;
        try {
            resourceStream = resource.getInputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not load InputStream for resource: " + resource, e);

        try {
            final String resourceUri = ResourceUtils.getResourceUri(resource);
            this.importData(new StreamSource(resourceStream, resourceUri), portalDataKey);
        } finally {

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
    protected final void importData(final Source source, PortalDataKey portalDataKey) {
        //Get a StAX reader for the source to determine info about the data to import
        final BufferedXMLEventReader bufferedXmlEventReader = createSourceXmlEventReader(source);

        //If no PortalDataKey was passed build it from the source
        if (portalDataKey == null) {
            final StartElement rootElement = StaxUtils.getRootElement(bufferedXmlEventReader);
            portalDataKey = new PortalDataKey(rootElement);

        final String systemId = source.getSystemId();

        //Post Process the PortalDataKey to see if more complex import operations are needed
        final IPortalDataType portalDataType = this.dataKeyTypes.get(portalDataKey);
        if (portalDataType == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No IPortalDataType configured for " + portalDataKey
                    + ", the resource will be ignored: " + getPartialSystemId(systemId));
        final Set<PortalDataKey> postProcessedPortalDataKeys = portalDataType.postProcessPortalDataKey(systemId,
                portalDataKey, bufferedXmlEventReader);

        //If only a single result from post processing import
        if (postProcessedPortalDataKeys.size() == 1) {
            this.importOrUpgradeData(systemId, DataAccessUtils.singleResult(postProcessedPortalDataKeys),
        //If multiple results from post processing ordering is needed
        else {
            //Iterate over the data key order list to run the imports in the correct order
            for (final PortalDataKey orderedPortalDataKey : this.dataKeyImportOrder) {
                if (postProcessedPortalDataKeys.contains(orderedPortalDataKey)) {
                    //Reset the to start of the XML document for each import/upgrade call
                    this.importOrUpgradeData(systemId, orderedPortalDataKey, bufferedXmlEventReader);

    protected String getPartialSystemId(String systemId) {
        final String directoryUriStr = IMPORT_BASE_DIR.get();
        if (directoryUriStr == null) {
            return systemId;

        if (systemId.startsWith(directoryUriStr)) {
            return systemId.substring(directoryUriStr.length());

        return systemId;

     * Run the import/update process on the data
    protected final void importOrUpgradeData(String systemId, PortalDataKey portalDataKey,
            XMLEventReader xmlEventReader) {
        //See if there is a registered importer for the data, if so import
        final IDataImporter<Object> dataImporterExporter = this.portalDataImporters.get(portalDataKey);
        if (dataImporterExporter != null) {
            this.logger.debug("Importing: {}", getPartialSystemId(systemId));
            final Object data = unmarshallData(xmlEventReader, dataImporterExporter);
  "Imported : {}", getPartialSystemId(systemId));

        //No importer, see if there is an upgrader, if so upgrade
        final IDataUpgrader dataUpgrader = this.portalDataUpgraders.get(portalDataKey);
        if (dataUpgrader != null) {
            this.logger.debug("Upgrading: {}", getPartialSystemId(systemId));

            //Convert the StAX stream to a DOM node, due to poor JDK support for StAX with XSLT
            final Node sourceNode;
            try {
                sourceNode = xmlUtilities.convertToDom(xmlEventReader);
            } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create StAXSource from original XML reader", e);
            final DOMSource source = new DOMSource(sourceNode);

            final DOMResult result = new DOMResult();
            final boolean doImport = dataUpgrader.upgradeData(source, result);
            if (doImport) {
                //If the upgrader didn't handle the import as well wrap the result DOM in a new Source and start the import process over again
                final org.w3c.dom.Node node = result.getNode();
                final PortalDataKey upgradedPortalDataKey = new PortalDataKey(node);
                if (this.logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    this.logger.trace("Upgraded: " + getPartialSystemId(systemId) + " to " + upgradedPortalDataKey
                            + "\n\nSource XML: \n" + XmlUtilitiesImpl.toString(source.getNode())
                            + "\n\nResult XML: \n" + XmlUtilitiesImpl.toString(node));
                } else {
          "Upgraded: {} to {}", getPartialSystemId(systemId), upgradedPortalDataKey);
                final DOMSource upgradedSource = new DOMSource(node, systemId);
                this.importData(upgradedSource, upgradedPortalDataKey);
            } else {
      "Upgraded and Imported: {}", getPartialSystemId(systemId));

        //No importer or upgrader found, fail
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Provided data " + portalDataKey + " has no registered importer or upgrader support: " + systemId);

    protected Object unmarshallData(final XMLEventReader bufferedXmlEventReader,
            final IDataImporter<Object> dataImporterExporter) {
        final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = dataImporterExporter.getUnmarshaller();

        try {
            final StAXSource source = new StAXSource(bufferedXmlEventReader);
            return unmarshaller.unmarshal(source);
        } catch (XmlMappingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to map provided XML to portal data", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read the provided XML data", e);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create StAX Source to read XML data", e);

    protected BufferedXMLEventReader createSourceXmlEventReader(final Source source) {
        //If it is a StAXSource see if we can do better handling of it
        if (source instanceof StAXSource) {
            final StAXSource staxSource = (StAXSource) source;
            XMLEventReader xmlEventReader = staxSource.getXMLEventReader();
            if (xmlEventReader != null) {
                if (xmlEventReader instanceof BufferedXMLEventReader) {
                    final BufferedXMLEventReader bufferedXMLEventReader = (BufferedXMLEventReader) xmlEventReader;
                    return bufferedXMLEventReader;

                return new BufferedXMLEventReader(xmlEventReader, -1);

        final XMLInputFactory xmlInputFactory = this.xmlUtilities.getXmlInputFactory();
        final XMLEventReader xmlEventReader;
        try {
            xmlEventReader = xmlInputFactory.createXMLEventReader(source);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create XML Event Reader for data Source", e);
        return new BufferedXMLEventReader(xmlEventReader, -1);

    public Iterable<IPortalDataType> getExportPortalDataTypes() {
        return this.exportPortalDataTypes;

    public Iterable<IPortalDataType> getDeletePortalDataTypes() {
        return this.deletePortalDataTypes;

    public Iterable<? extends IPortalData> getPortalData(String typeId) {
        final IDataExporter<Object> dataImporterExporter = getPortalDataExporter(typeId);
        return dataImporterExporter.getPortalData();

    public String exportData(String typeId, String dataId, Result result) {
        final IDataExporter<Object> portalDataExporter = this.getPortalDataExporter(typeId);
        final Object data = portalDataExporter.exportData(dataId);
        if (data == null) {
            return null;

        final Marshaller marshaller = portalDataExporter.getMarshaller();
        try {
            marshaller.marshal(data, result);
            return portalDataExporter.getFileName(data);
        } catch (XmlMappingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to map provided portal data to XML", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to write the provided XML data", e);

    public boolean exportData(String typeId, String dataId, File directory) {

        final File exportTempFile;
        try {
            exportTempFile = File.createTempFile(
                    SafeFilenameUtils.makeSafeFilename(StringUtils.rightPad(dataId, 2, '-') + "-"),
                    SafeFilenameUtils.makeSafeFilename("." + typeId), directory);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not create temp file to export " + typeId + " " + dataId, e);

        try {
            final String fileName = this.exportData(typeId, dataId, new StreamResult(exportTempFile));
            if (fileName == null) {
      "Skipped: type={} id={}", typeId, dataId);
                return false;

            final File destFile = new File(directory, fileName + "." + typeId + ".xml");
            if (destFile.exists()) {
                logger.warn("Exporting " + typeId + " " + dataId
                        + " but destination file already exists, it will be overwritten: " + destFile);
            FileUtils.moveFile(exportTempFile, destFile);
  "Exported: {}", destFile);

            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) e;

            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to export " + typeId + " " + dataId, e);
        } finally {

    public void exportAllDataOfType(Set<String> typeIds, File directory, BatchExportOptions options) {
        final Queue<ExportFuture<?>> exportFutures = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ExportFuture<?>>();
        final boolean failOnError = options != null ? options.isFailOnError() : true;

        //Determine the parent directory to log to
        final File logDirectory = determineLogDirectory(options, "export");

        //Setup reporting file
        final File exportReport = new File(logDirectory, "data-export.txt");
        final PrintWriter reportWriter;
        try {
            reportWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(exportReport)));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create FileWriter for: " + exportReport, e);

        try {
            for (final String typeId : typeIds) {
                final List<FutureHolder<?>> failedFutures = new LinkedList<FutureHolder<?>>();

                final File typeDir = new File(directory, typeId);
      "Adding all data of type {} to export queue: {}", typeId, typeDir);

                reportWriter.println(typeId + "," + typeDir);

                final Iterable<? extends IPortalData> dataForType = this.getPortalData(typeId);
                for (final IPortalData data : dataForType) {
                    final String dataId = data.getDataId();

                    //Check for completed futures on every iteration, needed to fail as fast as possible on an import exception
                    final List<FutureHolder<?>> newFailed = waitForFutures(exportFutures, reportWriter,
                            logDirectory, false);

                    final AtomicLong exportTime = new AtomicLong(-1);

                    //Create export task
                    Callable<Object> task = new CallableWithoutResult() {
                        protected void callWithoutResult() {
                            try {
                                exportData(typeId, dataId, typeDir);
                            } finally {
                                exportTime.set(System.nanoTime() - exportTime.get());

                    //Submit the export task
                    final Future<?> exportFuture = this.importExportThreadPool.submit(task);

                    //Add the future for tracking
                    final ExportFuture futureHolder = new ExportFuture(exportFuture, typeId, dataId, exportTime);

                final List<FutureHolder<?>> newFailed = waitForFutures(exportFutures, reportWriter, logDirectory,


                if (failOnError && !failedFutures.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(failedFutures.size() + " " + typeId + " entities failed to export.\n"
                            + "\tPer entity exception logs and a full report can be found in " + logDirectory);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while waiting for entities to export", e);
        } finally {

    public void exportAllData(File directory, BatchExportOptions options) {
        final Set<IPortalDataType> portalDataTypes;
        if (this.exportAllPortalDataTypes != null) {
            portalDataTypes = this.exportAllPortalDataTypes;
        } else {
            portalDataTypes = this.exportPortalDataTypes;

        final Set<String> typeIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        for (final IPortalDataType portalDataType : portalDataTypes) {
        this.exportAllDataOfType(typeIds, directory, options);

    protected IDataExporter<Object> getPortalDataExporter(String typeId) {
        final IDataExporter<Object> dataExporter = this.portalDataExporters.get(typeId);
        if (dataExporter == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No IDataExporter exists for: " + typeId);
        return dataExporter;

    public void deleteData(String typeId, String dataId) {
        final IDataDeleter<Object> dataDeleter = this.portalDataDeleters.get(typeId);
        if (dataDeleter == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No IDataDeleter exists for: " + typeId);

        final Object data = dataDeleter.deleteData(dataId);
        if (data != null) {
  "Deleted data " + dataId + " of type " + typeId);
        } else {
  "No data " + dataId + " of type " + typeId + " exists to delete");

     * Used by batch import and export to wait for queued tasks to complete. Handles fail-fast behavior
     * if any of the tasks threw and exception by canceling all queued futures and logging a summary of
     * the failures. All completed futures are removed from the queue.
     * @param futures Queued futures to check for completeness
     * @param wait If true it will wait for all futures to complete, if false only check for completed futures
     * @return a list of futures that either threw exceptions or timed out
    protected List<FutureHolder<?>> waitForFutures(final Queue<? extends FutureHolder<?>> futures,
            final PrintWriter reportWriter, final File reportDirectory, final boolean wait)
            throws InterruptedException {

        final List<FutureHolder<?>> failedFutures = new LinkedList<FutureHolder<?>>();

        for (Iterator<? extends FutureHolder<?>> futuresItr = futures.iterator(); futuresItr.hasNext();) {
            final FutureHolder<?> futureHolder =;

            //If waiting, or if not waiting but the future is already done do the get
            final Future<?> future = futureHolder.getFuture();
            if (wait || (!wait && future.isDone())) {

                try {
                    //Don't bother doing a get() on canceled futures
                    if (!future.isCancelled()) {
                        if (this.maxWait > 0) {
                            future.get(this.maxWait, this.maxWaitTimeUnit);
                        } else {

                        reportWriter.printf(REPORT_FORMAT, "SUCCESS", futureHolder.getDescription(),
                } catch (CancellationException e) {
                    //Ignore cancellation exceptions
                } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                    logger.error("Failed: " + futureHolder);

                    reportWriter.printf(REPORT_FORMAT, "FAIL", futureHolder.getDescription(),

                    try {
                        final String dataReportName = SafeFilenameUtils.makeSafeFilename(
                                futureHolder.getDataType() + "_" + futureHolder.getDataName() + ".txt");
                        final File dataReportFile = new File(reportDirectory, dataReportName);
                        final PrintWriter dataReportWriter = new PrintWriter(
                                new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dataReportFile)));
                        try {
                                    "FAIL: " + futureHolder.getDataType() + " - " + futureHolder.getDataName());
                        } finally {
                    } catch (Exception re) {
                        logger.warn("Failed to write error report for failed " + futureHolder
                                + ", logging root failure here", e.getCause());
                } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                    logger.warn("Failed: " + futureHolder);

                    reportWriter.printf(REPORT_FORMAT, "TIMEOUT", futureHolder.getDescription(),

        return failedFutures;

    private static abstract class FutureHolder<T> {
        private final Future<T> future;
        private final AtomicLong time;
        private Exception error;

        public FutureHolder(Future<T> future, AtomicLong time) {
            this.future = future;
            this.time = time;

        public Future<T> getFuture() {
            return this.future;

        public double getExecutionTimeMillis() {
            final long t = time.get();
            if (!future.isDone()) {
                return System.nanoTime() - t;
            return t / 1000000.0;

        public Exception getError() {
            return error;

        public void setError(Exception error) {
            this.error = error;

        public abstract String getDescription();

        public abstract String getDataType();

        public abstract String getDataName();

    private static class ImportFuture<T> extends FutureHolder<T> {
        private final Resource resource;
        private final PortalDataKey dataKey;

        public ImportFuture(Future<T> future, Resource resource, PortalDataKey dataKey, AtomicLong importTime) {
            super(future, importTime);
            this.resource = resource;
            this.dataKey = dataKey;

        public String getDescription() {
            return this.resource.getDescription();

        public String getDataType() {
            return dataKey.getName().getLocalPart();

        public String getDataName() {
            return this.resource.getFilename();

        public String toString() {
            return "importing " + this.getDescription();

    private static class ExportFuture<T> extends FutureHolder<T> {
        private final String typeId;
        private final String dataId;

        public ExportFuture(Future<T> future, String typeId, String dataId, AtomicLong exportTime) {
            super(future, exportTime);
            this.typeId = typeId;
            this.dataId = dataId;

        public String getDescription() {
            return "type=" + this.typeId + ", dataId=" + this.dataId;

        public String getDataType() {
            return this.typeId;

        public String getDataName() {
            return this.dataId;

        public String toString() {
            return "exporting " + this.getDescription();