Java tutorial
/* * CRUK-CI Genologics REST API Java Client. * Copyright (C) 2013 Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.cruk.genologics.api.impl; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils.getShortClassName; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtilsBean; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.auth.Credentials; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.cruk.genologics.api.GenologicsAPI; import org.cruk.genologics.api.GenologicsException; import org.cruk.genologics.api.GenologicsUpdateException; import org.cruk.genologics.api.IllegalSearchTermException; import org.cruk.genologics.api.cache.CacheStatefulBehaviour; import org.cruk.genologics.api.http.AuthenticatingClientHttpRequestFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.springframework.core.NestedIOException; import; import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequest; import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse; import org.springframework.integration.file.remote.session.Session; import org.springframework.integration.sftp.session.DefaultSftpSessionFactory; import org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller; import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap; import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap; import org.springframework.web.client.RestOperations; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import com.genologics.ri.Batch; import com.genologics.ri.BatchUpdate; import com.genologics.ri.GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult; import com.genologics.ri.GenologicsEntity; import com.genologics.ri.GenologicsQueryResult; import com.genologics.ri.LimsEntity; import com.genologics.ri.LimsEntityLink; import com.genologics.ri.LimsEntityLinkable; import com.genologics.ri.LimsLink; import com.genologics.ri.Link; import com.genologics.ri.Linkable; import com.genologics.ri.Links; import com.genologics.ri.Locatable; import com.genologics.ri.Location; import com.genologics.ri.PaginatedBatch; import com.genologics.ri.artifact.Artifact; import com.genologics.ri.file.GenologicsFile; import com.genologics.ri.process.GenologicsProcess; import com.genologics.ri.processexecution.ExecutableProcess; import com.genologics.ri.queue.Queue; import com.genologics.ri.routing.Routing; import com.genologics.ri.sample.Sample; import com.genologics.ri.step.ProcessStep; import com.genologics.ri.step.StepCreation; import com.genologics.ri.stepconfiguration.ProtocolStep; import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.LsEntry; import com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException; /** * Implementation of GenologicsAPI using the Clarity REST operations. * Uses the Spring REST template for the calls with a Spring Jaxb2Marshaller * object for XML/object transformations and a Commons HttpClient to do the * actual calls. * * @see RestTemplate * @see Jaxb2Marshaller * @see HttpClient */ public class GenologicsAPIImpl implements GenologicsAPI { /** * The first part of the path for API calls. * This project is supporting version two of the Genologics API. */ protected static final String API_PATH_BASE = "/api/v2/"; /** * Combined mask for fields that need to be copied from updated objects to the * originals provided for PUT and POST operations. * * @see #reflectiveUpdate(Object, Object) */ private static final int REFLECTIVE_UPDATE_MODIFIER_MASK = Modifier.TRANSIENT | Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL; /** * Hard limit on the maximum number of links or objects per batch * for the bulk operations. */ private static final int BULK_OPERATION_BATCH_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT = 10000; /** * The protocols in URIs and URLs for HTTP (includes HTTPS). */ private static final Set<String> HTTP_PROTOCOLS = Collections .unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("http", "https"))); /** * The protocol in URIs and URLs for SFTP. */ private static final String SFTP_PROTOCOL = "sftp"; /** * Logger. */ protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenologicsAPI.class); /** * The Spring REST client. */ protected RestOperations restClient; /** * The HTTP client. */ protected HttpClient httpClient; /** * The request factory for direct communication with the HTTP client. */ protected AuthenticatingClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory; /** * Adapted REST client for uploading files through the HTTP mechanism. */ protected RestOperations fileUploadClient; /** * Session factory for JSch connections to the file store over SFTP. */ protected DefaultSftpSessionFactory filestoreSessionFactory = new DefaultSftpSessionFactory(); /** * Reflection access to {@code DefaultSftpSessionFactory}'s private {@code host} field. * Needed to return the host name for the file store. * * @see #getFilestoreServer() */ private java.lang.reflect.Field filestoreSessionFactoryHostField; /** * The properties object passed in through construction or through setConfiguration * during Spring initialisation. */ private Properties initialisingConfiguration; /** * Flag indicating that all Spring initialisation has been completed. */ private boolean initialisationComplete; /** * The root URL to the Clarity server. */ protected URL serverAddress; /** * The root path for all API calls to Clarity server. */ protected String apiRoot; /** * User name and password credentials for accessing the Clarity API. */ protected UsernamePasswordCredentials apiCredentials; /** * User name and password credentials for accessing the file store. */ protected UsernamePasswordCredentials filestoreCredentials; /** * The number of objects that will be fetched, updated or created in each * call the Clarity API for the bulk operations (those that use a collection of * links or objects). * * @see GenologicsAPI#setBulkOperationBatchSize(int) */ private int bulkOperationBatchSize = 500; /** * Whether files can be uploaded using HTTP to the {@code files/id/upload} API end point. * * @see GenologicsAPI#setUploadOverHttp(boolean) */ protected boolean uploadOverHttp = false; /** * The maximum size of file that can be uploaded using HTTP. * * @see GenologicsAPI#setHttpUploadSizeLimit(long) */ protected long httpUploadSizeLimit = 10485760L; /** * Whether the SFTP mechanism can be used as a fall back for uploading files if * a file exceeds the HTTP upload size limit. * * @see GenologicsAPI#setAutoRevertToSFTPUploads(boolean) */ protected boolean autoRevertToSFTP = true; /** * Whether to download files that have an HTTP URL directly from their * store, or whether to download via the {@code files/id/download} API end point. * * @see GenologicsAPI#setDownloadDirectFromHttpStore(boolean) */ protected boolean downloadDirectFromHttpStore = true; /** * Map of Locatable class to the class that provides the list of links * returned from listing or searching for objects of that type. * * <p>The key in the pair should be the entity class (e.g. {@code Artifact} * and the value should be a class that implements the {@link Batch} * interface and is annotated with the {@link GenologicsQueryResult} * annotation for that entity class (e.g. {@link com.genologics.ri.artifact.Artifacts}). * </p> */ protected Map<Class<? extends Locatable>, Class<?>> entityToListClassMap; /** * Map of Locatable class to the class that provides the mass fetch or update * operation. Such bulk fetches and updates are only available for a small number * of classes. * * <p>The key in the pair should be the entity class (e.g. {@code Artifact} * and the value should be a class that implements the {@link BatchUpdate} * interface and is annotated with the {@link GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult} * annotation for that entity class (e.g. {@link com.genologics.ri.artifact.ArtifactBatchFetchResult}). * </p> */ protected Map<Class<? extends Locatable>, Class<?>> entityToBatchRetrieveClassMap; /** * Cache of fields to update by reflective examination of an updated object * from the server. Maps the artifact class to a map of field names to * {@code java.lang.reflect.Field} objects. */ protected Map<Class<?>, Map<String, java.lang.reflect.Field>> updaterFields = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Class<?>, Map<String, java.lang.reflect.Field>>()); /** * Standard constructor. */ public GenologicsAPIImpl() { try { filestoreSessionFactoryHostField = DefaultSftpSessionFactory.class.getDeclaredField("host"); filestoreSessionFactoryHostField.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new AssertionError( "Apparently no 'host' field in DefaultSftpSessionFactory, but this field is known to exist."); } } /** * Initialise with an initial configuration from a properties file. * * @param configuration The properties file. * * @throws MalformedURLException if the server URL is set and the value cannot form * a valid URL. * * @see #setConfiguration(Properties) */ public GenologicsAPIImpl(Properties configuration) throws MalformedURLException { this(); setConfiguration(configuration); } /** * Set the file store session factory for SFTP connections. * This bean in optional if no additional configuration of the factory is required. * * @param filestoreSessionFactory The SFTP session factory. */ public void setFilestoreSessionFactory(DefaultSftpSessionFactory filestoreSessionFactory) { this.filestoreSessionFactory = filestoreSessionFactory; } /** * Set the Jaxb marshaller. * * <p>This operation also immediately scans the classes managed by the marshaller * to find those supporting classes for retrieving lists of links to a given entity * and classes that allow batch fetch and update of entities. * </p> * * @param jaxbMarshaller The Jaxb marshaller. */ @Required public void setJaxbMarshaller(Jaxb2Marshaller jaxbMarshaller) { entityToListClassMap = new HashMap<Class<? extends Locatable>, Class<?>>(); entityToBatchRetrieveClassMap = new HashMap<Class<? extends Locatable>, Class<?>>(); for (Class<?> possibleClass : jaxbMarshaller.getClassesToBeBound()) { GenologicsQueryResult queryAnno = possibleClass.getAnnotation(GenologicsQueryResult.class); GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult batchAnno = possibleClass .getAnnotation(GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult.class); if (queryAnno != null) { Class<? extends Locatable> entityClass = queryAnno.entityClass().asSubclass(Locatable.class); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class<? extends Batch> listClass = possibleClass.asSubclass(Batch.class); entityToListClassMap.put(entityClass, listClass); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Results class {} mapped as query results for {}", getShortClassName(listClass), getShortClassName(entityClass)); } } if (batchAnno != null) { Class<? extends Locatable> entityClass = batchAnno.entityClass().asSubclass(Locatable.class); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class<? extends BatchUpdate> detailsClass = possibleClass.asSubclass(BatchUpdate.class); entityToBatchRetrieveClassMap.put(entityClass, detailsClass); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Batch retrieve class {} mapped as entity holder for {}", getShortClassName(detailsClass), getShortClassName(entityClass)); } } } } /** * Set the REST client. * * @param restClient The REST client. */ @Required public void setRestClient(RestOperations restClient) { this.restClient = restClient; } /** * Set the REST client used for file uploads over HTTP. * * @param fileUploadClient The REST client configured for file upload. */ @Required public void setFileUploadClient(RestOperations fileUploadClient) { this.fileUploadClient = fileUploadClient; } /** * Set the HTTP client. If the credentials are already known at this point, * those are set on the client. * * @param httpClient The HTTP client. */ @Required public void setHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient) { this.httpClient = httpClient; if (apiCredentials != null) { setCredentials(apiCredentials); } } /** * Set the factory used for obtaining HTTP requests. * * @param httpRequestFactory The HTTP request factory supporting basic authentication. */ @Required public void setHttpRequestFactory(AuthenticatingClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory) { this.httpRequestFactory = httpRequestFactory; } @Override public URL getServer() { return serverAddress; } @Override public void setServer(URL serverAddress) { if (serverAddress == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("serverAddress cannot be set to null"); } if (httpRequestFactory == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Request factory has not been set."); } String currentHost = this.serverAddress == null ? null : this.serverAddress.getHost(); this.serverAddress = serverAddress; httpRequestFactory.setCredentials(serverAddress, apiCredentials); String addr = serverAddress.toExternalForm(); addr = org.springframework.util.StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(addr, '/'); apiRoot = addr + API_PATH_BASE; String filestoreHostAddress = getFilestoreServer(); if (filestoreHostAddress == null || filestoreHostAddress.equals(currentHost)) { setFilestoreServer(serverAddress.getHost()); } } @Override public String getServerApiAddress() { return apiRoot; } @Override public String getUsername() { return apiCredentials.getUserName(); } @Override public void setCredentials(String username, String password) { apiCredentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password); if (serverAddress != null) { httpRequestFactory.setCredentials(serverAddress, apiCredentials); } } @Override public void setCredentials(Credentials httpCredentials) { if (serverAddress != null) { httpRequestFactory.setCredentials(serverAddress, httpCredentials); } if (httpCredentials instanceof UsernamePasswordCredentials) { apiCredentials = (UsernamePasswordCredentials) httpCredentials; } } @Override public void setFilestoreServer(String host) { if (host == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("host cannot be null"); } filestoreSessionFactory.setHost(host); } @Override public void setFilestoreCredentials(String username, String password) { if (username == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("username cannot be null"); } filestoreCredentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password); filestoreSessionFactory.setUser(username); filestoreSessionFactory.setPassword(password); } /** * Get the host currently set on the file store. * * @return The file store host (may be null). */ protected String getFilestoreServer() { String filestoreHostAddress = null; try { filestoreHostAddress = (String) filestoreSessionFactoryHostField.get(filestoreSessionFactory); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore. } return filestoreHostAddress; } @Override public void setConfiguration(Properties configuration) throws MalformedURLException { if (configuration != null) { if (initialisationComplete) { String apiServer = configuration.getProperty("api.server"); String apiUser = configuration.getProperty("api.user"); String apiPass = configuration.getProperty("api.pass"); String filestoreServer = configuration.getProperty("filestore.server"); String filestoreUser = configuration.getProperty("filestore.user"); String filestorePass = configuration.getProperty("filestore.pass"); String batchSize = configuration.getProperty("batch.size"); String httpUpload = configuration.getProperty("http.upload"); String httpUploadLimit = configuration.getProperty("http.upload.maximum"); String revertToSftp = configuration.getProperty(""); String httpDirect = configuration.getProperty(""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(apiServer)) { setServer(new URL(apiServer)); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(apiUser)) { setCredentials(apiUser, apiPass); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filestoreServer)) { setFilestoreServer(filestoreServer); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filestoreUser)) { setFilestoreCredentials(filestoreUser, filestorePass); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(batchSize)) { try { setBulkOperationBatchSize(Integer.parseInt(batchSize)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Configuration property 'batch.size' is not a number."); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(httpUpload)) { setUploadOverHttp(Boolean.parseBoolean(httpUpload)); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(httpUploadLimit)) { try { setHttpUploadSizeLimit(Long.parseLong(httpUploadLimit)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Configuration property 'http.upload.maximum' is not a number."); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(revertToSftp)) { setAutoRevertToSFTPUploads(Boolean.parseBoolean(revertToSftp)); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(httpDirect)) { setDownloadDirectFromHttpStore(Boolean.parseBoolean(httpDirect)); } } else { initialisingConfiguration = configuration; } } } /** * Get the size of each batch of objects fetched, updated or created in * a bulk operation. * * @return The number of objects sent or retrieved in each batch. * * @see GenologicsAPI#setBulkOperationBatchSize(int) */ public int getBulkOperationBatchSize() { return bulkOperationBatchSize; } @Override public void setBulkOperationBatchSize(int batchSize) { bulkOperationBatchSize = batchSize <= 0 ? BULK_OPERATION_BATCH_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT : Math.min(batchSize, BULK_OPERATION_BATCH_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT); } @Override public void setUploadOverHttp(boolean uploadOverHttp) { this.uploadOverHttp = uploadOverHttp; } /** * Get the maximum size of file that can be uploaded using HTTP. * * @return The maximum size of file allowed over HTTP. * * @since 2.23 * * @see GenologicsAPI#setHttpUploadSizeLimit(long) */ public long getHttpUploadSizeLimit() { return httpUploadSizeLimit; } @Override public void setHttpUploadSizeLimit(long limit) { if (limit < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("HTTP upload size limit must be positive."); } httpUploadSizeLimit = limit; } @Override public void setAutoRevertToSFTPUploads(boolean autoRevertToSFTP) { this.autoRevertToSFTP = autoRevertToSFTP; } @Override public void setDownloadDirectFromHttpStore(boolean downloadDirect) { this.downloadDirectFromHttpStore = downloadDirect; } /** * When this bean has finished Spring set up (all properties set), the * configuration that may have been supplied during start up needs to * be applied correctly to this bean and some objects it depends on. * * @throws MalformedURLException if the {@code api.server} property is set to * an invalid URL. */ @PostConstruct public void afterInitialisation() throws MalformedURLException { initialisationComplete = true; setConfiguration(initialisingConfiguration); initialisingConfiguration = null; } // Internal consistency methods. /** * Get the class that holds a list of links for the given entity when returned * from a list or search operation. * * <p>For example, this is the {@link com.genologics.ri.artifact.Artifacts} * class for the {@link com.genologics.ri.artifact.Artifact} entity. * </p> * * @param entityClass The class of the entity. * * @param <E> The type of the entity. * @param <BH> The type of the object that holds the list of links to these entities. * * @return The list of links class for the given class of entity. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code entityClass} has no associated * list of links class. */ protected <E extends Locatable, BH extends Batch<? extends LimsLink<E>>> Class<BH> getQueryResultsClassForEntity( Class<E> entityClass) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<BH> listClass = (Class<BH>) entityToListClassMap.get(entityClass); if (listClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( entityClass.getName() + " is not returned by any known Batch class."); } return listClass; } /** * Get the class that allow mass retrieve or update operations for the * given entity class. * * <p>For example, this is the {@link com.genologics.ri.artifact.ArtifactBatchFetchResult} * class for the {@link com.genologics.ri.artifact.Artifact} entity. * </p> * * @param entityClass The class of the entity. * * @param <E> The type of the entity. * @param <BH> The type of the object that contains the list of entities from a bulk fetch. * * @return The bulk retrieval/update class for the given class of entity. Will return * {@code null} if the entity class has no mechanism for bulk operations. */ protected <E extends Locatable, BH extends Batch<E>> Class<BH> getBatchRetrieveClassForEntity( Class<E> entityClass) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<BH> listClass = (Class<BH>) entityToBatchRetrieveClassMap.get(entityClass); return listClass; } /** * Check that the class given as an entity class is annotated with the * {@code GenologicsEntity} annotation. * * @param entityClass The class to check. * * @return The GenologicsEntity annotation found. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code entityClass} is null or is not * annotated. */ protected GenologicsEntity checkEntityAnnotated(Class<?> entityClass) { if (entityClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entityClass cannot be null"); } GenologicsEntity entityAnno = entityClass.getAnnotation(GenologicsEntity.class); if (entityAnno == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class " + entityClass.getName() + " has not been annotated with the GenologicsEntity annotation."); } return entityAnno; } /** * Check the server's URL has been set. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the URL has not been set. */ protected void checkServerSet() { if (serverAddress == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The server URL has not been set."); } } /** * Check the file store's host name and credentials have been set. * * @throws IllegalStateException if either the host name or the credentials * are not set. */ protected void checkFilestoreSet() { if (getFilestoreServer() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("File store server has not been set."); } if (filestoreCredentials == null || filestoreCredentials.getUserName() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("File store credentials have not been set."); } } /** * Check that the given collection contains no nulls, that each item either has * a URI or does not have a URI (depending on {@code requireUri}, that all objects * in the collection are of the same class, and that, if {@code requireUri} is true, * there are no repeated URIs in the collection (ignoring state). * * @param <E> The type of entity in the collection. * @param entities The collection of entities to check. * @param requireUri Whether these objects are expected to already have a URI set * on them or not. * * @return The class of the entities in the collection. Will return null if the * {@code entities} collection is empty. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code entities} contains a null element; * if an object in @{code entities} has a URI when it should not or does not have * a URI when it should; if the classes of the objects in {@code entities} are not * all the same; if an entity appears more than once in the collection (if * {@code requireUri} is true). */ protected <E extends Locatable> Class<E> checkCollectionHomogeneousAndUnique(Collection<E> entities, boolean requireUri) { Class<E> entityClass = null; Set<String> entityPaths = null; if (requireUri) { entityPaths = new HashSet<String>(); } for (E entity : entities) { if (entity == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entities contains a null"); } if (!requireUri && entity.getUri() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "entity has a URI set. This indicates it is already in the LIMS."); } if (requireUri && entity.getUri() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity has no URI set. It may need to be created first."); } if (entityClass == null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<E> tempClass = (Class<E>) entity.getClass(); entityClass = tempClass; } else { if (!entityClass.equals(entity.getClass())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "entities contains objects of different classes. The collection must be homogeneous."); } } if (requireUri) { String path = entity.getUri().getPath(); if (entityPaths.contains(path)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + " appears in the collection more than once."); } entityPaths.add(path); } } return entityClass; } /** * Check that the given collection of links contains no nulls, that each link has * a URI, that all links in the collection are links to the same entity class, and that * there are no repeated URIs in the collection (ignoring state). * * @param <E> The type of entity linked to. * @param <L> The type of link object. * @param links The collection of links to check. * * @return The class of the entities the links in the collection refer to. Will return * null if the {@code links} collection is empty. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code links} contains a null element; * if a link in @{code links} has no URI set; if the type of the entities indicated by * the links in {@code links} are not all the same; if an entity is referred to more than * once in {@code links}. */ protected <E extends Locatable, L extends LimsLink<E>> Class<E> checkLinkCollectionHomogeneousAndUnique( Collection<L> links) { Class<E> entityClass = null; Set<String> entityPaths = new HashSet<String>(); for (L link : links) { if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("links contains a null"); } if (link.getUri() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("link has no URI set. It is required to retrieve links."); } if (entityClass == null) { entityClass = link.getEntityClass(); } else { if (!entityClass.equals(link.getEntityClass())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "links contains links to entities of different classes. The collection must be homogeneous."); } } String path = link.getUri().getPath(); if (entityPaths.contains(path)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + " appears in the collection more than once."); } entityPaths.add(path); } return entityClass; } // Public helper methods. @Override public <E extends Locatable> URI limsIdToUri(String limsid, Class<E> entityClass) throws URISyntaxException { return new URI(makeUri(limsid, entityClass, "limsIdToUri")); } /** * Convert the given LIMS id to a full URI for that entity * without creating a URI object. * * @param <E> The type of LIMS entity referred to. * @param limsid The LIMS id of the entity required. * @param entityClass The class of the entity. * @param method The name of the calling method. * * @return The full URI to the entity as a string. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either argument is null, or if * {@code entityClass} is annotated with a primary section attribute. * * @see GenologicsAPI#limsIdToUri(String, Class) */ protected <E extends Locatable> String makeUri(String limsid, Class<E> entityClass, String method) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(limsid)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("limsid cannot be null or empty"); } GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); if (entityAnno.primaryEntity() != void.class) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(entityClass.getName() + " has a double section endpoint in the API. " + "Use " + method + "(String, String, Class) for this type."); } checkServerSet(); StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(apiRoot); uri.append(entityAnno.uriSection()).append('/').append(limsid); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entityAnno.uriSubsection())) { uri.append('/').append(entityAnno.uriSubsection()); } return uri.toString(); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> URI limsIdToUri(String outerLimsid, String innerLimsid, Class<E> entityClass) throws URISyntaxException { return new URI(makeUri(outerLimsid, innerLimsid, entityClass, "limsIdToUri")); } /** * Convert the given LIMS ids to a full URI for that entity * without creating a URI object. * * @param <E> The type of LIMS entity referred to. * @param outerLimsid The LIMS id of the outer endpoint of the URI. * @param innerLimsid The LIMS id of the inner endpoint of the URI. * @param entityClass The class of the entity. * @param method The name of the calling method. * * @return The full URI to the entity as a string. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is null, or if * {@code entityClass} is not annotated with a primary section attribute. * * @see GenologicsAPI#limsIdToUri(String, String, Class) */ protected <E extends Locatable> String makeUri(String outerLimsid, String innerLimsid, Class<E> entityClass, String method) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(outerLimsid)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("outerLimsid cannot be null or empty"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(innerLimsid)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("innerLimsid cannot be null or empty"); } GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); if (entityAnno.primaryEntity() == void.class) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(entityClass.getName() + " has a single section endpoint in the API. " + "Use " + method + "(String, Class) for this type."); } checkServerSet(); GenologicsEntity primaryAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityAnno.primaryEntity()); String uri = apiRoot + primaryAnno.uriSection() + '/' + outerLimsid + '/' + entityAnno.uriSection() + '/' + innerLimsid; return uri; } public void nextCallCacheOverride(CacheStatefulBehaviour behaviour) { // Deliberately does nothing. Handled by the point cuts of the cache. } // General fetch methods. @Override public <E extends Locatable> List<LimsLink<E>> listAll(Class<E> entityClass) { GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); checkServerSet(); String startUri = apiRoot + entityAnno.uriSection(); return doList(startUri, entityClass, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> List<LimsLink<E>> listSome(Class<E> entityClass, int startIndex, int number) { GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); checkServerSet(); String startUri = apiRoot + entityAnno.uriSection() + "?start-index=" + startIndex; return doList(startUri, entityClass, number); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> List<LimsLink<E>> find(Map<String, ?> searchTerms, Class<E> entityClass) { GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); if (entityAnno.primaryEntity() != void.class) { String entityClassName = getShortClassName(entityClass); String primaryName = getShortClassName(entityAnno.primaryEntity()); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot search for " + entityClassName + "s as they are part of " + primaryName + ". " + "A " + primaryName + " should supply a list of its relevant " + entityClassName + "s."); } checkServerSet(); StringBuilder query = expandSearchTerms(searchTerms); StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(256 + query.length()); uri.append(apiRoot).append(entityAnno.uriSection()); if (query.length() > 0) { uri.append('?').append(query); } return doList(uri.toString(), entityClass, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Perform a list operation for obtaining links to entities. These lists may * be a simple "list all in system" call or from a "find" operation. * * <p> * Deals with the pagination mechanism employed by the API to bring * back the required number of links regardless of the number of "pages" * the API returns them in. * </p> * * @param uri The URI to use for the list. * @param entityClass The type of entities required (or rather links to such entities). * @param number The maximum number of entities required. Calling code should * use {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} to return all. * * @param <E> The type of the entity. * @param <BH> The type of the object that holds the list of links to these entities. * * @return A list of links to the entities found. */ private <E extends Locatable, BH extends Batch<? extends LimsLink<E>>> List<LimsLink<E>> doList(String uri, Class<E> entityClass, int number) { Class<BH> batchClass = getQueryResultsClassForEntity(entityClass); return doList(uri, entityClass, batchClass, number); } /** * Perform a list operation for obtaining links to entities using a specific * batch fetch class. These lists may be a simple "list all in system" call * or from a "find" operation. * * <p> * Deals with the pagination mechanism employed by the API to bring * back the required number of links regardless of the number of "pages" * the API returns them in. * </p> * * @param uri The URI to use for the list. * @param entityClass The type of entities required (or rather links to such entities). * @param batchClass The type of object to use for fetching the links. * @param number The maximum number of entities required. Calling code should * use {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} to return all. * * @param <E> The type of the entity. * @param <BH> The type of the batch fetch object that holds the list of links * to these entities. * * @return A list of links to the entities found. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code entityClass} is annotated to be * a part of another entity (its {@code primaryEntity} attribute is set). */ private <E extends Locatable, BH extends Batch<? extends LimsLink<E>>> List<LimsLink<E>> doList(String uri, Class<E> entityClass, Class<BH> batchClass, int number) { GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); String entityClassName = getShortClassName(entityClass); if (entityAnno.primaryEntity() != void.class) { String primaryName = getShortClassName(entityAnno.primaryEntity()); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot list all " + entityClassName + "s as they are part of " + primaryName + ". " + "A " + primaryName + " should supply a list of its relevant " + entityClassName + "s."); } ArrayList<LimsLink<E>> allLinks = new ArrayList<LimsLink<E>>(1024); // Note that it is important here to prevent the Spring escaping system // from encoding subsequent page URIs and turning, for example, plus signs // into %2B escaped characters. So for subsequent pages, take the URI // as given from the response. URI nextPageUri = null; do { ResponseEntity<BH> response; if (nextPageUri == null) { logger.debug("Fetching first batch of {} links from {}", entityClassName, uri); // First page response = restClient.getForEntity(uri, batchClass); } else { logger.debug("Fetching further batch of {} links from {}", entityClassName, nextPageUri); // Later batches. response = restClient.getForEntity(nextPageUri, batchClass); } BH batch = response.getBody(); Iterator<? extends LimsLink<E>> iter = batch.iterator(); int toAdd = Math.min(batch.getSize(), number - allLinks.size()); allLinks.ensureCapacity(allLinks.size() + toAdd); for (; iter.hasNext() && toAdd > 0; toAdd--) { allLinks.add(; } nextPageUri = null; if (PaginatedBatch.class.isAssignableFrom(batchClass)) { PaginatedBatch<?> paginatedBatch = (PaginatedBatch<?>) batch; if (paginatedBatch.getNextPage() != null) { nextPageUri = paginatedBatch.getNextPage().getUri(); } } } while (nextPageUri != null && allLinks.size() < number); allLinks.trimToSize(); return allLinks; } @Override public <E extends Locatable> E retrieve(String uri, Class<E> entityClass) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(uri)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("uri cannot be null or empty"); } checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); ResponseEntity<E> response = restClient.getForEntity(uri, entityClass); return response.getBody(); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> E retrieve(URI uri, Class<E> entityClass) { if (uri == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("uri cannot be null"); } checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); ResponseEntity<E> response = restClient.getForEntity(uri, entityClass); return response.getBody(); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> E load(String limsid, Class<E> entityClass) { return retrieve(makeUri(limsid, entityClass, "load"), entityClass); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> E load(String outerLimsid, String innerLimsid, Class<E> entityClass) { return retrieve(makeUri(outerLimsid, innerLimsid, entityClass, "load"), entityClass); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> E load(LimsLink<E> link) { if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("link cannot be null"); } return retrieve(link.getUri(), link.getEntityClass()); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> List<E> loadAll(Collection<? extends LimsLink<E>> links) { List<E> entities; if (links == null || links.isEmpty()) { entities = Collections.<E>emptyList(); } else { Class<E> entityClass = checkLinkCollectionHomogeneousAndUnique(links); assert entityClass != null : "entityClass is null when collection is not empty"; Class<Batch<E>> batchFetchResultClass = getBatchRetrieveClassForEntity(entityClass); entities = new ArrayList<E>(links.size()); if (batchFetchResultClass != null && links.size() > 1) { // No step component has a batch fetch operation. GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); checkServerSet(); String uri = apiRoot + entityAnno.uriSection() + "/batch/retrieve"; final int batchCapacity = Math.min(bulkOperationBatchSize, links.size()); List<LimsLink<E>> batch = new ArrayList<LimsLink<E>>(batchCapacity); Iterator<? extends LimsLink<E>> linkIter = links.iterator(); while (linkIter.hasNext()) { batch.clear(); while (linkIter.hasNext() && batch.size() < batchCapacity) { batch.add(; } ResponseEntity<Batch<E>> response = restClient.postForEntity(uri, toLinks(batch), batchFetchResultClass); entities.addAll(response.getBody().getList()); } reorderBatchFetchList(links, entities); } else { for (LimsLink<E> limsLink : links) { E entity = retrieve(limsLink.getUri(), limsLink.getEntityClass()); entities.add(entity); } } } return entities; } @Override public <E extends LimsEntity<E>> void reload(E entity) { if (entity != null) { if (entity.getUri() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity has no URI set. It has not yet been created."); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E newCopy = (E) retrieve(entity.getUri(), entity.getClass()); reflectiveUpdate(entity, newCopy); } } // Create methods. @Override public <E extends Locatable> void create(E entity) { if (entity == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity cannot be null"); } if (entity.getUri() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity has a URI set. This indicates it is already in the LIMS."); } Class<?> entityClass = entity.getClass(); GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entity.getClass()); if (!entityAnno.creatable()) { throw new GenologicsUpdateException(getShortClassName(entityClass) + " cannot be created."); } checkServerSet(); boolean processStepComponent = "steps".equals(entityAnno.uriSection()) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entityAnno.uriSubsection()); StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(100); if (processStepComponent) { try { Link step = (Link) PropertyUtils.getProperty(entity, "step"); if (step == null || step.getUri() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "entity does not have its Step URI set. This is needed to post a new " + getShortClassName(entityClass) + "."); } uri.append(step.getUri()).append('/').append(entityAnno.uriSubsection()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new AssertionError(entityClass.getName() + " is tagged as a Process Step Component object, but has no getStep method."); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new AssertionError("Cannot call getStep() on " + entityClass.getName()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception while fetching Step from " + getShortClassName(entityClass), e.getTargetException()); } } else { uri.append(apiRoot).append(entityAnno.uriSection()); } doCreateSingle(entity, uri.toString()); } /** * Helper for the creation methods when they create one entity with one call * to the API. Handles the case when the entity being created has an alternative * object to send for creation. * * <p>On success, the original entity is updated with the copy returned by the LIMS.</p> * * @param entity The entity to create. * @param uri The URI to post to to create the entity in the LIMS. */ private <E extends Locatable> void doCreateSingle(E entity, String uri) { Class<?> entityClass = entity.getClass(); GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entity.getClass()); assert entityAnno.creatable() : "Somehow got to doCreateSingle for a class that cannot be created."; assert entityAnno.primaryEntity() == void.class : entityClass.getName() + " has a primary entity set, but such things cannot be created through the API."; // See if the entity class has a creationClass attribute set. If so, // creation is done by creating those objects. ResponseEntity<?> response; Class<?> creationClass = entityAnno.creationClass(); if (creationClass != void.class) { try { Constructor<?> constructor = creationClass.getConstructor(entityClass); Object creationObject = constructor.newInstance(entity); response = restClient.postForEntity(uri, creationObject, entity.getClass()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new AssertionError("There is no constructor taking a " + getShortClassName(entityClass) + " argument on " + creationClass.getName()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new AssertionError("The constructor taking a " + getShortClassName(entityClass) + " argument on " + creationClass.getName() + " is not accessible."); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new AssertionError(creationClass.getName() + " is not a concrete class."); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception while creating a " + getShortClassName(creationClass) + " from " + getShortClassName(entityClass), e.getTargetException()); } } else { response = restClient.postForEntity(uri, entity, entity.getClass()); } reflectiveUpdate(entity, response.getBody()); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> void createAll(Collection<E> entities) { doCreateAll(entities); } /** * Create entities in the API for the entity objects given here. * * <p> * This method will use the batch create mechanism if there is a batch * retrieve class for the type of entity and that class is annotated * to say batch creates are allowed. * </p> * * @param entities The collection of entities to create. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code entities} contains a null value or * an entity that already exists in the API (i.e. has a URI). * * @throws GenologicsUpdateException if the entities cannot be created via the API * (as determined by the {@link GenologicsEntity#creatable()} flag). * * @param <E> The type of the entity. * @param <BH> The type of the object that holds the list of links to these entities. * * @see GenologicsEntity#creatable() * @see GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult#batchCreate() */ private <E extends Locatable, BH extends BatchUpdate<E>> void doCreateAll(Collection<E> entities) { if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { Class<E> entityClass = checkCollectionHomogeneousAndUnique(entities, false); GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); if (!entityAnno.creatable()) { throw new GenologicsUpdateException(getShortClassName(entityClass) + " cannot be created."); } assert entityAnno.primaryEntity() == void.class : entityClass.getName() + " has a primary entity set, but such things cannot be created through the API."; Class<BH> batchRetrieveClass = getBatchRetrieveClassForEntity(entityClass); checkServerSet(); boolean doBatchCreates = false; if (batchRetrieveClass != null) { GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult batchAnnotation = batchRetrieveClass .getAnnotation(GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult.class); assert batchAnnotation != null : "No GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult annotation on result class " + entityClass.getName(); doBatchCreates = batchAnnotation.batchCreate() && entities.size() > 1; } if (doBatchCreates) { try { List<E> createdEntities = new ArrayList<E>(entities.size()); Links createdLinks = new Links(entities.size()); final int batchCapacity = Math.min(bulkOperationBatchSize, entities.size()); List<E> batch = new ArrayList<E>(batchCapacity); Iterator<E> entityIter = entities.iterator(); while (entityIter.hasNext()) { batch.clear(); while (entityIter.hasNext() && batch.size() < batchCapacity) { batch.add(; } BH details = batchRetrieveClass.newInstance(); details.addForCreate(batch); String url = apiRoot + entityAnno.uriSection() + "/batch/create"; ResponseEntity<Links> createReply =, HttpMethod.POST, new HttpEntity<BH>(details), Links.class); Links replyLinks = createReply.getBody(); assert replyLinks.getSize() == batch.size() : "Have " + replyLinks.getSize() + " links returned for " + batch.size() + " submitted entities."; // Need to record the links as they are returned from the create call // in the order they are returned (see below). createdLinks.addAll(replyLinks); // Fetch the new objects to make sure all the properties are correct. url = apiRoot + entityAnno.uriSection() + "/batch/retrieve"; ResponseEntity<BH> reloadReply =, HttpMethod.POST, new HttpEntity<Links>(replyLinks), batchRetrieveClass); createdEntities.addAll(reloadReply.getBody().getList()); } if (Sample.class.equals(entityClass)) { // Special case for samples because we've found in tests that these do // not have their URIs returned in the correct order from the batch // create call. We can though use their location to match up the originals // to the new copies. updateFromNewSamples(entities, createdEntities); } else { // The fetch of the entities using the Links may not bring them back in // the order originally requested, so sort based on the order defined in // the createdLinks object (now a collection of the links from all the // batch call replies). reorderBatchFetchList(createdLinks.getLinks(), createdEntities); // We must assume that the order of the URIs returned in the Links object // received after the creation POST is the same order as the original // objects were submitted. The entities returned after the load of those // objects may not be. So use the order of the Links URIs to update the // original entities. // This seems to hold true for containers, where every test (so far) sees // them coming back in the right order. reflectiveCollectionUpdate(entities, createdEntities); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.error("Cannot access the default constructor on {}", batchRetrieveClass.getName()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { logger.error("Cannot create a new {}: {}", batchRetrieveClass.getName(), e.getMessage()); } } else { String uri = apiRoot + entityAnno.uriSection(); for (E entity : entities) { doCreateSingle(entity, uri); } } } } /** * Special case for updating the original {@code Sample} objects submitted * for a bulk create with the newly created server side versions. * * <p> * The order of the new objects is not going to be the same as those originally * provided, so to make sure we update the right objects we need to match * by location (container and well position) which should be unique. * So, we can use the location to match the original Sample objects with those * returned from the server after creation. This does involve fetching their * initial Artifact objects, which hold the location, then matching by location * to the original's {@code creationLocation}. * </p> * * <p> * This method performs the update of the original objects from those now * existing in the server. * </p> * * @param <E> The type of the entity (in this case, expected to be Sample). * * @param entities The original Sample objects the user has submitted for creation. * @param created The list of Sample objects in the LIMS that were created from * {@code entities}. */ private <E extends Locatable> void updateFromNewSamples(Collection<E> entities, List<E> created) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Sample> userSamples = (Collection<Sample>) entities; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Sample> newSamples = (List<Sample>) created; // Assemble the new sample's artifacts links into a Links object for batch fetch. Links artifactLinks = new Links(); for (Sample s : newSamples) { assert s.getArtifact() != null : "No artifact set on new Sample."; artifactLinks.add(s.getArtifact()); } // Batch fetch the samples' artifacts. GenologicsEntity artifactEntityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(Artifact.class); String url = apiRoot + artifactEntityAnno.uriSection() + "/batch/retrieve"; Class<Batch<Artifact>> artifactFetchClass = getBatchRetrieveClassForEntity(Artifact.class); assert artifactFetchClass != null : "No batch fetch class returned for Artifact"; ResponseEntity<Batch<Artifact>> response =, HttpMethod.POST, new HttpEntity<Links>(artifactLinks), artifactFetchClass); List<Artifact> sampleArtifacts = response.getBody().getList(); assert newSamples.size() == sampleArtifacts.size() : "Size of sample and artifact lists differ"; // Order the returned artifacts into the same order as the original request, // so they match their equivalent sample in newSamples. reorderBatchFetchList(artifactLinks.getLinks(), sampleArtifacts); // Put the new sample objects into a map based on their location. Map<Location, Sample> newSamplesByLocation = new HashMap<Location, Sample>(); Iterator<Sample> siter = newSamples.iterator(); Iterator<Artifact> aiter = sampleArtifacts.iterator(); while (siter.hasNext()) { Sample s =; Artifact a =; Sample clash = newSamplesByLocation.put(a.getLocation(), s); if (clash != null) { // Should never happen - locations must be unoccupied, so two samples // cannot be put into the same location. throw new AssertionError("Already have a sample in " + a.getLocation()); } } assert !aiter.hasNext(); // Loop through the original samples and find their replacement in the new // set based on their location and update those original objects from the new ones. for (Sample original : userSamples) { assert original.getCreationLocation() != null : "The original sample has lost its creation location."; Sample newSample = newSamplesByLocation.get(original.getCreationLocation()); if (newSample == null) { throw new AssertionError( "Don't have any sample from the server in " + original.getCreationLocation()); } reflectiveUpdate(original, newSample); } } // Update methods. @Override public <E extends Locatable> void update(E entity) { if (entity == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity cannot be null"); } if (entity.getUri() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity has no URI set. It may need to be created first."); } Class<? extends Locatable> entityClass = entity.getClass(); GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); if (!entityAnno.updateable()) { throw new GenologicsUpdateException(getShortClassName(entityClass) + " cannot be updated."); } assert entityAnno.primaryEntity() == void.class : entityClass.getName() + " has a primary entity set, but such things cannot be created through the API."; ResponseEntity<? extends Locatable> response =, HttpMethod.PUT, new HttpEntity<Locatable>(entity), entity.getClass()); reflectiveUpdate(entity, response.getBody()); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> void updateAll(Collection<E> entities) { doUpdateAll(entities); } /** * Update entities in Clarity with the entity objects given here. The objects are * updated in-situ, so any changes made in the server will be pushed into the * objects in the collection. * * <p>Uses the bulk create mechanism where it is available for the entity.</p> * * @param entities The collection of entities to update. * * @param <E> The type of the entity. * @param <BH> The type of the object that is sent to perform the bulk update. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code entities} contains a null value or * an entity that already exists in the API (i.e. has a URI). * * @throws GenologicsUpdateException if the entities cannot be updated via the API * (as determined by the {@link GenologicsEntity#updateable()} flag). */ private <E extends Locatable, BH extends BatchUpdate<E>> void doUpdateAll(Collection<E> entities) { if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { Class<E> entityClass = checkCollectionHomogeneousAndUnique(entities, true); GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); if (!entityAnno.updateable()) { throw new GenologicsUpdateException(getShortClassName(entityClass) + " cannot be updated."); } assert entityAnno.primaryEntity() == void.class : entityClass.getName() + " has a primary entity set, but such things cannot be updated through the API."; Class<BH> batchUpdateClass = getBatchRetrieveClassForEntity(entityClass); boolean doBatchUpdates = false; if (batchUpdateClass != null) { GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult batchAnnotation = batchUpdateClass .getAnnotation(GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult.class); assert batchAnnotation != null : "No GenologicsBatchRetrieveResult annotation on result class " + entityClass.getName(); doBatchUpdates = batchAnnotation.batchUpdate() && entities.size() > 1; } checkServerSet(); if (doBatchUpdates) { try { List<E> updatedEntities = new ArrayList<E>(entities.size()); final int batchCapacity = Math.min(bulkOperationBatchSize, entities.size()); List<E> batch = new ArrayList<E>(batchCapacity); Iterator<E> entityIter = entities.iterator(); while (entityIter.hasNext()) { batch.clear(); while (entityIter.hasNext() && batch.size() < batchCapacity) { batch.add(; } BH details = batchUpdateClass.newInstance(); details.addForUpdate(batch); String url = apiRoot + entityAnno.uriSection() + "/batch/update"; ResponseEntity<Links> updateReply =, HttpMethod.POST, new HttpEntity<BH>(details), Links.class); Links replyLinks = updateReply.getBody(); assert replyLinks.getSize() == batch.size() : "Have " + replyLinks.getSize() + " links returned for " + batch.size() + " submitted entities."; // Fetch the updated objects to make sure all the properties are correct. // Some may be disallowed or just not updated in the LIMS. url = apiRoot + entityAnno.uriSection() + "/batch/retrieve"; ResponseEntity<BH> reloadReply =, HttpMethod.POST, new HttpEntity<Links>(replyLinks), batchUpdateClass); updatedEntities.addAll(reloadReply.getBody().getList()); } // The fetch of the entities using the Links object may not bring them back in // the order originally requested, so sort based on the order of the original // entities. As these entities already existed, they will all have URIs to // compare. We can then update the originals. reorderBatchFetchList(entities, updatedEntities); reflectiveCollectionUpdate(entities, updatedEntities); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.error("Cannot access the default constructor on {}", batchUpdateClass.getName()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { logger.error("Cannot create a new {}: {}", batchUpdateClass.getName(), e.getMessage()); } } else { for (E entity : entities) { if (entity != null) { ResponseEntity<? extends Locatable> response =, HttpMethod.PUT, new HttpEntity<E>(entity), entity.getClass()); reflectiveUpdate(entity, response.getBody()); } } } } } @Override public <E extends Locatable> void delete(E entity) { if (entity == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity cannot be null"); } if (entity.getUri() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity has no URI set."); } doDelete(entity.getUri(), entity.getClass()); } @Override public <E extends Locatable> void deleteAll(Collection<E> entities) { if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty()) { checkCollectionHomogeneousAndUnique(entities, true); // There is no batch delete. for (E entity : entities) { assert entity != null : "Have null entity after check"; doDelete(entity.getUri(), entity.getClass()); } } } /** * Remove an entity from Clarity. * * @param uri The URI of the entity to delete. * @param entityClass The type of entity to delete. * * @param <E> The type of the entity. * * @throws GenologicsUpdateException if the entities cannot be deleted via the API * (as determined by the {@link GenologicsEntity#removable()} flag). */ private <E extends Locatable> void doDelete(URI uri, Class<E> entityClass) { GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); if (!entityAnno.removable()) { throw new GenologicsUpdateException(getShortClassName(entityClass) + " cannot be deleted."); } assert entityAnno.primaryEntity() == void.class : entityClass.getName() + " has a primary entity set, but such things cannot be deleted through the API."; restClient.delete(uri); } // Process execution @Override public GenologicsProcess executeProcess(ExecutableProcess toExecute) { if (toExecute == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("toExecute cannot be null"); } checkServerSet(); String uri = apiRoot + "processes"; ResponseEntity<GenologicsProcess> response = restClient.postForEntity(uri, toExecute, GenologicsProcess.class); return response.getBody(); } @Override public ProcessStep beginProcessStep(StepCreation stepCreation) { if (stepCreation == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("stepCreation cannot be null"); } checkServerSet(); String url = apiRoot + "steps"; ResponseEntity<ProcessStep> response = restClient.postForEntity(url, stepCreation, ProcessStep.class); return response.getBody(); } @Override public void advanceProcessStep(ProcessStep step) { if (step == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("step cannot be null"); } if (step.getUri() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("step has no URI set."); } Class<? extends Locatable> entityClass = step.getClass(); checkEntityAnnotated(entityClass); String uri = step.getUri() + "/advance"; ResponseEntity<? extends Locatable> response =, HttpMethod.POST, new HttpEntity<ProcessStep>(step), step.getClass()); reflectiveUpdate(step, response.getBody()); } // File upload @Override public <E extends LimsEntity<E>> GenologicsFile uploadFile(LimsEntityLinkable<E> entity, URL fileURL, boolean publishInLablink) throws IOException { if (entity == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("entity cannot be null"); } if (fileURL == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fileURL cannot be null"); } checkServerSet(); GenologicsFile storageRequest; URLInputStreamResource fileURLResource = new URLInputStreamResource(fileURL); try { long length = fileURLResource.contentLength(); if (length < 0) { logger.warn("Cannot determine size of file from the " + fileURL.getProtocol() + " protocol."); } // Post a request to the "glsstorage" to create a new GenologicsFile object to // hold the uploaded file. Requirements are for the holding entity and the // original location to be set. // See storageRequest = new GenologicsFile(); storageRequest.setAttachedTo(entity); storageRequest.setOriginalLocation(fileURL.toExternalForm()); String storageUri = apiRoot + "glsstorage"; ResponseEntity<GenologicsFile> response = restClient.postForEntity(storageUri, storageRequest, GenologicsFile.class); storageRequest = response.getBody(); // May as well set the "Publish to LabLink" flag on the file now. // By either upload mechanism, this object will be posted back at some point. // (Setting it initially is ignored.) storageRequest.setPublished(publishInLablink); // See which protocol the resulting file gives. If it is "sftp", we can upload. // Anything else cannot allow an upload (haven't seen anything else so far). URL targetURL = new URL(null, storageRequest.getContentLocation().toString(), NullURLStreamHandler.INSTANCE); if (!SFTP_PROTOCOL.equals(targetURL.getProtocol())) { throw new GenologicsUpdateException("File upload to the file store for links giving the " + targetURL.getProtocol().toUpperCase() + " protocol is not supported."); } if (uploadOverHttp) { if (length >= 0 && length <= httpUploadSizeLimit) { // Have a length and it's within the set limit. Use HTTP. uploadViaHTTP(fileURLResource, storageRequest); } else if (autoRevertToSFTP) { // Could not get the length, or the file is too big. Allowed to // revert to SFTP, so use that. if (length < 0) {"Size of {} cannot be determined, so reverting to SFTP.", fileURL); } else { "Upload of {} is too large to be uploaded through the HTTP mechanism. Reverting to SFTP.", fileURL); } uploadViaSFTP(fileURLResource, storageRequest); } else { // Could not get the length, or the file is too big. Not allowed to // revert to SFTP, so fail. if (length < 0) { throw new GenologicsUpdateException("Cannot upload " + fileURL + " - cannot determine its size, so it may exceed the maximum HTTP upload size of " + httpUploadSizeLimit); } else { throw new GenologicsUpdateException("Cannot upload " + fileURL + " - the content exceeds the maximum HTTP upload size of " + httpUploadSizeLimit); } } } else { // Not using HTTP upload at all, so straight to SFTP. uploadViaSFTP(fileURLResource, storageRequest); } } finally { fileURLResource.close(); } try { PropertyUtils.setProperty(entity, "file", storageRequest); } catch (Exception e) { // Quietly leave the file property of the entity as it was, // or ignore if there was no file property. } return storageRequest; } /** * Upload a file to the Genologics file store. This always uses the HTTP * protocol with the {@code file/id/upload} end point. * * @param fileURLResource The URL resource of the file on the local machine. * @param targetFile The GenologicsFile object that holds the reference to the * uploaded file, which was newly created using the API. * * @throws GenologicsException if the server reports a problem with the upload. * @throws IllegalStateException if {@code targetFile} does not have a LIMS id. * @throws IOException if there is a problem with the transfer. */ protected void uploadViaHTTP(URLInputStreamResource fileURLResource, GenologicsFile targetFile) throws IOException { GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(GenologicsFile.class); if (targetFile.getLimsid() == null) { // Need to post the file back to the LIMS to obtain a URI and LIMS // id for the file object. String filesUrl = getServerApiAddress() + entityAnno.uriSection(); ResponseEntity<GenologicsFile> response = restClient.postForEntity(filesUrl, targetFile, GenologicsFile.class); reflectiveUpdate(targetFile, response.getBody()); assert targetFile.getLimsid() != null : "Still no LIMS id on GenologicsFile object."; } boolean uploadedOk = false; try { URI uploadURI; try { uploadURI = new URI( getServerApiAddress() + entityAnno.uriSection() + "/" + targetFile.getLimsid() + "/upload"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IOException( "File LIMS id " + targetFile.getLimsid() + " produces an invalid URI for upload.", e); }"Uploading {} over {} to {} on {}", fileURLResource.getURL().getPath(), uploadURI.getScheme().toUpperCase(), targetFile.getContentLocation().getPath(), targetFile.getContentLocation().getHost()); HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, Resource>> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, Resource>>( new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Resource>(1)); requestEntity.getBody().add("file", fileURLResource); ResponseEntity<String> uploadEntity =, HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity, String.class); uploadedOk = true; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (uploadEntity.hasBody()) { logger.debug("Upload of file returned a {}: {}", ClassUtils.getShortClassName(uploadEntity.getBody().getClass()), uploadEntity.getBody()); } else { logger.debug("Upload of file succeeded but returned nothing."); } } } finally { if (!uploadedOk) { try { delete(targetFile); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to clean up GenologicsFile object {} after upload failure:", targetFile.getLimsid(), e); } } } if (!uploadedOk) { // I don't think the code can get here as other exceptions should // have been thrown. To make sure though... throw new GenologicsUpdateException("Failed to upload " + fileURLResource.getURL()); } } /** * Upload a file to the Genologics file store. This always uses the SFTP protocol. * * @param fileURLResource The URL resource of the file on the local machine. * @param targetFile The GenologicsFile object that holds the reference to the * uploaded file, which was newly created using the API. * * @throws IOException if there is a problem with the transfer. * @throws IllegalStateException if the file store host name or credentials * are not set. */ protected void uploadViaSFTP(URLInputStreamResource fileURLResource, GenologicsFile targetFile) throws IOException { GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(GenologicsFile.class); checkFilestoreSet(); Session<LsEntry> session = filestoreSessionFactory.getSession(); try { URI targetURL = targetFile.getContentLocation();"Uploading {} over SFTP to {} on {}", fileURLResource.getURL().getPath(), targetURL.getPath(), targetURL.getHost()); String directory = FilenameUtils.getFullPathNoEndSeparator(targetURL.getPath()); if (!session.exists(directory)) { String[] directoryParts = directory.split("/+"); StringBuilder incrementalPath = new StringBuilder(directory.length()); for (int i = 1; i < directoryParts.length; i++) { incrementalPath.append('/').append(directoryParts[i]); String currentPath = incrementalPath.toString(); if (!session.exists(currentPath)) { boolean made = session.mkdir(currentPath); if (!made) { throw new IOException("Could not create file store directory " + directory); } } } } session.write(fileURLResource.getInputStream(), targetURL.getPath()); } finally { session.close(); } // Post the targetFile object back to the server to set the // "publish in lablink" flag and get the LIMS id and URI for the // file object. String filesUrl = getServerApiAddress() + entityAnno.uriSection(); ResponseEntity<GenologicsFile> response = restClient.postForEntity(filesUrl, targetFile, GenologicsFile.class); reflectiveUpdate(targetFile, response.getBody()); } @Override public void downloadFile(Linkable<GenologicsFile> file, OutputStream resultStream) throws IOException { if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file cannot be null"); } if (resultStream == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resultStream cannot be null"); } GenologicsEntity entityAnno = checkEntityAnnotated(GenologicsFile.class); GenologicsFile realFile; if (file instanceof GenologicsFile) { realFile = (GenologicsFile) file; if (realFile.getContentLocation() == null) { // Don't know where the actual file is, so fetch to get the full info. realFile = retrieve(file.getUri(), GenologicsFile.class); } } else { realFile = retrieve(file.getUri(), GenologicsFile.class); } URI fileURL; if (downloadDirectFromHttpStore && HTTP_PROTOCOLS.contains(realFile.getContentLocation().getScheme())) { fileURL = realFile.getContentLocation(); } else { try { fileURL = new URI( getServerApiAddress() + entityAnno.uriSection() + "/" + realFile.getLimsid() + "/download"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File LIMS id " + realFile.getLimsid() + " produces an invalid URI for download.", e); } }"Downloading {}", fileURL); ClientHttpRequest request = httpRequestFactory.createRequest(fileURL, HttpMethod.GET); ClientHttpResponse response = request.execute(); switch (response.getStatusCode().series()) { case SUCCESSFUL: try (InputStream in = response.getBody()) { byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; IOUtils.copyLarge(in, resultStream, buffer); } finally { resultStream.flush(); } logger.debug("{} download successful.", fileURL); break; default: logger.debug("{} download failed. HTTP {}", fileURL, response.getStatusCode()); throw new IOException("Could not download file " + realFile.getLimsid() + " (HTTP " + response.getStatusCode() + "): " + response.getStatusText()); } } @Override public void deleteAndRemoveFile(Linkable<GenologicsFile> file) throws IOException { if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file cannot be null"); } GenologicsFile realFile; if (file instanceof GenologicsFile) { realFile = (GenologicsFile) file; if (realFile.getContentLocation() == null) { // Don't know where the actual file is, so fetch to get the full info. realFile = retrieve(file.getUri(), GenologicsFile.class); } } else { realFile = retrieve(file.getUri(), GenologicsFile.class); } URL targetURL = new URL(null, realFile.getContentLocation().toString(), NullURLStreamHandler.INSTANCE); if ("sftp".equalsIgnoreCase(targetURL.getProtocol())) {"Deleting file {} from file store on {}", targetURL.getPath(), targetURL.getHost()); checkFilestoreSet(); Session<LsEntry> session = filestoreSessionFactory.getSession(); try { session.remove(targetURL.getPath()); } catch (NestedIOException e) { // Don't want things to fail if the file doesn't exist on the file store, // just a warning. This handling code deals with this. try { if (e.getCause() != null) { throw e.getCause(); } else { // There is an error in line 71 of SftpSession, where instead of the // SftpException being the cause, its own message is appended to the // detail message for the outer exception with a +. // Bug raised with Spring Integrations as issue INT-3954. if ("Failed to remove file: 2: No such file".equals(e.getMessage())) { throw new SftpException(2, e.getMessage()); } throw e; } } catch (SftpException se) { // See if it's just a "file not found". if ( == 2) { logger.warn("File {} does not exist on {}", targetURL.getPath(), targetURL.getHost()); } else { throw e; } } catch (Throwable t) { throw e; } } finally { session.close(); } } else { logger.debug("File {} is not in the file store, so just removing its record.", targetURL.getPath()); } delete(realFile); } // Routing artifacts @Override public void routeArtifacts(Routing routing) { if (routing == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("routing cannot be null"); } checkServerSet(); String url = apiRoot + "route/artifacts"; ResponseEntity<Routing> response = restClient.postForEntity(url, routing, Routing.class); reflectiveUpdate(routing, response.getBody()); } // Retrieving artifacts from queues. @Override public List<LimsEntityLink<Artifact>> listQueue(Linkable<ProtocolStep> protocolStep) { return listQueue(protocolStep, null); } @Override public List<LimsEntityLink<Artifact>> listQueue(Linkable<ProtocolStep> protocolStep, Map<String, ?> searchTerms) { if (protocolStep == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocolStep cannot be null"); } if (protocolStep.getUri() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocolStep must have its URI set"); } checkServerSet(); Matcher m = ProtocolStep.ID_EXTRACTOR_PATTERN.matcher(protocolStep.getUri().toString()); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protocol step URI does not match the expected pattern of /" + ProtocolStep.ID_EXTRACTOR_PATTERN.pattern() + "/ (is \"" + protocolStep.getUri() + "\")."); } StringBuilder query = expandSearchTerms(searchTerms); StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(256 + query.length()); uri.append(apiRoot).append("queues/").append(; if (query.length() > 0) { uri.append('?').append(query); } // The results list will always contain links that are LimsEntityLinks, // actually com.genologics.ri.queue.ArtifactLink // It is safe to recast the type of this list without copying. List<?> results = doList(uri.toString(), Artifact.class, Queue.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<LimsEntityLink<Artifact>> properLinks = (List<LimsEntityLink<Artifact>>) results; return properLinks; } // Supporting helper methods /** * Create a {@code Links} object containing the URIs of the link objects * given. Use in batch fetch operations. * * @param entityLinks The links to the entities. * * @return A Links object containing the URIs. */ protected Links toLinks(Collection<? extends Linkable<?>> entityLinks) { Links links = new Links(entityLinks.size()); for (Linkable<?> limsLink : entityLinks) { links.add(limsLink); } return links; } /** * Expand a map of search terms into a query string suitable for a URI. * Handles values that are arrays or collections by repeating the parameter * for each value. * * @param searchTerms The terms to use for the search. A null value here * is the same as an empty map. * * @return The query string created from the search terms. * * @throws IllegalSearchTermException if any term in {@code searchTerms} is * found to be illegal. See {@link IllegalSearchTermException} for details of * what is illegal. * * @see GenologicsAPI#find(Map, Class) */ protected StringBuilder expandSearchTerms(Map<String, ?> searchTerms) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(1024); if (searchTerms == null) { return query; } for (Map.Entry<String, ?> term : searchTerms.entrySet()) { Object value = term.getValue(); if (value == null) { throw new IllegalSearchTermException(term.getKey(), "Search term \"" + term.getKey() + "\" is null."); } else { if (value.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] values = (Object[]) value; if (values.length == 0) { throw new IllegalSearchTermException(term.getKey(), "Search term \"" + term.getKey() + "\" has no values."); } for (Object v : values) { appendQueryTerm(query, term.getKey(), v); } } else if (value instanceof Iterable) { Iterable<?> values = (Iterable<?>) value; if (!values.iterator().hasNext()) { throw new IllegalSearchTermException(term.getKey(), "Search term \"" + term.getKey() + "\" has no values."); } for (Object v : values) { appendQueryTerm(query, term.getKey(), v); } } else { appendQueryTerm(query, term.getKey(), value); } } } return query; } /** * Helper method to {@code expandSearchTerms}: builds up a query string with * joining ampersands and converts the value given into a string. * * @param query The StringBuilder which is building up the query. * @param argument The search parameter. * @param value The value to search for. * * @throws IllegalSearchTermException if {@code value} is null. * * @see #expandSearchTerms(Map) * @see ConvertUtilsBean#convert(Object) */ private void appendQueryTerm(StringBuilder query, String argument, Object value) { if (value == null) { // This message is sensible as find() will not call this method if it // finds the term's immediate value is null. It will only get here with // value == null when looping through an array or collection. throw new IllegalSearchTermException(argument, "Search term \"" + argument + "\" contains a null value."); } String strValue = ConvertUtils.convert(value); if (query.length() > 0) { query.append('&'); } query.append(argument); query.append('='); query.append(strValue); } /** * Update a collection of original entities with the fields from an equivalent * list of freshly retrieved versions of the same entities. * * <p> * Callers should expect that the collections really do contain the same entities * in the same order in both collections. The method will fail if the collections * are in a different order (comparison made on URI path). * </p> * * @param originals The collection of original entities. * @param retrieved The freshly retrieved list of the same entities. * * @param <E> The type of locatable entity. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code originals} or * {@code retrieved} are null; if the size of these two collections is not * the same; if the order of items in {@code retrieved} is not the same as the * order in {@code originals}. * * @see #reflectiveUpdate(Object, Object) * @see #reorderBatchFetchList(Collection, List) */ protected <E extends Locatable> void reflectiveCollectionUpdate(Collection<E> originals, List<E> retrieved) { if (originals == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("originals cannot be null"); } if (retrieved == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("originals cannot be null"); } if (originals.size() != retrieved.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("originals and retrieved are expected to be exactly the same size"); } Iterator<E> originalIter = originals.iterator(); Iterator<E> retrievedIter = retrieved.iterator(); while (originalIter.hasNext()) { E original =; E fresh =; if (original.getUri() != null) { String originalPath = original.getUri().getPath(); String freshPath = fresh.getUri().getPath(); if (!originalPath.equals(freshPath)) { throw new AssertionError("Original and retrieved collections are not in the same order."); } } reflectiveUpdate(original, fresh); } } /** * Reflectively set all the attributes in {@code original} to the values given * by {@code updated}. This has the effect of making {@code original} the * same as {@code updated} but without requiring the client code to change the * object reference to {@code original}, which may be referenced in many places. * * <p> * Where a field is a Collection, the existing collection is emptied and all the * objects from that field in {@code updated} are added in the same order to the * collection in {@code original}. Whether this order is maintained depends on * the type of collection in {@code original} (a list will maintain order, a set * typically won't). * </p> * * <p> * Fields that are static, transient or final are ignored, as are any fields annotated * with the {@code @XmlTransient} annotation. * </p> * * <p> * Note that fields within the original object that are objects themselves (as opposed to * primitives) are replaced with the new versions. References to sub objects are therefore * no longer valid. * </p> * * @param original The original object that was provided in the call and needs updating. * @param updated The version of the object returned from the LIMS with the current state. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code original} or {@code updated} * are null, or are of different classes. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) protected void reflectiveUpdate(Object original, Object updated) { if (original == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("original cannot be null"); } if (updated == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("updated cannot be null"); } if (!original.getClass().equals(updated.getClass())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("original and updated are of different classes"); } Class<?> clazz = original.getClass(); do { Map<String, java.lang.reflect.Field> fieldMap = updaterFields.get(clazz); if (fieldMap == null) { fieldMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, java.lang.reflect.Field>()); updaterFields.put(clazz, fieldMap); Class<?> currentClass = clazz; while (!Object.class.equals(currentClass)) { for (java.lang.reflect.Field field : currentClass.getDeclaredFields()) { // Skip transient and XmlTransient fields. if ((field.getModifiers() & REFLECTIVE_UPDATE_MODIFIER_MASK) == 0 && field.getAnnotation(XmlTransient.class) == null) { field.setAccessible(true); java.lang.reflect.Field clash = fieldMap.put(field.getName(), field); if (clash != null) { throw new AssertionError("There is more than one field with the name '" + field.getName() + " in the class hierarchy of " + clazz.getName() + " (" + getShortClassName(field.getDeclaringClass()) + " and " + getShortClassName(clash.getDeclaringClass()) + ")"); } } } currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass(); } } for (java.lang.reflect.Field field : fieldMap.values()) { try { Object originalValue = field.get(original); Object updatedValue = field.get(updated); if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getDeclaringClass())) { Collection originalCollection = (Collection) originalValue; Collection updatedCollection = (Collection) updatedValue; if (originalCollection != null) { originalCollection.clear(); if (updatedCollection != null) { originalCollection.addAll(updatedCollection); } } else { if (updatedCollection != null) { // Getting as a property should create the collection object. originalCollection = (Collection) PropertyUtils.getProperty(original, field.getName()); originalCollection.addAll(updatedCollection); } } } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getDeclaringClass())) { throw new AssertionError("I didn't think we'd be dealing with maps: field " + field.getName() + " on class " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName()); } else { field.set(original, updatedValue); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.error("Cannot access the property {} on the class {}", field.getName(), field.getDeclaringClass().getName()); fieldMap.remove(field.getName()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { logger.error("There is no getter method for the property {} on the class {}", field.getName(), field.getDeclaringClass().getName()); fieldMap.remove(field.getName()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { logger.error("Error while getting collection property {}", field.getName(), e.getTargetException()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { logger.error("Cannot cast a {} to a Collection.", e.getMessage()); } } clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); } while (!Object.class.equals(clazz)); } /** * Reorder a collection of entities into the same order given by their request * objects. This is important as the batch fetch doesn't guarantee that the * entities are returned in the same order as they were requested. * * <p> * The {@code entities} list is updated <i>in-situ</i>, and when this method * returns will be in the same order as {@code requestLinks}. * </p> * * @param requestLinks The locatable links that were used to obtain the entities. * @param entities The fresh entities returned from the batch call. * * @param <E> The type of locatable entity. */ protected <E extends Locatable> void reorderBatchFetchList(Collection<? extends Locatable> requestLinks, List<E> entities) { if (requestLinks.size() != entities.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The request links collection differs in size from the result collection."); } Map<String, E> entityMap = new HashMap<String, E>(); for (E entity : entities) { String path = entity.getUri().getPath(); E clash = entityMap.put(path, entity); if (clash != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Have more than one entity in the result with the path " + path); } } List<E> sortedList = new ArrayList<E>(entities.size()); for (Locatable link : requestLinks) { String path = link.getUri().getPath(); E entity = entityMap.remove(path); if (entity == null) { throw new AssertionError("No entity was returned for " + link.getUri()); } sortedList.add(entity); } if (!entityMap.isEmpty()) { throw new AssertionError("Have " + entityMap.size() + " entities left over from request link sorting: " + StringUtils.join(entityMap.keySet(), ",")); } assert sortedList.size() == entities.size() : "Sorted list differs in size from the original entity list"; entities.clear(); entities.addAll(sortedList); } /** * Get an identifier for a locatable object from its URI. This is the * last part of the path of the URI and excludes the query string. * * @param thing The Locatable object. * * @return The id for the object from the URI. */ protected String idFromUri(Locatable thing) { String id = thing.getUri().getPath(); int lastSlash = id.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash >= 0) { id = id.substring(lastSlash + 1); } return id; } /** * Class for creating URLs where we don't want any connection to actually take * place. This is to support the SFTP URLs returned when uploading files. These * URLs are valid but because the {@code sftp} protocol is not supported * (easily) by Java, we never want to create connections in this manner but also * we never want to get {@code MalformedURLException} because of this. */ private static class NullURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { /** * Singleton instance. */ public static final URLStreamHandler INSTANCE = new NullURLStreamHandler(); /** * Overridden method to never try to open a connection to the URL. * * @return {@code null}, always. */ @Override protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException { return null; } } }